Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain | Dana Sterling | LIFE TALK

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hi everybody thank you so much for joining us today at sterling structural therapy we use a an innovative completely non-invasive approach to the treatment of orthopedic and chronic pain conditions and one of the things that makes this method unique one of the factors is that it is a fashio based approach another word for fashio is another term for it is connective tissue today I'm going to tell you give you a brief synopsis of what is this fashion thing that you might have already been hearing about a little bit in the media I'm also going to give you a very clear concrete visual demonstration of how fashio is affecting every single one of you right now just sitting here and also when you're on the golf course at the gym or even if you're just trying to put your bag in the overhead bin on the airplane so whenever we introduce a new concept and fashio is a brand new concept in medicine and rehabilitation it's only about seven to ten years old the research on this it's really important that we actually connect it to what we already know to get a better understanding so let's start with two anatomical systems were all really really familiar with so the first system we all have seen this at one point or another the skeletal system and if you need to tune up to your skeletal system you booked an appointment with dr. Rob and then the next anatomical system again I doubt there's anyone in the room that doesn't know it or won't recognize it the muscular system and for tune ups on this system you go see our friends at the exercise coach and go get some testing done in cerulean to figure out what exactly to do with this now this is sometimes those two systems will sometimes be called the musculoskeletal system I'm about to tell you about a third system a massive one that actually connects those two to each other and this system has been summarily ignored in rehabilitation medicine actually for Han of years so how it's been ignored is that the way we study anatomy to understand how to better help people recover is through cadaver dissection and for hundreds of years when we are doing cadaver dissection we have simply been cutting away this fashio connective tissue and literally throwing it in the garbage bin so when I went to college which was not hundreds of years ago but a little while ago same thing we were just taught to cut it away so you can look and study the muscle and look and study the bone look at the attachment in origin we were actually taught that fascia is simply packing material and we're not an Amazon packet okay we are brilliantly designed everything in there is for a reason what we're finding out like those two blue diagrams that you see behind me not only does fashion matter but it has very specific lines of Paul and if you could look at these two diagrams can you imagine if someone has a fashion restriction through this that will alter their muscles and their bone positions that they their posture might change and then the range of motion and maybe they'll develop some issues based on this now the image in the center is very useful because I want you to think as your fascia as your birthday suit it's the organ of form and those two images on the side is actually fascia when magnified times 25 it looks like cobwebs so it's literally the cobwebs that make you who you are now Basia is an interesting thing another reason that it's been summarily ignored even in modern day medicine is guess what fashio does not show up in MRIs x-rays or CT scans so imagine someone's having an issue and they're getting some imaging done and I'm not going to argue that their images are showing possible stenosis bone-on-bone etc that is true but there's another big piece of the puzzle that's simply being ignored can you imagine getting a diagnosis and treatment based on seriously incomplete data that it does not sound like a good equation does it now some other fun fashion facts fashio has six to ten times more sensory nerves than a muscle if you've ever had really really bad muscle soreness after a serious workout I mean the next two days you kind of walk and funny this is some pretty high level pain right but the good news is a that's actually healthy its adaptation and it goes away can you imagine that pain magnified ten six or ten times and how about it doesn't go away hence chronic if anyone in this room has ever had their back go out on them their knee buckle their neck go out on them you know exactly what kind of pain I'm talking about and some people that we work with they're walking in how long has it been going on three months six months a year three years and very often in sadly so two decades three decades oh let me think about it so the good news is that fashion can give people like that a way out and right now I'm going to give you that visual demonstration that I promised in order to make sense of all of this so you can understand how it's affecting you right now so allow me to introduce my colleague Cody Williams who is a structural therapist at sterling structural therapy but today good please gaggle of myself the love of death yeah today Cody is Monsieur Sasha okay and I'm going to torture him and give him all sorts of facial restrictions now before I do Cody's fashion suit is healthy and notice the cobwebs right there doing well right so he can lift his arms thinking movie can go hike he can go play tennis he can do it he can tie his shoes no pain okay no problem I'm about to change that so I'm gonna give Cody a myofascial restriction at his right rib cage and armpit if you could already see he's already having to adopt a little bit against this good so now Cody go ahead and try to lift both arms up for me and we're gonna just oh good okay so can you see that his range of motion is restriction restricted right now really try to lift them up higher Cody okay now drop them back down because owl it's not fun now this makes sense right you can imagine how this is going to create this restriction did you notice what happened at his left shoulder over here uh-huh yeah so go ahead lift both of them again a fashion of restriction here is causing some serious range of motion issues over here now let's drop that down and I'm gonna give him a facial release and fix him up and now whoo-hoo yeah did you notice him kind of move his neck that Kent is not comfortable in the neck either she's gonna give you a brief example a client that came to see us fully torn rotator cuff the surgeon said sorry can't repair it fully torn she now has that full range of motion and no more pain because we actually helped her modify her facial restrictions and she changed certain habits to not recreate it so it's actually incredibly adaptive okay your body is incredibly adaptive it does not rely on just one small little muscle in there or even for little rotator cuff muscles if you create balance elsewhere I'm gonna give another example torture Cody some more and this is a bit of more of a complex example so I'm gonna give Cody a pretty severe myofascial restriction at his right hip huh good now first of all can you see how Cody has started to kind of develop some interesting posture get Cody try to lift your arms for me please see what the restriction is it's even worse than before by the way did you notice that and then drop the arms back down now Cody's gonna attempt to walk with this myofascial restriction so we're gonna go for a little walk and he's gonna walk a little bit interestingly right okay and we're gonna back it up so we don't fall in dr. Ramel good okay so what I want you to see is that first of all you already saw how this affects his shoulders think about his neck can you imagine what might be happening at this hip over here how that might be compensating and actually wearing on things maybe even wearing cartilage from the position of course this hip is probably not very happy and this knee could have serious problems with this pattern Cody can have plantar fasciitis on his left foot because it has to deal with severe loads and modified impact with every step to try to stabilize him this is the interesting myth fashio what you think it is it ain't okay and the other point is can you imagine his lumbar spine I dare anyone to go for a walk with this half an hour tell me how your back feels okay so I'll set Cody free proverbially and literally Thank You Cody everybody please give him a hand bangs awesome and now I'm gonna give you that real-life example it's actually my privilege to share this story of one of our amazing courageous clients and their journey to recovery Samantha's story by the time Samantha came to see us these are the surgical procedures that she had gone through it started out with double scopes on each knee didn't work they did a release of the ligaments on the outside of her knees couple of years later she ended up with low back pain they did lumbar spine surgery I'd escaped to me a couple years later Samantha end up with severe debilitating neck pain I'm seeing some faces that yeah it's not pretty yeah okay and what they did this time is they put this hardware in her neck okay so they did an as it's just trying to help her yes they did an anterior cervical fusion they fused her neck so by the time she was sitting in front of us she was literally immobile she was pale grey could be very shallow breathing could not do any of the things she loved to do and relied on opiates daily simply to cope and I like this example because if anyone should be like a an end game its Samantha right like this is it like okay let's change the meds maybe find different ways of coping with this well I'm here to tell you that's not what happened that's Samantha today that is a year and eight months after starting treatment through a heck of a lot of diligent work investment in herself time money energy and she still does daily homework exercises absolutely necessary to sustain and actually to increase a trajectory of her mobility yes she's back today to national level competitive horse training the point of my story is if anyone tells you it's too late and you even have the MRIs and x-rays that say so don't believe it okay thank you [Applause]
Channel: Life 360 Summit
Views: 966,609
Rating: 4.8752265 out of 5
Keywords: fascia and chronic pain, myofascia chronic pain, non invasive pain treatment, non paharmaceutical, fascia chronic pain treatment, alternative pain treatment, fascia innovation, fascia anatomy, fascia science, virtual pain relief, virtual pain relief treatment, virtual fascia therapy, Virtual Myofascia therapy
Id: v54l3wDTJHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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