Ted Bundy's Sinister Body Language in the Courtroom (nonverbal analysis)

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe in today's video we're going to be analyzing the non-verbal communication of theodore robert bundy again but this time during a courtroom appearance that he had in 1979 a little bit more on that in just a tiny moment let's go ahead and roll the intro [Music] i have something rather shameful uh to admit i've been alive for my entire life now and to this day i can only speak one singular language fluently i know i know it's tragic today's sponsor babel is helping me out with that we've all likely interacted at some level with one of those disconnected cookie cutter language learning materials out there right part of my personal struggles with learning a language in the past has been due to it feeling fake and forced so much so that by the time i reached real life the material didn't reflect that at all how babel addresses those exact issues is actually pretty delightful the lessons are designed by real language teachers teaching real world practical conversations for business travel and other social environments organic teaching with no machine learning ai algorithms or anything like that it uses more than just vocab words as well it teaches about the culture or the people the the history the slangs the traditions and more of the language that you are learning there are more features such as games videos podcasts and live classes with real teachers as well and it's all sealed with a 20-day money-back guarantee so if you would like to be able to add a language to your repertoire and help out the channel and also get up to 65 off of your subscription please consider clicking the link below big thanks again to babel for sponsoring this video and gracias poiver vermas i know that that was probably just horribly wrong but like i said thank you and click the link to see more back to our regularly scheduled programming so this is not the first video that i have done on ted bundy nor will it likely be the last if you haven't seen the other videos go check them out they do help add context to this one as that's where i cover the backstory and the history and some of the gathering of the basslines etc in those videos so using that information from those videos in this video today we're able to kind of move forward more cleanly and i think i honestly think that that's enough talking about all of it this this this appearance here is in july of 1979 he has already done crime been captured escaped and now is captured again for the final time and so we get to see this footage i have actually not seen this reacted too much on the internet so i was rather excited to be able to track it down let's go ahead and watch the video thompson you say you knew theodore robert bundy on august 16 1975 around that time i was acquainted with it yesterday okay so i want to be able to add some things just to be able to get us started off here so right now we're seeing him doing part of the questioning here and along with that you can hear a few things and see a few things just editing why is that i had to sacrifice and do first is that obviously this is a horrible quality video but this is the best quality that i could track down of it i also had to doctor it enough to be able to get it light enough to be able to see and then you can hear the sound sounds really questionable and that's because the background audio of the original one it sounded like they had an entire freight train running in the courtroom because of the microphone so i had to try to clean it up as best as possible i apologize it does sound and look kind of but it is the best that i was able to get now speaking on bundy's performance here so far that he's done so far is that he's i mean there's only a few seconds but we're already seeing his normal tone and pattern coming out here just good to know so let's continue forward and and we'll gather information as we go around that time yeah on that date i'm not positive on the date another thing that i will note is that since bundy is representing himself and doing all of his questioning himself he's referring to himself in the third person that's not something that he usually does it's just something that i wanted to make note of along with that though we see that he's asking a question and then he has uh rubbing of his nose now whether or not that is a mouth-blocking gesture or an itching gesture it's hard to say and there's not enough activity around it to be able to say anything so we can't say like oh he did a mouth blocking gesture there he's frustrated or anything along those lines so at that point it's just it's just a movement that we can't hold any weight to but then he also has his humor in there that which is very overt and outright and it's hard to miss so with that in there as well we're getting an idea of just how ted presented himself in the actual courtroom itself interesting conversation that i had with you was august 21st outside the salt lake county jail that i'm positive you ever met me prior to that no sir that's all thank you so this is interesting his body language here is showing frustration uh anger perhaps disgust as we could see it kind of echoing in the corners of his nose here he also is having difficulty making eye contact he's clenching his jaw all of these are indicators that he has disdain towards bundy understandable and in that regard it's interesting that when he does respond to ted bundy's questioning it's finally with some force and aggression and that kind of pushes bundy back these are just things to note between some dynamics here we're understanding behaviors and patterns let's go may this house should be excused yes sir thank you for being good when the purpose of this now we're going to go ahead and switch over to having bundy on the stand himself this is where a lot of activity happens and a lot of information comes into play here so let's go so right now he's characterized by um a manner of nonchalantness he's trying to play off similar to how chris watts played off that this wasn't a big deal he's trying to play off that this indeed wasn't a big deal even down to his swearing in he starts walking away before he finishes saying the words and then he sits down and he taps the microphone to see if it's on and he's now laughing here a little bit he this is the second time already that he's itched his nose in this video so that's something to make note of we have to see when these pop up to see if there are positive spike in his body language and if it's something that can be reliable so far we're gathering some information let's continue please state your full name directing your attention to the early morning of august 15th he's still trying to maintain this charismatic interaction with the people in the courtroom which isn't appropriate for the situation but it was the approach that he decided to take himself it's interesting it is a red flag to see somebody acting this nonchalant in this sort of stressful setting even if not guilty it's still a stressful setting so this is strange but it's just a red flag it's just a question let's go uh after you've been stopped by trooper hayward approximately what type of didn't they establish that was really the 16th or deadly that day judge this there's a discrepancy in the report it's even the 15th or the 16th there any question about that it's not all right long as we're not hungry one-on-one day and one or another that's the only thing the court was worried about so during this part as they're mentioning this date stuff at the beginning bundy flashes a little bit of confusion and that seems to be fairly genuine that being said right after that after he moves around and addresses various people non-verbally he's now kind of settled into this quiet calculated expression where he has his hand covering his mouth it's the manipulator here and this one's commonly done while thinking and this part is hit and miss i will let you know that as a generality you could see somebody doing this if somebody's talking and that could mean that they have something that they would like to say or add to the conversation this manipulator it's almost like your subconscious quietly going like hey don't don't say don't say anything or yes we are aware but not yet kind of thing that would be where that comes out along with that he has a slight bit of a lip compression happening at the same time this could still be related to that i don't want to let any of these words out or i have thoughts on this matter regardless it's interesting he has thoughts here but he seems quite content to allow people in the courtroom to discuss among themselves and not have himself trap himself more or less so that was a smart move by bundy on this point let's keep moving we're talking about one single incident either august the 15th our other 16. is that correct gentlemen that's correct all right christina it was early in the morning uh approximately two o'clock after you had been stopped did officer hayward say thank you well after the stop had occurred i exited my car and the officer hayward had left his car and approached me and the first thing he said to me was why didn't you get out of your car and run i would not could have taken your head off or words to those effects where did the words to that effect did you ask me for your driver's license i'm going to pause it here because i want to make some notes about what bundy said here he starts off with a false start and you can hear it catch and then he has to clear his throat and continue in now this could be just a simply just add some flame in his throat something like that need to clear his throat could also be that he feels uncomfortable with that start and redirected i doubt that's the case that being said as he continues through his telling of the story there is a lot of pausing in his recollection of it which is not common for his everyday average speaking tone but it might be for his remembering of various instances that could be the case it's not positive yet along with that he also is speaking softly so the pitch is lower and the tone is soft and that all pushes me towards the direction of him possibly being unsure during this point maybe there's some details that he's misconstruing or misremembering and he himself even says words to those effects something along those lines so with that that does let me know that this could be a question just keep an eye out let's continue forward he did i think he asked me a number of questions which intervened the request for a driver's license and i think he asked me after his first comment what i was doing in his neighborhood and to which i did not initially make a response and then he asked me for my driver's license which i got from the inside of my car did you produce a driver's license yes did you say registration yes good officer hayward that was an interesting thing there when he said yes on the registration he looked away a little bit further and there's a slight micro movement no that is a distinguished difference from the time before where he answered that he had his driver's license there is a question there i wonder what it is around that specific instance that caused him to do that small movement it's a question there's not an answer for it right yet but let's continue advise you of your rights no could you relate to me the circumstances that took place after i gave the officer my driver's license he went back to his vehicle as i recall and leaned in and pulled out the microphone that they used for the radios and came back to me and told me to go stand by his car which was approximately 10 feet back my car okay so at the beginning of this question bundy has a small postural change as he's let know that he's going to have to relay something so this is a postural change meaning that he's going from whatever state he was in before to this state of stating stuff of exposition more or less so that postural change happens and then the actual time for him to start speaking happens and he does another postural change meaning that he's gone from passive to active he's now about to start speaking and he has a very long pause at the beginning of this and i've noticed this about many of his responses that he has a substantial pause at the beginning but there's no ums there's no uh and there's no vocal stammerings around them those styles of vocal tells can indicate that he might not feel as stressed about it or as nervous about this we're seeing this rather collected presentation of this storyline here complete with illustrators as he's talking about a radio and he's still including humor in here and all in all you're getting the same sort of feeling that you might be speaking to somebody about a cup of tea cup of coffee perhaps where their favorite bookstore is rather than this specific instance which is leading up to a larger much more brutal crime so this is just a small thing it doesn't fit still it's still lightly misaligned emotionally from the context of the situation but we just have to keep our eye on it he told me to wait there and there was an officer another state patrolman who was already on the scene and he told me to stay with the officer he told the officer to keep an eye on me let me let me back up a little bit was officer hey was the uniform yes he was was he carrying the weapon yes he was he was the additional officer to come to the scene was he in uniform yes yes how many officers arrived at the scene well they they arrived and they left i'd say that at any one time they were the most that were on the scene at any one time approximately half a dozen so he's thinking hard here trying to remember the number of police people at the scene and we see manipulators start to pop up in some activity in his general baseline it starts to to spike up a bit here he starts to shift a little bit more he's doing some scratching on his head and on his face these manipulators show that he's having agitation aka extra psychological processing and if that's the case there are a few answers for why that could be in this area it likely could be because of the number of people that he's trying to juggle around but why this is important to know is that we do know now that this is a reliable indicator of agitation for him because it's popped up here and it's a possible generality so if it does pop out and somewhere else where it doesn't fit then we understand what's happening let's continue all except for detective andrak who arrived later who was in plain clothes what was the attitude of the officers another thing that i will make note about his seemingly authentic recollection of this specific instance here is that he is breaking eye contact to recollect and that is more commonly done in authentic recollection now there's an entire study that goes into the direction that a person looks while recollecting various things and that study has had a number of mixed reviews it's been mixed enough that eyes personally will not hold too much weight behind it because there are enough instances where it's like okay this this one might not work very well so with that i won't say that he's trying to recollect something fake or anything along those lines based off of the direction that he's looking where it's actually more odd is to see a string from a person recollecting something and constantly being like oh i'm recollecting and then you ask them a question and they don't break and they only lock in means they weren't recollecting that would be a straying of it so interesting but there's nothing that really can be noted about his gaze in this area especially since theodore hasn't shown any of those tendencies himself he hasn't shown any directional iq patterns in his past could it happen maybe is it here i don't know it's difficult to say i haven't found any evidence for it so i'm not going to say that it is well i testified as to sergeant hayward's initial reaction after he told me to stand by his car he proceeded to my car and walking he began to walk around and shining his flashlight through the windows and peering in through the windows the officer that i was standing with next to patrol car began asking me questions asked me what i was doing in the neighborhood why i was there so and so forth can any of the officers register any rights advise you you're right remain silent at that time no anybody advise you to have an attorney ted's doing this leaning of his head exposing of his neck here this can show comfort this is lending towards that nonchalant behavior if you see somebody exposing their neck it's usually centered around the emotion of confidence because this is a pretty vulnerable area you don't want to get attacked here or struck here so a person that bears their neck that comes from the understanding that the vulnerable parts are available they're open have at it i'm not threatened by you so he's doing that but this is also construed a little bit because he's tilting his head forward a hair now in this tilting head forward a hair this could be calculation as well it might be a mixture of the two perhaps some confidence mixed with calculation that would make sense in context but in this area we just have to make note that he is leaning his head in this certain way along with that the rest of his tone and mannerisms do seem to fit the nonchalant side of things so if that's the case then we would be seeing ted feeling some level of confidence and also calculation which makes sense also we could see that he's now manipulating down here on his leg where he's fidgeting with his genes this is different from earlier as he had maintained a little bit more open body language it's closed in a bit i don't think it's related to any sort of emotional or psychological stressor in this area but he is doing it now i've made note of it let's continue forward all right and then i'll say hey looking in the car with a flashlight yes you know what happened he walked or he i was as i was standing by the car watching him and listening to the officer next to me asking me questions oh i watched him walk around the car and shine his flashlight in the car he he apparently was focusing on something inside the car for some time which seemed like some time fascinating so right now his general position is wide open again he's now exposing his front and he's he's relaxed we've got it along with that he's also having a sudden spike and difficulty speaking when he's speaking of the police officer looking in the car he has his tail of agitation here or possible tell of agitation here and the vocal halting comes in as well as he seems to have some difficulty processing around here so earlier we had that instance we have that instance here maybe this could be related to his memory this could be him remembering and this is part of his memory is facial manipulation like that it's interesting we have to make note of it and continue he opened the car door entered the car and i couldn't see what he was doing he came back to me and then repeated his earlier questions about what i was doing in his neighborhood why i was there and then as i recall he went to make another call on his police radio did officer hayward or any other officer at the scene ask no no both of those were synchronized head shakes no everything along with that but right after the second note that he says there he goes and he starts to pick at his finger which is an oddity he hasn't been doing that before so the question is why could it be a manipulator yes but it seems as though it's a fairly specific motion that he seems to be trying to get a hangnail or something along those lines off of his finger so i will not be relating an emotional weight behind that because it simply doesn't have enough evidence for it yet but it is something to make note of let's continue no did anyone tell you that you had a right to refuse to let them search your car no you remember the words being asked to you whether or not you lied if they looked inside your car i can't recall a request to search my car and the words whether or not they asked me if they could look in my car or something i don't recall or construed his request to search my car do you remember telling them telling the officers at any point during this incident did anyone read your miranda rights until you run yes after sergeant hayward had searched my car and he had a lot of difficulty with that as well and it's still centered around recollection he has a manipulator in there a vocal stop a sigh of exasperation he shakes his head he moves his hands out of the way all of these are dismissive gestures so i have to wonder what he was processing through at that point that made him portray all of that nonverbal communication very specific tells that then he starts off into this story i want to know what that other story was but since since there's nothing really to go off of here then it would just be a point that i would try to circle back around and see if you could ask more questions called in another officer called in another officer to come in and after my car had been thoroughly searched by the other officers detective andrak approached me at that time and informed me that he was going to seize certain items items from my car and told me that he was going to attempt to get a warrant or a complaint or something of that type against me for possession of burglary tools at that point sergeant hayward uh and or another officer i'm not sure searched me for the first time handcuffed me put me in his vehicle read me the writes off a little card he carried on his console and drove me downtown in the salt lake county jail it was after the search taking place so he had some um's and us and stammers in there that did let us know his classic i'm processing heavily in here he's still including various spatial and specific details that do kind of push us to believe his story in this area or at least this portion of his story seems to be more believable he's fairly synchronized he's having difficulty recollecting it and he's bringing in the details that are ones that count the ones about where he was in relation to other things perhaps some people coming in it's not too much detail but it's also not just i mean somewhere it happened somehow some way i really have no idea that's important to know and then that makes me question what about the other times where we didn't hear the um's and the uh and the difficulty that he had in this one what was the difference can't say yet let's continue yes yes did you try to stop the search no well i'd say i was afraid to but that's not exactly the way i mean that's it's not that i was quaking in my shoes i was i felt that i couldn't stop them from doing what they were doing that they were going to go ahead and do it no matter what i did they were intent the questions the questions from sergeant andrak and pardon me sergeant hayward and the other officers at the scene indicated that they believed that i was involved in some sort of activity and they were hostile about it the question seemed hostile to me indicated to me that they were going to do damn well what they pleased and i did not i you didn't see any point there was no point i i didn't see how they had to stop a half a dozen uniformed armed officers from searching my car they didn't during that entire time the things that did stick out to me most non-verbally was his consistent looking down and he had done that throughout the rest of the interview as well to an extent this was very over during that time also there were some other instances of possible agitation with a little quick lip lick in there a sign of nerves we have this large lip lick and lip compression at the very very end of things once again this could be related to nerves or nervousness and those two combined really do push us again towards a negative question why is he showing these negative tails around here we need to pay attention to it circle back around so we're seeing red flag after red flag after red flag all in a row here as this continues on forward which would be very valuable information what do you have anything else oh i think that about covers all right mr mckinley thank you judge just a couple of things that's not the first thing you told hayward though when he asked you what you were doing in the neighborhood right away we have a manipulator coming in on bundy here where he only had this come up similarly in times of intense remembering so this manipulator has come up here again and it's at the introduction of this new speaker and this new speaker is far more aggressive and confrontational towards bundy let's continue well excuse me he asked what you were doing in the neighborhood and you didn't tell him right off what you were doing in the neighborhood did i told him what i responded to his question i understand what was that response as i recall the response i don't know when it occurred uh was that i had been in the neighborhood to drive and move movie okay so this is interesting he's having some difficulty in this area and he throws in this line from what i recall which is his way of saying this could be wrong not sure about this from what i recall so we shouldn't hold as much weight to this already and he also saying that he doesn't know when he said this back and he's bringing out this story about the drive-in movie and that's important so the drive-in movie might be why he's having so much difficulty centered around this specific little story line because well let's see let's see why he's having difficulty good one i said uh my response to him was that i'd been in the vicinity at a driving route and you told him the name of that movie did yes credibility is always true these are questions that the court would be concerned with and that's why he had difficulty admitting on the stand that he had lied in the past so that's where this massive spike in nonverbal activity sprung from this lets us know that he really does want to maintain as pure of an image as possible which makes sense in both courts many times people who are actually innocent have some areas where they feel like they're not as innocent and that comes across in their nonverbal communication now does that mean that theodore robert bundy is guilty or innocent because of this small area no absolutely not but it is something to make note of so you started off with a laugh too and you followed that up let me see if i understand your testimony correctly you followed that up with another story didn't you well did you tell hayward anything else after you told him that you've been at the drive-in movie you do recall your testimony during the courtroom proceedings in utah i'm not sure what you're referring to i think i mean really it's a broad question if you try the more specific i can help you out do you recall your testimony in utah i recall testifying in utah do you re do you recall you recall the driving movie story at told hayward you've already testified today yes do you recall the marijuana story [Music] at this hearing or about testimony you don't cross the examination we got a direct pinpointed question of issue of fact poor hesitant and that's i think about a question do you need me to freshen up your memory a little bit mr buddy i think if you could be asking the question again i'm not sure if you're asking and i can tell you i'm asking you like kind of an initial question and i don't mean to be confusing obviously we've been watching here for a minute and we can see this back and forth this banter go back and forth the person asking the questions is obviously agitated he's pacing he's breathing a little bit more heavily he's in the moment his adrenaline is rushing along with that though on the other side of things we see bundy he's kept his arm kind of hooked back here behind his chair which could be a partial bracing gesture bracing gestures can be found when a person is feeling nervous or agitated or threatened it's offering security so wrapping an arm around the back of a chair intertwining feet is one of the most common ones that you'll see with the legs of the chair or the bottom of the chair it can be a comforting things especially in social situations we're seeing it from bundy here but it's not necessarily a spike from his nonverbal communication in this area i will say that he is making a much larger concerted effort to not answer any of these leading questions that are being thrown his way he's not opening any of the doors himself and that's just him playing smart we we just have to keep watching and see how this goes do you recall your testimony in utah if you don't say so and i'll try to refresh you well if you can give me a specific question i don't think it would be difficult for me to sit here and quote you verbatim what my testimony was i understand i appreciate that let me see interesting so person's asking a question do you recall your entire statement or do you want me to refresh it to you i actually really appreciate it because it's forcing bundy to either say yes i remember and then he can be asked and he has to give his answers or two he says no i don't remember and the prosecution is now able to be like okay well cool let's refresh you on the details on it and that's exactly what's about to happen here and it's a power move and it makes bundy not happy very clearly not happy if this refreshes your mind you recall testifying that on the evening in question you were eating dinner and watching television until 12 midnight or 12 30. which time you decided to visit a friend and upon arriving at that friend's house you know he is very unhappy right now notice that his position his posture has changed he was very nonchalant and he was a little bit agitated maybe doing some bracing and now now he's leaning forward now he's engaged in this situation this switch from uh no big deal to like hold on hold on he's changing his roles here along with that if we start looking at how his face is resting we can see the muscles that are becoming more active and those are especially lying in his jaw as he's clenching his jaw that clinching of the jaw is centered around either anger it could be also centered around intense negative emotion along with that his lips have gotten a little bit more firmly pressed together this is also a sign of low grade anger perhaps frustration would be a way to say that and his brows are lowered ever so slightly and he's doing his normal classic look up out of the corner of his eyes in a kind of calculated fashion regardless this pushing from the prosecution on bundy here really annoyed him and that's important to note what about that annoyed bundy so much that his his mask cracked a little bit it's it's curious it's the light throughout he decided not to waken her up and you proceeded to drive around for a while you ended up in the granger area where you decided to smoke some duck your honor excuse me but if he's going to excuse if he's going to ask me a question i will object to the summarization of the entire line of questioning he's going to ask me well if i if i've sufficiently refreshed your memory and say so and i'll stop you want to tell us about that testimony what a power move here so now the prosecution has addressed this in a very just very powerful way either one bundy you have to go from here on out and just fill us in from here and then they can catch them out in any form of lie because there's something that's going on here that bundy doesn't want to have talked about or two i'll continue refreshing you until you remember so that you can continue forward so they've left it kind of one door only and we're seeing this bother bundy again as his manipulator of agitation pops in as well so he's angry now he's stressed and those are all things that are very important especially in these sorts of situations as soon as somebody becomes angry and stressed under circumstances like these it's it's harder to regain that emotional stability just important to know do i recall the testimony you apparently do you just tell the court those lengthy questions and answers about that all i'm saying is that i i don't recall the testimony specifically but i can say that in general that i that i can associate what you're saying with the trial in utah okay specifically if you're taught to recall telling the court in utah that you fled from the officer in order to get the smoke out of your car and that you threw the marijuana out the window during the chase yes a little bit of shame in that area with that looking away and again his hand creeps up to do his agitator he's still doing his manipulator around his mouth he probably has something else that he knows here as we're seeing that come in here again and that also popped up earlier and was possibly that as well and he's showing so much activity around trying to divert attention from this exact wordage now he does cover that up fairly nicely verbally with uh oh i was just trying to more refer to the specific and not the general and he does kind of cover it up well enough to be satisfactory for the questioning at that moment but he does have enough difficulty and has enough times of diverting attention away from it that that manipulator there that he's using is definitely a red flag and not just something that he's just sitting there with his hand on his face for no fun reason at all it's just there kind of thing so with that in mind that lets us know a little bit more let's continue forward on this now back to this case isn't it a fact that you've done all of the research on this particular motion yes such as it is yes i have have you found some cases on the point i found too many cases and the point we're talking about is consent to search is it that's one of the points we're talking about are you familiar with what the factual basis would need to be for a consent search to be thrown out yes i'm familiar with it i am now i wasn't finished that hasn't colored your testimony a bit i think you're fine well no it hasn't and i think you'll find if you review my testimony suppression hearing in utah it's essentially the same so in this area we can see a lot of that contempt smugness come out from bundy and he's trying to play this deal of like i didn't know at the time which at the time is difficult to prove wrong but along with that what we have to do is take into consideration what he's doing non-verbally with that he has a small smile creeping to his face that would be centered around that scorn or contempt smugness that aloofness that comes in he also looks up out of the corner of his eyes like haha got you and along with those two oddities in his nonverbal communication his verbal patterning is interesting as well as soon as he's asked about the comparison between the two different testimonies and instead of him saying no which would be the immediate answer he starts well you'll find which means that he's gonna start giving an explanation he's prepared an explanation for this why has he prepared an explanation for this that just lets us know which was more prioritized in his brain not denying it but more so offering an excuse or you'll find that they're very similar or something along those lines that's fascinating and with his nonverbal communication centered around that that should have been a point to really hone in on there's something about the differences between those that he feels very very confident is small enough that it's not a red flag but you know stuff was wrong here right so this would be another area that we'd want to push there's only a few more seconds left of this and then we'll summarize and continue forward do you have anything no sorry [Music] sergeant i guess he is now [Music] [Music] so in this area it was difficult to see at that very last few seconds where bundy comes back down and he sits down and he's talking to the other gentleman there it's difficult to say what he's feeling emotionally at that time because he's attempting extremely hard to keep a neutral expression more so than he even was on the stand and that's curious to me if he's trying to keep that neutral expression off of it what does what does that mean he was showing on it kind of thing so it's just a questioning experience so if we're looking at all of this all of this combined we saw a number of substantial red flags i do have another half to this court hearing it's rather interesting to watch bundys switch roles as he's asking questions as he's being asked questions as he's observing people who are being asked the questions it's a fascinating thing so that's kind of where we wrap up this video if you did like this one and would like to see the second half of this video please hit the like button if you have any other questions or requests or anything along those lines go ahead and leave those in the comments i have been trying to interact with those as much as possible also speaking of comments to all of you who wished uh me uh happier times with the passing of my puppy i appreciate it um it's it's been a pretty crazy day but thank you for for being there and being kind and being patient and allowing me to take a little break uh to just take some time for myself it really did help me a lot so thank you thank you very much thank you again to our sponsor today big shout out to them if you would like to be able to go check them out follow link description below um but but without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys [Music] you
Channel: Observe
Views: 206,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, React, Analysis, lying, detection, reading, behavior
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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