Tech Tools for Interactive Remote Teaching Webinar

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hi everybody my name is sam carey and today i'm going to be presenting about how to use technology tools to make remote teaching more interactive so just a little bit about me to start i'm the founder of the new ed tech classroom which is a youtube channel and a blog about integrating technology and i'm also a classroom teacher i've been teaching for over a decade now and i'm a google for education certified trainer as well as a national geographic educator and i'm just really passionate about helping teachers learn how they can use technology in creative ways and really use it to enhance learning which is obviously really important right now especially with all the uncertainty about whether or not we're going to be teaching remotely or doing some kind of blended learning this fall so our objective today is that we're going to be learning some different tech tools for creating interactive remote lessons and just be clear i actually use all these tools during in-person teaching as well so they're great tools to have for remote teaching but they're also great tools to have for in class teaching as well so i highly recommend that you take these back to your regular classrooms after you learn all these tools so the tools that i'm going to show today can be applied in both synchronous and asynchronous learning situations so if you're on a live video call with your students and you need some tools to get students to engage more the tools that i'm going to show you today can definitely help you do that and similarly if students are doing asynchronous learning and you need them to engage with the content that you are showing them these tools will also work for that as well so the tools that we're going to look at today are really a vital component of remote teaching or blended learning and like i said i also think a really vital component of in class teaching as well because they're all tools that can help our students engage with content more actively they're tools that can also really help us get 100 participation so tools that are far more superior to asking students to engage by doing things like raising their hands for example and really importantly as well with all forms of learning but in particular remote teaching that all these tools can also be used as formative assessment tools for both teachers and students so they'll give teachers information about what students understand about a topic and they'll also give students an understanding of what they understand as well so it's helpful for getting that really useful information about how effective our teaching has been to basically function as a check for understanding and then another piece of remote teaching that is obviously really challenging is just the fact that students are at home not with their classmates so some of these tools allow students to collaborate with each other to communicate with each other to see each other's responses respond to each other in real time things like that so they can also help facilitate that feeling of being in a class community so just some tips about how to use these interactivity tools i would recommend that you use them throughout lessons so it's not just something that you do you know an intro activity or an exit ticket you are kind of weaving these interactivity tools throughout your lesson i also recommend that you use a wide variety of tools and strategies so you don't just want to stick with one and repeat that one over and over as we know students get bored pretty quickly so i'd recommend mixing it up and mixing it up often and then my last recommendation is that you also participate as well so the more you can participate in commenting on students responses or posting responses yourself the more it's going to feel like you're engaged with the class and you're also part of that class community okay so let's dig in and start to look at some of these tools so i've selected tools that i actually use with my students and i've also selected tools here that at least have enough free features that i don't think it's necessary to pay for the premium version and i'm also not really going to be showing in this video how to use these tools so much and the reason why is because i've included tutorials that i have for my youtube channel about how to actually get set up with these tools all the different features of those tools so rather than spend time on that instead i want to show you how these tools could be combined for different activities and what it might actually look like to use them with your students so the first tool that we're going to look at is google jamboard google jamboard is an app version of a physical smart board and the app version is essentially an interactive whiteboard where you could do live teaching and students can also jump on and add to the board and collaborate on the board as well and the next tool is padlet padlet i know it's kind of an old school tech tool it's also consistently been one of my favorite tools it's also an online bulletin board it's quite different from jamboard in that it essentially allows students to post basically any type of media that you could imagine so it's just a great tool for collaborating getting students to communicate with each other and share work that they've created for example and then the next tool that i'm going to show you is pear deck pair deck is a google slides or now available for powerpoint as well add-on that will essentially add different interactivity elements to your presentations so these can be used in asynchronous or synchronous learning and they're just a great way to do these little mini checks for understandings if you present your lessons with google slides or powerpoint and then the next tool is a really powerful tool called nearpod nearpod is a student engagement platform earpod has tons of pre-made lessons on it they're really content rich they have different interactivity tools that are pretty dynamic and they also have loads of integrations with other programs and they have an add-on for google slides just like pear deck that is free and has loads of great interactivity features that you can add to your lessons similar to pear deck the next is a really popular program that i'm sure a lot of people out there have already used called kahoot which essentially gamifies learning it's great for formative assessment so if you're reviewing what students have learned they can either work together or individually to play this quiz game in order to see what they know and kahoot can also be done either synchronously or asynchronously i also want to show flipgrid flipgrid is also a pretty popular tool but it's just i think actually really great for remote teaching in particular it's kind of funny because logistically flipgrid can be a little bit challenging to implement in the classroom because it requires students to all be videotaping themselves through their computer cameras and that's kind of a logistical nightmare but it's really perfect in some ways for remote teaching because they can be in their own room capturing these short video responses to assignments that you post and then they get to respond to each other via video so it's a really cool program for that reason and then i'm also going to show you ed puzzle ed puzzle i'd say probably leans more toward being a tool that's a little actually a little bit more helpful for asynchronous learning and it's not that it couldn't be used for synchronous learning but what edpuzzle does is essentially allow a teacher to upload a video from youtube and add custom questions to that video that students have to answer in order to proceed through the video so it's just it's a way for students to interact with video content and there really aren't a lot of other tools out there like that so i definitely recommend that you make edpuzzle a part of your your tech tools suite for remote teaching all right so let's look at some of these tools in action i'm going to show you um some different ways that you can sequence putting some of these tools together to build toward an objective and also just give you an idea of what some of these programs would actually look like so the first example is going to take a padlet and combine it with edpuzzle and for this lesson i'm having students identify over the course of a week the important achievements in engineering of the ancient romans so what they're going to do to start the week is go to padlet and on padlet they are going to be posting something that they already know about the engineering achievements of rome so here you can see just some examples as though a student had already posted so they can see their peers responses and then when they're ready to post they hit that plus button um they can add a post themselves about what they know and then if they also want to add some media like these other students did then they can add an image from google or from other places as well so for example i might say here that i know that they built roads and then that post will show up students can comment on each other's posts as well so like i mentioned padlet is just really dynamic it's an awesome tool for interactivity it's also quick and easy doesn't take a lot of time to set up and students really like using it okay so after students have gone to padlet i'm going to send them to edpuzzle where they're going to watch an interactive video and they're going to learn a little bit more about the achievements of ancient rome so you'll notice on this video that there's a little carrot underneath and that carrot represents a question that i set up for creating this assignment so when students are watching this video when they arrive at that caret it's going to pop up a question and it will ask them a comprehension question that they have to answer in order to proceed through the video so here you can see the question um is which rom and achievement help bring water to cities so if i click the correct answer aqueducts and submit it it will tell students all right in that moment whether or not they got the answers correct if you set up classes with edpuzzle you can see how all of your students answered all these questions as well so it's a great way for you to get some information about what your students are understanding or not understanding okay so after students have watched that video to learn about the achievements of rome they can go back to the padlet and then there i'm just going to have them record one new thing they learned and they could do that in the comment or they could also just add another post so just coming back around after they've learned something to interact and engage with each other um and have a little online collaborative conversation and this would be a great place to encourage students to comment on each other's posts as well so that they're making sure that they're engaging not just with the material but with each other as well okay so the next example is essentially the next lesson that would happen in sequence with that previous lesson and this is going to show you how you might sequence a tool like jamboard and flipgrid so for this lesson for the next day when i'm having students dig in a little bit more and do some more learning about this topic i could send them to an article where they would read to learn about some of the engineering achievements of the ancient romans and then what students are going to do is open jamboard and when they open jamboard i'm going to have them add their name to a new page and then add an image as well as some text that explains what they learned about one of those achievements um so when they get into the jamboard what they'll see here is either a teacher example or something that another student already did and then they can also go in and review their peers responses and then start to add their own so to add their own response they can add a sticky note with their name if they want at the top and then if they want to or they need to add an image so they're going to go down to image add an image that they're going to find from google so for example here i might say my example of roads again and then these can be dragged around resized things like that kind of however the student wants they can add another sticky note to explain what this is a complex system of roads and then also change the color and drag that around and then you can have them add an explanation about what they learned so you can see that google jamboard is a great tool for having students jump in post responses obviously looks a little bit different has some different functionality from padlet it can be a great teaching tool as well so if this were my teacher slide and i wanted to be pointing things out and teaching things there's this little laser pointer that i can use as well and there's other things that you can do with google jamboard like all the other tools that i'm going to show i have a full tutorial about how to use google jamboard that i definitely recommend you check it out if you feel like you want to use it i will say one big downside of google jamboard is that students can essentially edit over each other's responses if you give them editing access so there's no way to give them like restricted editing access so for example kid could go in i'm and erase somebody else's work so you're either going to have to have a conversation about digital citizenship if you're using google jamboard or make sure they're staying on individual pages or not care that much if they're kind of interacting uh in you know ways like that on each other's boards because it's not you know maybe you're not making it like super high stakes or you could essentially have these jam boards set up um you could actually push them out through google classroom and have them be more like interactive notebooks that you're using just to have communication with your students to give them feedback about work that they're doing for example okay so after they have posted in the jamboard what i'm going to have them do next is review each other's responses so see what their classmates posted to the jamboard to do a little bit of peer-to-peer learning here and then students are going to log into flipgrid and they're going to create a one-minute video explaining what they believe at this point to be the most important achievements so they'll now get into flipgrid and start to record a short response so here students will log in they'll see again the instructions for this assignment they'll see down below any of their peers who have already responded to the question they can click on those videos they can watch them they can also respond to their peers via video so if you click on that it's going to prompt the student to log in and then once they log in they'll be able to record their video and then to actually just record a response to the prompt they just need to go to this green arrow and that will allow them to record their response okay so now that we've looked at some different tools that you might kind of absmash together and put in sequence to build these interactive remote lessons i want to show you a few other tools the first is pear deck and like i explained pear deck basically allows you to add interactivity elements to your google slides so the way that it works you do have to set up an account you can go to get add-ons you'll get a pair deck add-on from the g suite marketplace it's right at the top you'll see it's already installed for me and then all you need to do is select it select open and that's going to pop up a menu bar that's going to give you some different options for the different types of interactivity tools that you can add to your slides so let's say for example here if you look at the second slide that i have a question that i want to ask my class so this is a question that i might want people to respond to in text what i can do here is add a text response and that will add this little interactivity element to the bottom of my slide now you'll see here that it's also going to ask me later when i start the lesson whether or not i want this to be done synchronously or asynchronously so you could have your students answer answer that question live altogether or on their own if they're doing remote learning and they're doing some independent study there are other types of questions that you can add and so this one for example says what percentage of students would you like to be engaged i've already added this number question you can tell that i've added the question because it has that little pair deck bar at the bottom and then um it does other things so for example you can push out automatically websites to students so if you wanted students to say read an article about why engagement is important you could add that website on there so you would just copy and paste the url for the website you see i already put it on there and then that's going to pop up down below okay so let's look at what this actually looks like if i were to run this as a lesson i go up here to start lesson it's going to ask me again whether or not i want this to be student pace or instructor paste then it's going to ask me to sign in this what you're seeing right now is a fully free account okay so now that i have the student screen pulled up on one side and the teacher screen on the other you can see that on the student slide it's asking students to enter a code and once they enter that code it's going to take them into the presentation they just need to sign in they don't need to actually have pair deck accounts they just need to sign in and once they're signed in i will see that i have a student who's connected i can start the class and then the way that i have it right now it's essentially fixed because it's the teacher presenting the lesson live so students can't advance through the slides on their own when they click on them you'll see that's basically stuck i have to advance the slide for them and then when i advance to the slide and it has that interactivity tool you'll see it pops up the question that i wrote on both slides and then the students can click answer question and then here they would type their response and they don't have to hit enter or anything once they type that response you can show their responses there and notice that they come up anonymous so it's not going to put a student name on it unless you ask them to do that you can also do things like lock screen so if you want students to like stop answering the question you can do that so just a great tool here for quick checks for understanding kind of see where students are at i can honestly say that i pretty much always get pretty close to 100 participation when i use paradox so it's a really great program just for like those quick engagement tools especially if you just want to add that engagement or that interactivity element to something that you've already made as opposed to something that's sort of already been created for you although there are some pre-created lessons in pear deck as well okay so that was pear deck now let's take a look at nearpod which is similar in some ways but it has a lot of different functionality as well and i really feel pretty strongly that nearpod is pretty close to a must-have app there are a lot of free features for nearpod that are great they do have a great paid program as well if your school is willing to purchase it so similar to hair deck nearpod has an add-on feature it also has a whole separate website with its own program as well but what i'm going to show you here is the add-on so again you would go down you would open up the add-on and then similar to pear deck it's going to pop up that menu bar on the right hand side and it's first going to prompt you to sign in with an account and actually just like the pear deck account this is a totally free nearpod account that i have here and then you'll see that there are all these different tools that you can add and some are some are actually content tools so you can see for example they have videos you can embed and then others are these other types of interactivity tools so you'll see that there's even an integration with flipgrid here and actually there's all kinds of integrations with other programs on nearpod so can be an option if you kind of want it to be more like a one-shot stop to use a program like nearpod but i do want to show you a couple like cool unique things that nearpod offers so one for example is this fill in the blank tool so for the fill in the blank tool what you can do is essentially you can either type or copy and paste some text with some key important words that you want students to know so for example if i stay with ancient rome here i could say in ancient rome they discovered many new things about engineering such as roads and concrete okay not the greatest academic sentence but it'll do for for this demo okay so now what you would do is you would actually select the word and that's going to pull that word over into the word bank so that students would essentially have to fill those in in a fill in the blank and i will show you what that looks like in just a moment and then they also have different things on um near pod like the field trip tool which i really love as well so if again you're doing something like rome and you want to do like the roman aqueduct here search for it and see what comes up i can put that into the slide and that's going to add this element where students can actually use virtual reality uh goggles or a virtual reality headset i should say or they can actually look around at a 360 degree image then they have open-ended questions similar to pair deck also quiz questions as well polls and things like that so let's say for example you want to ask a quiz question you could basically compose your question what is an important roman achievement you would write your answers concrete maybe like uh democracy something that's not right and then select your right answer okay so then when you're ready with that question you can go ahead and click save and then it's going to add that as well so similar to pair deck you're going to have to send students actually through the nearpod portal in order to be able to access the program so you're going to go here go to save and go to nearpod and that's actually going to take you into the nearpod website where you'll see other lessons that you've already built in your pod it's going to be saving for you for a little bit and then once it's loaded you'll be able to share that lesson with students okay so now that the lesson is loaded you'll see that i have some options here uh the student paste option is right now free but has not always been free they made it free during the emergency school closures i'm not sure how long it's going to continue to be free so just something to kind of look out for but again if you're doing synchronous learning you want to do a live lesson you can click on that link and it's going to give you some different options for how you could share that lesson so students for example could enter a code just like they did with the other lesson so the way that that would look when they actually get into the lesson is like this so they would go to nearpod join and join a session and then they're going to take this code ldson and they're going to join so you'll see the first thing that asks them to do is enter their name and this name will show up in a report in nearpod so you can see how students did so just like paradox since i set this one up to be a teacher-paced lesson students are not going to be able to advance through the lesson on their own as the teacher i will be able to advance a lesson for them and so when i'm advancing the lesson they will see the different interactivity tools that i added and so for example here they could drag that word up there and put it in the correct place and then click done when they're done and then on the teacher end um you're going to see their answers you could actually view their answers live to be able to see how that student did and you can see the different names of the students as well and like if you wanted to project this hide students names um you could do that so just a really cool tool for creating interactive lessons you can see here just another example that virtual reality that i was talking about where the student could enter virtual reality to look at it in virtual reality or they could just like scroll around and look um at the aqueduct and then make some observations or something like that after that in the slides so near pod very powerful dynamic program that i really like i already said think is pretty much a must-have so definitely check out nearpod okay and then the last tool i'm going to show you really quickly here is kahoot so like i said kahoot is a gamified app where you can basically create little review lessons for students and what they'll have to do to get into that lesson is enter a pin for a class just like we did with paradigm near pod so what you'll do is go into your kahoot and you'll obviously log in and again showing your free version here you can create a game in kahoot by going up here to create and that'll allow you to build a quiz is very straightforward and easy to do so here i'm just going to show you a quiz that i already have set up so the way that it looks here i have my quiz questions when i click play i again can decide whether or not i want this to be live or student paced i'll click the live option here so then it will generate a code and then students are going to enter this code in order to play the game okay so you can see here on the split screen that i have my teacher slide on the left and then the student slide on the right and they can enter the code click enter and then enter again a name and i will see that that student came in once i'm ready to start the game i can click start um so obviously you'd want to wait for all the students to come in and then when you're playing the game the way that you can set up the questions is with a timer so students will have a set period of time to be able to answer this question what is synchronous learning in only 10 seconds they have to affiliate it the one of these different colors ah okay i click that great so that was a correct answer and then i can also show here who is like on the podium so students can compete with each other as they're proceeding through and answering questions it's just a really highly engaging game and i think a really cool option for remote teaching especially if you're doing a live lesson to make that lesson more interactive more exciting and engaging so i hope you learned some new interactivity tools that you could use for remote teaching or for blended learning or in-person learning for that matter each one has different functionality and i genuinely use all of them with my students again like i said it's great to mix up tools and have students do different things i do have a bunch of resources that i want to point you to at the bottom here um so one is just my website so if you go to my website i have all kinds of different graphic organizers explanations on my blog about a lot of these different programs so if you want to grab some of the free planning documents things like that that i have on there and then what i have at the bottom here are just a bunch of tutorials from my channel that relate to building these lessons and also how to use these programs the first two are about how to teach remotely with a google slides hyperdoc so if you're interested in learning really how to sequence a lesson and combine different applications together in order to build toward a learning target you might want to check those out i also have free templates for these hyperdocs on my website and then i have separate tutorials about how to use all the programs like google jamboard flipgrid padlet pear deck near pod ed puzzle and this last tutorial shows specifically how to use that near pod add-on at the end the only tutorial i don't have yet for my channel is kahoot and then just a plug if you're interested in learning a little bit more and taking a real deep dive into how to seamlessly integrate technology into your curriculum and really build a flexible classroom space that can adapt to sort of any situation while also engaging students and teaching them relevant 21st century skills amongst all kinds of other cool ways that you can use technology um join the early bird wait list for my upcoming course 21st century classroom it's going to launch in august i'm really excited about it and i'd love to see you there so thank you so much please feel free to reach out with any questions that you have you can reach me at new edtech classroom and and i wish you the best of luck with this upcoming school year
Channel: New EdTech Classroom
Views: 122,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech tools for interactive remote teaching, how to teach remotely, remote teaching, teach remotely, teach online, interactive remote teaching, new edtech classroom, education technology tutorials, edtech tutorials, edtech, sam kary, how to use technology in the classroom, how to make teaching more interactive, online learning, remote teaching ideas, education technology, remote learning, education, teacher
Id: 1_PFLcNXMqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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