Fascia Release for your Lower Back

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[Music] hi I'm Eric Franklin and these are your lower back muscles and they will be located right here these are mostly two muscles called the multitude I and long-case limits and they're located here in these grooves between the spinous processes and the lateral processes here of the spine this is where they live but they're not here alone they are covered by layers of fashion with which they interact in rather complicated ways but for now we're just interested in having a physical experience of what's going on here so on top of this you have something called the thoracolumbar fascia with a bunch of layers and these two structures the rector spinae and the Pacha support each other in certain position all the pelvis and spine you'll notice that the muscles are working harder you can sense that because they will be bulging up against our fingers which we're going to use the Saints what's going on and all the time you're going to feel more tension in the fashion that's going to see a little more superficial a little broader a little tighter like that so we want to feel a difference between the muscles working and the faster working and in a healthy back both do part of the job you don't want to always be engaging your muscles you don't want to always stress your connective tissue you're faster you want both of these structures to work so let's get an experience to that and while learning about this you're actually going to feel your back starts feeling better so here we go we are not going to use our fingers this is your fingertips to saint's what's going on in the lower back so put your hands on your lower back so that your fingertips can feel those bulges right next to the spinous processes go to your lower back muscles then we need to move our pelvis into a variety of positions because if we don't do that our lower back won't flex and extend so first we're going to end early tilt the pelvis rotate the pelvis which is going to extend our back and allow us to feel the erector spinae muscles they're going to be pretty tight back there now comes the tricky part you've got to move your pelvis slowly into a post your rotation sensing what's going on in your lower back there will be a moment where you can feel a certain amount of relaxation in the lower back muscles especially in the superficial ones then you keep rotating your pelvis backwards and you flex your spine slightly forwards you're going to start changing your lower back getting tighter again that's what it feels like this flat broad tightness at the lower back that is yours Rako lumbar fashion then it's toggle back again there's a kind of a neutral zone where the muscles feel relaxed you don't feel that much tension either in the fashion and then you extend your spine again and I are going to feel the muscles and we're going to rub our fingers on these muscles and then we're going to go forward and I'm going to feel the fashion right there brought more superficial sense of stretch and tightness and then intermediate zone and then you're going to feel the erector spinae let's do it a little faster track Colombo fashio erector spinae thoracolumbar fascia erector spinae then it's also do some lateral flexions and as we do that we're going to slide our fingers up and down along the track of lumber faster and the erector spinae there we go and this finish with just a little bit of rotation of the spine right a little bit like that tap your lower back breathe and they're going to come back up stretch your leg and notice any changes in your lower back and posture most likely you'll feel your lower back has released as you explore these structures your shoulders a little more dropped you feel more length in your spine and even your pelvic posture might have improved so it is worthwhile to discover and work with the relationship between those lower back muscles and the fraca lumber fashion and if you do this exercise and you have a good experience I'd be very interested in hearing from you you can comment below and of course you can always go to my website frankly mr. Kham and sign up for my newsletter because then I can send you more great ideas on how to feel better in your body move better and learn how mind and body interact so have fun and see you soon [Music]
Channel: Franklin Method: Embodiment & Imagery
Views: 239,165
Rating: 4.8808513 out of 5
Keywords: Fascia, Fascia training, lower back, lower back pain, Healing lower back, Fascia Release, Resistance Bands, Stretching, Dynamic Stretches, Runner workout, Yoga, Pilates, Physical Therapy, Online Course, Eric Franklin
Id: 1oh5dK4-TTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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