Teemo but I spend the whole game Shrooming the enemy Jungle (Evil Strategy)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some teemo as support and we are running first strike magical footwear biscuits cosmic insight cheap shot and ultimate hunter we go money maker teemo support we don't even need to go in lane we'll just make money uh everywhere on the map with our shrooms and we got a assist from an invade their whole team chased me i tried to go steal their red but they weren't about it but yeah not a not a game where my team flames me for teemo support i actually said in champs like hey you guys mind if i play teemo support and they're all like yo go for it and you know what it's a nice change for once so i'm gonna play my best give them all the shrooms they can get against a trist leona teemo support actually it works pretty well because you just max q and we blind the adc every time she goes in and she doesn't do any damage leona is actually going to do more damage than trist okay standing a little far back got first strike on both of them so yeah we get money from support item we get money for pokken we'll see if we can hit our mythic as fast as uh ziggs does because i played this when uh first strike first came out and it was fun i don't have flasher ignite it's going for my poke ziggs is landing a lot of spells on them come here are you take it free proc on leo i just don't want to get hit by a leona e when i'm that close to turret nice 40 gold they're very low my ignite's almost up if leona ease me now she dies so i can play aggressive let's see evelyn jungle we don't have to worry about her till level six and luckily since we're teemo she's gonna hit a shroom while she's in viz and i think it reveals her so she's not gonna be too much of a problem for us wish it ziggs all right i'm gonna bait leona i'm not gonna hit her well i could kill her i would die though okay we don't have minions here warwick don't go for it yet i was trying to get leona to eat me but she missed and then i wouldn't get aggro and then we could probably kill her but she's healed up off some potions so we're gonna play it a little safer all right he's doing krugs okay she hit me here i'm gonna ignite i'm probably gonna die to try i'll use my biscuits and stuff that is a kill for ziggs and then tryst is super low so that is worth as a support definitely we already have a thousand gold i think we're gonna do luden's ludens works best with first strike plus our team's 5 ap basically warwick does magic damage mundo does magic damage and the rest of us do also so luden's is going to give me more bursts for first strike and more damage because it gives a lot of magic pen okay a dovetrist overall that's good she gets kills she's gotten two now but she's gonna fall behind in farm if he keeps autoing her we actually oh we win this okay maybe not with her here okay not bad got evelyn flash we'll just grab some minions last hit him while it's pushing towards us eve has one kill evelyn and echo are gonna be threats for us their whole team's assassins just jump in you want my q there you go she can't even last to the minion all right ziggs is almost back i have a nice wave for him first strikes up i need to land a cue before they hit me luckily they're bot lane they don't have any poke so the only way my first strike's going to get broken is standing next to a minion with tristana e on it or leona just hitting her e on me she's gonna blind her well tryst is extremely low once my ignite's up in 10 i can just flash auto q ignite and that should be enough to kill her even if she heals i baited that out there we go unless she has healed she's dead okay i lied she lived i just debated us my bad wow did she level up that's unfortunate i thought i had more than enough damage there zero two let's get i can't really buy boots we got free boots zig says tp so we don't lose that much unfortunate that diana was there to gank as soon as i went in i think we're still stronger it's just rough with alder engage till i get shrooms oh i actually block her stun with my q okay we get leona here nice we gotta kill back i need to switch to a sweeper oh dino was the mid laner she wasn't even the jungler for some reason i forgot they have an evelyn let's get some deep wards down oh you know what i'm gonna sit here for like an hour just gotta come get this i wonder if they had a ward here they know well evelyn's not even here actually i'm just gonna take it if i see the enemy bot i have to just take the plant and get out of here well tryst isn't here leona is a little bit smarter though nice free red i'll just use my biscuit and potion okay we're halfway to six nobody's gonna roam down here if ziggs plays a little bit up with me we can kill uh tris pretty easy i just don't want to get bursted by leona i'll go help warwick with dragon i think he's gonna die okay good flash oh he didn't get stunned there i don't know which one to hit oh wait hold up oh she died quick i'm dead to diana okay she healed that's fine a one for one well one for two victor can clean this up actually he missed his own be careful oh no i think victor's in trouble let's do this and let's get some sort of shoes need some mobility i forgot the sweeper again but it's fine okay warwick gets killed oh no he's gonna chase and die i feel oh he didn't die ziggs did oh no what is going on over here does diana want to go back in this bush nice we got trist oh i got shrooms it's the shroom time nice shutdown oh right into the shroom oh there we go you're dead too triple kill okay well i just went from like zero three or one and three to five and three that's just what we needed and we have shrooms too so now's the fun part of the game look at everybody's saying good job i'll get all the choke points somebody will always hit these if they're going through here i don't want to put them directly in this bush right now because this is a hot spot for pinks and sweeper all right we got ludens what do i want to go second i think a shadow flame shadowflame actually gives me a lot of damage although i think horizon actually might be better than shadowflame because it gives haste ace means more shrooms plus 10 more damage with the first strike that's 20 more damage then so not bad gotten 155 extra gold so far but wow did i just do half of her health what did it go up to i just got like 30 gold out of that diana has five kills shroom over here can't get too close to him though i'm gonna bounce another one in there oh good old okay i got uh i got getaway shrooms oh they hit one over here oh this is going to be big if that hits that one oh he's going deep maybe have to save him from evelyn nope evelyn's over here let's go help warwick well you're not surviving that one another 22 extra gold beautiful okay so what i learned last time i played this is we want to put some shrooms really close to their base over here so when they walk out they hit him and then it just procs my first strike when i'm just chilling in base myself let's do here and there and then i'll just go by we can go get a alternator that'll help with first strike damage too looks like they get somebody mad fiona oh diana is big and scary though triple kill for her okay diana's gonna be their raid boss maybe evelyn too echo doesn't seem too strong mundo's gonna actually outscale echo if he gets mr let's put a shroom here for clear i'll go invis i think tris saw me oh my god whoa what is that damage i almost killed her if i knew that i would have ignited holy cow that was like twice as much damage as i was expecting now our first strikes up to 300 extra gold put one here and here stannah died i didn't get an assist ward here let me go help my i carry run to me sir i'll save you it's a slow death all right all you nice oh i just gotta kill where how and why oh she died right here i think i see it on the map yeah did i even have a shroom there i had it right here right what the hell i just gotta kill okay i killed evelyn and see we had we had a bad start this game i mean i started with an assist but i died twice before i even got my first kill we're still very useful because this whole this whole bot side of the jungle is now mine i have uh tons of wards in it i have tons of shrooms everywhere they don't have a single sweeper that's a first i think i'm on a ward i have a feeling i'm on a ward now it's worded i think i could beat her nice i got diana that's another shutdown for teemo get more shrooms that there one here shroom there and let's base we got our horizon focus i'll finally get the sweeper and then i'll go shadowflame next don't like cosmic drive that much anymore let's just get the shadow flame shadow flame into death cap and then the last items probably avoid staff if they stack mr but they have none i'm actually doing massive damage did she hit anything i'm about to get first strike boom oh that's probably the worst person that could hit a shroom because she doesn't take much damage she has mr but it uh it pops horizon which reveals them which is good versus evelyn all right nice play oh that's unfortunate i think me and victor can get somebody here though like that nice oh wait what the hell is hitting me echo cue from the death oh evelyn just hit another oh god i should have flashed instantly we got her i didn't think diana was right there but i probably should have figured that but hey look at top okay we got another alternator i should have warded over that wall well nobody's walking through here surprisingly they're all just taking the lane [Music] i think i need to focus my shrooms around dragon right now that's the next objective it's probably gonna be gone though if diana's on it okay he wins that any day trista is really weak okay they have a sweeper well i don't know if i stole that or not but i mean he was dead regardless put one here a crab nice oh somebody either cleared these or hit them oh i wish that hit me actually she whoa okay she used everything to try and steal that even her flash the opposite way all right we should be able to get diana here we have a lot of cc he's gonna turn though so i'm not gonna stack up on everybody there we go i'm surprised she didn't take anybody with her okay let's get some more shrooms down here's a good spot as always over here this bush is always a good one this choke point making sure it's clear vision over the wall i put one right here instead of this bush basically all the entrances to the jungle i have uh i have shrooms on so whether they're entering or leaving the jungle they're gonna get hit by something and victor did a fantastic job at leading them into that oh [ __ ] i'm in trouble at me i'm just a teemo boom oh she even flashed too oh please don't have flash you're gonna kill me if you do all right she's gonna hit this maybe oh wait there's a shroom next there we go first strike thank you thank you very much she might hit this one running away nice ziggs has leandries we're just kiting her oh no he threw his alt the other way okay you lost ziggs oh free money let me go actually i'm going to put shrooms down and then i'll base much his first strike at 721 minutes not bad we're almost full build although i can sell support item later on let's see i guess i'll take these while i'm at it okay i control their jungle like it is actually mine does he live he's not dying oh my god see this is why tanks win games you don't need mechanics to play mundo you literally just kill people by pressing all your buttons uh i could just buy a death cap here i think that's better than a shadow flame actually and now i can just upgrade this later my shrooms chaos everything did i just get another kill with my shrooms or something i really haven't been paying attention but i have 17 kills now what a crazy game i don't need this i already got a blue oh she dead wow okay she died i actually thought she was gonna live there i don't know what killed her at the end red buff and my poison still she hurts okay well victor's tilted uh that i'm taking all the kills i'm not trying to only a little bit it's just the thing is if they come in my jungle it's mine diana says the only thing you need to hate is your play i don't have any shrooms up i need to get in the jungle again feels weird they're able to go in their jungle all right at least he got one with him meanwhile mid lane wait what is he bashing his head against i thought he only does that to turrets okay we're gonna start back here in case i get caught right around here all right we're good come to me oh my god he got bursted oh nice ziggsburn you got him hey you stopped that oh [ __ ] you nice okay first strikes add extra thousand gold now there is an infernal dragon up that gives them a bounty nobody's on it though i'm pretty sure i kill her in one queue yeah i definitely kill her in one queue wow headshot how much gold 63 more shrooms meanwhile ziggs and mundo are just taking everything while they run around let me go get shadow flame before somebody hits a shroom i'll go grab their blue yes hit this if two people are next to it and they hit it or like three people i get so much money i thought this was gonna be not a toxic game it's actually turned into quite a toxic game oh i hit evelyn wow do sixty percent of her health with one shroom i think we get more of them down we'll do the top side now yes sir let me make sure this is clear who hit it oh she hit another one she's dead if the first one did sixty percent of your health you do not have another sixty percent poor evelyn that's the second time she's died to those maybe even third go get my wards over here actually i don't need to order anything right now bot sides lacking again because evelyn hit them all oh i'm hit oh i was thinking i didn't have to flash but ow this got [ __ ] popped my team can win yeah i think we're fine diana's really the only threat on their team and it is gg 21 kills let's see how much damage these things did i gotta go look at them quick before it stops where am i lootings did 4 500. verizon did extra 800 shadowflame uh didn't do anything because i think we just bought it or it's bugged but no it was doing it's definitely not showing because we were hitting evil in there with it i'm pretty sure at the end but regardless thank you guys for watching if you're still here make sure to like the video before you go also subscribe to the channel if you haven't and leave a comment below let me know who else you want to see me play in the bot lane as a support give it to ziggs see do we have the most money 15k nope diana had more than us oh we got some post game lobby salt must be time for another game dominate lane and lose because of feeders all day and they're calling our toxic we did the most damage though we did more than diana we did 34k round it up and our first strike gave us extra 1200 gold which is good because we saved another 300 on the booth so that's 1500 extra gold and then we didn't have to buy potions after the biscuits cheap shot did a 1230 true damage and other than that i'll see you guys later thank you again for watching peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 449,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Pl-Kiw7BNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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