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i'm so excited for a full day look at the pool [Music] all right i'm excited for the pool day today uh i'm gonna do the coolest tricks and hopefully i don't get kicked out it's full day [Music] they call me king carter because i am king of this pool grew up around these parts i know every square inch of that pool and today i'm gonna remain my title of king of the pool no rules are above me summer vacation is my favorite season of all no school no rules let's go baby i can't wait to jump in okay the pool is officially open that's right let's go let's go oh yeah i think my goggles are on too tight all right here are the rules no running no diving no water gun fights and no water balloons make sure you guys don't break the rules because if you guys break the rules we're gonna have to shut down the pool so and we don't want anyone getting hurt today all right wow what the heck i don't remember there being so many rules here at the team royal swimming pool and there's a lot of lifeguards here this year too what the heck [Music] no running it wasn't running but no but i can't who's gonna do it okay fine somebody else hey man um my mom said i need to put on sunscreen can you put sunscreen on my back yeah whatever nerd no face suction on the back let me rub it in hold still don't use the pull oh my god it's going everywhere at least at least mama what the heck since when at least you won't burn now mama's boy hey no running sorry oh man all right guys these boys look like a bunch of rule breakers so gotta make sure we stay on top of them jump in the water ah summertime here i come no diving no flipping i'm scared um can you please walk denise that's not how you do it okay okay okay i don't know about all these lifeguards guys i don't remember them being here but a team rar pool tradition that's been going on for years is to climb the infamous 11 stack of trampoline climb to the very top and cannonball off the top so i don't know what those lifeguards are going to say but we're going to the top i didn't see any pool rules that says team roar traditions can't live on so i'm kind of scared to go swimming by myself because my mom could come so i brought a water gun and some water balloons we're gonna have some fun sorry guys these lifeguards are blowing whistles every chance they can get oh my god what's going on up there i don't think that's allowed at the pool carter get down from there right now i'm not getting down from here oh my gosh guys she thinks it's a safety hazard for me to climb up on my eleven stack trampoline what the heck barbara get down from there get down from there right now lizzy the lifeguard wants me to get down from here so there's only one way and that is to jump team rise number no diving i think it's a mission i'm gonna try to break every single rule where is ryan because there's no rules that says i can't pick on ryan so i might be doing that where is he [Music] so i snuck water balloons into the park i need to fill them up and i'm gonna get everybody to prank them i think we have 200 balloons in here so let's do it oh yeah now that's some good water balloon damage oh so i got bailey on my side and liz is looking like an easy target over there on that she keeps whistling at me for no reason let's do it right three two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i've never gone through a deep end before it's a lot of fun it's nice and oh hold on i can't touch the floor oh hold up oh i can't save him [Music] quick [Applause] [Music] i can't breathe i'm good i'm good now maybe just a kiss let me drown instead of this our job here is done we just saved a life guys i owe them my life if they weren't there at the right time i don't know what could have happened we did it we did it whoa did you guys see that just opened the deep end and had trouble swimming and the lifeguards both jumped in and gave him so much attention and honestly that one lifeguard she's really cute so i wonder if i pretend to drown if maybe they will come in and save me and give me all that attention help lifeguard i can't swim you're not even in the pool what i was i was having trouble swimming you're supposed to give me mount the mouth wait what why did that how come that didn't work i think you need to go in the deep end all the way underway brian you know what you're right i need to endanger my life and risk it all i'm gonna climb up here and pretend to fall off into the deep end where it's too deep to swim but then i think just maybe i will get those sweet lifeguard lips of hers just oh it's gonna be amazing let's go there's no rules that says no climbing by the way barter get down from there right now i'm unstoppable up here oh my gosh this is way taller harder okay fine i'm gonna fall down no just climb back down i'm coming back down harder i'm i'm falling down liz quick lifeguard help me you won't fall help me i can't breathe i need cvs i can't breathe it down get down just climb down carter seriously get down from there right now oh liz i'm actually kind of scared whoa i didn't mean to be up here just climb back up and climb save him oh my gosh there you go grab the one let's go come on we're almost there [Music] you're on a floaty i got you this is so romantic they should write a book about this come on oh my gosh carter are you okay [Music] oh my gosh am i dreaming okay i'm okay okay so what you know you can't jump in the pool after you eat you gotta wait like 30 minutes no don't about to jump right after i get done dude like what your stomach is going to blow up in the pool no all right watch it okay watch when i see it change colors i'm gonna laugh at you all right ben i told you that's a bad idea i'm still finishing my sandwich you know we might as well throw a caution sign in there because you're about to literally use the bathroom times 10 in there oh hold on i'm cramping i'm cramping lifeguard oh no have you ever eaten and jumped in a pool before like right after you got you're not supposed to dance the rules oh my god get out of the pool [Music] denise go get the booze okay you're never getting married what did you need all right guys the pool is closed until further notice we're gonna have to decontaminate so unfortunately the pool is closed for today it's summer though sorry guys yo he needs to be banned for life he's also running lizzy you have uh [Applause] what a day the pool is finally closed oh my god so you suck dude dude it wasn't my fault i was hungry this is the worst summer ever yeah why are there so many rules and i'm pretty sure that was just chocolate in the pool anyways i took a bite of it it tasted pretty good i'm gonna be a lifeguard next year [Music] you
Channel: Lizzy Capri
Views: 3,537,338
Rating: 4.7217278 out of 5
Keywords: Lizzy Capri, lizzy, Team RAR, Carter Sharer
Id: VsHkTJdJaWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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