Teardrop Trailer with Bathroom and Kitchen (Walkthrough Tour)

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hey it's Drew from playing with sticks I'm going to be taking you through one of the most popular trailers on the market today actually on the road today and that is the tab 320s from New Camp RV as usual stick around I'll share three things I like about this trailer and three things I think can be improved some of them being probably a deal breaker for many of you and then as usual I'll share similar trailers in the market to give you a better idea of what's out there this is a special episode for me I finally got the chance to meet Mandy Lee I think you're really going to like this one hey everyone Mandy Lee with Mandy Lee photo here my husband Kendrick and I have been living in the new camp teardrops for over five years and we love to share our knowledge on our YouTube channel and at our rallies I'm here with new Camp RV today showing off some of our teardrop trailers if you've never seen one I want to give you a tour of our middle size the mama bear I guess if you will this is the tab 320. now this model is our Boondock Edition which is a little bit more rugged so it's going to come with the platform which is super sturdy you can strap anything you want on here a lot of people will put a generator or jug of water in the tongue box up here is where your propane tank will go it's big enough you can fit two propane tanks and still have room for a little extra storage for all that other stuff another little platform here just all the storage you could possibly want a lot of people ask what these are these are actually handles because this little camper is so light that you can actually park it unhook it and you can just reposition it around wherever you want coming around the side we've got our classic door with our classic little hobbit hole and a beautiful super sturdy step right here really easy to get up and down on the Boondock Edition you're going to have larger 15-inch tires which they're off-road tires and it gives you an extra six inches of clearance there so you can pretty much take this guy anywhere moving on we've got two outdoor one 10 Outlets as well as a lagoon mount for the table that is on the inside you can bring that outside mount it to the side and have a nice little cocktail table on the Boondock Edition they've added this aluminum frame here it's a bumper cover that kind of helps you keep from backing into those trees or at least protect your camper when you do back into a tree this is tight back here but the last thing I'll show you on the driver's side of the camper is everything to regulate our water system it comes with the hose that connects to this so it's an outdoor shower you've got hot and cold and then they made it super easy to understand how you fill your camper how you drain it how you winterize it and they have little diagrams so it's just like anybody can do it right here we've got our 30 amp plug very easy and then finally this is the wall outside of our bathroom because in the bathroom they have upgraded to a cassette toilet which is super awesome all you have to do is pull your cassette out and dump it anywhere you need to dump it you can go in a porta potty you can go in a toilet you can go in a regular RV dump makes it so much easier than dealing with a black tank coming into our lovely little camper here you have everything you need from a kitchen bathroom dining room bedroom so starting here in our lovely kitchen you've got this nice high faucet sink it's really deep so it's easy to do your dishes in here then we have a two burner stove right there Works off of the propane and right below that is a really efficient isotherm refrigerator it's a two-way fridge that'll run off of your Shore power or your 12 volt it also has a little mini freezer in here I know it's small but when you want that one tray of ice it's totally worth it new camp has definitely taken advantage of every little nook and cranny and there are these nice large cabinets in the kitchen to keep all your food dishes as well as some extra cabinets up top here moving on we have our bathroom which they have switched from the glass door to a wood door so that you know you don't have to look through it at your partner there's this really fancy and I'm told extremely comfortable Thetford cassette toilet it's a five gallon cassette toilet so all you have to do is take that out and empty it when you need to right above the toilet is a sink you can wash your hands and the nozzle pulls up and hooks to the wall to create a shower and the whole thing is a wet bath so you can sit on the toilet if you're too tall and clean yourself off or if you're short like me you can stand what is the height in there would you say see it goes up the floor is elevated so I am five three I'd say five four and then on to my favorite room of the house the living room um the u-shaped couch is awesome we have often set six adults in here I know it seems crazy but you can really comfortably see a lot of people this is the Lagoon table that as I mentioned you can move this to the outside of the camper if you would rather have it on the outside and then of course when you sleep this Lagoon table is going to go down the back of the seats also go down and then these all come together so you get a really nice large large bed area to sleep in there are cabinets pretty much everywhere you could put a cabinet there are shelves and nooks and crannies everywhere you can put a shelf another great area for storage is back behind these seats it goes all the way down to the floor so you have a lot of storage there and keep bedding clothing anything you need and that's pretty easy to get to as well it also comes with a really nice stereo system you can hook up Bluetooth through it so you can listen to music it's got a TV so if you want to hook up anything HDMI which I know isn't really ideal for camping but on those rainy days I know you're going to want to watch a movie and you can do that comfortably in here every unit is going to come with a fantastic fan which if you have your windows cracked and you turn on that fan it's going to really circulate air because it's such a small space it works really efficiently a little bit under the hood there is an air conditioning unit that is vented and pumped throughout the unit it also comes with the Aldi heating system which is going to provide a radiant heat feet and in this unit you could be too hot in the snow trust me it's happened and it also provides hot water so you can take a hot shower what about the updated floor in this model oh yeah and finally if you get a 22 or newer model they have updated the subfloor it's now a lighter weight material that is also more insulating so you're not going to lose as much heat or cold when you're when you're out in extreme weather let's hit those three things I like about this trailer number one I love the idea that you can just drive to your nearest RV lot and pick up one of these over the weekend now that sounds like a strange thing to like but we are living in strange times foreign [Music] number two I've really come to appreciate the craftsmanship of these trailers anytime anyone's talking about a new Camp RV they typically talk about the Amish craftsmanship now Mandy didn't mention it in this video so I will mention it the lighting wasn't very good so I wasn't able to show you the details but the cabinets inside this little camper are truly second to none speaking of Amish craftsmanship I really like this one it only takes one horsepower to pull a Shasta and number three you know me I'm not the biggest fan of converting an eating area into a bed and back again later in the day but I do appreciate this bed because not only do you have one solid bed configuration you also have the ability to split it in two and I think this Taps into something somewhere within the bro code 38a Section 1 when sleeping on the ground in a tent with your bro you are allowed to sleep shoulder to shoulder spooning is even allowed in extreme hypothermic conditions however if sharing a bed be it in a home or in a camper the bed must have ample space for at least 12 inches distance between the Bros or preferably two separate beds it's time for the three things I would improve on this trailer number one let's talk about the height the inside interior height of this trailer is five foot nine inches the outside exterior height from ground to the top of the trailer is seven foot eight inches just think about those two do you remember my meerkat video out at little guy trailers in San Diego and I talked about the funnel how they walk into this company and they see the tab trailers and they see the Intec trailers and all the other trailers on the market what I noticed is the whole time I was down at little guy trailers only one trailer left the lot that wasn't a meerkat I mean all these people came in to either get a teardrop or get a stand-up trailer and they left with this trailer okay did you do the math with those numbers five foot eight inside seven foot eight outside so you're saying I can't stand up fully inside this trailer yet when I take it home I can't fit this inside a standard garage well at least I can shower [Music] I think I can get used to this WOW number two and I beat this horse a lot it's pretty dead right now and that is indoor cooking I'm not a fan I prefer to cook outside but there is an option from New Camp RV and I'll share it in a moment where you can cook outside but first let's talk about the indoor cooking if you were to establish an indoor cooking area I feel like new camp put it in the right spot now if you check out our Scamp versus vintage trailer video I talk about how the Scamp cooking is on the side this Narrows the walking area it brings the cooking closer to your bed grease and smells having a cooking area in the front just opens up the layout and it has a more smooth transition it just moves and feels and works better as a family but if it was up to me like I said I wouldn't have it in the inside and so new camp heard that from the community and they made a version of this 320 called the tab CSS standing for clamshell model this means you have a rear Galley kitchen just like a teardrop trailer where you can do it all outside no grease no smells inside and giving you that Outdoor Experience you want now if I could do an upgrade for that CSS maybe keeping both why not have a galley that opens up in the back that you cook out of but on rainy days you still have the option to cook up front just an idea number three and a lot of you get mad at me for this and that is the bathroom inside now I hear a lot of you say you know when you're a senior you're going to want this you're going to need this Drew you just don't understand and to you I say maybe you should go to a teardrop rally at the majority of teardrop rallies Across the Nation teardrop owners are 55 and older typically in the 60 65 range and they have all well many of them have experienced indoor toilets have been in many different setups throughout their camping career and in the end they are choosing to go outside even Mandy Lee who has lived in her tap trailer full time for over five years has not used her indoor toilet now I think that's saying a lot and it says there's Alternatives but I'm not saying this toilet is useless it makes a great closet for Mandy and a way for her to stay more organized and keep things tidy and tucked away let's talk other similar trailers on the market the first trailers would be fiberglass trailers like a Scamp or Casita you can buy these used for about half the price of a tab trailer also they come with true standing Heights for most adults that is be careful though older models tend to be about six foot to six foot one and the newer models are about six foot three I believe the lower Heights of the earlier model scamps do come with some weight savings which is why we were able to pull an older model Scamp with a our four-cylinder vehicle Also regarding fiberglass trailers many of them come with bathroom layouts check out the description for links to our Scamp videos below the next group of trailers would be vintage trailers check out our Link in the description where we put a Scamp trailer in our vintage Shasta compact trailer head to head this will give you a better understanding of the pros and cons of these different styles vintage trailers like fiberglass trailers have standing height indoor cooking areas and often have bathrooms for a more modern trailer I would point you towards the rks off-road trailer we have a walkthrough of that trailer that highlights the incredible size of the Interior bathroom unless you're seven feet tall this bathroom has plenty of standing height for you a potential drawback on this trailer is that the living quarters are not standing height which leads me to the next trailer which comes with an insane amount of Headroom meet the air Opus an inflatable trailer with more Headroom than anyone will ever need it doesn't have a fancy toilet but the indoor cassette toilet gets the job done click the link below for this walkthrough to see where they put the shower on this incredibly tall inflatable camper next we have the Mantis from Texas Outdoors this is a tilt-up trailer with a canvas top the beauty of this trailer is that it lives a lot larger than the tab 320 but still fits in most standard size garages this trailer also has a simple cassette toilet and unique shower inside link below for our walkthrough of this trailer oh and I almost forgot the meerkat which I highlighted earlier in the video I will link that walkthrough below as well especially beings it weighs almost 1 000 pounds less than the tab 320. so for those of you with smaller tow vehicles this might be the trailer for you if you are looking for a trailer of this size you're going to need to know how to efficiently organize and pack your trailer watch this video right here to see how we stay organized in our Our Vintage Shasta compact these 31 packing and organizing tips are going to ensure your family has a successful first camping trip as usual stay safe on the road and we will see you in the next episode
Channel: Playing with Sticks
Views: 837,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardrop trailer, travel trailer, tiny camper, nucamp, t@b, tab 320, t@B 320, T@B 400, T@B cs-s, small camper trailer, small camper with bathroom, small trailer with bathroom, small camper with bathroom and shower, small rv with bathroom a, teardrop camper trailer, t@b trailer, t@b trailer cost, princess craft rv, playing with sticks, alaska, small camper that fits in a garage, small camper with shower, rv, teardrop camper, mandy lea photography, boondock, tab, 320s
Id: acJH08AFJvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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