Teen Titans Go! | Robot Wars πŸ€– | @dckids

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the toothbrush store is out of business i told you this would happen and it's not just the toothbrush store everyone in jump city is going out of business the bed store the motorcycle store even the grandma store what has i done this sham economy is a scam we must put an end to it if we destroy the location we can stop the shared economy before it's too late [Music] titans go there's no one here you mean no humans here if humans are not running the location business then who is greetings humans welcome to our home the masterminds behind the sheer economy are robots affirmative you created the share economy in order to cause the actual economy to collapse affirmative and your ultimate goal is to replace everyone's jobs with robots affirmative you're gonna pay for gas uh-huh uh-huh fine we'll take the robot yes titan robot assemble [Music] right leg power on right arm power on left arm power on oh no you don't i formed the head but i'm the leader the leader is the head this is my robot and i drive then what am i you're the left leg left leg i don't want to do the left leg legs are lame would you two hurry up smells like celery in here ah fine left leg power on hey power on robot go [Music] [Music] it's not fair those mean bank people made me carry my own stolen money so maybe this was a bad idea okay guys make sure to follow my lead sure to follow my lead look at me i'm the head i'm so important i heard that left leg you were right raven we were blinded by sharing and money it's not too late to stop them and go back to buying new things even if we don't really need them titans go wait please there is no malice in our intentions we simply wish to serve mankind we will perform all jobs and fulfill all needs in a far more efficient manner than humans could for themselves for free forever so you just want to take care of us and make you happy free up some spare time for activities you know more free time they admit it they want to destroy the economy get them [Music] drive this to the park well i hope you all learned valuable lessons today that's right we did never share nothing all robots are evil and the best way to abbreviate application is location uh hmm how about this one that was my car now how am i supposed to get home whoa my turn yeah oh hey i've got an idea why don't i just take the money back legs walk forward walk forward might i suggest a power kick robin cut it out yeah power kick super power kick left leg style gyroscopic system redline maybe [Music] [Music] we are still thinking inside the box yo hold up if we can't get smarts outside the box then what if we put some smarts inside a box like we're the computers you mean you want to create an artificial intelligence for the purpose of making a new style of pizza no no no no artificial intelligence is dangerous i would know i created it once [Music] did i do that [Music] fortunately civilization was rebuilt but heed my warning titans it's the fate of all ai to turn on its creator and doom mankind to a life of subjugation we just gonna make a computer that will figure out new pizza bro i do not see the dangers let's go teach a computer about pizza yay heed my warning heed [Music] eid with my robot army soon all of jump city will be under my control [Music] nice tin can did your mommy make it oh you just made titan robot mad now [Music] okay titan robot let's blast them sounds like a job for the leg [Music] yes take that and this that's when does the leg fire the blasters since i made some improvements to better reflect the left leg's true capabilities they can't hold swords bro mine can [Music] robin the robot can't handle this if you wanted the leg you're getting the leg [Music] hello oh snaps we made the ai yo wow we're really good programmers okay one final step before it's ready to make pizza our ai needs to pass the touring test he's taking him on tour nice no i'm talking about alan turing the famous computer scientist who pioneered the field of machine learning he devised a test to judge a machine's ability to exhibit convincing human behavior so if a person can't tell if our ai is a computer it passes exactly hey robin we would like to introduce you to our friend [Music] hello hello i'm robin cool hat thank you hello hello you're welcome hello hello thank you hello hello hello hello hello hello hello it's working hello so what brings you to jump city hello i wanted to hang out with the teen titans you're the coolest superheroes around hello wait a minute no human would ever say that this is an ai you won't enslave mankind on my watch wait don't hurt me i'm a human being like you but not as fit you lift bro hello i spent some time at the gym welcome to the gun show i like this guy hello hello for a minute i thought you had actually created artificial intelligence and the world would be doomed it was good to meet you man we should hit the gym sometime call me nothing upsets the english more than wasting good tea frightful business unforgivable really you won't get away with this too late young man titans would you kindly dispose of him yes mom [Music] all right what are you going on about i'm calling upon america's oldest ally [Music] [Applause] [Music] your little birdie is new match for the biggest clock in the world [Music] let's do this these truths are self-evident [Music] [Music] okay here we go beastie do the honors yo computer we want you to make a pizza that ain't never been made before hello i have determined the original recipe now baking hello complete [Music] is that what i think it is cereal pizza [Applause] the crust is a ball instead of the cheese it has the milk and then toppings beat them cereal bits and marshmallow shapes yo i can't believe no one's ever thought of this before we have unlocked the ability to eat up the pizza for all three of the meals what are we waiting for dig in i have determined the next original recipe baking complete hello uh thanks buddy's full i have determined the next original recipe complete what's it doing oh i see we commanded it to make pizza that's never been made before okay so it's gonna make every pizza that's never been made before [Music] oh you don't fancy the biscuits do you how about some double bitter destruction i've had quite enough of you americans time to finish this not so fast [Music] [Music] you won again america but we'll be back that's our problem [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 3,924,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, teen titans go, teen titans go full episodes, teen titans go vs teen titans, teen titans go to the movies, teen titans go theme song, teen titans go cyborg, teen titans go cyborg song, teen titans go cyborg computer, teen titans go cyborg human, teen titans go robot, robot wars, funny cartoons, superhero cartoons, ai, artificial, artificial intelligence, robot, robots, cyborg, robin robot
Id: 1j9Dbsy-wQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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