Ted Bundy Crime Scene Locations

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some viewers may find the following video disturbing viewer discretion is advised January 24th 1989 notorious serial killer Ted Bundy died down this road inside Florida State Prison he was sentenced to death and his execution was carried out and then on the electric chair known as old Sparky let's go take a look at the prison basically we're out here in the middle of nowhere up in northern Florida it's kind of quiet with the occasional drive-by a lot of birds so here's the deal we cannot stop here on the property it is state property we stopped and we asked and they said no you can't do it so we're gonna do a drive-by rather slow but we're gonna get up to the point where if you were to we're gonna show a news clip of back then 1989 whenever Ted Bundy was executed outside this prison and we're gonna try to stop really close to where the news cameras were [Music] the prisons up here on the left-hand side the officers kindly said that we cannot stop on the property in film but they can't stop us from filming here on 16 state route 16 all right we zoom in a little bit so there's the prison [Music] so what you're seeing there is the living quarters and you can see those pretty prominent bully in the news piece that we're gonna show here and basically right here on the street is where you know onlookers were standing with picket signs saying burn in hell and die monster die with that in the background you'll be able to see that formation as well I'm gonna get up a little bit further to the right there's a little watchtower watchtower and they live in quarters to the left that make the landmark it's the distance between the two of those there was what seemed like another watchtower possibly what they see the one in the background oh my gosh that smaller building we've got have been there at the time yeah it looks like a building has moved but Ted Bundy was spending his last days over there in those living quarters and I have no clue let's see there's a big building right over there in the center of the screen I'm guessing that might be where old Sparky is and we can talk about the fact that this whole community wanted to see this man killed Ted Bundy's death sentences indeed had been finally carried out the 42 year old serial killer died strapped to the florida electric chair the horse carrying Ted Bundy's remains pulled out of the Florida State Prison less than half an hour after he was executed this morning and crowds of protesters let out a big cheer Theatre Bundy was executed at 7:16 this morning in the electric chair at Florida State Prison he was executed for the murder of 12 year old Kimberly leach of Lake City Florida and as you know he was also under sentence of death for the murder of two young women in Tallahassee daddy abandoned all involving away I bet these power lines through these trees I write so right now we are in search of the prison cemetery it is unmarked there's a couple well-known notorious graves that we're looking for and by all purposes the prison is over there by the water tower but according to GPS the prison Cemetery for Raiford Florida State Prison is down this road so right now we're just kind of driving around trying to find where this is hoping fingers and bones crossed yeah so we're at the back of the prison prisons right back there find a grave and stuff it just doesn't give a location and we're gonna be on it for a while as way down here all right so we're gonna way back or just people to work I don't know I've got some sort of training thing over here all right is that it that's a right there that's the prison cemetery it is 2019 which marks the 30th year the 30 year anniversary of the execution of Ted Bundy January 24th 1989 and we are driving through Florida the northern part of Florida pretty much from Jacksonville through Tallahassee following the exact footsteps that Ted Bundy did when he was here leading up to his execution now Ted Bundy when he was executed in the electric chair he was not buried here in the prison cemetery which is what we're standing in right now he was actually cremated and his ashes were scattered but we came to the prison cemetery for two reasons yes we are doing a video on Ted Bundy but there are two other serial killers buried here the prison is right there and just behind it is the prison cemetery and at first I was a little scared thinking that this cemetery safari was going to be a little hard tracking down these guys because every single one of them looks alike but they are in chronological order of the time that they died which means we already found this before I turned on the camera Otis toll does that name ring a bell his name might actually sound somewhat familiar because he was actually best friends an American drifter with other serial killer Henry Lee Lucas who's buried in Texas an interesting piece of thing about him mr. Tull here is over time he was actually charged with the murder of TV personality John Walsh his son Adam Adam Walsh he died in Hollywood Florida we a long long time ago in it is actually Adam Walsh's murder that prompted his father to create the TV show America's Most Wanted the other infamous serial killer that is buried here is a guy by the name of Danny rolling and you might not know that name but you definitely know the movie that his killings inspired huh I'm getting ready to watch a video just some scary movie like scary serial killer Danny rolling was known as the Gainesville Ripper and his murders were pretty spot-on to how they happened in the movie scream he is buried right here his name plate has been removed for whatever reason but chronological order this stone slab and right there is the final resting place of Ghostface himself well Ghostface is the Hollywood spin on it but the guy who inspired the movie scream that's it right there Florida State Prison Gainesville Ripper Danny rolling I recently learned that there is actually a name for people like Jessica and I on what we do it is called a grief tourist I kind of like that now I do want to point out and I'll always point this out every time we make a video that in no way are we trying to be disrespectful instead we mean of course this is damaging times in people's life and sad times and we visit these locations as a way of creating awareness but it is very interesting I mean the darker side of humanity and the things that human beings are capable of it's like driving past a car accident you stop you have to look you just have to it is part of life it is history no matter how sad or brutal or maddening it may be but it's life it's grim life February 9 1978 Ted Bundy's last victim a twelve-year-old girl by the name of Kimberly leach was at school in junior high Lake County junior I when she's abducted by a serial killer Ted Bundy over the years this building here went from being a junior high school when Kimberly leach was here to a high school to now an office building for the school system but at the time so the crime scene it's a standing at the back of the skull looking over at this building here that looks to be like it would be an auditorium according to documents Kimberly Leach and her classmates were inside that building during a function when she forgot her purse and she got permission to go back into the homeroom which is that building right there and it is at some point during that time walking between these two buildings that Ted Bundy abducted her according to an eyewitness who was an EMT he'd been at the school earlier that morning once she was declared missing he realized that he had seen her getting into a white van with a man who later fit Ted Bundy's description and at the time he just assumed it was a father picking up his daughter because she had been visibly upset and didn't think about it until when she was declared missing later on our Ted Bundy Trek here in northern Florida pretty much follows one road from Jacksonville to Tallahassee and right in about the center you'll find swanee River State Park and that is where we are here in the middle of nowhere the entrance to the State Park is over there but literally aside from a few cars here and there there's nothing this location was really really hard to find basically Jessica and I had to scour court documents we found a police sketch from the crime scene this is where the body of Kimberly leach 12 year old Kimberly leach was found Ted Bundy's last known victim we had no address to go on and thank goodness we found the police sketch but it is on this property I'm not sure if the house was there at the time but her body was found on this property underneath an abandoned collapsed hog shed it's really sad in the crime-scene photograph when Kimberly leach was found it was very overgrown the hog shed so who knows maybe that structure or what remains of it is still back there but we're not gonna trespass on these folks property so who knows but this is a part a puzzle piece of the puzzle and the Ted Bundy's story I'd rather not go into the the it's very graphic this one I mean we know what he did if you're familiar with his name but this one was very graphic and it was and you know with a child essentially yeah and good riddance so we checked out the entire cemetery and as it turns out Kimberly leach is actually buried right up here in the front Nereus that's a nice little tombstone she was very pretty Kimberly Diane leach October 28 1965 to February 9 1978 there she is right there said I'm actually quite surprised of how heavily populated this area's the elementary school the junior high school at the time where she was abducted this area I don't know what it was like back in 1978 but today there's cars it's on a main road find out a little almost ballsy or very brazen of Ted Bundy panicked yeah they were saying like because this was his last known victim he already killed the the sorority girls the China Omega sorority girls in Tallahassee he was kind of off his rocker he Kimberly leach was the only girl that he killed that didn't fit the serial killer profile so he just was off the rails at this point so it kind of makes sense you know it's just like imagine walking into school a school at 10:00 a.m. schools in full swing and kidnapping a girl it's insane believe it or not the History Center here in downtown Orlando has something on the inside about Ted Bundy and the Kimberly leach trial so let's go check it out this museum here is actually quaint amazing but what we have come here for is on the third floor in the courtroom Ted Bundy was put on trial three times here in Atlanta for murder one of those times was for the death of Kimberly leach now this courtroom isn't the courtroom that it happened in in fact it's not even a replica but there is something here that is rather unique to the Ted Bundy trials set up like an actual courtroom over here at the defendant table where Ted Bundy would have been sitting under a plexiglass is a signature a carved signature it says Ted Bundy so the real question is this is this carving this signature real did Ted Bundy actually sit at this table and do this it's kind of crazy right I mean it has to be real it has to be legit after all it is inside a museum but here's the thing there's no documentation no pictures nothing proving that it is real but just in case the museum put a piece of Plexiglas over it to protect it I do want to point out that as the police were investigating the crime scenes they did find a few times Ted Bundy's name carved into trees so is this the same thing is this the work of a serial killer or of a copycat what do you think Jessica do you think the carving is real do you think that's really Ted Bundy's name what's his signature I mean it looks close to the photographs I've seen of his name carved in the trees near his previous victims the rumor is that it occurred during the Kimberly leach trial and I believe in that trial he was representing himself so he wouldn't had been watched as closely maybe with his activities at the table so that's that's greatly possible I would imagine that if you're there with attorney you know where I think previously he would have been shackled as well it would have been a lot harder to do and they may have said hey knock that off or yeah I don't know you know 50-50 chance you're right a lot has changed here in Tallahassee since 1978 we found where Ted Bundy lived in the boarding house it was called the Oaks that is no longer here it is burned down and guess what it really is not that far from where he committed the murders the boarding house called the Oaks is named after this giant oak tree and where that parking lot is right behind it that's where the Oaks boarding house stood and Ted Bundy actually stayed in apartment number 12 or room number 12 I think it is quite honestly I'm not surprised that this is not here anymore and a lot of times a lot of cases whenever there's something to do with something so tragic horror horrendous similar with John Wayne Gacy Pogo the clown the community chooses to that's happy to see it go either they demolish it or once it's gone they're like let's not bring it back let's just sweep it under the rug so to speak and way to forget and then we come along and make a silly little documentary about it but it's history it's whether it's good or bad its history Ted Bundy had lived here at the Oaks rooming house just shortly after he came to Tallahassee apparently the first week in January he used the name Chris Hagen and said he was a graduate student from Ann Arbor Michigan when Bundy left here last week he was six weeks behind in his rent he'd left the day after a Tallahassee paper published a psychological profile of the Chi Omega killer a profile that matches Bundy in some ways the car he was driving was stolen from a block near the rooming house frightened coeds at Florida State University in Tallahassee walked a class in groups today while detectives tried to track a man who slipped into a sorority house early yesterday and murdered two women david dick reports the killer struck first at the Chi Omega sorority house police say he simply walked in through an unlocked door they say he was armed with a heavy oak log he clubbed and then signing to death 20 year-old Lisa levy and 21 year-old Margaret Bowman at least one of them was raped then he brutally beat three more sleeping coeds Karen Chandler and Kathy kleiner the campus here is absolutely beautiful and I find myself keep saying that a lot and I think it's mainly because I'm in awe or kind of not really sure what it is that something like this can happen it's such a beautiful place yeah disturbed right so we're walking up to the chayo mega house where Ted Bundy's last not last victim at all but his the craziest story as some would say in the Ted Bundy story so to speak it's because of what happened inside this sorority the China mega house here at the Tallahassee Florida when it was all said and done how many people were attacked three five five people two people lost the life inside this building at the hand of Ted Bundy he was later caught because he was driving a stolen vehicle and he was traced to the murders of Margaret Bowman and Lisa Levy who died in this house because of his dental imprint on their flesh crazy right and there it is the China mega house six six one West Jefferson are you tell me that does not look kind of picturesque it's a beautiful place the beautiful neighborhood beautiful setting it's right across the street from the main college campus 360 degree right there but there's the main doors now when Ted Bundy was here he snuck it in the back and we're not gonna go back there snooping around or anything like that but he snuck in the back and got into the building through a faulty alarm system an attacked Margaret Bowman Lisa levy while they're sleeping the three women that survived that night shattered jaws because he is using [Applause] them all while they're sleeping by bludging them in the face their teeth were gone jaws shattered lives ruined it's insane and then a year later one of the girls that had been sleeping across the hall from Margaret committed suicide because she couldn't deal with the fact that she hadn't heard of disturbance and felt that she could have helped or been a victim herself the front of the chayo mega house is over there and the only one that appears to be the only access to the back is right down that alleyway and like I said we're not gonna go back there but makes you wonder I was just thinking I was a little apprehensive about filming there and it's a college campus there are women who are actually living in that sorority still so I didn't really know what to expect I thought for sure somebody's gonna say something but I did find myself thinking about this while we were filming one of the women who are staying there came out and was leaving to go about her day can you imagine going to college here and staying in a room where that actually happened maybe but not knowing about it I mean it was 40 years ago these girls aren't even 40 years old right they come and they go it's just something that really I don't know like do they have to tell the students about this like when you buy a house yeah I do they have to tell the students about this I'm not entirely sure crossing the road right now I feel like they should tell them so what do you think of this place it's a very beautiful little town so interesting I would I'm wondering what it was like back then if you had still the close-knit amount of people and all that because I have a halfway house right there it wants all these students across from a university poor planning maybe location I mean I know that there's what not even 10 blocks Ted Bundy was pretty much staying ten blocks from where this happened that the main campus he was staying on campus I know he was a law student at one point not sure if he was studying law here but he was a very smart man very smart man Oh a band at all he's dissolving away
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 412,876
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Keywords: The Grimm Life Collective, Grimmlifecollective, Ted Bundy, Ted Bundy Interview, Ted Bundy Movie Trailer, Ted Bundy Execution, Ted Bundy Trailer, Ted Bundy Zac Efron Trailer, Ted Bundy Daughter, Ted Bundy Last Interview, Ted Bundy Confession, Ted Bundy Exectution Footage, The Grimm Life Collective Ted Bundy, Grimmlifecollective Ted Bundy, Ted Bundy Netflix, Ted Bundy Tapes, Coversations With A Killer The Ted Bundy Tapes, Netflix, Zac Efron Ted Bundy, Zac Efron Ted Bundy Netflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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