Technique Spotlight: Myofascial Release Massage

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in a few moments I will demonstrate this on a skeleton and then if a person with the bathing suit be willing to come up I'll demonstrate it quickly on them again remembering up here I'm not treating I'm basically teaching techniques so we will go faster always faster than actual treatment so step number one is the lumbosacral decompression step number two the sacral float step number three the pelvic / sacral release now take a little curve line between step two and step three we tend to combine them together for effectiveness yesterday we been talking about this dysfunctional situation that most of us have gotten into and what happens to the vast majority of people over 90 percent unfortunately is their pelvis our foundation is pulled forward in space usually with a twist in the system this creates a situation where the anterior myofascial structures of your body are doing their job by tightening down and attempt to stabilize you they're tightening down three dimensionally front and back side to side and over time your neck and head gets pulled forward now we have all these pushed shear strain patterns the tightness now is pointing the joint surfaces together twisting them jamming facet joints bulging discs putting pressure on the nerves etc etc and we end up having symptoms throughout this area and traditional therapy treated the symptoms as if that was a real problem and it's only the tip of the iceberg so our goal with everybody is wherever their symptoms may lie is bring their pelvis back under them open up the area three-dimensionally bring the head and neck over its support system creating a mobile spacious and fluid environment now you're going to have the person lying on their back you'll explain thoroughly what you're doing you will then ask them to lift their pelvis you then come between the legs so you the therapist can get a straight line pull of the sacrum so your hand will be on the sacrum I'll just turn the person so you can see where I am you're going to mechanically pull the sacrum toward the feet without sliding on the surface we're going to use the same principles as we did yesterday on the cross and release but because of the body weight we're not going to cross our hands that will be our counterweight the other hand will be just at the lumbar area as a flat hand or a fist it doesn't matter which way it's whatever way gives you a better grip that day on that person and what we'll doing without sliding is open opposite directions I'm going to get into a low lunge position as the therapists flex one knee but the other leg behind you I'm going to rest on my elbows I'm going to make sure my back is straight and again into a relatively comfortable position the other hand will be here now what we'll be doing is having the patient squeeze their Ilia together like an accordion and as we do that we're opening up the sacral iax pushed early so we're getting a lot done a short period of time the hard thing is holding your patient like this just kidding so we're like this we wait for a while now my hand the thing you will tend to do is narrow your hand and grip the sacrum that will make you truly miserable relax let your hand be very soft that will give you a good enough grip and now I'm not going to use brute force to pull I just lean back with my bodyweight the other hand pushes up as more counter pressure so the lumbar hand pushes up toward the thorax without sliding this hand with body weight pulls till I come to a stop do you remember yesterday without sliding the first give you feels the elastic and muscular component you then come to a dead halt that will be the collide spurrier we wait there give it time and eventually somewhere around nine hundred twenty seconds or longer as the release occurs it kind of feels like butter melting and the sacrum kind of app starts to open like a ratchet you just follow it as you continue with your body weight to pull toward their feet then we'll have the patient ease the pressure on their ilya now if the patient is too weak their neck may hurt weeks arms may be weak then you don't have to do the squeeze it just works better that way if they can and most people can we can have an assistant to it then I'm going to slide the lumbar hand out that initiates step to the sacral float the bodyweight gravity the breathing mechanism and ultimately our hands what's happening now with the sacral float is the Ilia are beginning to drift toward the table to maximize that effect the hand was on the lumbar now I place on the lower pelvic area just above the pubic bone on the soft tissue soft hands the hand on the belly now very slowly drops toward the depth barrier toward the table as they feel resistance I just nudge into gentle pressure like I'm making handprints and soft clay and then without sliding I will push up toward the ribcage stretching out the elastic muscular component so I come to that dead hole and that's right wait if you just imagine between my hands it's a cross hand release and we're opening up everything in the pelvic Bowl lumbosacral area and let the patient know if they need work in this area when they have restrictions if you have that Indian burn effect let them know ahead of time so they don't get scared because it can get intense make sure you've explained to them the difference between therapeutic pain and giorious pain they have total control I always have a control word between the two of you for the seminars is you know we're using halt so as I'm pulling my hand has dropped and then I push and I wait and eventually as a release occurs feels like butter melting open up a little more and maybe again so this is a wonderful sequence that the vast majority people need you'll use most of the day it'll never injure anybody you just do not do step three pushing on the belly with the pregnant lady the rest of it is important for anybody that's pregnant somebody could come up with a bathing suit on now let's go through that that's okay let's just lay down sir your hits nothing hole there that way but it's good that way that's good okay bend your legs please you explain what you're doing need to come between the lakes you have a straight line pull of the sacrum if you could lift up slide up under the sacrum come down very slowly I've had a number of people whip down on my hand really fast mobilize them beautifully so slow put your legs down I drop to my form flex one leg but the other leg behind me this hand now goes under the lumbar area just arch up for a second okay and relax okay now the hand under the lumbar area is pushing up toward her thorax the sacral hand now I'm going to use my body weight just to tug toward her feet a bit take the slack out of the system so it's like a cross hand release without crossing your hands so I've stretched out the elastic and muscular component and I wait get in the habit starting today to start to feel between your hands your bopi except the sensors are capable of doing that you will learn over time to use the facial system as your inten a enabling you to reach deeply in their body with incredible accuracy so again I'm going to go through this fairly fast more for demonstration purposes but when I do get a release I keep pulling the sacrum toward the feet without sliding on the surface small motions but very important motions somebody once was trying to annoy me more than once but and basically said well these motions are so small you know how they're gonna be possibly important I said well how BIG's a nerve 2,000 pounds per square inch that's two full-grown horses staying on nerve I'd say that's pretty important you squeeze your Illya together now good and you'll feel the sake relax gap open I always explain to your patient what the Ilia is otherwise they tend to squeeze their buns together and that doesn't do a lot of good and also make sure your hand is on the Bears sacrum let's say now I've been here for at least a couple more minutes can I can ease the pressure on your ilium my hand throughout with my bodyweight continues to pull her sacrum toward the feet you can release your hands now good the lumbar hand slides out the pubic synthesis is right about there you must be on the skin but this is where approximately I will be just above the pubic synthesis and my hand is soft contouring to her shape I will drop into the depth barrier - I feel resistance take your time there's no hurry the patient feels the rush in your body it shuts them down still dropping toward the table and say feel resistance I just kind of nudge into it gently kind of like I'm making handprints and soft clay sacrum just released again I'll take the slack out a little more now without sliding the handle in her belly will push toward her thorax the first give will be the elastic and muscular component releasing to come to a dead halt that'll be the collagenous barrier sometime today if you can or tomorrow remind me to talk to you about the amber story it has a lot to do with the collagenous barrier and helps to better understand tissue memory and how it may be locked into the system every time a release occurs it's going to feel like butter melting or taffy stretching there is an art to this don't worry about it you will get the feel but take all pressure off yourself today to have to get the feel just allow yourself to be quiet as I said yesterday this is a physical learning we're doing it goes beyond intellectual learning just allow yourself to get it without worrying about it and it'll come to you in its own way at your own pace even doing this mechanically you're going to have superb results but as you learn to tune into the field you become a true therapeutic artist it's hurting you if the camera is picking it up but under her chin hyoid region cheeks are getting very red there's a motor response always look for the vasomotor response it's totally unpredictable it's different with everybody everyday body's lighting up like a Christmas tree it's trying to get your attention say treat me here and wherever they had a sensation as illogical as it may seem treat those areas your left brain will say what the hell's that have to do with the symptoms it's in their body it has everything to do with it we have to stop being linear we've deprived ourself of the wisdom of our body by trying to apply linear principles to a non-linear system she's releasing in my hand is being pulled to her left and I can feel a drag on her anterior sacral area now my hands being pulled a little bit toward midline so I'm still engaging the barrier but I'm allowing the tissue to unravel unwind remember it's like a rope the fascial system doesn't let go at once it's like a few strands at a time you feel that as the therapist as a changing tension or motion you engage the barrier but you allow the body to spontaneously move and that just magnifies the result and again I'm going faster I'm gonna use my pressure slowly always slowly she has my fingerprints here she's boiling here bright red here and if you just roll your belly toward them and then if you look at the right side of her belly do you see the phase and mode response on the right there and the body's just told us next step again it's very direct it's right in front of us can you let them know what that felt like it felt very soft at first I was surprised and then by the end pretty intense up under my diaphragm yeah so what did we see red here red here red here and intense under her diaphragm so that she would be good candidate for the next technique the respiratory diaphragm remembered so simply left brain will reject it so just bypass the left brain thank you very much [Music]
Channel: MASSAGE Magazine
Views: 53,665
Rating: 4.8723874 out of 5
Keywords: john barnes, massage, myofascial technique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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