Teen Titans Go! | Shark Week! 🦈 | @dckids

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what happened uh i pretty much killed you yo but don't worry i replaced all the blood you lost with my own your blood in us gross please remove it oh come on i saved your lives after you almost killed us yeah sorry about that you just couldn't resist your animal urges beast boy i am so mad dude you just transformed into a dog beast boy's blood must have given us the power to turn into animals i wish to turn into the animal [Music] i'm thirsty refreshing brock this is so cool now remember titans we can be animals we just can't become them whatever i just want to turn into a tiny donkey rocky [Music] breakfast ready what smells so good we are breaking the fast not that smell that smell bro bring that butt on over here so i can get a better sniff oh yeah yeah guys get in on this [Music] you've got a good bouquet going on there sai motor oil and oh is that a hint of meatball [Music] it is not bad doggy i could sniff butts all day why stop at sniffing butts check this out we got that good air in our face in the sun on our way i could already do the flying before sure but could you do this [Music] nice car bro i got you over there it's the hive let's get em [Music] huh yep nothing like a game of cards after a long day of sniffing butts and pooping on cars indeed it is so wonderful being the animals and what was that about star outside i saw the cat whoa what's happening to us that's your animal urges y'all friends is it safe for us to continue the animal life absolutely we are people suppressing our animal urges is what we do all day every day hey the moon is out [Music] so is that a shark tank in the living room where did you get the sharks from is that even safe what's wrong with you yep chicks dig a guy who can communicate with fish i did not realize you had a fondness for marine life oh yeah me and fish we're like this it's like i have this connection with them you know our artsy we're having a lovely little chit-chat i'm fine do you think we should help him oh just a little miscommunication nah let me talk as we have okay [Music] hey is it just me or have we run out of things to do on this island indeed when it first seemed like the exciting change has become the very tiresome yeah i hates it here i think we should go back to our normal setting [Music] have you all lost your minds this island adventure has been filled with excitement if this was a tv show it would be billed as a week-long event uh maybe but i'm not sure it's lived up to expectations i believe battling all of the villains in the epic fight to the finish would have been the much more exciting ah wrong island adventures are what's exciting island adventures well you can keep your island adventures we're gonna bounce [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] don't you remember this island is inescapable we learned that in our first island adventure dude we're sick of island adventures yeah they're really lame ha lame island adventures aren't lame you guys just need to be reminded of how much fun we've had this week in the form of a catchy song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we discovered that the island is actually fake that tree right there is actually fake wait a minute this island is fake the song was right the trees are fake they all are how did we not notice that before because we never walked behind them i guess only the weirdos would walk behind the trees is anything real here the rocks are fall the banana has the microphone inside i think this crab is actually a camera [Music] the freckle on my butt looks like mickey mouse looks more like a meatball sub if you ask me i believe it is the unicorn upon its cloud of dreams okay clearly it's a human skull enough about the freckle it's obviously shaped like two bears high-fiving oh yeah they're girl bears now as crazy as it sounds i think this is a stage and we are being watched we need to find a way out how about through there a hatch that's it something tells me this is the start of another island adventure what we had a date i never said yes yet here you are uh you're standing right on that turtle's eyeball he'll be fine they're very resilient seriously you're always standing on sea creatures you don't need to be nervous i'm not nervous you just don't know what you're getting into with me i have a dark side i heard can i show you something ew back it up relax oh thanks [Music] so what did you want to show me this so what i'm supposed to fall for you because you show me some dancing fish oh look they're so adorable it's like a musical is about to break out so romantic i have to kiss your face uh just wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was intense circle of life baby i thought you'd like it i can't believe this but for the first time i feel like someone gets me you should wear your hood down more often [Music] thanks [Music] well i better uh yeah [Music] [Music] raven wants someone who can match her intensity i can be intense [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] yes we'd like another pizza i know we just had to deliver of course we can pay for it but we won't have to because there's no way you're delivering it in under 30 minutes okay all i have to do is turn on the security dome around the house and the pizza guy can't get anywhere near the tower hey pizza how is he doing this this is unnatural this means war pizza war hey pizza [Music] up [Music] can i play with a pony [Music] ride i can't take much more of this cyborg where did miss boy go he just disappeared there he is that was weird uh oh beast boy your foot is not gone it's in the bucket not that look that big rock is coming to get us what do we do beast boy guess this is the moment i've been waiting for okay titans here's what we know uh um nothing we know nothing ah i can't believe i put us in this situation i feel so stupid for wanting to be smart come on beast boy do not give the up we need you you're the brains of this obligation brains oh i just need a little brain food let's try this again here's what we know that asteroid is coming at us because of a little thing called gravity right and gravity is controlled by the ocean and that means if we can kill the ocean then the asteroid will go back home of course why didn't i think of that titans go crab that's because we're not punching hard enough [Music] [Music] [Music] look beasty the rock went home you've saved us all beast boy i guess i did what is it like being so smart it's more than i bargained for raven where's your spell book ah b u e u uh not how do you spell book never mind you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 9,892,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN
Id: -GrYTZ3NolQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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