Tears in the Bayou - The Streets of Houston

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[Music] 240 me my son sit down and liberal and just had a talk to means I all be worried about where my son is in always worry about it so we sat down and something when he talked already so you're gonna tell it means but let me tell you how something your friends gonna leave this world you get a high school some more go to prison son go get on drugs some become dope dealers like I get the whole series about what could what gonna happen to someone your friends and he looked at me as they did I already knew I got it I got it and I look at myself know what my son he got it my son got you made it into I got a phone call you know we in a stressful situation is a race of people this here's your act right you ain't acting right you're done the nice I think it just won't retire later something that happened with a plant red dot on his forehead but even indoors ain't nobody fighting everybody gets their water yeah we own policy any other stone if I can't see my family when he over here feed he is one of us got to go then they staying here to be the hardest day Shh ten years [ __ ] I'm still trying to figure out home make it the rest of this damn you lay [ __ ] going on here nice [Music] still black king anytime zone it takes a village to raise these kids beautiful isn't it oh yes the largest city in the great state of Texas and the fourth largest in the planet's most powerful nation the United States of America home to many multi-billion dollar companies such as Phillips sixty-six enterprise product partners Cisco Plains all-american pipeline ConocoPhillips and the list goes on and on this is the city with the second most fortune 500 companies only behind new york home to the country's busiest highways in the world's largest medical center the bio city is a world-class city neighborhoods such as River Oaks are home to some of the richest people in the country I'm Derrick Muhammad I was born and raised in the city of Houston the picture that we just painted of the city of Houston is an accurate one there are actually two Houston's on one side of town you hear bang bang bang bang the sound of cranes English action equipment and you see building skyscrapers going up but on the other side of the city bang-bang-bang a k47 ar-15s nine-millimeter Glocks and instead of seeing buildings going up we see bodies falling down sons fathers brothers sisters mothers no one is immune to the brutality but you know things weren't always like this let's take a quick trip down memory lane and get a snapshot of how things were when Houston was a more peaceful place to live whole neighborhoods new all of us they do my mom they knew my grandma and they knew it we was doing anything bad if I walk down Elgin and I can start from the trash and if I did something that wasn't running somebody a grown person had to tell me something my grandmother knew it by the time I got hit that porch and she was coming out with a switch because she kept switches tied up with the trailer like how yeah I grew up the reward it was sunny side I've been around oh it was a beautiful place racism where we had our section of town and white folks had a section so it it was okay it was beautiful world I grew up in you know they talk about segregation but you know like Malcolm say I didn't want to know integrated cup of coffee we had a beautiful neighborhood things start changing in the mid 70s the system destroyed our whole neighborhood like you know once we had a lot of business owners I enter I mean darlin was like City you didn't want to go anywhere else other than Thailand we had movie theaters we had everything we had the father and the mother in almost sixties the seventies you know it kind of slacked up on the father being it all so you had a lot of women raising she is boys by themself they really never knew how to be a man as we define what a man is we kind of strayed away from that and eight is you know it was just the majority of the women raising kids on their own drug-infested neighborhood neighborhoods that were once drug free we had control of it but Nance everywhere you know you go to the pot you can't go to pot no more have flown with your grandkids they shouldn't dice smoking marijuana right in front you and Freddie I go ha this way the whole deal hood who told you that not only drugs but uh just the lack of jobs you know stress you can't get no work you know you're gonna result you got family so that's when the drugs coming in you know everybody want to make some money and the easiest way is to exploit your own people by selling drugs or whatever [Music] photonics his futon t-this being here Ivy Lane outlet laughs sometimes some of them [ __ ] not about though hey what's that was that yeah so how do we go from a thriving community to a barely surviving community let's take it to the streets and see what the people have to say we live in low economic areas you got that type of mentality you never had it I want to go and get it I'm afeeling we crank whatever my mom worked at McDonald's she did everything she could to make sure we survive I didn't have no childhood I had to become a man at age nine at four years old I was dressing myself I was sending myself off to school of four when I was five I used to had to watch my little brothers because my mom were always working so I've been I've been a grown man since the age of five I know a lot of people you know wouldn't wouldn't believe it you know but my mom had to work single single mom no dad so I was always growing up into the house and I seen so much I had to grow up Bernie being half shooting so when I turned around eight my mom she used to have me help I pay the bills so I used to have to calculate all the money in the house but I always been good with finances I dropped out of school when I was six braids and she we struggled a life to get what we have to get to feed the family I ain't grow up gang banging trying to make it perfect food on the table society we living in these parents these days trying to work so hard to make a living to provide for a family my mother worked all night she worked all day she had different jobs these are like grandma's and [ __ ] like that you know and we've seen them but they heirs go to work all day every day you know I'm saying they came home with nothing generation after generation yeah I mean if grandmothers [ __ ] ugh [ __ ] people that had had enough man I people I grew up struggling for so long she never knew what time I came home she never knew what time I left she had too many kids to look after I felt kind of distant from my family I thought missing blood do it whatever you know they they kind of treated me like family you know he's to have fun with him so didn't you know when I was coming up everybody was getting down with something hey not there with a children in a children turn into the streets as time went by I wouldn't even come home I ended up leaving the house and moving in with these older kids that had an apartment that they were living in everybody chipped in for the rent from the dope and the drugs and everything that they were selling and I moved in with them a lot of us end up on the streets because we're young we got nervous so we go out jack and doing stuff cash felonies as a young we can't get no job for they don't want higher feathers right nothing else to do go get out here you know saying make money then boy start getting jedidah see you have it son so and that's when the guns come out we still was hungry you feed me so we had to find something better to do you know I'm saying you know I guess that's why I [ __ ] hustle for my money cuz I remember all the times I ever you know me everything I ever wanted my kids ever won't bump get it on before I get out this world see they're saying we had to do duty how we leave get out of the streets hustle rob steal do whatever we got to do to survive because guess what one thing I know two things for sure if I if I if my family starving if I can't feed my family but he over here feed here's one of us got to go the crime started getting more serious and we started doing armed robberies we started doing jacking dope houses we were going whenever we knew a deliberate was gonna be made for cocaine would go in there and Jack them well you're not gonna feed your family I can't feed mine cuz I'm gonna come get whatever you got whatever you got I'm coming again cuz I'm gonna feed mine before we before I let anything happen if I stole Rob's I killed stabbed I don't do cook whatever it took my mom put food on time that's just what it was and I don't regret none of it you know when I was 13 years old actually five days after my 13th birthday I committed my first murder the callers of homicide the cause of gun violence is usually correlated and tied to lack of Economic Opportunity or poverty the higher the higher the income level the less likely you are to die of a weapon or of a violent crime [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're trying to deal with the violence that's taking place the first thing they do is check you out once they find out you don't have any that you're not armed then oh man it's open season each and every day you need to get down with some of these even got you had it and they shooting at you you gotta shoot every time you turn on news you seeing someone be shot no officers have a Glock nine and the other people have no bike inside today knowledge we black here he's bled him oh [ __ ] no get one keep the two home dick out you in the trenches man you see bullet holes birthdays and Justin got out of hand I ended up going to juvenile detention and I was sentenced until I was 18 years old and a few months after my 18th birthday I committed my second murder and I don't feel good I invited disrespect the H I let my shooter be a shooter when I come through it's gonna be a nightmare on your street like Freddy Krueger I've been about that no you got that pulling my dad harder chopped all his fingers off Pelham to his mama I'm from the hood I'm a hood small drugs I got heels object Billy's Benz and beamers and I will die for my sneakers oh they just had a whole shootout in third Ward yesterday right well my son got killed they went through their shooters I said don't [ __ ] with you so my soldiers down the right I'll make my shoulders get the shoe your body's gone your soul is gone [ __ ] with us basically that's just it paying simply no other way to put it 4190 four murders in the past 15 years and more than likely while you're watching this film someone is being murdered as we speak but I'm the pastor when you video statistics' 121 murders I'm the pastor shows up those families when you asked about the calls on the body and the coast let me take the real cost whenever someone is murdered in our city the cost is unlimited it's what happens after a person is murdered now you have children without a family that's the cost is unlimited a father with a mental health illness goes into his home you were there with me yeah there was eight members of his family yes he knows eight member of this family six of them children I don't know that all eight caskets got to raise money to bury his family with no money in GracePoint triple homicide young lady 19 is murdered two young men 21 22 murder no money now the parents after the funeral now they can't go to work because on your mind your son and daughter have to walk through a mortuary that's my son that's my daughter she can't go back to work but she's terrified the true they can't go to school because they're terrified to walk the street that's the real cost on the body that's her daughter decides she won't be abused anymore she left the relationship he got a gun waiting flying the Gulf Coast appointments Gunnar it down gun down a new boyfriend and then now they have five kids left with no mother no father that's the real cost that's a young lady and carnival decides she was sick and tired of being be my boyfriend she gets the truck to leave he grabs the gun shoots the back of it kills her please get there he kills himself now those grandparents have to live with your identity that they didn't do anything about it that's the real bone in the body in the last 14 days I've buried for people who've been murdered in the streets of Houston by gunplay with no insurance now the families are struggling that make few arrangements with no way that's the real gun culture is a part of America's social fabric and it's even more popular in the state of Texas it is estimated that in America the average child witnesses 7,000 simulated murders in movies on television and in music 7,000 simulated murders before they graduate from elementary school we actually axed a few children what it's really like to live in Houston's inner city the children are confronted well what's your biggest fear this country was the country's biggest fear what's wrong with over here what are you doing here hide under my bed what the mouse sometimes you take me there sometime just wow what people have to understand is your environment molds you regards to however you look at the situation the environment in which you live will mold you that's your first teacher your environment but little kind of rough down there we grew a bit you know people hide selling drugs you know women not doing prostitutes I was out kind of thing I had to be like had to be like six or seven years old [Music] [Music] we sway comes from school and lets you see dead bodies on your it ain't nothing the guy named Milton the wings males pretty rough you know what I mean like just watching so many people I came up with just lose their life over like a normal thing because the highway somebody's going on with me for me first for me Ashley standing with my own eyes it was crazy it was a hell of a feeling he's really numb they really known me for like bankroll mac and their friends shoot a video about people plotting against them [Music] do we own less than a week after the video shoot while riding down Scott Street at the intersection of McGregor a vehicle Mac was riding in was riddled with bullets in a drive-by shooting Mac was shot in the head with a 45 caliber bullet bankroll and Mac's other friends are outside ben taub hospital's ICU an older member of the community tries to counsel them after they have just seen their close friend in such a grave condition and I'm gonna fight and do whatever I got to do man to make sure y'all be doing bro no I'm saying for real that's coming out the heart man you know I'm saying it's comfortable y'all come from no I'm saying y'all continue a few down the bucket and our family many now stick together and then later I tell my [ __ ] I love a man that [ __ ] moved to leave man like [ __ ] don't go to work man that she made me but she [ __ ] me up on my damn broke he hear me man like he can't see but he hit me like damn but like then they can move on like I see it something we like man you get shot in here you like you gotta focus to move on your eyes closed she just be happening like he just won't retire later for something that happened with a friend but don't know what really going just everybody gets their Mac miraculously survived the shooting after a few months of therapy he regained his vocal and motor skills then I got signed my head I'm blessed to be alive and too many [ __ ] like that [ __ ] story I got told words that they said one of my homeboys got one of my brothers got into it with somebody they said I just jumped out the car and start shooting it to do you know but the dude was hiding behind a car when I was I was shooting it and open-range walked across the parking lot shooting at him the dude was hiding behind a car then he just rose up one time and shot me in my head that was the last thing I remember and I woke up in the hospital bed I passed this only I can t remember I don't die twice I see you flatline for six minutes fighting back and that [ __ ] about you see the light at the end of the tunnel is fake so the [ __ ] did y'all talking about all there was light in the tunnel you a [ __ ] life ain't [ __ ] there darkness y'all cause I'm in front of my baby I didn't been up all night I read my chapter pumpin all night and I'm a video game he Tyler 2k me I played 2k all night and back you know it's like couple years ago you know X to Y was out here and purple so I drank like a [ __ ] I get [ __ ] up the whole [ __ ] night and I stayed up at least about 6:30 in the morning not dosed out [ __ ] come knocking at door had to be about 8 o'clock my baby mama city go so the doctor see you're pretty doing my baby she don't get sick so I had to be like nah some new [ __ ] knock on the dog like it's cool I hope her don't every time I look maybe do play the game I go a bit I'll lay down I'll turn it over so I jump or like didn't see a block to see the blood leaking and [ __ ] the hitman to kill suppose you peel so even with the peephole I like yeah and I turned around and he got the gun at me like it say anything give me their money I leave you cheap yours like I like that black [ __ ] [ __ ] me got me [ __ ] up like [ __ ] I'm here you so me topics on him really just being a skid cuz he know what he's doing is dumb I'm itching up on the [ __ ] though so aunty you like [ __ ] you know chamber their money I was shooting me said it I try to reach for the gun you shot a big pool shot me my hey I'm over here close my throat out [ __ ] up my intestines [ __ ] my baby was yelling crime real I like eating [ __ ] you know saying so I hain't you know getting back up off the ground and like getting my baby and I made it all the way and I was already on the ground when they started shooting me Houston police say it all started around 11:30 last night in one of these apartments where it appears drugs were being sold at least one gunmen barged into the apartment demanding cash shots were fired and the three men were struck by bullets it's unknown at this time if any of the gunshot victims were suspects no suspects were reported to be in custody however we're told that narcotics including crack cocaine were found inside of that apartment and officers are asking if you have any information about this triple shooting you're asked to call her he's the police department I got shot four times I got shot twice in the leg broke my femur bone told my female RT I got shot in the liver in the stomach this one here went to my love and through the wind straight it would hit my heart my other home boy got shot six times in the back and lost the kidney other dude got shot five times in the chest and he didn't make it down to M blends well you know uh it was like it was like a normal day but for some reason weeks prior to that and always I had a bad feeling something Bad's gonna happen I know I had my my girls pregnant with my first son at the time and for some reason I felt like something bad was gonna happen before he was even born you know my people thought I was just tripping you know so long story short you know like you said back to that day I had went to go take care of some business I got home I had a customer come meet me at the house when he came to meet me and talk about you know when we walk in the house my homeboy cut the game I'm about to play the game I go to serve my you know my customer that came when he got to walk out the door my home I go lock the doors already two dudes at the door already were guns drawn they back my other home way into the hallway and they back my other homeboy down to the couch I was the furthest away from everybody so I never had a gun put to me and I looked down the reach of my gun but it wasn't there another me so in any ways if I were to reach for my gun I probably got both my partner shot so I figured you know man just give them the [ __ ] you know what I mean you can make that back go ahead give him that [ __ ] never get up out of here you know so I grabbed the bag you know soon as they ask you know where the [ __ ] was that one give him the bag turn my head y'all going about your business I mean [ __ ] they get the bag and this do you know they shoot everybody in the house I was laying flat on the ground two bullets hit my leg dude walked up walked up to me well he I thought well he walked up to my friend I thought he's gonna shoot my friend in the head so I grabbed my friend leg and I pulled him when I pulled my friend somebody to do stepped over me grabbed the PlayStation when he grabbed the PlayStation he stepped back over me I'm still crawling on the floor he reached down there trying to shoot me in the head and I pushed off the ground and the bullet hit me in the stomach when a bullet hit my stomach you know I felt like this this warm sensation I always remember how that concrete fell when I could it's been a long time since I've been that close to the ground I know it's putty some weird to talk about but I don't know when last time you've been that close to the ground but it's an awkward feeling you know what I mean I never broke a bone in my body I couldn't even stand up I pulled myself outside I pulled myself to to where the stairs was that and I have no idea how I made it like halfway down stairs or whatever but by the time somebody came to help I was already halfway downstairs already I think I was rolling down there I told myself if I stopped moving on going down I felt like I was gonna die period but I really felt like if I don't keep going it's gonna stop right then in there you know to me when I got shot in the stomach and I felt that sensation it's already been had been shot three times you know what I mean I probably felt like I was gonna make it then but once that the bullet hit me on my stomach it was like is I already felt like I was dead already but I was still moving and my head this [ __ ] killed me but I was still moving being right here that's why I jumped up on it and broke a dude's what I did things season I put it on metal rod in my day that got screws in my ankle and right here screaming there and just work started to they took the booty that I got shot in my other ankle right here disability when you came out the other side that shot right here the bullet actually right here and I leave when I got a bullet in the middle of my cheese by hitting my chest and saying I got any grazed me right here so well nine times I had two little females with me you know I'm saying I feel like when I'm Kyle to do though cuz she talked to him she tell me go pick him up take him to the hives and Deeping around here i'm gonna tell me where did he he acts in my my government name so I hit the rearview looking at him not whip up and he'll jump out you know I'm saying I see him fumbling with the tool so you know I'm saying that when he jumped out I jump I I run up on him I'm really from the steel him you know anybody pad me so you turned me around right here so when it turned me around I thought to run through hill he was running along here shooting at me and I tried to jump the ditch he shot me in the league I feeling you know it's any shooting at me whatever I'm rolling around whatever I feel tried to get on my league and when I jumped up on my league I broke it you know I'm saying so now I'm rolling in the grass or whatever he's shooting at me I'm talking she I know I know bitch-ass [ __ ] howay I know you want to fight and I'm talking seat he shut up [ __ ] just died you know I'm jumping on me like this gun jammed he fix it on me shoot me something I'll drop the clip put another one in on me until my heart drop everything when they're happy being a little females on the car they pull out from my car I'm like okay they're gonna try to run him over now they way over here in the street making sure down here tonight scratch out I'm gonna ditch this who you're hosting but he been acheived me when he shot me in back of the head you know enough loss to our countries and there's nothing I thought I was out of the he took my ID my widely my phone everything so when I wake up in the hospital on the John Doe you know I'm saying family in the everybody crying on it was a real why up aside from you know I'm sending out a paralyzed from the neck down I would over the chest beats I'm all cheer like a mother gang out free cold in the night oh my life is [ __ ] up for a long time shot at 18 paralyzed [ __ ] up I thought a dream [ __ ] at all eighteen or twenty-one no walking twenty no matter of fact gonna be 21 hot [ __ ] riding star walk and the dog talking about never walking 15 years the five and a half years man change my life man really I'm in the truck right now Nash's road [ __ ] up oh man here yeah Miley got a fixator on it man I can't really walk like a hippo time on some Hayden is [ __ ] mad cuz I stay in my lane [ __ ] mad cousin new get on the foot well I don't want to focus on the move [ __ ] mega they don't understand hide new can get out in one year and run laps around them [ __ ] and the [ __ ] can't even run 360 is currently incarcerated so I been shot three different times she the first time I got shot when I was 16 and my mother for the faces she went in right here and they came out through here this cheetah you can't see if I grew the head the second time I was at my mom apartments and she they tried to rob me and I grabbed a gun and shot me in my hand third time was that at the club trying to pick somebody up help somebody out and my guys end up getting shot in the [ __ ] bed got shot and I crashed my [ __ ] van well I was at the club and she had me and my homeboy and I was leaving this [ __ ] and somebody asked us for a ride no seconds they bleeding and [ __ ] I said okay I'm gonna take it to dollar he says cool so when he got in somebody wykel to the water to the van and told me hold on man what was going on my homeboy all I heard was gunshots and that's it I can't remember nothing else man as I heard I drove up and got a gun I got on the freeway and crashed man [Music] okay Swiss ki Peter will be less then my brother steel baby on my blood for real swaggy P smell si Bing BAM tea for my hall to hear T blood my brother yeah [Music] events can be read did you hear what they said [Music] did you hear what they say did you get what they said and they say they shot him it is me shot in the air is crazy country a shot in a [Music] this crazy country the combo commands can be you're not just taking one life you're taking the life out of an entire family who more than likely will never be the same again let's hear from some of these family members you know I was standing around I was standing by the store and he was down at the park where we was raised here down there in the bottom and I heard the gunshots you know it was probably because I heard the gunshots and I got down we at the same time I was calling his phone and his phone were going straight to voicemail so a mom I feel kind of like my whole body was can feeling kind of funny so like I start walking toward where the gunshots was coming from and I as I'm walking towards the gunshot it was some old gunshots run golf with like real like three or four more gunshots long ago so I'm still walking towards the park because as I'm calling his phone he's going to voicemail so as I'm walking down I'm calling his name really loud and I'm like digging and just kind of his name really loud I don't hear nobody else in I don't hit him responded to me so when I come through the park and somebody was like one one of the guys who died last year on July 2 for a night there for a while he was standing right there by my brother like they shot your brother the quarians took her also known as tuck was standing right by the Andre Edwards who was also shot and killed a few months later at a July 4th celebration in Houston's 4th Ward Jamal Dixon Lackey 26 and Charles Jackson 29 were also killed during the shooting another 37 year old man and ten-year-old child were shot but survived the Quarriers took his brother DeMarcus Tucker 33 was also shot and killed two weeks later after his death my brother's on the whole other side of the park so I had to run to the park and buy time I got told me he was talking you know I'm just a maximum where he was shot at you know he was telling me that he was hit in the leg and I'm like you know every time I ride to my shirt off had to wrap his leg you know I'm just talking to him and with him like a whole conversation then my time I'm gonna get my car the emmalin's just pulling up and so when the ambulance got there I was like you know in some way we shot it you just sent my leg not on my back hurt and also so they were like no we're gonna cut your own shirt open to see if you've been shining around you know your body upper body part so they could shut up and they rolled him over and that's when I hit yeah two bullet holes in the back I'll just tell him you know you got pulled through you know make it was full he was tired having full conversation when he was talking you know we just like am i right you know just give me to the hospital see it to my brother I'll just like I look like I let you I see you when you get to the hospital all I know is that I was awakened out of my sleep by my husband my brother telling me to wake up and when I woke up you know when you come out to sleep here in the days so you like okay what's going on why are you waking me up and they just hot I mean they were screaming at me they wasn't just like saying wake up wake up they was like get up and my husband was shaking me and I walk there I kind of woke up I was like what wideout why are you humming at me and he was like get up nine get dressed I was like why and when I woke up I seen my brother at the end of my bed and I was like I my first instinct was my mom cuz my mom stayed with my brother and I was like what's going on and then that's when my other husband said that did he D has been shot when he said that to me I say what and he said he's been shot get up and get dressed and I was like is my child dead and he's like and my brother broke and he said no they say they they got him at being talk you need to get there you need to get there so I couldn't move for a minute cuz my heart was sinking cuz I was like okay well was he where did he get shot at you know they didn't didn't nobody know that and then I grabbed my phone you see where I had all the missed calls so I call it Jaidev like mama get to being told he's in surgery he's in surgery so I hurry up and got dressed and God knows that was the longest ride from where I stayed to being taught and I was saying okay God okay God you know you know I know he's gonna be all right you know I was praying the whole way there and once we got there we you know had yet the park invent our garage we ran down the sidewalk I got to the emergency room they told me go to the fourth floor in surgery when me and my husband got to the first four fluent in surgery I seen my son he Larry was down at the other end so I ran down now and LJ had his shirt on him good honor I was like what happened what the hell happened you know what happened was shot him who shot him and they're like mom I don't know all I know is that they he was shining the leg and then the police came and MLS came to get him and I was like whatever then that's when LJ told me what mama when they turned him over he was shot in the back by the time energy was saying that I was like but who the hell shot him and by the time we turned around they was calling our name and uh when I turned around I seen the police officer the doctor so my LJ took out running I turned around and I seen the Chapman so like I said working hellcat and worked in the ER so I was like oh my god you know please don't I mean God don't let this be what they gonna tell me so we ran down there and we went in the room they closed the room the doctor asked us to sit down so my baby son was like just give us the news doctor is my brother alive or what is he gonna make it or what and the doctors say he didn't make it [Music] [Music] I was at home and my cousin Colin I run about 120 so when he called me I didn't answer like right off beca's I was sleep because I had to get up to go to work then then one so I didn't answer so by time I was the answer and he hung up he talked right back sorry Elsa and he was like we Eve I get up Mimi and the debug me math club I mean I'm sleeping I've been working in couple of hours he's like nah he's supported get up with some bird and the first thing I thought was like man what's going on so I just jumped up it was cold outside therefore I had on some shorts some socks I just jumped up and jumped in my car and I burnt down and did my white cotton bags like come back and give me he said come give me so I hung I'll go back and get my wife up I change clothes I put something wrong let me get that I just pulled up and whole time just praying like man hoping and hoping that bad opening that there had been some when I pull up I just see yellow tape when I seen the other tape it was like I already knew when they good coming out seeing the yellow tape he was going to the bar to get a drink and eat when he got to the wall he had altercation a guy and he called me Oh girl like feeling I went I stepped over them when I got over here he totally dude you didn't give me enough time to say no and I went over that put my hand on the dude chest like hey what's going on and when I pulled out his gun and start shooting nobody got hit right here in the windpipe he was trying to talk but he couldn't say man you know if I hit you in your chases knock you in my knees hard for you to say something you could say that he was just getting gasping clout but I kept telling her go down down the hill I'm on the phone with a black man one day he'll name weight it's gonna be all right don't die on me you kept trying to talk to him but when me and my cousin was in that club the police coming down with big guns then I'm told this what y'all doing what - Gus what I just mean y'all know I ain't killing what y'all got y'all guns pointed on me [ __ ] they coming at a whole club empty just me if I would be enough I don't know what went on outside because I never exit the dope I stayed in the club the whole night today investigators walk me out while I was able to see my family being it I got a call a call from my nephew Cory's to come to come to a club and by 1:30 in the morning and when we got there we found out that my son had been shot and killed and what sense it was just a senseless act because he didn't know the person that killed him just senseless I got a call about four o'clock in the morning and I wasn't going to answer the phone because I didn't really recognize the phone number cuz I just don't even suppose that I didn't know and so I get a call and I says are you Kaleem during camp and I said this is she still didn't have no alertness of why is this person calling me and me say do you have a son George Kent I said I do but then knowing the type of parents that George and I are we was like I'm thinking mmm what did George do is something happening I'm gonna whip his butt that's what I was thinking because I was like okay kids must got into something and then he said well there was altercation and after three stable do you know what George was I said well if it's Thursday I said George should have been maybe two at a football game because I know he's always taking other young boys and making him get back into football so I'm thinking maybe they went out of football practice or something cuz George was trying to be a daddy to everybody in the community so I'm thinking hmm no he prayed was at a football practice a football game or something he was of well that is correct deliver say it was a football game and it was an altercation after the game and George was shot and I said okay and immediately I'm thinking where where is George where I'm sorry start saying okay where what hospital okay so I'm trying to figure out how to get my shoes on as fast as I can and you start trying to grab my bags and everything go I had him on the phone like what hospital what hospital and then he said no ma'am I'm sorry to tell you that George didn't survive and at that time it was like everything became still I couldn't breathe [Music] the call was from a friend of hers who was screaming and just saying miss me they said that Bree got shot and she didn't make it and I didn't know was it thing like I mean I got like randomly gunshot random somewhere you know like she's just hanging out whether it's wherever it's just somewhere I didn't think of what it actually was and at that moment I was actually on the phone with a well-known artist here in Houston and it just throw me so my boss walked in right after that and when he walked in um I told him and they sent me the address and all the information and it ended up being her boyfriend's grandmother's house [Music] I was coming home from the club and raqqa go to sleep in my ain't ain't hit me up on Instagram I was looking at that today nine one one nine one one give me a card give me a car and so I called the number and I spoke to my my brother's stepfather and he was like yeah you know will was at the club and some things popped off and he was at the wrong place he was on home and and I'll eat block and they did a drive-by and I was like okay well I'm coming to the hospital well yeah he all right he was like nah he deceased yeah man we open we open we open way too much to do Joshua was living in a condominium and Joshua was was considering purchasing the condominium and he said my mom she wants to charge me X amount of dollars I said Joshua give her my number have her to call me I would negotiate a good price for you Josh was landlord called me and I was thinking they were about to talk about negotiating on the condominium but she said I'm sorry to tell you but your son was shot and killed so I'm gonna kick my door in and shot and killed your son [Music] just received a call from Zoe's Godfather Sunday morning on the April 17th and he just told me sit down if you're standing up can you please sit down I just he told me to sit on the floor and I sat down on the floor it he told me andrew has been shot I didn't know it was serious oh it was a joke but my body just lost all the energy until he came on he came and picked me up we went to like three emergency rooms to seek for Andrew and I just wanted to see him oh I wanted it's just to see Andrew and see what's going on ask him like what is going on is he okay is he talking what is really going on we found him in Memorial Hermann southwest he was in the emergency room I just lost all the strength I remember falling down just calling his name and there was no answer it was just I really thought there was hope because everybody was fraying fosters were calling then I just put the phone on the speaker we pray in the intensive care unit they gave me a Bible I kept putting a 1900 on him and just praying I even asked the doctors even if he don't get better if we can just go home with him and take care of him on the 19th that's when they told us there's completely no hope but we said no there is hope and we're gonna keep praying they had to fly another neurologist from New York on the 20th in the morning that's when he came and checked him and that's when they realized after we brought Zoey Zoey talked to him and everything that's when he couldn't fight anymore [Music] the biggest question of all is why why do we choose to use gun violence instead of using conflict resolution to solve our problems why would you shoot your brother instead of sitting down with your brother to try to resolve differences I'm in the wrong neighborhood I got my head that's being towed you know I got to kill somebody yeah just for the hell of it crack cocaine and lack of jobs don't like me because Robert everybody don't fight with everybody you got these [ __ ] they don't like they don't like this [ __ ] this [ __ ] thank you hard you step over soon don't you know you don't say it's crazy you know they pick a fight with you just shoot you just beefing over these blacks no sane and ain't even theirs and see they fighting for none maybe because I'm black [ __ ] in the form and widow farming on side [ __ ] just got the news you wanted jazz you wanted the Gooch's you wanted see it's the younger generation everybody wanna be a real [ __ ] but most of the older guys they ain't cool you know it's the younger due date like I said many they so much they don't want to take a loss neighbors don't want to look like no hope they didn't grow up being outside like this even if they could play basketball ain't none on play basketball none um throw a football around and nobody fighting nah me it's nothing physical no more man it was mostly in the house playing video games so they it's another theta jumped off the push or whatever the first thing they do is very good because they can't fight but even learn [ __ ] man is totally gone way bigger than up and they killing their kin and we need to step into big home and eat stuffing you know I mean to do something about it talk to the evening ain't no more punching [ __ ] in the chest saying Luger you going to start now are you going to be more effective you [ __ ] around get shot by somebody you watch go up doing that man we had you know everybody was click there for my use we have dad he wasn't throwing up no guy so I move with our fathers and stuff like that but nowadays you got colors you got blue and red and you got people and did my own guys down here helping men are less [ __ ] coming back from California because he was coming up here working guys and he's well you know [ __ ] [ __ ] make a gang everyday night I mean back in big Dean it was it was allowed that you came into and you respected you didn't start just loud this law was here before you you came in you followed this law no I mean this code was already here this one nothing that you you created yeah I mean this is something you grew up there to learning yummy night day's date they got their own laws nowadays they make a game every other day the visit if it Street [ __ ] [ __ ] that I'll cheer together every day that I can see them getting high come up with a name and they from their own they rockin it me and they're gonna die behind it so you know it's like you know I ain't taking nothing away from them they gonna die behind it so you know it's the whole thing change for the law no I mean like you know we had love we had we had codes we had me you know nowadays is every man for for separately and it's crazy because it wasn't like that a couple years ago when it be the trouble in the neighborhood in really usually don't be with the people within the neighborhood we all grew up to go we all know each other like I miss my mama be somebody's mom and you know I'm saying like that's how we are grew up so we all kind of knew each other anyone realize no killing each other and I think we knew each other it really be people coming from the outside come coming in and like somebody bring somebody in your house and you know destroying your house you don't even know these people and I think it's the government I think it's several things number one I think we aim lessly living that means living without a purpose period number two people are living by the code you know in the code is either kill or be killed and it's just that simple that's just the way of life for african-americans low economic areas see a lot of times people kill others because they're [ __ ] zhan someone else rather than focusing on themselves as I see you I'll [ __ ] and then I end up kitchen ammonia in the beach I thought I was out of there though they told my mama I'm gonna make it though [Music] I didn't [Music] it was crazy well I I keep hearing yeah yeah I was crying because I can hear I can't open my eyes [Music] I had to work my way up from different less than one pound to 270 pound [ __ ] you know I'm saying it wouldn't he wasn't I heard it was just a burn and I know why I'm here cuz I'm feeling the burn but it ain't it ain't bothering me you know I'm saying I ain't feeling until the aftermath in the hospital dance when I felt it every day you know I'm saying from head to toe I felt that every day was hard to move hard to do anything you know I'm saying that that's when it really hurt you don't hurt at the moment you heard it later you know I'm saying you gotta take your medicine or whatever I got nerve damage so my hands bottom my feet numb you know I'm saying it's it's just it don't hurt right then it hurt for the rest of your days like where my head my baby momma ain't nobody want to tell me what was going on ain't because they didn't know cuz I was I was such a hothead they didn't know how I was gonna react you know I'm saying you you go from you go from being a wild man having money to living your life you know on the edge there's knowing whatever you want to do you know controlling stuff feeling like you you know you can't be touched to being paralyzed and then they tell you got to be in a wheelchair you're gonna have to stay in this hospital for the next three months you know I saw I just Annie and I smile somebody left my photo album at the hospital of me being able you know me back in the day beating up being able to take care of myself doing my own thing I just broke down crying so being you know everybody thinking that that gangster life is what it is that life ain't what it is it's just pain when they get cold and it hurts and she different different weathers there's no saying that should be hurting she I'm on some pills right now cuz I was in paying my back no I mean I got life flighted I was in shock trauma ICU for like a month and a half walk over to down my throat through my nose my neck staples my whole stomach closed up I couldn't see my belly button no more my body couldn't move nothing I had to learn how to walk again piss again [ __ ] again breathe again all that [ __ ] all over again the [ __ ] that people do every day and take that [ __ ] for granted you able to move everyday so you don't know what it's like to this one day your body don't work no more I couldn't even lean up I couldn't do [ __ ] I couldn't even talk to you what'd I do meet the the monitors going off for my the blood pressure rising from talking about the situation me and my brothers were all really close to my mom you know she raised all of us by herself and all four of us graduated high school you know what I mean so it messed her up it messed her up so bad that it stressed her out and it actually brought the lupus out she didn't she didn't find out she had lupus until I got off the hospital and they told her it was cuz she bent she had it but the stresses were brought it completely out from going through the [ __ ] with me being in the hospital she was there every day bro as a community activist the most difficult part of my job is having to console those members of the family once they've lost a family member from gun violence you see when you kill one person in the community it's like a domino effect you affect the children you affect the parents the grandparents the neighbors the friends everyone who once loved that person that you murdered now has a gaping hole in their hearts that never heals so before you pull that trigger understand you're not just taking one life you're taking the life out of an entire family who more than likely will never be the same again let's hear from some of these family members I would have to say was the day after the casket was lowered into the ground the next day had to be the hardest day of my life I had to really depend on my spirituality I had to allow the God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit to do what the Bible said it would do otherwise I would not be here in this interview [Music] my brother was killed back in 93 of March he was also shot that was hard then I had my nephew killed in May of 2008 on the southwest side that was hard but hard was to watch my son laying in a casket that I knew my son were never coming back and they always say that you're supposed to bury your parents and I had to turn around and bury my son people say you're he'll you'll recover no they lose my child I will never ever recover from this I will never stop thinking about my child it's by the grace of God that wakes me up each day to move to get up if some days that I lay in my bed that I don't much wanna move it's so nice I wake up and I just started crying I get on the float and start crying and my husband had to get up and she said just sit there and consoled me each other cried that I couldn't cry no mo you cry to your head hurt and at the same time your heart is hurt you could be the best person you are but when you're a mother and you didn't carry their child nine months a high up along because don't kid me please oh and premature but when you carry them and you nurture them and you love them unconditionally your love as a mother never wavers its unconditionally whether they are bad or good that test your soul apart a mother has a bond with a child that came nobody break hey it has been a rough 11 months almost 11 months for me my life changed from the moment that doctor said that my son did not make it I can't even tell you how that told me apart it it ripped my heart apart then I asked to see my son and they told me that I would have to wait till homicide came to see him you made yourself God and took you your own hand that my son then blows it no more not that you shot him one time you shot him several times and then you had a vision of to get it fun to judge and say how you want to better your life and as a father I sit back and look at all this going on now one time a day to admit you one time did you start from take my son like for what they done he my god I hate face okay there's no there's life but oh oh oh Jesus but I will not even see my son here wide open so I know I put a nine-millimeter semi-automatic oh but it wasn't even no bullets in there cuz he's like the one is that that's I might I know that my son my son did not deserve murdered I know he did night [Music] [Music] we go man wake up 303 you like it - no this should call him you call me you might not see I ran out of time in the long run we live enough nothing just not talk to each other you know we always stay tight [ __ ] calm you tell me look some GP all I had was my boys in my faith in God I realized this is the second chapter in my life then I had to continue on to live with my son keep fighting myself to not to try to kid me suicide just still stands from still respect him somebody else or even though I'm struggling myself but my son gave me a second chapter my life dad you are strong you gonna be alright but you just go to the process a Keith do what you doing because I can't stop you there are more ultimate paintings being done to you they tuck yourself or you what more pain do you need I never will imagine that my child would have got killed somewhere where he grew up in where all the people in third why where I grew up at i'm from third boy my mom name is from third ward they grew up my son got killed in a part that he grew up planning every day [Music] and then I'm thirty rounds and they kept them we have just left my mother our getting some Christmas money and he told me to come back the next day to get the other half but he died I think obey I didn't believe them I just thought it was just a joke I just thought they're just trying to mess with me just give me a surprise feeling just know her [Music] [Applause] [Music] people think I'm kind of crazy because I keep a picture of her from her funeral that day in the casket um and when anybody asks me why it stares because I have to make sure I know that because I wake up sometimes and I still call her phone and of course the police have her phone so I still can't phone i still text her oh I don't know I just you know I don't know it's just a crazy situation there are plenty of days that I actually had picked up a gun and pointed it to my face like basically where my child got shot at and wonder like was she laughing did she find it funny and the gun went off did she was she scared and she cried how did she feel like wait actually how does she actually feel like that moment is what I want to know and what if this gun goes off while I'm doing this but I just you know when you when you have no answers to questions you know you're gonna [ __ ] the position I'm still saying I gave really you are you know I tried that try to keep you're gonna be cleaning but you really in a [ __ ] up position because I don't know how my baby girl felt anything I don't know what happened I don't know someone's going on I don't know she was scared I don't know if she thought it was a joke I don't know sometimes [ __ ] wonder why I drink like I do this why so high over take the hay up my brother we were like my real like my everytime like my brother my boy he taught me a life beside my grandfather was my brother like it was like my father just what my big brother he was also like my father because he taught me a lot of training and it hurt me deeply like right now at home I'm on camera so I ain't really no no chillin I like the way it really hurt it hurt big when you buy yourself a notice somebody you wake up with every day like me and my brother we stay together every day like every time we how whole life was playing out with each other so losing him was just like I lost a real big part of myself so that's the heart and filling the lutulu somebody's real close to you like being like there's a hurting feeling yeah one of my best friends who just fine his heart I just called do whatever makes that better our role model this is all of us looked up to I'm in college I already started doing what I want to do in my life but I do have three younger siblings that really don't know what they want to do well the youngest one she - so she might not when she goes she's never gonna remember any of their memories with my dad that hurt me the most because I was right there and I hope you could've shot but wasn't illegal could have been after high school to talk about it that night we could have been right here laughing about it but I took my first loss in clue and fighting with no punches thrown I lost a little so but I was really very close to be done everything again stayed together talking together we're not to give it everybody thought we was brothers but we was first cousin to us we was brothers it's heartbreaking it's hurtful and it's a devastation to my entire family he's just struggling day by day trying to get by I gave him my name to continue on that was my [ __ ] for him to carry my name on I got it - my grandfather and it was net for me plenty of days they come to where I just don't even want to get out of bed and I don't want to do it anymore I did sleep I didn't sleep about two weeks straight but husband thought was gonna have a nervous breakdown they put me I went back to work while I was planning my son's from I start having anxiety attacks I've never had a heart attack I had as I see attack they took me off from work they put me on medication then I was complaining like how can I make it without my son I always told my son he goes just use abrasive just sucking it sucking about one he is sucking it up suck it up and we had my son Phil I walked in a room I look at pictures like my son lifted me like its mouth moving say daddy suck it up I look at him I started I promise you I promise you this day yo day or you're going home I would not share one tilt and I kept their promise to their whole day after that date but after that the chills all rolling I can't stop him I went in his room and the other day and the straightening things around and for some odd reason out all these years I never came across his ultrasound photos and I just had this stare at him and look at the beginning and then I'm looking at Wow that was where all the promises were that was all the dreams and all the hopes and everything that we had thinking about the future of our son that was to come thinking about the legacy and what he would do and how many children he would have and then to be standing in his room and he's gone and to know that my child would never ever come see his mom again never seen his mama again and that's what kept resonating in my head that no matter what we do no matter how many protests we do rallies speaking engagements it doesn't matter we are still left with the final outcome of not having our son that was never a time when more than 48 hours which has and we were not in contact so was the separation anxiety that was just killing my eyes and I always say that it felt like someone had removed my brains from my head and had removed my heart from my body and my soul is ruffled torn worn and it was just crumpled the world don't feel our pain imagine I'm not here yet your child's voice ever again in life [Music] [Music] [Music] and tell me could you imagine Oh [Music] [Music] we can't look at crime and violence an inner city gunfire as if though it is an immovable Mountain as a matter of fact I believe that God has assigned us to this mountain to prove that it can be moved let's talk about some solutions get more kids involved in sports you know that's what helped us keep the cold and burn all of us grew up together plant spores that will not come to denominator you know we played out our life you know so actually being in that keep you away from the streets you know we so we are behind me good so we all have the same interest you know and then when you're good at sports then you won't have no choice but to go further and get us kind of [ __ ] you know well your mama's don't have to pay for school you know I'm saying get out together we got to get outside of our environment and see what's going on around in the world in order to bring you back to the to your environment to your neighborhood and make it that much better you don't say that ain't cool to be in the hood all your life you know you could be hurt and be where you from will be intelligent too you know you can be had the best of both worlds you know I'm saying you don't have to be get along but someone has to show you and if you've never been showing anything different how can you expect a different result find something to do go to school go to school go to school go to college get an education graduate pick up a book and read things that you ain't never read before spend an hour a day reading something and you're gonna gain more and more knowledge while we're feeling it we're not reading we have to self educate ourselves you could come in mark class day in and day out and not learn a thing and get a beat hey can you get a college degree I see more educated fools on this earth than I've seen anything don't go to college don't go to high school just to get an education go to learn something to be a better person to help someone else this ain't no good this right here kids look closely and this [ __ ] right here just shameful y'all become somebody don't become [ __ ] like this does ain't no future in it on boy you don't die or go to you I want you out you got what are your kids gonna have to look up to it this is what this what you're doing you're gonna end up dead or in jail ain't no something is exist in Street I'll give how much money air my mind is a terrible thing to waste man follow your first mile a first mile until you know nighttime I chanted no said enough homies out there around the world man start thinking negative negative things begin to happen if you was talking all about surviving just know it's a whole nother where life man we think positive positive things began to happen it's chill man we got to be patient you don't gotta fight for your life every day everybody's life is important think think think about what you're doing before you pick up a gun life is about choices stop doing option because kids are it's easy to walk away you want somebody killing you realize you're taking a father you're taking grandfather you wouldn't want nobody to murder a member of your family talk enough talk it out a walk away your choice should never be to take somebody else's life it look like it'll look right I'll do it I shouldn't have did it I hate I did that because somewhere down the line you're gonna get caught now you and jail your family has to suffer just like you and everybody have a bad day but that bad day shouldn't result in you hurting somebody killing somebody just taking away your family member you allowing the people that want to kill us to sit back they really they letting us do what they want to do and then they go out and do some more think before you do it but I know it's a bunch of either watching it and damn near died and y'all went back and do the same [ __ ] there damn that took your life the first time it's time to stop being black people black race instead of killing each other on senseless things you need to stop if you're in any type of situation domestic violence I mean it's hitting on you abusing you anything get out of it talk to somebody get some help find out what your purpose in life is never let nobody T you ain't real cuz you ain't a street [ __ ] stop being so many news they say quick to pick up a gun and think oh I'm talking I got a good and what you don't know the next man might have a gun too like me I'm licensed to carry can I keep a gun on me at all time but if he gets down today I'm I'm down the throat throw these hands before these five years is done regardless you ain't got to be a Street [ __ ] to be a man everybody's always saved my friend my friend people are not two friends people here to see you fall don't believe everybody today everybody you you know if you want wear your pants up when I'm up no cuz because if you don't say then you dis you this here all you're not that you're not gonna be dissing life pick their pants up you know everybody knows people don't wanna hang out every part at your party every gallon ain't you gathering sometimes you just save me I don't want to go I'm staying at home you know young man saying types of young ladies you know telling of what they can do you know hey I'm this they feel like the more tattoos I get the harder I look you know and you're putting tattoos all your faith try to be like these rebels and you know but these guys have money they got people backing them up to make them look like this you running around your father's I have no money your mother's on your grand prairie dog you don't have a job but you're making seven-letter like our image that you don't even portrayed anything I know you know you don't judge nobody by the way they look but I'm gonna here to tell you as a father something y'all guys look ridiculous first of all just gonna have to expect yourself and once you respect yourself I guaranteed you you were comforting more out of life and the one you called your friend the more your comes the more he gonna hate you because he now I was saying it ro did you go on make better judgment or who your friends are the best friend you can have the more awesome friend you can it's your parents because they're not gonna guide you in the wrong direction the real deal is you need to go ask your attorney where does he like to be education where does his children like to go to school work fine restaurants does he like to go eat at where does his wife like to shop you dance all those questions first because when you'll get into trouble you're gonna need a whole lot of that finances to be able to get yourself out of it and guess what then the attorneys not really gonna care about you and defending you because all he want at the bottom line is your money so that money that she was killing your next-door neighbor for the money that she was robbing the guy down the street for or you had a bad deal to go bad well it wasn't for you anyway if you didn't even take the money to even try to help build a house where you live there are either help your parents with anything but you did it all for self-gain and in the end it wasn't for yourself game you've been tricked another day I like touching young man's and young ladies no I'm tired you go around time I just the way to do that is just to do that first off don't nobody even own this isn't even your hood if you don't own a piece of property pay it further Texas that's the only thing you were all in it if you pay your taxes so quick claiming you lose it so when you're getting a situation you're hurting for you you feel yourself the one you call your homeboy your role dog my partner who I kid with they gonna kick in front of you and with you gone first person you don't call my mama and my daddy the one they've been preaching all day life all every day don't do this don't do this em but you would rather listen to that guy I've been the street since your hula partner and your hood partner all he did lie to you y'all lying to each other and you always have a home where everybody say I'm going hang out over here and do what we do that's the way we do it but actually a little pilot can't girls and do it no ma'am I mama do do this so they'll find a witness one and he ain't payin already don't have a job don't do this don't do this you might be stealing grandma grandma colonnades young I'm a don't worry about her maybe we can do this what we do it around here grandma's getting tired mouths and a leak in time the laws can time so what but when you get in trouble the fred person won't go back so when you don't dog down all your life yeah no of course not he'll know I didn't go they gonna shoot our [ __ ] and we gonna go back down that shoot through [ __ ] violence was here long before you got here violent violent gonna be here father was here long before I got here I didn't have nobody stop you ain't gonna stop here now I pray a stop is that ain't on it so gonna be somebody hating I hope you get peace of the street they wanna pop a [ __ ] real fast so what somebody could trying to cross the next movie shoot I don't see you could I ain't seen the chick I mean I hope be ain't never gonna stop it'll be some good for my kids and she ain't gotta worry about no body shooting them in robbing her Molitor just like the older brother so they see us the way we do the way we move where we act with your talk you know they like that [ __ ] they don't eventually stick to us you know the crime and violence in our city is not an immovable mountain we also have to understand that mountains do not move themselves so let's take a look at some of the movements and some of the people that are working diligently every single day to move this mountain got too many brothers I heard there's been filed in short man I lost two men freeze it to me in the last five six I thought I was for free and I ain't tryna lose no more so I asked how the feet before you believe that's the model today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the real cause is politician a plan the kiddos see the children up it's gonna take some money and - hood yeah door to be lay on a cement slab and then you're safe it's time to do something I'm sick and tired of it [Applause] my world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to bury their child two sisters make sure everything is supported and love them and we got never family we got em now listen we're getting ready to have a piece whoa each understand our language we're getting ready to have a peaceful we encounter Tara Dina we didn't come to cause havoc nor chaos we came to bring a spirit of love and using and fees that were canceled every evil force in this community and every community for evil tries to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first time even he wanted to stop in the middle of the street and acknowledge you and acknowledge your loved one the one that you lost and let you know that we stayed with you and then to loved one and stop being very insane we don't make a change if we gonna make a difference in this community make your voice heard take back your community one neighborhood one block one family at a time I go out there and I try to lift them up instead of using these hands to put them down I will continue to fight and to keep his memory alive not only with my grandsons but with other mothers and we were else need our to go to the restroom there is an ill George I have to pass my empty room every morning every night no George I don't think your parents want to pass by your room and not see you and we're gonna make sure that we are using our pain to be our empowerment to be able to help others that are out there that are going through the same thing I'm trying to bring these kids out of the gang lifestyle I'm trying to bring them out of the streets and what I am asking the city of Houston is unite I will continue to fight my son didn't die in vain and I will not let his name go down in vain it doesn't matter if you black if you white if you're Chinese if you're Mexican we don't care what clique what color what side of town you live long if you're from Mexico you're from Guatemala 1 Houston and one hood under this Sun we're all running just listen the boy it's not you all the time baby you're psycho [Music] music - video games they masculinity for the present I'm the original person that came up with the idea of the Scared Straight program Houston Harris County certified years of the dog at 16 and they gave me 200 years in prison in an affair my teeth was kicked out I ended up in solitary confinement for years with my first four years of my life anybody know what I mean when I said I'm terrified because I had what you call an anger problem and I had a tooth problem my anger became one of my worst enemies you know you get mad collies because prison that you can't smell a prison that you can't touch a prison that you can't understand because the prison they created as a prison for your mind the knowledge itself is the key to us coming up because when you know yourself you gonna love yourself and if you love yourself you'll do better by yourself so I want you to know no matter what your condition is love you by knowing who you are I'm telling you who you are you're the original people of this earth you gave birth to every race that's walking the planet and whose you are you belong to God and because God loves you you should learn to love yourself if you want to end of the gang violence if you want to end black-on-black crime if you in young people killing young people then the thing to do is to unleash the economic engine of this city so that the people who are the least to last Lawson locked out left behind have an opportunity to engage in the economic process then they have incentive not to kill or be killed and they have an incentive to make peace in the streets why you can't rebuild black Wall Street as long as there's blood running in the streets there is no mystery go if you're looking for God look in the mirror because you are made in His image and after his likeness so love yourself by learning yourself and if you do that unite with self and let's get up and do something for ourselves to change our own condition and nobody coming down here for Washington DC or from Austin or even from City Hall to save us it's up to us to save ourselves you the greatest generation we ever produced there's never been a more fearless generation than you you got you no matter what problems you have you got to hold on man because our hope is in you you that Joshua generation we've been waiting for you got Nat Turner generation we've been waiting for you that liberation generation we've been waiting for you the ones that's gonna lead us to the promised land so no matter what you're going through no matter what anybody says about you whether you're here is in twists whether you wear them braids whether you debit cutoff whether you got tattoos all over your body whether you're a grill in your mouth whether you like your car slow loud and bangin no matter how you like your rap music sisters whether you weave it to achieve it so it to grow it whatever you do with your hair let me tell you one thing you still the greatest generation we ever had and don't let nobody tell you any different we need you we want you want you to stay alive man stop the killing and stop the violence stop for a moment and don't kill yourself because suicide is the biggest problem among our young people so please preserve your life because God God has ordered that you are the ones that gonna lead us to the promised land so please stay alive and no and we're working for you we believe in you we trust in you but all you need is guidance and we're here to guide you we love even though he's gone you don't saying his legacy is gonna live on I'm gonna make sure that whatever I got to do whatever I got to do he is his mama no family is cooler than his brother you know saying he got he got people behind it and I just wanted to know that that's what give me comfort you know because I know my dog I watched him grow you know and his favorite song was a never woulda made it and so one one verse stick out in my head and I say I'm stronger and wiser and I watch them grow to be stronger wiser you get drinks on me no not and I'm lying I don't mean big mean big me buying drinks let me just like drinks on big me all the drinks on beneath dimitra's life telling birdie told you that regardless of how many tears we shed in the Bayou City there is no city like Houston Texas this city is ours we're not going to give up as a matter of fact we're going to organize mobilize and work our hardest to take this city back we love Houston and no amount of violence can change that peace peace and love now I pray for Houston ma'am that this is to see his home I mean I love his [ __ ] the love for thorough I love the city of Houston based on overheat are laid out baby [Music] I love a good MLK day right [Music] join the party [Music] [Music] I'm smiling because I just lay back on so many good memories with it [Music] I didn't get my first or ideal driving license I was 33 and I felt like I just walked to stay just um I was so happy I felt coffee some [ __ ] man I get a bit of tightening in my real life [Music] donate babies always nobody is my Yellowstone takes video the window if you know me you know me you know still black King [Music]
Channel: Black King Ent
Views: 3,608,757
Rating: 4.7165999 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, houston, texas, gun violence, democrats, republicans, midterms, films, 5th ward, 3rd ward, alief, dirty third, black king ent, rico king, african american, racism
Id: 6aG4G3szX6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 35sec (6395 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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