Team RAR goes to COLLEGE!!

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you guys have seen us go back to elementary school middle school and even high school but now it's finally time for team rart to go to college [Music] i'm so excited for our university i'm here to get straight a's and score lots of babes honey are you so excited mom mom you're going to embarrass me you know how much i love your mother is going to miss you so much you're not you're not going to miss me i'll miss you a little guys just can you go no just i have to be here and help you with this all the cool kids are here with the suitcase i got to lift this in i got it no dad stop i'm a man now hi we love you we love you i'm so excited for ryan and him off to school it's just gonna be so exciting for him to meet new friends i just hope you can find some friends that are like him i know right he's really different carter sharer raru class of 2022 baby what was that oh yeah the girls will be all over me let's go dude carter yo i know you're going to run university what's up boys are going to be going off to college i'm so excited yeah oh my boy mom stop stop you're embarrassing me in front of my friends okay i'm here no i know i'm fine oh we fixed the poo shirt mom mom we've been over there yes i have my toothbrush mom thanks bye bye bye mom i'm with carter they're already saying goodbye stop seriously big hug all right that's not okay it's gonna be a long time i know it's i see you at christmas bye bye mrs feemster yo dude your mom is like hot yo call me stop stop i'm talking about this stop what dude how's your sister doing she's fun how's your mom doing apparently she's good the name's caleb i am excited to join rotated theta that's right his name is he's such a good boy he's gonna be so good in college but i'm also really hard and i and i don't take no crap from nobody i'm about to be president of this fraternity in the next four years my older brother hooked it up this isn't even my lunch box it's my little sister's mom about the footy pajamas i told you i told you that was like twice okay that's enough seriously mom mom i'm so excited for college i'm finally here and i finally get to be free and most importantly i'm so excited to join rar sorority pledge week is going to be so much fun i have all my outfits already planned and i think i'm going to be the cutest pledge there guys i'm so excited to go to broad university and heard they have a really really good cooking program it's the number one the country look i even came prepared home sweet home done with the place oh that looks like your bed nerd ah where are you baby if this is anything like high school it's gonna be a breeze sports the girls are gonna be all over me [Music] and of course i love it here the nerds okay so we're gonna be living together for a whole year maybe we should get to know each other a little bit like what kind of music do you like lizzie and denise are my favorite artists they are just the two hottest girls i've ever seen and they would be a dream hey right there look at them beautiful wow i like how her forehead says dangerous yeah i know right so beautiful hey hey whoa what are you doing yo chill dude get in your own room give me some privacy jeez what are you doing on my side of the room it's my room all right put a gang at uh i'm running to the top you know we're actually about to hit the fair you want to go farther let's rock and roll why can't i go to the social gathering hey what's all that noise hey what happened hey are you a freshman like me are you a freshman too yeah what's your name stove you wanna go you wanna go repair with me they have a fair going on downstairs you wanna go with me yeah i i'm new so i don't know anyone here actually i don't think you wanna know me why you seem like a cool guy i love your shirt oh okay okay okay with you maybe maybe this was a mistake hey hey yo why are y'all yelling yo sit down down who are you yeah come on [Applause] across the hall so we're gonna be neighbors wait this is a co-ed dorm yo chill hot girl why does ryan open his mouth nice to meet you [Applause] oh my gosh i can't believe we're rooming next to a bunch of cute boys i know she says i'm about a cute boy uh no get out of here oh my gosh that's so embarrassing i have never even like touched like i've never even done that before really i'm only hugged like my dad oh well they don't have cooties anymore now that we're in college oh my gosh she's never hugged a boy before come on i'm so excited to give you two boys there okay yeah i'm leaving this here so little [Laughter] so cooking club is the best club on this campus anyone who's anyone is in this club we make so many cool treats from scratch as you can tell by all of this and this is our famous taki ramen and you just gotta kind of crunch all of this up and then sprinkle it on here we're gonna get so many people that want to join this club after they try this amazing ramen i just made can i join uh anyone but that guy i'm here with the science club we're going to do some really crazy experiments today let me show you something this right here some science chemicals oh it's not done yet here we go okay three two one [Applause] and this bottle didn't work let me show you what happens when i put it in this bottle three two one whoa [Applause] yeah yo is this like the soda club this is great i'm thirsty wait don't don't drink that [Applause] hey guys happy rush week hello and welcome to rar sorority the best sorority on campus we only have the hottest girls so rush week it's gonna be a tough one for these ladies out here if you're pretty fun outgoing i think this is the place for you and if you're not then go elsewhere over here at pooh you know that we run things follow me this way we have the best parties here on college campus hey we even got the best hey elbows elbows oh he wants yourself all right pull that cup he was behind him i don't have to make every shot but when i do it's going to be with see this is the renowned world-class cooking club i've heard so much about hello there i'm a freshman i'm new and um i'm interested in joining the club you're interested in joining the club yes sir do you love ramen i love ramen i love talking i love tacos do you know about the flip and fold technique oh no okay well this is why you need to join the club flip oh full oh i've never seen that technique before oh hockey's how long does it take to uh mastered anything um well it took me about six years this is my sixth year in this club i actually came prepared in my life oh you're in i'm in it yes [Applause] i'm sorry is she with you yeah we're roommates she is oh me yeah we just met today we're like really close friends right oh that's what she told me online um you want to join our sorority yeah all right you may need to change your hair we don't we don't love blue outfit um but it's okay but i know we can make it work a little makeover potentially and we'll see what we can do okay thanks um cool i'm gonna go check out maybe the cooking club yeah it's right over there yeah you might be a little bit more disguised that way bye so happy to have you you look amazing you definitely can make the cut yeah you have to think about yourself yeah okay we'll think about it okay we'll see how she does okay i'll hear from myself okay thank you good to have you okay bye oh my god did you see it later hi i think her scar was cute are you kidding me i mean which she has potential i don't know i don't know well you gotta join rotated data yeah what's up baby kayla get in here you're right yo what's up if you win you're good but you gotta find a partner and you know they win this jersey and become one of us if you beat us you gotta find a partner we meet every day we make monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday friday yes sometimes even saturday too yeah i like your shirt man it's a great shirt it says science like magic but real oh wow all those magic kids they look better yeah absolutely oh yeah so you want to sign up i would love to sign up what do i hear let me let me just get my pen and paper real quick a pong tournament all right wait hang on i got i got the pen right here wait wait wait i literally don't know anyone here uh but my roommate hey carter you gotta ask anyone bro i'm really happy i'm really gonna pop oh beat him and beat him i'm really gonna pop i can beat any of you apart for sure how about this if i beat you up i get in the club and you don't hey shut up chill nerd you're not cool it's easy i'm getting it you're my roommate you gotta deal with me all year oh my god okay science if you if i beat you in pong i get in the club whatever you yeah whatever you say albert einstein let's do this thing let's run the camera and i'm saying yo first day of college is sick i already got sorority girls backing me up let's win this game of pong and get me a letter shirt let's go college has already been sick i've already got sorority girls hanging out with me eh correction i'm not a sorority girl and i don't know you off me oh cooties all right i'm an independent man recently single let's do this i had this calculated correctly and i did my mental math checked it twice i should be able to make every single cup before no way oh lucky shot you're fine [Music] all right go ahead [Music] hey no come back where you guys going you're still here oh he's so good hey good job thanks you're gonna go to the party tonight i'm invited to the party tonight nowadays oh my god it's okay it's okay he'll be there he'll be here he'll be there come on hey come on come on we gotta get them all dressed up i can't believe i lost guys my college career is over i'm not gonna be the cool kid anymore hey carter um are you okay hi get up no i lost i'm a loser i'm never gonna join a fraternity being the cool kid that i've always thought i was gonna be that's okay we could always join the cooking club together that's not cool you don't have to be cool it's all about having fun and the cooking club will be really fun oh okay i'll try cooking at some sponsors come on let's go carter don't join the cooking club hello we'd like to join the cooking club yeah we're just not cool anymore but we want to have fun you're good yay hey wait okay you can join but we have to get rid of some of this first it's not cool no jacket needs to go i've had this since high school the jacket has to come off and a chain this is my college chain that's not cool i thought it was cool and the glasses it's sunny out here though one last thing you have to wear this an apron yes you know how sacred this is yeah no you need to wear it if you want to join you got to wear it okay fine i guess i'm really not cool anymore wait what are you talking about fine i'll try to have fun wow you cooked all of this this stuff looks so good i always love dude yeah it's the best you're going to learn to make the best ramen ever carter try this it's so good i'm still here wow you know what guys maybe college isn't about being cool it's about having fun i think i'm really gonna like this college thing hey guys i know we just met but this new girl lizzy she's really cute cook cooking thought cooking club cooking club cooking club cooking club [Music] all right [Music] idiots look at those dummies i can't believe we let them in yeah i would have caught that all right [Music] excuse me can i sit here is anyone sitting here oh cool hey what's your name carter are you part of cooking yeah i am i just joined um just trying to figure out who i can be friends with you know just so crazy it's not what i expected but i still feel like i'll have a lot of fun here so much fun i mean with me we're gonna have a lot of fun when we cook a lot of stuff what's your favorite food well i love this chicken nuggets i don't know how to cook that yet but hey guys i'm also part of the cooking club oh hey that's the girl who's telling me about it hey yo yo nerds sauce no no no no no denise get out of here [Music] you're one pong doesn't mean you can still yeah seriously dude buy it you'll earn i mean but it's it's fries too yeah sure yeah here you're still part of the frats yeah seriously eat that but you just know because you just made it you're going to pick up all of your trash [Music] excuse me ladies so there's actually uh this party coming up tomorrow yeah tomorrow we're seeing if uh y'all three ladies would love to join us we're already gonna be there yeah no who lives here wait they might know how to cook a cake nerds yeah they put the cake no you don't cook you just buy it they can grill it i need it no we can cook no yeah let's just do it you don't want cookies dude what's the worst thing that can happen all right chocolate chip all right y'all can come here i'm gonna get these fries hey those are my yeah yeah yeah coaching and you have to bring a keg burn oh no no partying hey what are you doing how are you gonna get find out i don't know what's a keg so on wednesdays we wear pink on saturdays we wear purple and no mini skirts on sundays you know i'll praise the lord okay okay i'll try to remember all that yes that's a good point i like that respect to yeah big man upstairs it didn't make a noise but look it's hard and then we'll go back to him oh we have to teach you how to do that so far it's only been like one day of college i've made a ton of awesome friends who really like me for who i am and i think it's going to be the best year of my life you got lucky at palm beach except that if you don't throw my flashlight shut up these are my friends for the next four years college is going to be a rough ride with all of its ups and downs but my biggest goal is just to find the love of my life look guys i'm so excited for all the fun exciting new memories i'm gonna make for the rest of my life and maybe me and the cooking club will start a youtube channel i don't know anyways thanks so much for stopping by and welcome to our university we'll see you guys in the next vlog i thought we were having a party why are we leaving so early stay tuned for the part two or uh i might do a handstand keg
Channel: Lizzy Capri
Views: 8,805,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lizzy Capri, lizzy, Team RAR, Carter Sharer
Id: QKqIh88gr6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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