Ted Bundy's Murder Spree around Washington State in 1974

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[Music] uh what's going on guys my name is harman today's episode is all about mr ted bundy ted bundy of course was one of the united states most prolific serial killers so today's episode we're filming all the murder and abduction locations of ted bundy in and around seattle ted bunny killed people in numerous states uh including washington state like we're doing now florida oregon colorado and utah so he obviously got around and went to many different states during his abductions and killings but of course today's episode is going to feature his abductions and murders he committed just in and around seattle so i hope you guys enjoy stick around and let's get into it so on january 31st 1974 21 year old linda healey was attacked and murdered in the home behind me linda was ted's first murder victim that we're aware of now a couple of weeks prior to that 11 blocks away there was a young woman who was attacked but she survived that encounter unfortunately a couple of weeks later linda was sleeping in this home in the basement that unfortunate evening she lived in a home with four other women one of the creepy details from the story was that the previous evening one of her roommates warned her that she had seen a shadow outside of the window that previous night so it leads us to to believe that ted had been targeting this home for some time he had his eye on these women or this house he must have felt like there was a way to get in maybe he could breach the security if you will a window or a door he got in he killed linda in the home blood stains and evidence of that murder was found in the house another detail of the story was that linda's family her mom and her dad as well as her ex-boyfriend were all planning to converge and and have dinner with linda the following day and linda was on her way she actually had gone to safeway to get to gather groceries and supplies to cook dinner for her parents and her ex-boyfriend that next day unfortunately that night or that previous morning she was killed in her home here this is the place where it really all began um so linda healy along with her four roommates lived at 5517 northeast 12th street again it's not that very far away from the uw campus i don't know if all her roommates attended the campus or not but she definitely did but linda actually worked at a radio station and the next morning she was supposed to be going to her work there at the radio station and uh of course she never made it her and a bunch of her roommates went to a friend's house and they got back here at about 10 p.m or so and uh linda went upstairs and kind of was talking to one of her roommates named carolyn kind of before they were going to bed and she was talking to carolyn about her ex-boyfriend coming you know like the next day and kind of like how she felt about that and linda was saying like you know i feel okay about it i feel like it's over and carolyn was kind of one of the last people that that linda spoke to my guess is he must have seen all the girls coming in and out of the house and decided and chose that house after that i mean i guess he could have chosen out of complete randomness but i think he must have probably saw them coming out of the house or something like that beforehand you know if this is not a sign that we're in bundy country i don't know what is here's an orange volkswagen beetle right behind me this is very akin to what ted bundy was driving around the seattle area and the university of washington campus back in 1974 when these abductions began so the location i'm at right now used to be called the flame tavern now it's called fiesta del mar at this location is where ted bundy abducted 22 year old brenda carroll ball the date was may 31st 1974 and on this day brenda went out to the what used to be called the flame tavern here and uh hung out and had some drinks and this tavern was kind of one of her normal hangouts she would come here quite often it says that brenda attended highline community college up until two weeks before she was abducted here she stayed at the tavern up until about two in the morning which would have been june 1st 1974. one of her friends was a musician and she was trying to ask him for a ride back home but unfortunately he was going the opposite direction and said hey i can't take you because i'm going the other direction and so brenda ended up kind of asking around and i was just hoping to maybe hitchhike home and that of course is when she bumped into ted bundy uh so witnesses at the tavern stated that they saw brenda talking to a brown-haired man who was wearing a sling an arm sling friends of hers described her as very free-spirited meaning that she would go you know days or even weeks without seeing anyone she would just go out and do her own thing travel around and so of course many people didn't know she actually disappeared for about two weeks or so someone finally put out a missing person's report with the police on june 17th so about 16 days after she was abducted when ted bundy was talking to the journalist in prison and the reason why ted bundy decided to abduct her from a tavern parking lot was mainly to throw off police because some of his previous abductions had been at some of the college campuses including the university of washington and so in order to throw off police he kind of decided to abduct someone not from a college campus this time but from a tavern parking lot or bar parking lot and so that's kind of why he chose to go seek out someone from a bar head bunny was also saying that he ended up abducting brenda from the parking lot and taking her back to the rogers rooming house and raped her and then murdered her and dumped her body up on a mountain called taylor mountain now what makes this abduction and murder more crazy than some of the other ones he committed here in washington was the fact that on the afternoon and evening of may 31st 1974 only like four or five hours before he abducted and killed brenda he actually was spending time with his fiancee elizabeth copper and elizabeth's daughter and elizabeth's parents they went out to have pizza a pizza place and they ended up getting back to i believe elizabeth's place at about 10 p.m at that point elizabeth she wrote a book after all this happened and she stated in the book that um after they got back from eating pizza ted was kind of acting a little strange he was kind of pacing around and kind of acting a little weird and he uh kind of made up an excuse that he had to go and that he had to leave and so um again after that he left and around midnight is when he showed up at the tavern here and uh that's when he abducted brenda and killed her all right guys so it looks like looks like that tavern again like i said was called fiesta del mar but looks like they changed the name again to al baron rojo but even that i think has finally gone under this place looks like it's been abandoned all right guys i'm at rogers rooming house and this is uh the the house where ted bundy lived from about 1968 to 1974. he lived here um for almost six years uh so i'm gonna go show you where he lived at the time that tabani was living here at rogers rooming house he was engaged to elizabeth kopfer and he dated elizabeth up until he was arrested and his incarceration in florida so while he was living here he was um engaged to elizabeth copper and it gets even deeper than that but i'm going to give you guys more details once we get closer to the house it's about a block away all right so next to me is roger's rooming house or what used to be known as rogers rooming house and again this is where ty bundy lived almost six years another one of ted bunny's victims was 18 year old george ann hawkins now georgian was going to the uw campus and she was trying to become a tv news anchor or broadcast journalist george ann lived at the kappa alpha theta sorority house which is right behind us she lived right here in sorority house and her boyfriend lived about four or five houses up and he lived in of course the fraternity house right up the road um so kind of keep in mind guys that she lived only four or five houses down from her boyfriend um that's that'll be pertinent to the case uh so kind of keep that in check um but anyway so the evening of june 10th 1974 georgiann hawkins left her sorority house here and headed towards the actual campus uh to go with some of her sorority sisters to go for some drinks she ended up hanging out down at the campus up until about 11 30 pm close to midnight she came back and told her sorority sisters that went with her and she told them that she was gonna head up to her boyfriend's uh fraternity house and hang out with him for a few hours and then head back to her sorority house so as soon as as soon as george anne left the fraternity house of her boyfriend she walked down the alleyway behind the houses and that is when ted bundy intercepted her and basically just abducted her right behind in the alleyway witnesses say they heard the door closed so they heard her leave her boyfriend's house and they heard the door closed [Music] all right guys so we're standing in the alleyway where georgian was abducted from so she basically was walking towards us when ted bundy was hanging out walking around back here and of course just bumped into her and he abducted her right here oh it's just mind-boggling um and again you know picture it being you know basically around midnight you know really dark out um and again put yourself in george anne's shoes four houses down is her boyfriend's house she she had you know less than two minute walk to get back to her sorority house she had no no clue that anything bad would happen to her and it's just unfortunate ted bunny just happened to be hanging around this area and of course this being a big sorority fraternity um you know house area there's tons of young people tons of young girls and so i'm guessing ted bunny must have just been walking around here just looking for his next victim and unfortunately george ann just happened to be coming down right right in front of him uh so george anne hawkins her boyfriend marvin gillatly lived here at the beta theta pi fraternity house right behind us and so georgian hawkins her sorority house was only a couple doors down which we'll go show you but uh yeah so they they live right next to each other pretty much [Music] uh so one of one of the last murders that ted bunny committed here in washington state was here at lake sammamish park and at this park here where we're at right now ted bunny actually committed two murders both on the same day which is pretty remarkable um he abducted one girl killed her and then he came back on the same day and did the same thing however today we don't really want to hang out and sit on a blanket on the beach because first of all it's january and it's freezing freezing cold however on that day was july 14th 1974 so it was a very very beautiful warm sunny day so of course tons of people were out and the rainier beer company they actually were sponsoring an event on july 14th 1974. so tons of people were here because the company had some sort of event going on and so type bunny of course took advantage of that situation and right on the beach over here 23 year old janice ott was hanging out sitting on a blanket just hanging out and tabani came went up to her started talking to her and convinced her that he needed help moving a sailboat and so me and joel's kind of theory is that there's got to be some sort of maybe marina or a little dock area where you could tie a sailboat up to kind of around the bend and so ted bundy convinced janice ought to kind of go over there and help him move a sailboat of course he didn't actually have a sailboat that was all ruse uh he ended up abducting her and killing her about a mile away in issaquah which is where we're gonna go to next she had a husband named james who was attending medical school actually in california at the time of her abduction and murder so he wasn't even up here in washington state at the time he was down in california on the day of the abduction and murder though she put a note on the door for her roommate that she was living with at the time and she put that she was going to go sunbathing so she got on her bike and rode her bike to the lake here four hours later denise marie nasland who was 18 she was with her boyfriend and another couple at the lake um she ended up going missing after she went to the restroom and uh she kind of got split up from the group and he ended up talking to denise and kind of pulled the same ruse and said hey you know i need help moving my sailboat uh you know again around the corner and so he got her to follow him over there and she unfortunately met the same demise and uh he ended up taking her to the same location where he don't janus his body as well about a mile or so away so pretty interesting pretty sad but uh yeah 40 some odd years ago that took place here on this beach and me and joel were talking about it like not many people probably know that that happened right here pretty crazy so right in front of me is of course the beach and on this beach like i said 23 year old janice ott was sitting and she was just hanging out like i said by herself on the beach hanging out on a blanket and of course fell into ted bunnies kind of ruse um but what what also kind of helped sell that ruse was the fact that um he also had his arm and his sling and that kind of was one of his main ways or main ruses he would do was he would put his arm in a sling or maybe his foot in a cast and to kind of you know draw some sympathy from you know whoever he was trying to abduct and so that 23 year old janissa was sitting basically right around here on the beach on a blanket and imagine this was 40 some odd years ago bright sunny warm day she had no clue that that would be the last day she would be alive all right so we're we're of course walking back to the parking lot where we parked and uh i wanted to show you something pretty interesting so on the day july 14th 1974 where ted bunny committed the two abductions and of course murders someone photographed ted bundy and his vw beetle in the parking lot on the day that the abductions and murders took place which is amazing like what are the chances that that took place um we me and joe were looking it up and we don't know exactly why someone decided to take a picture of him and his vehicle registered so many of you probably have questions regarding how did no one see the two abductions happening and how no one heard any screaming or anything like that and the reason why no one really heard anything is because when ted bunny went and talked to janice and to denise again he rules them into helping him kind of move his sailboat and his sailboat would have been parked you know way around the corner so they would have gotten into his vehicle which would have been parked right there near the front they would have gotten in the vehicle without you know without any problem and of course it would have ended from there i think we should go over here and then walk back towards the camera right now we're standing on kind of the service road uh where ted bunny dumped janice ott and denise nasland and uh two months later after he abducted and killed them their skeletal remains were found here uh somewhere on this kind of service road they also found one more victim george ann hawkins she was one of the ones that was abducted from the university of washington campus they found her remains right here next to the other two women's skeletal remains as well so he obviously favored this area as kind of one of his main dumping sites there's like a little creek down there so again our best interpretation of everything we read is that this service road is is where the the bodies were found on august 31st 1961 anne marie burr was eight years old and she was abducted and killed and people think that ted bundy was the one who committed the abduction and her murder um there is some speculation that he didn't do it walking to where little eight-year-old ann used to live and her house is located at 3009 14th street here in tacoma and again anne's house is only a couple blocks away from the university puget sound where ted bunny used to attend and again it's only about six or seven blocks away from ted bundy's second home where he lived up until he graduated high school so very very close proximity to everything at the time of ann burr's abduction ted bundy was only 14 years old at the time so if ted bunny did commit the murder then this of course would have been his first murder and he was 14 years old [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Infamous Crime Locations
Views: 95,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infamous crime locations, infamous crimes in the U.S., visiting crime scenes, infamous crimes that shocked the world, infamous crimes, infamous couple bonnie and clyde, ted bundy, ted bundy washington, ted bundy wa state, ted bundy murders in seattle, ted bundy murders chi omega details, ted bundy murders sorority, ted bundy murders in colorado, ted bundy murders tallahassee, ted bundy murders in florida, ted bundy murders in utah, ted bundy wa state murders
Id: HrhNDwhLvmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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