Technical and Operational Definitions || GRADE 10 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 4 MODULE 2

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe [Music] hi there we are now on our second topic for the fourth quarter our target most essential learning competency is give technical and operational definitions [Music] but maybe some of you would ask why is there a need to study the technical and operational definition of words copy paste from google or dictionary well you will need the skills of defining words when you are writing a research paper in fact definition of terms is part of chapter 1 of a research paper [Music] definition of terms is an alphabetical list of important terms acronyms or jargons used in the research study jargons are terminologies only understood by people in a certain group and are difficult for others to understand here are some examples of jargons or special words in a particular field medical jargons idiopathic tachycardia business jargons scalable sweat equity police jargons code 11 wolf pack definition of terms is important because the important terms acronyms and jargons are clarified and clearly defined for the readers of the paper possibly your readers may stop reading your research paper or will get easily confused when they encounter unfamiliar words or unclear ideas to avoid this you need to hone your skills in giving the technical and operational definition in research for example when you use the word structure in your research it may cause confusion to the readers because this word has several meanings for its dictionary meaning it is a manner by which something is built or organized whereas in the field of engineering structure means configuration of steel beams that serves as foundation to a building while in the field of linguistics structure refers to the arrangement of words because of the confusion that this word may cause mahalakang define term nato is a definition of terms partner research paper mod you will define it as to how it was used in your study [Music] peru before coming proceeds apache defining terms research study mo it is important that you know the two types of definition the technical definition and operational definition technical definition or sometimes called as conceptual or theoretical definition refers to the universal meaning of the term it is the definition that comes from different reference materials such as dictionaries encyclopedias books journals and even websites [Music] on the other hand operational definition is how the term is applied or used in the research refers to a specific definition of a concept in a research study for operational definition it is the researcher who formulates the meaning of the term which is objectively anchored on the technical definition usually the researchers use the phrase as used in the study when introducing an operational definition here are some guidelines in defining terms in a research paper number one only terms words or phrases that have special or unique meanings in the study are defined as mentioned jungman a word slang or terms name special or unique meanings and it includes a definition of terms so there is no need to include words nothing familiar in angle or majority for example there is no need to define the word student because we are already familiar with that term number two what to define [Music] important words in the title such as the variables technical terms used in the research paper words for treatments and measurement such as data analysis terms and others number three define terms technically operationally or both some researchers define words or terms using technical definition others use operational definition only while others use a combination of both number four if the terms are from dictionaries books encyclopedia other publications and even websites or what we call as technical definition you have to acknowledge or properly cite the source number five if there are uncommon acronyms include them spell them out and give the meaning number six definitions should be short clear and unambiguous now let's have some exercises can you identify which among the words listed below should be and should not be included in the definition of terms the words are distance education radio based instruction student instructional school social media let's see so the terms that should be defined are distance education radio based instruction instructional materials and social media while there's no need to define the words student and school because those are just simple terms they are not complicated and most of us already know the meaning of those words [Music] for the next activity i want you to identify the terms that should be defined let's say this is the title of your research study overcoming isolation in distance learning building a learning community through time and space the terms or words that should be part of your definition of terms are the following isolation distance learning learning community time and space bakit kasamayong time and space because these terms are ambiguous there must be a different meaning for these terms which are related to distance education so most probably hindi ito young literally or space as in espacio by defining terminologies mas nagi king madali para readers now i'll show you some samples this is a sample definition of term section from an actual research paper the researcher has an introductory line the following terms are further defined either operationally or conceptually conceptually here means technical definition now the words being defined are comprehension comprehension level and instructional leadership actually there are more terms that follow but these are just some words from the cropped section and don't forget these words should be arranged alphabetically going back to the first terminology comprehension was given a technical definition and the source is cambridge dictionary 2019. just like what i mentioned earlier when using technical definition kailangan i acknowledge or essential source next word comprehension level is defined operationally the definition given was based on how the word was used in the research this definition was from the researcher now for the term instructional leadership it is also a technical definition because the source was mentioned de lima 2008. here is another sample this time this is the introductory line of the researcher for the reader's clear understanding of the present study the following terms were defined operationally so here it is very clear that the researcher used operational definition only to define the terms such as age and civil status [Music] for the last example the introductory line is the key terms in the study are given the following operational definitions the words defined are bir ruling and business [Music] so did you learn something today should i call him a nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed wakka limu tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan see ya
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Id: SJ5kp1ldpcg
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Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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