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alright I'm spawning all the balls in there son wait - they do - the same time wait I need it maybe [Music] Oh buddy what's going on everyone gyro mere low it drops you Steve and welcome to a really exciting monster island everybody I absolutely love the Turkana evolution mod it gives you super cool armor like this and really good weapons as well so what we're going to do is we took that mod we combined it along with the like indict mobs as well so there's super-powerful mobs super Ralph's for armor and weapons and we're going to do a monster island battle the only difference between normal and how we're doing it this time is that as well on top of all those mod changes there is ten lives total party so instead of throwing a time limit on it which always makes things scrambling and crazy we decided just to do it based off of kills so the first team to get 10 kills wins the game now flows you out there who have never joined us for a monster island the cord let me teach you all how to play it's super easy pretty much you have two teams the blue team versus the red team now inside of your team's base you'll notice that there are these generators here these generators give you irons then you use to upgrade the generators or turn on more and more of them and eventually you could turn it on all the way to the diamond generators the iron a diamond can then be used way up top in order to give for you some cool armor and some cool weapons then on top of that you can also use a divine all sorts of crazy mobs now these are the vanilla mobs which require bones coal spider eyes and gunpowder which you can get from mid and these are special ops in the like Knights mod and those require you to get monster tokens apart from that admit there's three different areas you've got the tower right here which will have all sorts of cool gems of stuff spawning up top you have this area right here where Mia the chicken will protect the gunpowder and the other types of spawners as well and then finally you have Moreau where to kill Rome he could sometimes drop some really good values all right well that's it let's branch off into our different teams and let's get to alright drop so let's go go go we hit the jump on him okay even though he didn't even put a monster island oh wait oh I've done this part okay I can do this this is yes up are you up for the generators and then after that we're gonna turn on the diamond Jen's in the back area over here and we're getting all the monster tokens and then we're going to eat them oh okay the monster tokens that is yeah I mean we might eat the other team too if you're probably I said we can get away with thank you why don't you want to eat them Oh make into our best mm-hmm okay I'm down all right so here let's say but let's save up and let's turn on these diamond gems first and I'm our first order oh wait oh no we already did we the only one we could never mind oh and okay well let me get it like I think I need like one stack defied your iconic armor I'm gonna do that so I can go and rush mid and for killing the I spire Steven M I want to kill this Steve okay so I got that and then what do I need hello armor salesman yes I would oh gosh it is so much money in order to buy it's like probably about three whole stacks of iron well here's a step once we get another that we get to go yeah good or do we want to save it you know what I'll be a team player instead and I love crispy Jen's first alright so as a general tip you might just want to upgrade these to the point where they only need diamonds and then I wouldn't use the diamonds for that I would leave alright yeah yeah just for the actually good all right so I upgrade that to level two stott generate two diamonds now every single time 55 gosh 64 55 oh no we're coming down to the wire we're almost out of upgrades now you have enough good first one 64 now I won 64 this one's pretty much 5 all like 64 I doesn't fit that one on the back there so that's fully up now little check on our diamonds hello friends yes it had enough to get into one of them on okay so we have two of the generators on oh they're never gonna know what hit him oh all right that one's done oh hey that's one of their lives one life down low that's why I need armor as well I don't wanna die to the archer like that hey Steve just cause of life let's go stream oh no that stream sorry oh no I'm just so used to calling them stream it's fine it's fine don't understand it's not fine I think this is it it's where it all goes downhill everyone I'm sorry oh I didn't realize upgrade a whole stack of iron just hiding there yeah nice okay this one of the back so these two are both fully upgraded this one's about to be nice it's just the two in the middle now cool Wow just like a girly advantage can I take the diamonds now are the iron 18 sunny go for it okay good good okay since it's only the middle ones they need to be upgraded at this point exactly okay good all right here go ahead I have a stack for you way to go hey thank you do better good because these iron bars are delightful oh yes I eat these all day okay so I need like a little bit more probably like another stack all right um I'm close to a second I can just throw these on you here it's thank you wow that's good all right let me go up top and see if it's enough to buy a full tree or full this why Byrne said I can buy the jerk Roenick set uses diamonds but I don't know how much worth it it is like I I might just stick with wyvern armor for the game I they're really similar so like I don't think you need to up yeah I'll pro stick with a wyvern armor and then that way we can save up wait a minute wait a minute wait I got scared uh I know Ruby boots and survivor boots well that's a glitch let's go take care all right looks like we got our stuff back okay look at we got a little overtime right now okay well we got all these good I would say keep upgrading the diamond Jen's and then lets me get them either fully upgraded or nearly fully upgraded that's when we should by the token Jen's oh yeah that's it I'm thinking oh well so you know what let me take some of that iron chest yeah that way I get turned some of the generators who knows maybe we don't even need modded mobs what if I show my gosh Kurt so I take this right and I go and turn on the Jinzo top maybe we can just get vanilla mobs that might catch him by surprise too I think I think it could work wow this Archer guy's got quite the knock back oh I hit him off and all this stuff ran away oh no every spawn oh my gosh Steve guy draconic Bois and it does a tremendous amount of damage oh don't lose the light I'm trying not to but he has to be pretty pinned down right now upgrading all these gens he's trying to slightly Pro his base right now oh gosh cheater yeah you can't fire from your Island what does he think he's doing over there I also upgraded the diamond jet up here so we got the diamond hands-on now this is good now if they take over this area though it's gonna be bad I wish I had a drew conic bow though cuz if that's how much damage does to be with full wyvern armor I can only imagine how much damage and probably just one shot Steve honestly it's not like one heart you know we just ran up and punching I'm gonna go leave and then go and do one for myself nice haha I got away all right let's go into the base and let's see what we could get here bow of the wyvern slowly ten bills owed your client right now I can get some more careful that I currently have 39 diamonds which you like aney yeah 11 please thank you and Steve's not gonna know what hit him I mean you will know cuz they'll be an arrow sticking out of him so and a little sense he'll know what hit him but he's not gonna know what hit him there you go good sir thank you I'm numb numb numb let's go and use these let's go and use these immediately and then I'll let you I'll leave you be with the time and keep on appendages okay weapon salesman there we go I got an ax magic bow perfect your conic bowtie there's like no much been that my imagination but I was expecting arrow drop Anders arrow drop with the gigantic bubble oh yeah there is none oh there's no arrow drop and one shot eat him no nothing is so lumpy let's go check out my diamond Jan up top poor plate he hasn't died one teammate speaks now the question is do I go back yeah I've got some not a ton but I've got some I'm gonna go back and buy some mobs for us and how's things looking down there good every diamond gen is at 35 diamonds right now so we're doing pretty well down here oh man that's awesome way to go if I get more I get more iron oh just check that first chest but there's all the iron you could ever want okay I've got some mobs I'm gonna send at them and hopefully we can be all mild on that's a sense of war - there you go cheese thank you yeah I think I'm done here I think I took way more than I ever needed but yeah that's fine good never too much never know so how much for the trolls York onyx sword is 30 diamonds well I could use one of those all right well I'm spawning all the mobs on their side wait did they do to the same time oh wait do I need to worry I need it um maybe but I don't know actually we'll see I'm holding off as best I can all right [Music] the good news is with this bow uh-huh I was using a sword at first put the PO let's know yeah okay wow that's actually ope there we go yeah let's go can I have 12 diamonds oh we got play with his enemy get a towel where is zero now let's go I think we're gonna sleep um there's no anything died well the stock died so I have a feeling like they they'd warded my evil plans okay well now I got the Turkic sword and I've got the bow so I'm feeling I'm feeling really good keep you up to date on the diamonds by the way okay all right uh let's see we are currently first ones level nine second one's level seven and there was a little six so interesting yeah thank you for those diamonds and all those good Oh all I'm missing is a shield to prevent from super creepers please but then again they might not even be able to sense to send those was that explosion oh they sell creepers on their side oh oh my gosh I just got so much stuff at mid yes we got another one let's go trash the trash talking can't help it alright if we have enough diamonds like we could start to buy the like night mobs now all right let me run over here to be described almost three stacks of diamonds if you want them yeah I'll come down Oh actually I mean do you if you still need those for the upgrade if that's all you have then I would keep using for upgrade because that only buys three monster gems so I mean that was just me running over there I now have another full stack so oh okay so you're getting pretty quick huh it's up to you doing oh yeah doing awesome over yeah yeah okay and good news - I have a oh man I have a ton of the ton of stuff I just needed some more iron for which I just might and now I could go and buy us more mobs so yes we're about to do a rush of 21 skeletons 20 zombies and even more on top of all that there's no way they can post no they don't see it I really enjoyed this running in circles it's kind of therapeutic almost yeah yeah I guess so in upgrading the gens it's kind of like cookie clicker and things Steve always enjoyed cookie cookie sheets ugh Steve is shooting me in my own oh well I almost died it was certain it was it and thank you and I have three Jen's it was Nev no wasn't Oh oh man well that's enough diamonds right there I could buy another gen sniper duel huh I think it's no yeah I don't even know what that that one is all right I'm going to rush mid now I've damaged Steve nice yes oh yes there we go another one and Steve's trying to retreat now the skeletons are chasing him down all the way at mid no way and that was retreated back to his base oh yes he must get shot up three more points let's go oh my gosh only three points only three points okay do you have enough divining like a night mob sword oh oh hold on see because I just upgraded some gents um throwing in some more iron nice okay let's see Aaron over here and so much it got auto they gave me about sea stacks oh so close it's okay this is working for us oh my gosh two lives left we all wait and it's not a lot but I do have enough to send some more at them already place so just to keep them on their toes thank you I've got nine of the tokens now which isn't a lot we need more we need mas mas mas you say how do we've got diamonds in a bit and I think these two stacks on you hold okay I had two stacks as well so that'll give us now oh I'm one short of force down oh my gosh Gabrielle perfect so I'll buy for more generators so we'll double our output yes yes yes very good well take it over the world I think oh my gosh one more life what if we don't even get a chance to really spoil these things can we do it anyways hi I'm spawning one when dingo on them just in case just to say that we did actually who knows it might be enough cuz the wind INGOs really strong and the light could be the thing that now it's a fun time for us they got spiders coming in oh that's alright I'm doing good alright easy believe in you once ago these I'll be down to pick up more diamonds for the generators one and boom they are all dead nice just okay okay I come back downstairs and there are less lines they're probably hiding away what do you want its room can you do have five real quick oh how my life I think I think I need to go to the doctors you might have to after this day we're not getting these gold coins quick enough I'm gonna go rush mid because it might be a bad time I can get some more vanilla mobs Oh oh what a kill that was good I see one of them at their base hello friend how is it going yes there was just over a stack of all the various items boys know what shot I had shot him wait is that it I've got an arrow I got an arrow to it oh that's game the arrow crit for the win oh my gosh I can't believe I hit that shot well that's gonna do it everybody that right there was monster Island with tree conic evolution armored weapons we hope you all enjoyed if you did smash that like button subscribe and of course show some love and support bye bye thanks for watching friends
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 265,123
Rating: 4.9271574 out of 5
Keywords: jeromeasf, jeromeasf monster island, jeromeasfs monster, monster island, jeromeasf minecraft, jeromeasf modded minecraft, jerome, jeromeasf custom minigames, custom, minigames, mini game, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, no swearing, family friendly, mini games, lets play, minecraft mod, mod pack, minecraft animation, modded, minigame, mod, minecraft, modded minecraft, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4
Id: 9W_gY-kKw4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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