Teaching Part_1_5 Dehradun, 2017 Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche Vanavas

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take your body meet our today's [Music] I love shut up [Music] but chemise be shy but I'm sure get the name adobo [Music] yes even Mira made it oh so now seven star [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] magic should share ecology see that especially totally open my laptop the media now a big deal now with the auction not a video action you Yavin know mother nature No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I sense a mob under certain of the compression of septum meketa llamada me daya [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] my [Music] the [Music] [Music] Oh I ah [Music] in time for [Music] Oh Oh big time [Music] [Music] [Music] even less time for instance a traditional rainy season is truth very important the essence of the rich sweet you know very chocolaty treat we always talk about boundary I think the English word retreat babies not doing the justice interpersonal it Sun Sun is boundary actually so you create the boundary you notice Buddhism is so so some independent of seen many of your thoughts you know fixed idea so be sure that this is it this is the beauty of Indian thinking through you know because I'm TV innovating buddhadharma we have to go beyond boundary boundary mess in fact I think I believe in panna cotta I mean the world is less but in order to reach that comment beyond boundary kids like us we have to somehow over the depth beyond boundary with some sort of about it maybe need toilets we need some several references we need guidance we need leads so maybe talk about a boundary in Buddhism the word some retreat actually the highest function if I may actually this is very project the next this time because this is such a beautiful setting it's very intimate I listen to teachings I given to hundreds of people I mean somebody was listening it in their car and I want to take this opportunity to experiment also because I have this one in Bangkok I mean that was a quite a big group so it wasn't that successful but anyway what I what I'm gonna share is really rooted to classic Buddhist texts or do some of the means and some of the example of the metaphor that I use will maybe turn more modern than what easy-to-understand simplified but I will make sure that I don't go astray sutras and Shastras I do that may not fall into that device ahead of mindfulness spa so you have heard that drama school genius a treat and manage three two months I will not these fellows have not read emails you know you can basically create your own discipline this is something quite important in Buddhism people the teachers usually don't create the reserve and you create the discipline and then on the first day you a check plate but you but you take a bath that this is going to be dressed and depending on you know what kind of become as time you experience you have I mean there are people who would not food not meet anyone who maybe bedroom even know one person in New York City who has got three years to treat in her flat but you can't do that so we really usually create boundaries we even have markings and some of them are very elaborated and usually is not a good sign because people who put so much emphasis on this okay I'm doing a retreat conquering my admission you know practice service episode on this outer editor but anyway but I'm trying to get to the point the clutter understand to make this in Buddhism the real boundary dispute is between the past and the future for that is your boundary but if you can do that you could be in a nightclub you could be in a bouncing crazy you will be doing also feeling dealing with business or whatever but there are you who may not go beyond the boundary of past my passport and that fujitani meaningfulness in the present always in the present but whatever you are thinking right now be in this present for instance now evolution of yesterday tomorrow is simply knowing that simply being but actually the king of the retreat okay now you might ask what's the point of doing this it is a point to become a vegetable he's like that you know you have a plan you have to thing will be created how can you just you know just watch whatever is happening right now this spot just being a big definition of you you're here [Music] readiness readiness is so important observances internet friends secret rebels and the most most secret inner inner inner most venomous and how do you become mother how do we get sick how do you get insane how do we get the unhealthy basically moment you go beyond outside of the boundary of whatever there's a moment you just moment you think about things and I'm sure we do this all the time later many times before we have expressions like this isn't it drifting getting worked up getting entangled lost in thoughts daydreaming on that they all have a little bit different meaning but basically similar even Volta is kinda more running great training a lot is more sentimental more romantic but nevertheless it is actually it's not I mean I should make a generous about me not being very real badnesses just being in the this coming from India from this is in myself anyway I don't know again but you know in Japan there are diversities not not the technique most of the young youngsters this is a little bit but is it this is abou this technique in fact thank you then is a Buddhist practice it I believe is a design would Chinese word child and the child Chinese word child is actually coming from the Sun suitable young this so it's really technique is this now and then they have Udo archery you the whole procedure or you know practice of archery I wanna tell you this because more than title you the word meditation I know what you are thinking you are thinking about the meditation cushion you are thinking about sitting straight isn't it you can never imagine in vegetation you were like maybe you could do this kind of time you know the mixing of that flower I don't know me using them without maybe 800 - Tom Wow just like the Japanese tea ceremony you can make it into something really in India you should make it not every business uses some any product you know I like that well because in the forest we have metabolically yes you are supposed to do it in front of a river all has its own defect but the river nothing brings sadness and in Buddhism we see the sadness sadness it makes you makes you full and human as a human you should understand a bit of sadness then you become sort of more complete human there are also traditions like going to cemeteries and meditating the centuries but one thing I would not I want you to notice that you have as long as you are in the present its you can you can practice the meditation anywhere in the kitchen in the shower while driving and this is important otherwise spiritual path and we were dating like whenever an Engel okay maybe half an hour in the morning you rented it and then the rest of the country hours in half with all this chaos so being able to relate how should I say relates to moment moment moment by moment like you know it's this is a big thing in Buddhism I mean so much so that even it just spit this out a little bit no one technique is ever rejected if you go into the deeper more serious business of Tantra all emotions are also use SF you know all options are used as a tool as you method I mean I'm not a master bath sure it's basically noticing you could you could be purchasing Winston's you can notice three things what you see drinking's but you hear three things what you taste three things but you feel now this very moment and jump jump and you can actually create beautiful shut the Sun to the point of this moment it was really expressive this moment I think I've said enough be penetrating in the present now okay this benefit of being the message you know I was talking about letting this complete wellness so complete readiness because it from another angle is when you actually realize the truth and by the way today is for Buddhists it's a very special day there are four special days in one year and the first of the four special day happened to be today is called Miracle Day and if you see the sutras or the testers you will not find too many too many mentioning of Buddhas miracle power I mean miracles miracles powers such as you know flying men testing you know food drains during people you don't you don't actually hear a lot in fact you hear the opposite for instance a very famous story about a mother whose child I'm going to the Buddha asking for help to didn't make that death charge to live again and with the hustling her to move forward Decimus eat mustard seed from seven enmity who never had any experience of death and of course she couldn't even find it so this is a classic all this about the truth so when weather but this talk about the middle of the Buddha it is always tributed to admit her the most America's most powerful thing that we did or the realization of that is the power in head Buddha and even from my childhood my grandfather used to have this very mischievous attendant who somehow had this strange maybe is not the right word here's a subtle technique another where he left or when he got it right and this I've seen before not be each rise in the money and sometimes he would make the rice he will make flatten the runs but God knew cooked rice but chapati include wrought iron to sort of ghost and when one side is roasted his practicing and then you know his always busy and practicing a little bit and then he will when one side is finished he'll go to this and this and so many things he does for instance this is the you should hear this one mummies the orange marks in a row is not like this they wrote this matter it's round it stitched around observe a passage like that so you don't stitch around like that and my father's car my dad was very strict even when he wants his attendance I haven't they you know just quickly go in this man is mischievous man due to a genetic the other thing with this this mischievous man is mad mama amount is the main attendant and there's this small room that previously and in the middle is appear today very funky realism in the restroom you know hold the roof against appeal of a bad big pillar and why the monkey sleeping somehow this mysterious monk put the Rope oh no you couldn't take it [Music] this is the only the truth is the most important and when we talk about the truth actually any exotic truth which are we not supernatural such as discuss it we have because of its uncertainty it brings you to anxiety pain this is you know and all whatever your ideas whatever principles who do you project is only your projection it's not the real thing and there's nothing other than but you project emptiness you see and I need to tell you this because it this this makes what we are going to discuss not just farmer mindfulness so if you ask me how many if this is so simple why are we not understanding why are we not understand because of habit heavy jerk at least of what strokes facing to the facing the truth is we have coming all the way from ancestors nations culture post teachers opinions and individuals so what is selling habit okay who is feeding this habit so we need to do this is a strategy this is vamos a 1 B now the culprit distance habit so now we need to do something about this capital so who is feeding this habit we need a plan economic embargo understand to sit down this habit uh truth is headed to we can this happen to derail this method to discontinue I don't know to to disorganize this organized habit attachments this is what you need to do so who is feeding this heavy and I don't need to use logic you can experience this being able to be in the present right now all this thinking about something getting worked up this is the food habit whenever you are thinking right now not knowing that and related you have to come you have to come to this what ever us you know you should not think you should not think about things what I'm saying is you know that's it a simple aspect to the symbolism is manipulatable now this very moment how use the moment you are in the present and not judging you are burning the sea you know at the moment you are not being able to you know okay you may be able to be in the present for a moment but next moment this guy is chopping onion and here he is designed a bit colder you versus what is chopping the onion because it is practising them but the onion has some so it makes you yeah borders in so he possessed with gobo what he's chopping that onion cooking talking argument heated argument with somebody we added in the middle of the heated argument with somebody try being in the present just for once or twice it will do amazing job because you know and you hope it will become wobbly what do you want you really want a habit chain of thoughts to become wobbly that's what the Buddhist one the ordinary some self beings once the chain of thoughts organized and speedy and organized then very difficult but anyway talk to my dad and I want you to experiment this a little bit okay don't sit just however you are sitting right now scratching your knee whatever but be the present get away that's that Sun whatever you know you waste it [Music] and you can see very small shot you are sober you are completely ahead and in the process of just not that that's what you were doing just note that I'm not asking ever done it isten simplicity is the only challenge of reducing disease the biggest changer to the double it's too simple people don't like it people they want something simple but it's alive but you know come to a conclusion that the bigger minute they actually want Italian dictatorial there one things I eat chicken don't do this you know me too unlike this also this thing is so typical people you trust now if you are if you come to our meditation master and if the meditation master is good and he said you know I've been doing this for a year or two years and alright managed to do this ask myself am i doing I'm doing this all I managed to do this feeling guilty for not doing it this master husain become a spiritual person in fact and my teachers they are not happy that I am ready and I feel guilty then as all you I can visit this much of them and it makes sense because when you worry when you feel guilty that you are not in the present it's the most beautiful gift best guilt you should have this bill should be in the present this module people morning the prostate means that you are going to do it on your other permanent educated it was actually it means you will know you are distracted okay let's take a break means bivariate reduce it would mean for the technique is beautiful also different beans and chickpeas make sense even [Music] is when you can be in the present how can we ever cook it on village being in the present word of your story and get it down why because you just being the person you have the habit of not being the better the pants one simple pencil this is the present state this is the paths of the future you wanna good here or death that's why you just cannot to be here all the time being in the present miss you the most generous generosity velocity is when you drop the cleaning stingy clingy been kinda peasant how can you be jealous the moment you invest on the big present you may not necessarily [Music] [Music] just not stressed our disciplines over the discipline that we you should enjoy the decision like I need you to put it Jenny needs distress that's what it's doing so how did it useless else child the district turning stress free with these virtues generosity discipline what next patience tolerance is tolerant before the non-aggression there you are where you have not aggression that is that's what it means because if you are dancing if you are very very non-violence I think you know not understand in this world patience is one of the main reason why they is not quantitative qualitative correctness and that is not at this political correctness they are liberals liberals as producing people [Music] you know you know even if you you know some some of you some us Buddhist and Jain were real buta like our I was hoping wrong patterns can be looking ahead of violence people this any kind of idea is actually our values you oh all you need is mine would you mind if you have mine you must be distracted us and you must go to the future if you have much and if your mind is not change of course if that's the case then yes again let's go what is being rich without sitting we will do it into this central section let's first boot very you know casual it's quite a nice one whatever yes but let's do this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] any kind of sensation or feeling yes here when you let us sense do its job in completing ourselves do its job completely I'm sure some of you didn't even know once you're drinking tea it's a busy business getting worked up I mean I can understand these spotty were talking about Robert about it stress that is the bonus and should have this you can you can be finally free from the you know other stress not get excited but that's that's not what mean if you are running Buddhist meditation or practice that's not what's the benefit of that knowing that because unnecessary completely unfair expectations and assumptions if you see an oasis in the desert and if you know it's an oasis you would not even welcome here but you might enjoy it unless there are some questions I actually let let us do traditional serious other like this you need to visualize anything my sensations okay [Music] just gives you this hunting inside my mind was another city just exposing how I was distracted and that left me thinking of my film which was just shown in hahaha and that led me to think oh but the produce is arriving today the belly speaking of beginning outcomes there so getting work back getting distracted bidding but somebody read my mind was sunburned International Airport by my strictly convex okay it's what I'm thinking [Music] yes it should be even more productive if you can be in the present any gland but this is what I'm saying because this is something that's under method right now but because you are not useless it's like how they use peach and this mirror that mirror from and now lipsticks and SMS text and there's a word for that and supporting what I'm saying that I'm not making these things up as some sort of New Age cervezas this this world effortless spontaneously arising spawn and it spontaneously arising awareness you know okay community to do this stupid us they are mentioned it's like but it's about some really high-quality service then people can ask him or her a question in one time in one book and then give it here he was she with here all and they give each other different answers when you read that you can reach it down causes supernatural be you know especially but if you let the driving here's your sign so I guess you can do that because according to you have attended this school we are not even using but let's say if the mind is divided in two what is it I didn't if mind is divided into a hundred million not even 1% of one not even one you are using that the rest is just sitting there totally useless we are not using it how do you how do you use instead of learning everything and going driving enter into the present and not forgiving a chance to your mind to function so yeah I mean I'm not bragging here but twenty years ago when I was reading thousand years of strategy with 20-degree uncle's made a similar make which uncle is talking about and then trying to be present and do this forget it I have to make sense of the story I have to be in the present not possible but after after what I have to say little bit you know like couldn't carelessness of who are the characters but this time making sense solos do you know the scent making sense of the story and guess what yes but metadata in it and I'm sure even have to sit practice this know deliberately I can read ten two hundred thousand years solitude only one go this is a key suppose this is a key create creativity compassion generosity leadership yes how to lead essence of the leaders you come back you King the general has to so I wanted to ask you especially as a storyteller yourself often when one is writing a story see the idea is to get lost in in your idea or leave your thoughts and then also talking about being mindful and staying in the present I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit more about how we can do both together I think you can consciously get lost isn't it yes I think so and that's much better so if you're not consciously lost count you are being created here you have to start yes you can actually not me there is no person this in the future it's both here but even as we talk we have a top like that and you want anyway you want to be deadly as a bass you as a human being so that's good news for you because the future the past when you are writing turning present so if you are more conscious of this passage I think you have more opportunity and you are you will not be stuck and I've just traveled wait in my new role this morning some nets year by year the monkeys masks will be the spell monkey but Japanese - not really very very the testimony of this kind of practices all this is being hijacked by the means actually not really well back to the wisdom that's a better service [Applause] yeah question the perch it is possible to reflect on the bumps while being in the present yes that's what I mean because anyway it is no mass in the future it's always in the present we are really talking in a very deeper way with this idea or illusion so amazing it is not possible for you to get yes and also no present that's just to give you a name these competitions are talking tradition such as manager or Vasavi yes [Music] so I actually have two questions but I'm trying to put one of the rivers so for example we are here today where I'm here today to learn something new this is born out of an escalation which binds meaning is something in the future and aspiring to be will be better internet mindfulness or whatever so here I have to plan and I have to be in the future to be able to execute and so present in the present buddhism is believing in this foresee major nearby lesbian extreme but if you ask me what is the character of Mahayana there treat this God or the bill is Juniata Angeles path is Hector the stick less real is not the result is beyond escalation okay having said this I will not quote which I for the tiny as a conditional we allow you to have one ignorance it was that thinking in that and why me why should you have that because you don't want to suffer escalation you can do this you can just make believe it's important parties of make-believe sensible make believe it's called visualization [Music] yeah this will become a habit usually there's a so they'll take you the easy part yes yes they throw a trapeze but I think it's like a detail of follows another I hope that because it [Music] specially through the deep re-enacted
Channel: Vidyaloke
Views: 8,135
Rating: 4.9775281 out of 5
Id: 00XZ5I0td04
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Length: 103min 36sec (6216 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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