Expanded Definitions || GRADE 10 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 4 | MODULE 3

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe [Music] hello everyone our target most essential learning competency for this video is give expanded definition of words in the previous lesson you were able to understand the differences between technical and operational definitions this time you will learn how to give expanded definitions using various ways you will be needing this skill as you write your research report or research paper example zapaco compost palagna introduction mode or background of your topics chapter 1 you will need to define important terminologies and here i'm not talking about short and simple dictionary definitions but we are talking about expanded definitions to make ideas and concepts clearer an expanded definition is a one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term some terms may be so important in your report there may be so much confusion about them or they may be so difficult to understand that an expanded discussion is vital for the success of your report an expanded definition starts with a full definition of a term that is one sentence definition and then expands to at least one paragraph long or more here is an example of a full definition italian basic form of defining terms carbohydrates are a food group including sugars starches and cellulose in this particular definition we actually follow a certain pattern that is the term to define the general class to which the term belongs and a distinguishing characteristic which separates the term from the other members of the same class this is pattern one for example when we talk about food groups hindi naman carbohyden food group we also have others such as protein and calcium-rich food groups so mahalaka talagang mag included characteristic non-term diner defined to separate it from its similar class another pattern is this lung a food group including sugars starches and cellulose is carbohydrates this time now class followed by the characteristic then the term here are other examples take note that the word in bold face is the term defined the underline is the class to which the term belongs and the italicized is the distinguishing characteristic number one an algorithm is a finite description of a finite number of steps required to accomplish some well-defined task number two computer memory is one of three basic components of a computer which stores information for future use both the data that will be operated on as well as the programs that direct the operations to be performed number three reservoir rock is a type of rock that has sufficient porosity and permeability to allow gas and oil to accumulate and be produced in commercial quantities number four influenza is an acute highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract which occurs sporadically or in epidemics and it lasts up to months [Music] let's go back to our first example carbohydrates are a food group including sugars starches and cellulose this definition in sentence form can become an expanded definition which is our topic by expanding it into paragraph form let's see how it goes here the first sentence which is carbohydrates are a food group including sugars starches and cellulose is our full definition then the sentences that follow composed the expanded definition let's have some sort of analysis definition carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon hydrogen and oxygen this part is an additional definition the body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose a simple sugar that the body can use to feed its cells this is a process narration dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can lower blood cholesterol when they are substituted for saturated fat this partner man shows effect carbohydrates are classified into mono dye tri poly and heterosaccharides this part contributes to the definition by citing the classifications of the term [Music] the smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such as starch cellulose and glycogen can be large and even indeterminate in length this last sentence also contributes to the definition of the term carbohydrates by providing examples [Music] those are just some of the ways on how to compose the expanded definition of a certain terminology now we will shift on the detailed discussion of the various ways of giving the expanded definition in the following examples that i'll show you the first sentence in blue is the full definition then the sentence in black is the expanded definition of the term number one anyone born between 1981 and 1996 ages 23 to 38 in 2019 is considered a millennial millennials are mostly watching television and exposed in using different social media application based on the given example the first way of composing an expanded definition is through description describe millennials and that is most of them are watching television and are exposed in using different social media application next example generation transition is the process of shifting from one generation to another generation transition takes place after different considerations and factors first after a big movement in society such as technological explosion which paved way for the different generations the expanded definition is a process narration meaning in explained detail generation transition as mentioned generation precision takes place after a big movement in society such as technological explosion [Music] previous example generation transition is also defined as the changes happening in lifestyle and social interaction which leads to significant differences this time the last sentence is an additional definition definition of the term generation precision [Music] another way of giving an expanded definition is by providing historical background generation y is known as the generation which was born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s generation y evolved during 1996 or 1997 which was named as i generation or generation z by different philosophers because of their distinct peculiarity in using social media and technology [Music] number five generation transition is the process of shifting from one generation to another research proved that transition of generations has caused millennials to encounter societal problems which influenced how they raised their children this one is an expanded definition that shows a cause related to the term being defined [Music] number six you may also include the effects related to the term being defined take a look at the additional sentence at the end as a result generation z becomes more sensitive with their savings and future matters [Music] if the term being defined represents a problem or solution you may also use it as an expanded definition generation transition really affects even the environment that some areas are sacrificed for developments this part is the problem however it can be a way to fix the gap by starting a new generation which cares for nature this part is the solution also you may discuss statistics or numerical data related to the term defined such as percentage amounts and others according to the research there are two billions of generation z in the world [Music] if you think that it would also help to discuss the uses and applications related to the term you may do so generation z is also used to determine different significant evolvement of human intelligence and way of interaction [Music] if there are similar or different terminologies or if there's a need for an analogy include them look at this example if millennials are called as generation y i generation is called as generation z but they are both exposed in internet and social media you may also consider the classes types or categories where the term belongs generation transition includes all different generations and some of this are generation x millennials and i generation you can also provide examples that contribute to the definition of term generation z people can be the young tic toc users young vloggers and young social media influencers you can also include etymology or word origins for example the letter i in i generation means individualized because they are independent which they use in different manners if you think that explaining what the term is not or what it does not could help to further clarify the term then do so this is somehow showing how the term differs from others in the same class look at the example the terms generation y and generation z are not really related in their generations because they just follow the name generation x and lastly you can also discuss some advantages and disadvantages that are related to the term generation transition really improves technology which gives ease to people however some values fade out [Music] so did you learn something today sure hindi nosebleed 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Id: x42k2bNSPmg
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Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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