Teaching your Kid - CLUTCH CONTROL - with Ethan 12 yr Old

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get a quick video here to run through clutch control I'm gonna run through a couple of different bikes that we've got for my kids and my son has just gotten his first block that has a clutch so he doesn't know about gears but it's a whole new ballgame learning the nasty it's a bit of a nasty learning curve with the clutch but also he's going from a fourth stroke which was just so crazy to a two stroke little racing weapon so I haven't been able to find any videos online of sort of teaching clutch control until young to kids and how nicely that learning curve can be I found a few videos that were more you could see that the kid did have control and I were pretending to show you the stuff ups but it was funny that through talking back and forth with my son of what he was what are you struggling with youth I learned a few different things that I would never have thought of that kids the way they interpret when you're trying to explain to them hey do these do that so hopefully when my son gets home from school very shortly we'll give him another go on the bike and seem make some mistakes and you can see it might help you guys out with your kids it will be 50 classic most motocross legends started on one of these things these fellows even got training wheels no gears no clutch brakes that's it throttle where you go [Music] control yeah that's good yeah jump on it maybe put the choke on put the fuel on and the choke I'll grab it for you no down there it's another learning curve we were just talking about I mean the unload is that the old block that he had yeah let's you click it out reach up and form that fuel thing pointed downwards remember always facing the hoses on yeah that's it and so with the old the old boy electric start on a lot of these little four strokes or even if it's not they're a lot easier to start or is a little two-stroke oh that's that's another pile of learning curve he's trying to balance one foot to hold the bike up trying to get your big lumpy foot oh no I spilled on here Evan and yet people get a little rest yep that's it little riffs kids on it already that's a that's the beauty of a brand new bought secondhand bought you would have been kicking at ten times because arms it's Mike's normal that's the oil in the fuel never last them be all bought in and smoke that's his second go to Klutch just warming up a little bit more I'll just pause it she's nice and warm now she's idling good I say remember what to do yeah what do you do yep yeah yep so slowly let it out alright show us how it's done then what's the clutch in it's in gear and that's how you stole it hey guys so what happened then but you don't know what's that dinner Rev enough and also you just dumped it you got the clutch to there and you just dumped it yeah yeah yep so the engine engages here and just when it's engaged and you're given it a little bit more revs not too much you still want to cruise it out as you as you slowly take off all right so now what do you got to do into neutral yet where's neutral the second one above first so it's one day on five up and you choose in between first and second gear yep yeah and why did you push a block like that make sure it's in usual sweet Oh Oh beautiful oh they're gonna go again fudge in first gear look you got it nice alright says he first gear now [Music] drive them poor neighbors crazy I did mine we used to cruise around with with him and his sisters on the four strokes but these little things that game-changer so there we go here with the noise neighbors are gonna hate us so what happened then but it neutrally set a second so we got the opposite problem I can't find neutral on my bike you can't find any other gear but neutral all right so let's see you take off him first again I want to get a close-up of this clutch control they were in neutral now right now you must because you got no alright so clutch it alright so why did it stop because this thing wants to go fast yeah yeah so let me jump on I'll race you around for a sec get that that fuel is it's just too much fuels to sitting in the car be and it's just it needs a scream its head off for a bit otherwise it won't idle yep [Applause] [Music] [Music] I get it's had a bit of a rev up chuckling me first gear and off you go I might that's better I say still stuck in first gear he's having trouble with these big boots huh this box on our last long if it only gets written in first gear sit you got a second bud [Music] jhagadu first keep going sit nice one all right so here's another little hot tip just discover with his big foot it's just impossible for him to get his foot under that gear lever look it's really hard so as he's riding along the change of gears he's got to look down and he looks down and all he ends up doing he's getting the edge of his yeah the edge of the boot and he just ends up getting it into neutral so move your foot for a sec but move your foot so what I'm going to do is head back to the guard for a minute undo this nut pull the gear shifter off it's got those little teeth locators and then just set it up here you put your boot on where you'd normally right Chuck your boot on basically where he's foot sits I want I want the gear stick to just sit right there like that so if you look at that she wants to come up a good a good inch inch-and-a-half well for the Aussie fellas about 40 mil 40 or 50 mil I borrow jump on will go back so I'll just pull that filler out and there we got and I'm sort of put a mark of where it was sitting left the young block at the pot chucking back on I put a mark about 50 mil higher so you can barely see it there with a bit of pen chuck him back on oh do I hmm it's hard to get it exactly where I want it says she's quite high now she was the unhear just below that boy out there so I'll head back over to the park see if he's happy with that you smile yeah do it let's go all right so on you get another got a fire-control did that gear stick way up now what can you go back first gear he dumped it but he had enough roads to keep it going whoa he's gonna spit himself off that thing soon when he hits power band all right second gear they look down just click it up that's it go get it go get when you do that just click it up again and keep going yeah when you when don't give up and stop just kick it again quickly and keep going alright back in the first see if you can get a nice nice move on don't drop that clutch and of the side we see what we're doing can't Russia and [Music] it's important they know that that this could take I try to tell him that some young blokes and young lad glasses yeah you got it you got a second gear yeah some young players el pleito sorry take you know two weeks to learn how to use the clutch in a car so it's important that as a young boy there's no pressure just take your time go take you an hour to learn this could take you three days doesn't matter once you get it's second nature yeah keep going but go third okay guys hope that helped a little bit if there's anything I missed or I can help in any other way drop me a line on the comments below and I'll see if I can help you out and I eat cheese however helped very new boy hi again [Music] jumping might jump in the front this guy
Channel: Jake Kearns
Views: 13,089
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: clutch, clutch control, new to clutch, how to use a clutch, teaching clutch, teaching kids to use a clutch, how to not use a clutch, mistakes with clutch
Id: CP5vYudxH9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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