How to Shift Gears Like A Pro! First Time Dirt Bike Riding Tips!

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what's up guys I'm Dakota Freeman and welcome to my channel and today I want to teach you how to shift gears on a dirt bike for beginners make sure you comment down below if this video helps you out I would love to hear about your success story how you've mastered shifting gears and you're out on the trails make sure you guys please subscribe like this video and let's dive in in more detail on how to shift gears on a dirt bike I want to go over when you do and don't have to use your clutch we're also gonna go over the foot position that we should have when shifting and also the timing of when to shift gears alright guys so today we're gonna learn all about how to shift gears on our dirt bike the gear shifters located by your left foot on the left hand side of the dirtbike so before getting into shifting gears you should already be pretty comfortable and using your clutch for more on how to use a clutch make sure you watch this video right here so it's gonna help you learn how to use a clutch before you learn how to shift gears so all the time I get asked do I use a clutch when I'm shifting do I not use a clutch when I'm shifting yes and no when you're shifting the bike and you're shifting up make sure you always use the clutch to help take stress off of your motor before shifting gears however when you're going down and gears it's okay to shift down without using the clutch when you downshift coming into a corner without the clutch you're actually gonna feel the bike start to slow you down as you downshift also without using the clutch as you downshift you'll be using the motor to slow you down as you're coming into the corner you're really gonna dive into this technique later as you become a better rider and want to go faster and faster out on the trail so all the shifting is done on the left-hand side of the motorcycle our clutch is located in our left hand and our gear shifter is located with our left foot so on my bike I would shift down into first gear up into second up into third up into fourth and so on you never wanna smack it down into gear or force anything this should be a very easy just slight tap with the foot and roll on this is gonna make sure your bikes transmission health stays in the best shape as you continue to learn on your dirt bike so to find neutral on a dirt bike you're gonna shift all the way down into first gear come up a half a gear barely tap that gear shifter up it's gonna put you right into neutral if you over shift it you're going into second and it's still gonna be in gear so when we're shifting our gears we always want to make sure we let the throttle off we pull the clutch in we shift our gears and then we let the clutch back out and start to apply our throttle again when using the clutch and you let the throttle off this is really gonna help the bike not miss a gear or stall in the middle of changing gears you'll want to continually work on this as you ride it's not gonna come quick and easy at the beginning the more that you practice this it's really going to become second nature [Music] so how do we use our feet when we're shifting our gears we want to make sure that we're on the balls of our feet so the balls of your feet are gonna be located right in front of the heart behind the toes this is where you want to stand on the peg and apply your pressure when you're on your bike heel arch ball toes let's get back to it we're then gonna pull our feet up and directly above or below the gearshifter tap the gear shifter you should never have to force this into gear it should be a very easy tap and then you're gonna want to pull your foot back and return to the balls of your feet on the bike so when shifting gears you want to keep your feet very close to the bike moving directly above or below your gear shifter using the gear shifter without forcing it it should be a very easy tap and then returning to the balls of your feet to ensure you have the most control over your bike so what point on a dirt bike do you want to use your dear shifter well when you're on your bike and you're going say you're in first gear you're gonna run out of power very quickly because it's such a low torque gear it's mainly for torque going up a hill so once you get up into second and third gear the gears start to get longer and allowing you to go faster whenever you feel here the RPMs kick up on your motorcycle and they're at the top end of the gear kind of winding out the gear you're gonna want to make sure you release the throttle pull the clutch in shift your gear release the clutch and get back on your throttle you'll now hear the bike at the low end of the gear and how it has another whole gear to go through before it runs out of power as you return to the throttle you may hear this coming to a point in the rpms you may have to do this again you're gonna want to release the throttle again grab the clutch shift your gear let the clutch back out and return to the throttle and yet again you're gonna hear the bike at a low end of the gear now once you start to slow the bike back down we're gonna want to return to the lower gears by slowing down with your brakes and also by just removing the throttle and shifting down in the gears you'll hear the revs start to do the opposite they'll be low and then when you shift down you'll hear hear the revs get higher and you'll feel the torque of the motor slowing you down as you're coming to a stop and slow you down this is how you're gonna use down shifting to slow your momentum as you're coming into a corner or just trying to stop the bike so now we went through when we do and don't have to use our clutch we know exactly where our feet should be when we're shifting our gears and we now know the timing when we need to be shifting our gears so guys I can't say it enough just make sure you keep practicing that's the main thing that's gonna help you become a better rider on your dirt bike so I really hope this video helped teach you how to go through the gears on your dirt bike when shifting just know it's not something that's coming the first day you're gonna get better and better at this over time so don't give up and keep on going make sure you let me know in the comments below I cannot wait to hear about your success story how you're getting on a dirt bike and shifting gears and getting on the trails make sure you subscribe like this video and I cannot wait to teach you guys more about how to dirt bike and get into the outdoors I'm Dakota Freeman and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Rad Adventure Dude
Views: 314,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to shift gears like a pro, first time dirt bike riding tips, dirt bike, how to ride a dirt bike, how to, ride, shift, gears, shift gears, clutch, like a pro, dirt bike lessons, for beginner, beginner guide, tutorial, tutorials, class, dirt bike classes, dirt bike lesson for beginners, first, time, on, bike, never, been, shift like a pro, boss, beginner, tips, guide, motocross, trail rider, motorcycle, dirtbike, master gears, dirt biking for beginners, pro tips, riding, learn, dirt bike riding
Id: q_6oCoFwY1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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