Lhakthong (Vipassana), 27 November 2019, Thimphu, Bhutan

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[Laughter] [Music] okay so strangely I'll be speaking in English there's a several reasons for this there are several reasons for this my danke is basically non-existent that's one of them and when I try Danka it ends up entering into chocolate which probably will confuse a lot of you so I think the best for now the best option just happened to be English but this is this is kind of precarious because English as I have been using the medium but not necessarily just in Bhutan but elsewhere English is a very rich language of course it has amazing nuances vocabulary just just incredible but with all that English using English as language to express generally any kind of Asian wisdom Eastern wisdom and specially Dharma we many times more and more actually more and more we realize it's really difficult and not only difficult sometimes we get so self-conscious as I get older I get I don't know I feel very I you know sometimes I cringe to use English words such as compassion which is really really not adequate to express the meaning of ninja for instance or the very famous word enlightenment that is just one of the worst world you can choose for harbor and transition become home so then so forth so before I go through this I want you to sort of have this basic agreement between ourselves that the language I'm going to use is not going to be good enough but anyway all the jargon that I have I feel not good I will be using it anyway no choice - I don't know whether you know this Buddhism so-called Buddhism which in itself is recently invented term you know that just like Hinduism you know many of you know Hinduism never existed it was invented by Abrahamic people British people they they invented this word anybody who belongs to some sort of a spiritual system beyond the Sindhu River in Pakistan they all got you know sort of put together as a Hinduism this is why I think there's this discussion about Buddhism is also part of the Hinduism in this sense we can say yes it is just because it happened to be on this side of the Sindhu River you understand so just like that Buddhism is it's it's it's a it's a newly invented word not only that something that you guys should know Buddhism categorized as a religion is also something new now when we talk up a different religion we talked about the Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism and Buddhism isn't it actually this categorization I mean this sort of categorizing Buddhism as a religion I suspect again is because of people like him I'm serious you know they invented I'm serious really so 700 years before what is so-called now Buddhism it is actually a way if you want to know more specifically it is an attitude I was thinking on my way here how should we express this in Dong Ha I think you know people talk about come come boy no come that's an interesting filio logic by the way this come come isn't it so we are talking about three different come there is the share vaca Jana kind of come attitude and that there is a Mahayana come the attitude and then there's a tantrayana which supposedly has no attitude okay general come more specific come and know come new person supposedly these Yogi's in the mountain they have no come come you remain conscious of your Center there's no attitude the shared worker people have a certain attitude shadrock awareness Asia Africa just for the sake of those who are not so familiar with this word you can say this is a the the Buddha Dharma that practice in places like Burma Sri Lanka you know Thailand they have a certain attitude towards life you understand I used to have a secretary who works for me and she was a very accomplished what he called the bio physics and because she's so good at this biochemistry and biophysics she always traveled with like her suitcases have the suitcases filled with sanitizer or a soap the moment she move she has to use hand sanitizer moment she touched something because she is trained she is educated to see things so she must see not a bugs everywhere your friends because this is how she sees like bugs everywhere you know germs everywhere she has like two or three face masks when she come and work for me in India it's so strange she gets sick most but you know now so it's an attitude you build because you have a certain information she goes to this school where she study about chemistry and bugs and germs and all that so she has over the years she's developed this attitude it was things so that's why she ends up having sanitizers now if you go to so we in so called Buddhism I hate to use this word Buddhism there are certain training you receive so that you will have a certain attitude towards life okay and then we have a Mayan are who also have a different kind of attitude connected they're very related but they have a certain certain they have a different kinds of attitude then supposedly there's a tantrum or the Vajrayana which supposedly prevailing in our country actually you are supposed to have no attitude no attitude towards life that's difficult though it's really really difficult so we will be I think yes this is a sort of um I want you to just just present you this this attitude but by the way the word come I think this is such an input such a beautiful profound word something to judge it down for those who really wants to sort of understand [Music] okay so I think we are here because we are here we are supposed to talk about Fatone so that's what we are going to do okay now few years ago when I was in Bhutan I got invited by elite okay had a dinner and one of the members several of the member of this elite in the Bhutanese okay their Bhutanese they just went to going Kerby personal you understand be personal you know let it mindfulness camp and they were so impressed they were so moved and they were telling me you know don't we have that in Buddhism I actually got to press for a few weeks upon hearing this but then I realize it's actually people like me like a rinpoche Lamas our fault we are not good at packaging marketing you know that labeling we have we have to speak that language we need to sort of because Sutton which is what is translated from the word of Vipassana is sort of the core spine heart head breath if you like of Buddha Dharma so I think it's good to maybe draw on the words a poem it's interesting now the moment you hear the word of Vipassana what is your attitude most likely your attitude is how the personal mindfulness and what does that mean sit straight meditation by the way the word meditation is in the in the Chokey it's called gum gum or calm different spelling it's similar meaning which actually means getting used to you know getting accustomed to it's like you don't know how to drive you go to the driving school and then you you know you try you try in a driving school with the proper whatever setup and then you can't be driving their whole life you have to go to the street you have to see the dogs running cats going here there other traffic coming towards you I don't know or and then you know calm you get used to that technique of driving and then once you are so good at it you can use the what I call it Ravindra to fix us lipsticks you can text people you can drive with one hand and talk back better don't do this though but anyway this is what happens when we you when we when we get used to it come come the word meditation does not really tell us this actually meditation is a very Christian word I would say a lot of things a lot of things by the way I think it's really important and sometimes I get frustrated with this because even here in our country Bhutan most of our education curriculum is very much from the British you know so I bet a lot of you when you say good g.od you mean something that is not really Buddhist I'm very sure yes superficially of course there's a similarity between Islam and Hinduism and Buddhism and all of this but what is good in Christianity is different from what is good in Hinduism and of course Buddhism going back to happen means sometimes the is something extra insight real-deal the true color you send you know somebody looks good polite gentle but true color you know true color he can be varied this this unison so we are talking about the superficial superficial projection superficial understanding of something the real deal that you know sort of the true color behind it that's what Sutton is all about you have to get this the true color of life at it actually the word on this is the irony the moment we use the word of Vipassana people seem to immediately think it's a meditation but it's actually not not necessarily no one talks no you know in the entire Buddhist Canon there's not a word called tone is like seeing realizing awakened with gum yes you've her Brigade so tone this yes seeing the true color the true nature but again do you see the word the moment I will use the word a true nature I'm sure many of you are immediately rushing to ah true nature something very magical mystical something that you will if you try so hard if you go to this temple chuttan quarter ten thousand times then you will see this true color but this is really not true this is important that we realize the true color or the inside is especially in the Buddha Dharma is so simple ridiculously simple and ridiculously mundane it's so ridiculous that's why it's called holy you'll spend actually the Maha mudra lineage that Dibakar give us they even used the word tamil disha which means the ordinary bind they actually detest anything that is special ordinary naked raw uncooked and altered unconditioned truth we are talking but I don't many of us will you know we we think he's talking about something really profound this is so profound the word is so deceiving isn't it so profound so immediately you distance yourself with this profound truth thinking that me I'm not for profound unison like there's a long distance between you and the profound truth so let's decipher this a little bit seeing inside seeing the real color seeing the truth let's let's discuss this on a more sort of chewable sort of more understandable level first impermanence that's one of them impermanence that is one raw naked truth and when I say the impermanence most of the Buddhists think about which is talking about to Amitabha death isn't it now of course that's like I don't even have to mention you and I am going to die anyway that's you know that's given I'm not only talking about that I'm talking about all everything basically our paradigm of our life our values like yeah Wow just about ten years ago I was like I'm like a I worship BBC I worship like New York Times now I detest them from the bottom of my heart you understand it's terrible see impermanence I used to never understand why people like to have tea tea now I have unbecoming kind of a tea connoisseur actually I know you know the old grid is that you know how much degrees of you know the temperature degree to make a tea out of this values how you relate to people individually nations we put the Bhutanese we may be so proud that we're Buddhist and this Buddhism is going to go on forever you better think twice Japan was one of the most important and the most powerful Buddhist country you look at Japan now almost all the temples are basically just a little bit more than a museum daitokuji temple one of the most one of the biggest temple in Tokyo has let something like ten monks if Japanese Buddhism cannot survive what chance do we have so small yes I'm sure many of you and me between our whole life you know I'll be Buddhist that's for sure you better think toys you might end up becoming a jurist Tyrion who knows just for them you know we never know it all it takes is a small cause and condition what if you happen to fall in love with a very handsome Persian Iranian drast rien oh my god you know Buddha Dharma Sangha you know like you said all it takes vice versa by the way what we valued this today something more amazing is shock meaning of meaning you know meaning the word has a meaning even that changes it's so shocking in our life it even that changes meaning now that's scary actually or I should say that's enlightening this is something you need to see this is something you really need to see factum remember extra sing inside having the real picture having the inside this is what you need to see and that can be achieved not necessarily sitting like this that can be achieved through discussing like this you understand so if I tell you today for two hours we are going to do Vipassana not just talk Vipassana but actually do Vipassana but never sit not this nor mantras nothing just talking just you know like constantly pulling the rugs out of your feet it is valid it is a valid it is a valid de personal while I'm while I'm on this I want to just add this one many of youngsters here probably not the older generation but the younger generations they will stink okay where does this circumambulating the stupa lighting the Carmi lamp right purflex where does this come in they are actually Vipassana I'm telling you and I think you may enjoy printing a prayer flag then sitting like this for three hours you understand it is actually the persona all our mural paintings all our luck even even like pouring water offering water ball offering they are the personal do you really think that Buddha gets thirsty and you have to deliciously feed him water you can't be that stupid what good does it do one some lamp burning there and then shall they Dharma you try to eat those they're supposedly food you try to eat this you will have a diarrhea but it is a sacrifice it is it's a practice of not only actually that's not only a shaman and that's not really heavy person it is also a schemata pilgrimage you should go to pilgrimage let good parrot a song or boon draw or everything every step you take even if you don't think anything good maybe you are only counting money you understand from the doorstep all the way to the top doctor you may be only thinking about how to outwit other people bla bla bla but nevertheless the small effort that you took is a Vipassana you understand and not only that you can turn things into you know like Bhutanese Bhutanese are really good with the etiquette de la monja right development etiquette with a right to motivation right attitude attitude oh you are dementia or you are like you know like standing I don't know all of that could become a V person I'm serious many of you may think that I'm modifying Buddhism a little bit no actually not I'm not really like a most conservative Taliban of Buddhism we understand people somehow associate me now he is very modern actually not what I have been saying is not like I created or invented I'm trying I bring this from the sutras if any of these temples or Lamas did debate with you send that send them to me I said this even in the conjurer it is a Conda cherubim bottom you know which are the ones in Bom Chiba Japan they don't about the food is about the umbrella but these are all the words of the sutras according to the Buddha he said that even if you have a context or a boom or at all you're not a jet number one suitor a text you never read them you don't do anything even if you have it in your house is a worthy act why because you know this you know this book's a big the kid they take a lot of space but yet yet you you try to have them and that's a sacrifice and also it involves it involves a sense of wanting to appreciate long and how should I call it venerate the words of the wisdom you understand these are very much it be personal you need to notice okay so that that's one Anita I think if you go to Thailand they we call it Anita basically impermanence that's one inside ok just having an insight inside that things will change things are going to change a changing rapidly for instance like our neighbor India some say that in about twenty years there were more Muslims than Hindus you understand Bhutanese that's their no you will have less pucker pop you understand Muslims going to eat pork right so more Muslims means less means your Papa is in trouble you understand this is how things work the paradigm shifting world and now we are talking about whether it is many many questions here I don't know I'll try to answer sort of all together there even somebody was somebody has this question about whether there's a robot in bûche what about robot Bodhisattva I think AI yes it doesn't mean that it will solve a lot of problems it just it may mean that we will just have a different kinds of problems or different kinds of you know approach with the world ever driven by algorithm artificial intelligence go through lots of changes and then our individual life or mine so much changes what you are thinking today is not going to be there tomorrow probably not may not next year what is it what does this help it actually frees free it liberates you it really sort of makes you three we all want freedom isn't freedom is at most important and when you see the truth the true color it really liberates you because when you don't see the true color or that the real thing you have all kinds of false expectations false hope false fear and this then leads us to the next the next inside which is dukkha again the English word suffering not good at all not good to express the word doom hell the hell in Turkey I think it directly derived from the sanskrit word dukka dukka in Hindi right Dhaka very very very strange very very profound word because the English word is suffering I think only refers to like a painful situation isn't it not so the word dukkha is not only painful pain word dukkha refers to anything that has uncertainty and unsatisfying and something that does not have a true but I call it true substance it's bit like you won a lottery in your dream and in the middle of the dream you you know you you have you've won a lottery and then in the middle of the dream you realize it's a dream and you are still dreaming it scorable you know what I do it is it's kind of sad isn't it but then if you are a savvy if you are good at it if you're good at it okay just imagine okay hypothetically speaking okay you dream this around 11:00 at night not v/o twelve one two three four five six seven maybe you get up so you have eight hours to enjoy this lot this money you can spend yes by a biggest add enough flat enmity Tom I don't know Byam what you call it the SUV yeah whatever eight hours that's a lot that's if you are savvy it can feel as 80 years and the greatest thing about this is by 6:45 six 56 55 you know you are about to wake up the greatest thing about this is no regret no regret at all you know and this doesn't exist anyway so you know see seeing that we are talking about Duke Duke okay yeah that's one the next one is going to be a little bit tough but never do any way we should try not to avoid this another setlist that's another true color of the things the selflessness of things I think we have already talked about this you know the dream money the dream lottery money this should also tell you that when Buddha said sure Tom Giovanni everything is emptiness now you should realize now you should know the Buddhist does not mean that it does not exist you understand the dream money exists in the dream you can even spend on this remember eight hours long time you can spend so when we talk about the truth and you don't worry we are not talking about totally non-existent okay so that certain seeing the true picture color that is the wisdom of the Vipassana how do you how do you how do we train ourselves to you know to immerse ourselves with this wisdom how do we sort of how do we utilize so to speak remember the example I gave you my secretary the chemist woman yeah sanitizer all that remember okay so chop right Danka I'm a practitioner chop right the board is chopped Dharma practitioner chipper chop what is chopped my secretary in in the context of you know biochemistry or whatever it's called diligently because he sees she sees things with her you know jerem and constantly need to clean hand likewise how does how does one become a chopped one does how does one become Dharma practitioner country to lot of the people think you don't have to quit job you understand that doesn't make you chop I'm serious you don't have to stop using foundations nothing by all means do all of those use foundations huge shampoo use eat vitamins do all kinds of things exercise yes but know that it's not going to help fundamentally if you understand that no we will die but you know just like the lottery money yes by the best foundation by the best I don't know everything do whatever the this attitude this attitude towards life because if you think that moisturizer lotion is going to fix your skin forever you are doomed you have a problem that you have no Vipassana you can spend you turn up the Vipassana but you know if you put the lotion and one yeah I'm getting old I'm 16 now and look at the mirror and yeah anyway it may still help a little bit which is which is all I asked for just a little bit and also this when I use it it makes me think I'm young and that's all I count anyway right you are beginning to become a chopped I'm serious so this kind of a chop will have bathroom full of different lotions driven hand creams your son but inside you know this is kind of close to 655 655 about to wake up and your attitude doesn't matter I never had you two anyway if you gotta say I never had it in this is chop and this by the way you may not necessarily carry Amala Jim you may not necessarily sort of do this and all kinds of you know the Dharma practitioners do they it's appeared as sometimes very hypocritical not hiding myself not what did my letter per se Milarepa said this one molarity should've rung it long amytal wa he said my religion is not disgracing mice and not disgracing myself not telling lies to oneself you understand that is what makes me makes you chop and by the way again going back to our earlier conversation remember I told you that Buddhism somehow ended up categorized as a religion by people from Swansea or I don't know you understand the the the Europeans the Abrahamic people there but in the ancient time Buddhism is a it's it's a way it's a science it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a learning a certain attitude and when you have that attitude you are chopped like you are chemists you are a mathematician you are a soldier you'll send you're a politician you know when you are a politician the moment you talk or think you think in terms of politics in the same or if you are a photographer if you are trying the photographer that your mind thinks in terms of composition so color the Abdi moment the lighting and all of this yeah just like that the Vipassana training trains you to have a certain attitude towards life okay now as you train yourself to have this kind of attitude you in invariably you will have what you call it [Music] empathy so you had now you had you know you were sleeping with somebody okay and you are having the same dream you dream lottery she also or he also dreams the lottery but you know it's a dream she doesn't and she's seriously making plans you understand you on the other hand you know this is sort of a you know like let's enjoy let's she is like running around controlling Locker I don't know jag on custom-made safety deposit blah blah blah all of this then you feel you know and and and it's already around 6:45 also for her and you really want to say you know this is not really happening don't you think we should just enjoy this you understand now if you have a somebody who is really open and smart you are lucky but most of them dating he's jealous you know or you can do what you like but you know who are you telling me these things you understand what I'm saying so but you really care you really care for this person you know she or he is having a delusion then what do you do you tell lies you tell and you tell lies with the right intention so that she or he will understand that this is a dream lottery and this is what we Buddhists call it skillful means by the way top k2g say you know to reshape the great you know like spring mind and am I talking a lot when are we supposed to end so I meet a lot of people many young people yeah quite impress every time I come there many times and they come back and they say you know they always express that they want to become a chopper but every year they come and all they tell me is they haven't done it yet and they really want to do it they're sort of like which is actually not their fault I think it is people like us teachers with I think we haven't given them the right information you don't have to quit job you don't have to do anything you can you start now and when I say you start now again the lot of people again a lot of people think okay start now so from tomorrow this much hour I will do the sitting this much hour i will chant mantras I think this will only hinder yours your attitude practice practices everywhere it's everywhere all the time yes by all means if you happen to have the inspiration at times you know inspirations a bit like it's very it's it's very very cold it it fluctuates sometimes it comes up inspiration I want to become nun I want to become monk blah blah blah all that other chance you have a lot of things to do like I don't know catching up with a game of Thrones stuff like this or you know calling up friends and have you know hanging around mug around so and also another thing this is another thing many modern and young people think there's a lot of obstacles and when I hear their obstacles you know why they are not practicing their what I call attitude chop it's always like not you know like not enough time not enough environment they're not really good excuses they're very lame and but I understand where it's coming from I think it's coming from not really having the proper understanding of what the persona actually is and I think we in Boonton as I have said many times in the past I'm sure some of you have come back here again our the culture and the tradition many times hijacks buddha-dharma this happens or everywhere by the way not just not just in Bhutan yes Chinese culture have hijacked Chinese Buddhism Japanese culture have hydrated you know Japanese Buddhism this happens all the time and this is kind of inevitable because culture and the tradition is somehow necessary because it's a vessel you need a culture culture is a language basically you know culture is a very gross language and without that you just don't know what to do you can't you know you feel that you need to do something this is why also the reason why you are asking these kind of questions for instance like like many of you coming to me and not necessarily just me but many other dishes probably with a sense of guilt that you have not lit enough karma or you have not chant enough mantras you understand because the culture and the tradition have told us that as a job you have to finish this set of numbers the set of days of practice I would rather you come with a sense of guilt and sort of saying you know I only realize the lottery money when it is 659 you understand seven o'clock alum no more right so if you come back you know I missed it many times lottery dream Harlem okay it but yeah but you were getting my analogy I may be confusing you this on these confusing you the sense of not being able to understand this is just in a dream come true there's that would bring inside seeing the inside inside scene at just a little bit more about the methods and methods many of these methods by all means that many of them are precious so as much as seemingly earlier I've been sort of telling you that this is not right sitting is not a beep asana I want to tell I want to just you know explain that this is a good method but I don't want you to think that in order to do the flattened in order to do the Vipassana this sitting is the only way in fact again I'm repeating here seeing the true color of life and I basically explained the Anita Anita more dhoka a little bit but selfless little difficult basically [Music] things things are not as things that does not exist as how they appear this if you can apply to all your aspects of life and again I'm not making it up don't think that I'm modifying this you must have heard them Japanese they you know are there any Japanese here if there are I will be even more mean they have lost it they have lost a lot for instance like a tea ceremony tea ceremony tea ceremony is a really really it's a profound method to invoke schemata and Vipassana and also the japanese acaba now the flower arrangement so on and so forth now most of the Japanese they just think it's a culture it's just a Japanese tradition they think of course we in Bhutan we can have that you know like okay for instance like the tray just yourself alone tray you put it and you make a make a discipline okay make a discipline like you are here and this treasure should not be not even a half an inch there not even a half an inch here you're saying that kind of discipline because method when we talk about a method we are talking about means have you watched what is it Enter the Dragon the Bruce Lee movie the Bruce Lee says this he's quoting this from a Zen teaching better he said look at when I point pointer what move with my finger to the moon don't look at the finger look at the moon but necessary finger is necessary but many people they look at the finger instead of the moon many many fingers a necessity all ten of them you can point if you want but that might confuse you sometimes you know just like is good unison just like that other tons you know like but the traffic police in tempo you know like understand it does add up you know it does add the style I'm serious so and when you think about this don't think about your argument that you had with your friends or I don't know the text message that you should be sending I don't know Esther just think about this and then all this you create you create and then a cup how do you want put it like this or like this and then this was a very well folded I'm serious to ceremony and believe it or not like at it you can have you what supposedly that every move I'm sure guys they're maybe not thinking like this but that's how it is Chum you know like a balancing this is just coordination defaulting so really look at Japanese have a come up with a then tea ceremony rebooting is why not create an EMA dirty ceremony should we should we I think we should because I think it's really the most simple and yet is the most tasty isn't it let put everything together and then you can do it three-way share Rocket attitude Emma Dottie Miami attitude Emma Darcy and then throwing everything with my brother here attitude of Avatar see you understand and then alter you know let's say you are one of those people who are like a pain in the neck you know so disciplined and you understand meticulous and throw in the tantric attitude yes by all means [Music] cook Emma daddy Nam I don't know what did he want it the most Timur yeah more - yeah why don't you do this try or yeah I feel like an tantric Emma daddy today chili-cheese what else water right that's it no salt chocolate near the same lots of chocolate eat without attitude without attitude oh this is not right there's no lighting nor wrong tantric attitude yeah so anyway this you know like gum many times gum is like this is not like this and I'm telling you this this no difference between this and this you got that so in the kitchen when you chop onion you can do be person even better when you are having a heated conversation with fighting with your husband or wife yes so such a good time to do Vipassana you okay you have husband is talking like this decide to look at his upper lips you understand just upper lips nothing else just upper lips oh by the way you need a skillful means so time to Chan yeah you know doesn't matter you know otherwise he may get more angry you understand yeah you know you know whatever you need to respond I'm really not making these things up of course the analogy maybe you know I'm using contemporary ones but that's okay you know a lot people have used this in the past or so yeah yes that's it so when you do this no judgement right no judgment different kinds of attitude remember attitude one attitude to and then no attitude as you do that what will then happen [Music] this is a big subject but as you do that you will judge less to yourself you understand jet when you judge less you have more confidence confidence it's bit like those you know in rural Bhutan those cow harder way deeper what I call them in genre not for me yeah whatever such a good word you know there they have cows here there and they're so used to their act of like to some of this cows total confident totally confident you're so confident now these guys when they move here temple they have no cows and they they can't do this whistle and then all the other people who are not ready buzz but basically they're as probably as insecure as any other body body buzz but this poor what it was from the countryside it now come here can't climb trees because there's no trees can't whistle at cows because there's no cows then the confidence goes down and then I think they sing sad songs really so with cooking we talked about this by all means if you can afford yes go shopping if you can afford it do 24 hours online shopping if you want and if you can if you can spare money you understand but how could incorporate this with a Vipassana what do you think with a discipline again oh by the way the discipline also could could be what you call it maybe we do a little bit on discipline many people think younger generations especially the word disciplined you don't like isn't it it's all so dreading isn't it the very word discipline but it doesn't have to be start with a very small amount be consistent these are the words of the Buddha and start with things that does not cost you start with this is the keyword that does not cost you remember I talked about chipper eight or seven bald water it doesn't cost you well not yet too much the world is changing you listen this is why the past masters have suggested because water I mean till now kind of free cheap doesn't cost you anyway so this is why a disciplined has to be you know you can start with something that does not necessarily cost you too much be consistent and be creative if your so-called meditation is not working at all in the Chesham do it in the kitchen not necessarily sitting this is important if you are ninja you know the noun session mind is not working in front of Kim - Chetan yeah do it in a dragon if you like really kind of you know really sad isn't it I mean those dim light Wow perfect actually those dim light overly used meant a curtain just but when you do it don't overdo it don't do it like two three hours because this is a sign that you will not do not continue you would only do it a day or two and that's it actually when you feel not really wanting to do true but really let's say that Saturday you really wanted to do toe you want to practice yes just half an hour and then go and play archery really or something and watch this sort of lingering feeling that all I should be practicing Burma but but keep on playing keep on playing archery or whatever and the watch this feed this longing this longing I didn't do enough I didn't I didn't go closer to the truth enough you need to create this be creative when the day on the day when you really want to do it and then if you do overdo it you will not long you're not long for it you think ah today I did a pretty good job of dental practice you'll boast about it and you'll feel that you have done a great job and you'd be very proud and you'd be showing off these to other people and you understand always this is a this is a kind of an interesting great jigme lingpa one of the great meaning mapa master said the confidence okay the humility humility that all I must see the truth I am not seeing it enough you understand I'm not seeing it enough that humility and being you know when you see the truth even for a moment thinking that's confidence you know again some when when when on the way to the actual you know like gum or in Hamlin or practice the Dharma and sometimes we think that what we do is never enough so being hard on yourself and always referring to some this other trope I can't do like him or her this kind of reference this kind of you know like judging yourself doesn't help if you manage to be aware of this truth even for a moment you should be happy and confident the humility and the confidence this too you know I think it it will take a little bit of time in this specially in the beginning to juggle with this because too much humility loss of confidence too much confidence slowly transforming it into pride and normal humility so balance in this too so okay a little bit more traditional method of Vipassana we will discuss just briefly so that you know when the one that is has been popular recently which I told you remember some of my Bhutanese friends thought we don't have it but you know that I think many of you know you know Vipassana nine days Vipassana seven days v persona one month Vipassana there's that and there's a countless of methods on this each tradition each teacher will have a slight differences and they're all great not one is lesser than the other also it depends on who you are how you connect lot of you lot of you may be not really inclined with these visualizations and you know all the chaga rituals and then by all means do something formulas such as concentrating on the breathing yeah this lot of meditate a lot of Vipassana instructors will tell you to breathe you know concentrate on breathing have you thought about this why why concentrate on breathing it's got nothing to do with your breathing is so holy you understand you know breathing is just a breathing it's as it's not special not not special it's just a breathing what is supposedly what did you know what it does is it makes you realize a lot of different things for instance it makes you realize things are drifting all the time changing drifting shifting all the time even just from that point of view okay then popular one of the most popular method as in Boonton chanting the mantra oma human supremacy on man opinion water yes believe it or not this is also of the personal many many reasons for one when you are chanting Omar who when the group macd home even for I don't know one time during that time you are saved from talking nonsense you understand you could be talking nonsense you could be just gossiping you could be slandering you could be lying you could be cheating but instead okay you are not really thinking about Guru numbers you are not thinking about compassion you are not thinking about anything that is something called holy but Omaha was a girl famous city home your mouth is occupied yes and even from that sense it brings you closer to the truth so don't think that the chanting the mantra is not a be personal it is any challenge is very welcoming I can explain of course you can do much more you can do panic rama some panic rama visualization meditation then you can do the Maha mudra maha sandy or that depending on how much how open you are remember I gave you two three kinds of you know stages there's the Cherokee and a kind of attitude with this the Mayan a kind of activities country kind of attitude if you think that you can be ready for the tantric attitude yes all the methods of tantric Vipassana basically Vipassana means seeing the truth seeing the true color and this is the whole heart eyes long breath of buddhadharma seeing the truth and when I say the truth make notice this I'm not talking about anything mysterious I'm not talking about something that you need to have some sort of a revelation simple raw day-to-day mundane truth such impermanence such as dukkha such as selflessness depth and what does it do more you are in more you know this truth more you feel for those who don't understand the truth remember the example I give you you feel and you will try to share this truth if the if the person is open shared directly if the person is not open you know go round and try to bring them to the truth and this I hate to use the word is called compassion maja coruña in the chamber in jail chambo not at all compassion actually wrong word but we have been using this too much so we somehow need to deprogram fraud from this one yes in the process of translating the buddhadharma learned a lot how the language can really you know language is so important you know so so specially just a few years ago I was talking to you know we were talking about sort of the political and sort of social situation of the earth the world and how we are so we like a small nation is so much bombarded by all these informations and the social I don't know changes I mean I don't know how much of like name for instance name how many of you are Pema raise your hand Emma Emma how many okay Tashi how many how many want you how many Georgie how many Sanjay you know all these names are not Bhutanese names and serious like Vemma is a sanskrit - she is a sanskrit printer printer mints in luck but Lakshmi Lakshmi yeah and Bammer Bammer Lotus from India Buddhism the Buddhists the sort of the Bhutanese named the tango tango kado everything young bah wow those are really almost dead because of the Indian Buddhism India you know have you thought about this like - Itachi why do we care about those two fish you know the Bhutanese we may be more worried about Jessamine and the yargh and you understand what was true fish what are they and like when you do Mende don't you ba you know this holy cow guess where that came from holy cow you know now this now we have a different kind of invasion through the language alone English the way we understand not just the language just everything everything we try to decipher try to value European American Western Way this and many of them even we Bhutanese think immoral I guess I can speak since we are kind of we have developed a certain what you call it feeling you know about no kids here right [Music] thirty years ago thirty thirty-five years old but when I go to East Brewton now I studied in India so every time I come back in East Baton I go and then this ladies will check out the shirt can you please touch here I have to because I have a heart problem every time I come back from India I feel a little bit strange you know what to do after two-three days the Bhutanese comes back just doesn't even bother about this you understand now the Christian culture of bra and you know all these things have become isn't it see this is how they we see things we value things the meaning of morality meaning or ethic changes I don't think we can do much actually we are kind of its bit too late but I think some people should speak about it time to time because you know as a Bhutanese we have some really really good things you know like you know have you ever imagined that you are not a botanist and you suddenly land in the power output and you got through this house and this big penis painted on this but we Bhutanese to be a kind of proud of it you understand but those are going to go those will go you 20 years there will be lawsuit if you have a that painted I'm serious it's pornography yes we will we will be such a sucker for this kind of value we yeah modernization right this basically the world is changing the values are changing and yes it's so nice to you know see all of us friends here you know still chewing the palm still you know Emma Dottie still the go Keira and still sort of singing that cut a very sentimental romantic songs is fantastic but you need to know this you really need to know because this nation is small much bigger nations have changed you need to really because we talk about what culture preservation I am Nam JA our value we can't afford to be a museum you understand can sort of stay as a museum piece we need to really see how things are and anyway that is on remember seeing the truth we need to prepare for this I think that's about it for tonight I'm very happy to see you thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Siddhartha's Intent
Views: 25,042
Rating: 4.9325151 out of 5
Keywords: Dzongsar, Khyentse, Lhakthong, Vipassana
Id: b_T0CA0XeWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 21sec (5661 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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