Tears of the Kingdom but I'm not the Hero...

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today is the day today's the day today is the day today is the day of the day the day of the day I mean I I mean I'm killing gandorf today why why is it raining now I actually spent all day yesterday getting food so I think we're pretty good I also gotta refill on bows and Shields and uh oh yeah Highland shield now it's beyond op anyways Ganondorf actually he's down here I don't know why I pointed up there so I'm uh gonna go murder gandorf now ah there it is Boom what what is this giant Brock holding it up man I just realized I haven't been in this Chasm yet guys Mr gandorf he just called me up and invited me to his home in the depth he said he ordered Domino's and he's got video games he hooked up the switch to his TV he said he wanted to verse Us in some Mario Kart so I mean surely nothing bad's gonna happen right oh my game slagged oh wow oh wow that's deep I don't even know what that is but that that's weird I have no idea where I'm going right now he's just down there yo is my boy Ganondorf just like chilling right there at the bottom oh oh yo this music's gonna be chills okay why why is there riding on the walls is that the zonai language dude is Ganondorf is he in this rock so he's just like down here okay oh and there's a leech oh what is that music oh that's new music oh my gosh okay let's go and kill this guy okay he's dead and it's just gonna fall and there's more of them oh my gosh the monkeys are down here too nope nope I have a very bad family he just heated a rock at me I'm in I'm gonna heal up because like this is like actually kind of scary yeah you got nothing on me give me the best you got oh crush is the dead end oh crud I think there's a dead end go where do I go oh crud this is not good yo yo yo yo monkey beat it oh I dodged that okay because I'm an epic gamer oh wait is this one supposed to go oh okay oh it's oh that's a lie Neal item honestly honestly I probably should have fused things first you know that would have been a good idea I got the master sword we're good I think I remember how to beat these guys all right alrighty oh and that's almost Broken Oh do you like opal I hope you do and that where do I go I'm supposed to go up there oh hello he's got two weapons and a bow bro go away oh my boy chungus killed him for me good job oh 44. it's all right oh my goodness that was incredible okay now how do I get uh this is where I'm supposed to go right I just climbed that I clearly went into my climbing animation to climb that game you're actually so dumb I don't know if I can use a scent I might be able to actually okay I'm at worst Escape here we go go go go go go I can't use it I'm big deal how the flip does the game expect me to get up there all right all right I'm building something yesterday I played around and I got a little more creative that I'm just gonna put it right here and if I can even get in get in link you're actually I didn't want to get in there okay how about this come on game oh oh snap oh go up go up oh okay okay no no not like that link what the flip why what the back of my old College days they called me the building King so like it's not surprising that I built something like this oh oh I'm gonna make it yo this is actually sick how does this hold me though I made it I made it somehow wow this was incredible I'm saving all right is this the way I'm supposed to go can I just like fly through this too all right let's see let's see what you got a little hovercraft go oh before he shoots me go go go okay okay turned out really good why is it so fast holy cow oh you're gonna Crush okay just jump out jump out and how's that what is happening just go just go go there's no way I just got away from that I don't even know where I'm going I got a half a heart I'm gonna die here soon oh crud don't kill me please oh some arrows what just happened oh the power of the stage cannot reach me uh-oh okay die oh hello oh hello oh don't kill me don't kill me oh there's some more errors oh crud I got Juke these guys out what else you got Gannon throw everything you got at me oh there's lizards okay he's super super stealthy like how are you hanging on right now oh they're shooting me all right let's go let's go oh crud oh he just went through me oh and this is gonna fall okay okay oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no go back up let's go back up Timmy back up send me back up please please okay okay oh I see oh I see what I gotta do I actually gotta go back down I kill them from here actually ooh actually though look at me stupid hand okay Phantom Ganon where you at I don't even see him oh he's right there okay I actually gotta go down there and fight him don't I all right that's fair I'm going down see ya I'm gonna go in this oh why is he shooting me these guys can't get past me if I go like this right oh yeah that's right okay oh crap that got stuck oh this is not good I'm dead that's it what no dude okay so apparently I can actually cook something to heal my health so this and meat right yeah three perfect okay I'm uh I'm just gonna build another hovercraft [Music] okay wow that was easy okay I'm just gonna put this guy right here and I'm gone so yeah glooms you guys thought you could roadblock me haha pathetic all right just where I'm supposed to go hang on what is this I got one bomb Arrow I don't know if I'm gonna use it any rocks at all hey you got any rocks bro bro can you like shoot these rocks for me bro go away I'm gonna hit you if you're not here come back over here buddy come on oh I see a chest bomb arrows is something I desperately need like the game knew exactly what I wanted forgotten Foundation it was so cool I'm just kind of looking around right now wait a second is this where we started the game I think this is the same location we started the game in yeah I think it is oh boy oh boy oh boy I'm just gonna run I'm just gonna run hey hey can you can you back me up if anything happens thanks I appreciate it just run just run just run run run run all right oh no oh no Palmera go run run run run run oh play more never mind I don't need it oh yeah this is definitely where we started okay I'm gonna do this um anything here not even a chest wow this is kind of cool though this area um nothing here that's fine so you can be in the same place oh that's right everything fell I gotta go deeper holy cow how big is this this part of the depths holy cow this music oh my goodness oh it's red down there okay all right here we go one link let's go oh my gosh how deep is this glooms the lair oh my gosh I'm getting chills down my spine there's a torch I just game I appreciate you being generous but like I don't think a torch is gonna do it for this [Applause] [Music] parkour oh it's saving you know something big is gonna happen when the game saves this music oh my goodness oh my goodness what the actual flip is this this is scary Okay jump oh oh my gosh Nintendo how did you do this this is massive this is huge what'd I do oh is this the Demon King's Army whatever oh boy oh let's go the boys they pull up they never disappoint hey you're the man chungus go Squidward I got nothing to say about you yep Demon King's Army I knew it I did so many of them oh wait they're one hit kills oh crap that's not good bro yeah I don't want to ride you come on oh crud what the oh he's dead and why'd you hit me all right that's it oh there's more oh it's the lizard it's great oh boy okay oh I don't like this I don't like this all right I gotta start all over again me having six hearts does not help okay let's do this again wait I have your Boco blend masks why are you guys attacking me great no get me out you can't kill me bro you stupid robot I'm a bomb Arrow all of them I'm just gonna shoot Palm arrows [Music] I mean I got a hundred arrows yo oh not these things oh great catch water water and lots of water oh yeah practically one hit kills over here oh what I didn't how did you get behind me because it should be the last one okay the mob ones that's fine that's fine they got really good weapons though I'll take them plastic things that did nothing actually no that froze them all okay just freeze them all and then um shoot them with opal make sure you don't die though okay let me go around he wanted to grab the materials oh that Gloom it means but one thing the Demon King okay let's go oh no no oh crud no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no why are they all here gonna kill them for me I'm out of here I'm out okay goodbye I guess ah that was something else holy cow oh man I didn't get to get the stuff I got nothing to heal my heart Mr gandorf I'm here got your invitation by the way all right yo this this doesn't look like uh you know it doesn't look like you have pizza here or uh Smash Bros ready for me oh that store just sick holy cow oh there he is these pupils never mind never mind [Music] oh oh my gosh yo [Music] regardless I will reshape this world as it was meant to be nice want to break from the ads I got three hearts this is not gonna be good all right let's go gandorf oh my gosh it's just like in breath of the wild take out the master sword oh that's cool that that was really cool it's almost the same animation okay I didn't even get to do anything all right Mr gandorf let's do this I still can't flare rush you that's sadness oh yeah easy look he's already like mostly dead oh crud okay bro Timmy did he just kick me oh yeah he's already halfway Nintendo what is this fight oh crap that was really lame oh easy look at that Dodge it might be dead oh no he's not dead come on hit me bro I'll hit you then okay he's dead first try that was crazy if you tap whoa he actually looks pretty cool oh it's health bar it's uh um um what what is happening to South Park why is it going what the why is it almost off screen is that a bug why sound bar like that oh my gosh there's enemies windshield it's your time to shine and I got a duty all right Super Saiyan gandorf again let's go now I'm gonna kill Super Saiyan bro come on hit me already don't kick hit me here we go hit both of them at the same time oh crud all right all right and okay another halfway point okay so it's only him again now good I don't like those Phantoms bro he's taunting me ain't no way all right let's go bro let's go let's go let's go okay I don't know Hodges okay okay oh okay and you gotta do it again this again Dodge again no okay now it's that's really cool I'm scared of that so scary I don't want to die please I made it so far ready two more you should be down okay oh what is this what is this oh shoot oh I don't know what I just did I don't know what I just did come on he's almost down come on it's not that bad I shouldn't say that I shouldn't say that okay come on link come on I believe in you hello [Music] oh what okay come on link come on I believe in you [Music] all right going again it shouldn't be that bad now it's a killing with the arrows now let's go let's go dead oh man he just took the gym out of his forehead um uh oh I um um the bro just ate the gym what the a dragon so gandorf turned into a dragon so he's uh he's practically a furry now that's that's nice better get off link oh let's go foreign oh my gosh wait um oh my gosh wait what what um wait jump off it said we'll have to do if I jump oh you know I see things on it oh don't don't die oh credit it's moving it's moving okay oh oh I take damage hurry up okay that's I got one oh and it hung me off um dragon come back come back here dragon go back go back yes take me take me back up to the top let me jump off game okay there we go I don't know if I can reach that one oh he's looking straight at me oh don't move please I'm almost there take a minute oh yeah that's two dragon come back please come back yes come yes catch me this doesn't feel right this feels weird I don't know if I like this fight or not I just went through its gear we're not I'm not even gonna question it okay okay that's three okay there's the last one I see it okay go go go go go go go there's one more watch there Sunset oh it's red oh this is the final one that scared me to death I can heal though Dragon where'd you go please catch me thank you oh is that it on Ted easy let's go let's go oh he's looking straight at me I don't like that that's very unsettling yo is this really it is this the last one I'm just gonna do it all right maybe it's not done come on link grab it oh final attack let's go let's go and [Music] complete nice now what um what oh I'm back in this place what is happening who's that person um what are we doing first of all wait a second you're telling me Zelda was also a furry kind of weird I uh and they're disappearing guess Thanos snapped again and Link's just by the way flying he's chilling and we're falling now oh okay all right um well if I just don't what if I just chill here and I let her fall to her death honestly honestly I don't even care about Zelda I am kind of curious though what if I just let her keep falling well what if I don't what if I just let her die I I don't think I'm falling anymore I don't see the background okay it's a nice view up here though I'm just gonna go over here I'm gonna go back to the great Sky Island I'll I'll see you later Zelda yeah so like nothing's happening I'm just kind of looking around at this point honestly do I do I want the game yeah I don't think anything's happening I'm just nervous it was worth a try oh what is this grab okay what if I don't care okay so we're gonna try that again I guess I guess that was too slow and she did die who knows all right there you go well they both died guys thanks for watching link is still somehow alive [Music] all this time so irresponsible Zelda Miss Mitch so I guess Hyrule forever gonna be floating like that I met such wonderful people wait I thought you were sleeping though oh was that a quest I don't even remember it that's it oh wow is it gonna show tears of the Kingdom okay there we go the end that was tears of the Kingdom nope and there we go we still get the star on the save file well if you want to hear more of my thoughts on this game or just ultimately talk about tears of the Kingdom then join my new and improved Discord server it's trust me it's existed for a while this is just the first time I'm promoting it so join it do it now you still haven't done it have you have a fantastic rest of your days stay safe and until next time why are you still here you can click off now a video is done click off go go outside touch
Channel: Soapy
Views: 56,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda, nintendo switch, game review, tears of the kingdom review, open world, fuse, ultrahand, ascend, rewind, link, zelda, nintendo totk, playthrough, Walkthrough, Totk, Botw, Breath of the wild, build, car, phenomena, sages will, boss fight, phantom ganon, totk glitch, master sword, depths, defeat ganondorf, under hyrule castle, ganondoft fight, how to beat ganondorf, demon king ganondorf, demon dragon, how to get to ganondorf, zelda falling
Id: Yxnp2KZfl8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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