Teen Titans Go! | Cyborg The Super Hero | @dckids

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hey rave could you pass the milk sure thing excuse me bro whoa the pain [Applause] a red card you gotta be kidding me i barely touched him i don't want to hear it you're out of here unbelievable you need to get your eyes checked oh is it story time in an age long forgotten an old king summoned his sandwich wizard the king commanded him to create a sandwich of power the sandwich wizard labored in his tower for six days on the seventh he brought the sandwich before the king and it was glorious it would grant him eternal life so he could rule his kingdom forever it was also delicious delicious one night the prince betrayed the king and tried to steal the sandwich the old king was heartbroken he realized the sandwich was too powerful it had to be destroyed so the ingredients were hidden away in the far corners of the world watched by the fierce sandwich guardians legend says it can be reforged if all the ingredients are brought together we got to get that sandwich oh man i want to eat it twice the sandwich will look beautiful in my hair no way can it top my sandwich science what are we waiting for titans go finally we have to get the candy keys from gumdrop goblin or we'll never make it to princess puffball's birthday party hey raven uh i thought you were making a sandwich we have no idea where to look bubbles everyone out the tub is full at least you respect my orders oh it's not that it's not that at all it's because i can't enjoy bathtubs a robot body is great for a lot of things looking real shiny packing robin's very personal data files i'm sorry and being real real real tough but enjoying the warm bubbly embrace of a hot tub just isn't one of them sometimes i wish i was a real boy again but i've searched the world and there's simply nobody who can i can do that excuse me is this gonna hurt nope i won't feel a thing ah and you guys say i'm not funny but seriously this will be extremely painful azeroth [Music] raven you did it i'm human again now i have to warn you your human nervous system is very sensitive compared to your robot body all i'm hearing is hot tub hot hot hot hot tub [Music] according to that ancient map it should be right around here booyah too easy baby wow sandwich guardian what about that time when cyborg played duck duck goose the duck the duck the goose i am the coast the ghosts i'm coming for you no one escapes the goose you're gonna need a drink of water with this hot sauce baby oh it's on now give me that bacon too bad your grandma's not here cyborg oh cause we can sure use the backup style man if she were here she'd be like honey you don't want to make grandma my man uh-uh no you do not that is the funny voice i did not know you could do the funny voice oh you have done it now grandmama's gonna give you a weapon for that look over there clearly that's beast boy in the form of a mountain lion yo bees do uh i don't think that's ah that was mistaken definitely not beast boy lights out and night light on nightlight out lights on lights on let's unlock sunlight sunlight i do not like the dark i can't see where things are i gotta find the light oh machine my solar flexes cyborg is everything okay we heard the screams of the little girl ah ate odd monster oh whew i scared it off wow that monster really did a number on you guys huh power went out i'll check the grid in the morning no you will check the grid immediately bro are you scared of the dark of course not as your friends we would understand oh i wouldn't yeah only babies are scared of the dark i am not scared of the dark i am scared of what hides in it oh spooky i never should have messed with grandmama's gravy enough with the funny voice cyborg um yeah it's giving me a headache grandmama don't know what you talking about baby dude the moment's passed why are you still talking like that you ever get stuck doing a voice and you just can't stop but that's where i am honey i just can't help it grab my k help it try to help it [Applause] hey beasty can you come in here for a second why you need help what are you doing with your feet in there it's been a while since i've used one of these okay morning titans [Music] who wants breakfast children oh still with the voice [Music] cyborg what are you doing bro call me grandma my child seriously cyborg ah okay grandma [Music] now wash those hands before you eat go on now that dress does not flatter him [Music] it seems this voice has attached itself to cyborg's subconscious somehow but it also seems he she has become an awesome cook thank you sweetie last warning guys fall asleep and i start drawing mustaches again hey what's the pin for cyborg why is it so easy for me to stay awake you are half robot there is less of you to get tired you know this isn't the first time you guys have ruined things with your flesh and blood and more flesh [Music] as soon as i get this baby humming it's vacay time oh this is sick why can't you guys be awesome like me super strength fireproof armor hijab boots and power maybe one day we'll all benefit from an accident that requires us to replace several body parts but until then this is just great you know how hard it is to clean in between my sensitive robot parts [Music] right i don't know how we ever lived without you i love you grandma i love you too sweet sweet dreams baby child drop the hot tub creeps whoa cyborg what happened cyborg's gone i'm fleshy guy i think he was talking to me robin what are you doing you heard me oh yeah stop saying my catchphrase sorry it's my catchphrase now comes with a suit so the real boy adventure the song was all that just to get my robot parts uh yeah why would i ever be human when i can have rocket boots rocket boots ah sorry still working out some of the bugs now hive prepare to go don't hurt me i'm just a weak little real boy just like you sorry babe put some ice on that now that's what i call a real boy adventure [Music] whoa that was tough thank the scars no big deal cyborg we'll just dismantle you clean your parts and put you back together dismantle me you guys can't even program a vcr we can handle this cyborg looks like i don't have a choice [Music] uh [Music] [Music] there clean as the baby's behind it's soft as a baby's behind star those things aren't usually so clean yes i am saying we did an awful job can you just put me back together okay this is not how i go back together i don't know i'm pretty sure that's how i remember you yep agreed then what about all those extra parts yes extra parts cyborg as in you do not need them that's my leg you're sitting on now who call for grandma go ah help you must save us grandmama we've been baked into a giant pie how crazy is that such a delicious way to die [Music] who hmm this terrible terrible thing are you calling my pie terrible [Music] it is if you're using my grandbabies as feeling i hope you got your teeth in tight cause we bout to have us a grandma fight you gonna make a move old woman or you're just gonna stand there getting shorter [Music] first punch you've made mother man [Music] sweet marlene you're not even a grandma your mother needs to knock some sense into you [Applause] whoa i just got the sense knocked into me i love you baby child [Applause] [Music] you guys okay oh man i'm so full if we can't put your body back together maybe we can upload you into the tower computer yeah and then you'd be completely electronic none of that gross flesh and blood stuff going on you make a compelling case let's give it a whirl okay that's good ow i'm on ow thank you out it's getting a little tight in here ow [Music] i'm connected to all the tower systems air conditioning doors lights i control it all uh can you please turn the lights back on i can but i won't we have lost half our team and raven still cannot open her mouth what are we going to do there's only one thing we can do meatball party who loves me boss [Music] perhaps there is a better option yes perhaps can't you see this is all your fault clearly that was your fault you're going to communicate by drawing pictures i love this game force angel no good um is that a clock or time hmm i always force you to have a good time oh yeah i am so good but i thought that was our thing you pretend to hate having fun and i force you to have it sometimes you just want to do your own thing genius how did i put that together which is a drawing of a snake and an upside down happy face i have no idea i didn't realize i made you feel this way when i act this way you find me super super irritating oh yeah i'm on a roll don't you worry raven i'm gonna make this right open wide [Music] hey raven ah just wanted to make sure you're meditating in an optimal environment doing great thanks okay this is boring [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when there's trouble you know who to call take the dance from from their tower they can't see it all right cyborg what are you doing in here just trying to make everything a little more awesome mr spot get out you know how you're always complaining about the water pressure don't care get out yeah you care check it out ugh [Music] another tentacle [Music] there's no way out bro we've tried everything quit it we're all gonna die the only way out is to seal that crack and i've got just the thing to do [Music] ah there my mouth tastes like meatballs i know we're all super jealous look raven i'm sorry just cause i enjoy something doesn't mean i need to force it on everyone else i won't ever do that again promise promise [Music] sorry raven i just can't help meat it's a ball you can eat it you can eat it all [Music] booyah hit that subscribe button for more teen titans yo i'm gonna watch another video [Music]
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 24,846,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN, TTG EN Cyborg, teen titans, teen titans go, teen titans go!, dc super hero girls, cyborg teen titans, teen titans go songs, raven teen titans, teen tiatans, starfire teen titans, dc super hero girls cartoon, dc super heroes, dc super hero girls episodes, titans, teen titans go episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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