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wait oh my god that is so loud why is it ladies and gentlemen we're going to be looking at teachers who talking to I finally got back my megaphone let's frickin go and you know what I didn't just get one megaphone I didn't just get to make it phones I got three mega phones so let's Frank videos are about to get loud no but yeah let's frickin go guys teachers are took it too far let's just look at the first one I'm gonna put this away for now okay so here's the first one we got boxes on everyone's heads now this one's actually kind of smart because first of all while viruses are out there so maybe that's good for you know if people are gonna coffered talk it's just gonna be straight ahead alright so that's good but I don't think that's what this was for it's actually for cheaters it's for kids who fricking sheet so now you can't cheat at all because you can only look forward and if you look at someone else's test while having a box on your head everyone's gonna know the teacher is gonna know when you're gonna be expelled so this is actually foolproof plan no cheating on tests life hack this is actually sick though I mean I would hate this being in school but I get it for cheaters like okay I I low-key I definitely did sheet i'm sorry teacher but I did cheat and I'm sorry but I just I have a bad memory so I'm sorry to my teachers all right I didn't cheat on every test but like I did sometimes okay Oh oh my okay so this is a little bit intense every single name has their phone up there what about the missing names huh they probably said yeah fricking right Susan it's in your pocket who doesn't have a phone it's 20 20 come on everyone's just scrolling through tick-tock all day that's what everyone does what happened to scrolling through YouTube man please drop a like please subscribe come on where my YouTube fans no but this is great well so this this person ana paula doesn't have a phone apparently or a weed doesn't have a phone aha Charlene we don't believe you alright it's in your frickin pocket or your backpack so this teacher has a water bottle that says student tears on it dude I look he's drinking our tears oh god I would be scared of this teacher dude he makes students cry he then gets his water bottle runs to the Mazda crying gets the tears into his bottle and drink so that'd be a pretty salty drink not gonna lie so this teacher decided to put this on a test it is about half time of the whole quarter so I guess everyone should know me in some sense let's do some quiz which of the following picture is me so this teacher left the room during a test and had kids try to pick which what is him and these people look very similar they definitely do they're all standing in front of a bookshelf the same exact picture that's so funny dude well hopefully this kid got it right or he's getting an F I feel so bad guessing this wrong like dude I see this person every day and I still got a wrong warning if I hear even one end game spoiler if you don't know what end game is it's the last Avengers movie that was pretty big and yeah okay half of the class chosen randomly by coin flip heir and impartial will immediately fail my class don't even make up lies to be funny I don't want to hear one word about it at all sincerely mr. scribble yeah I would do the exact same thing dude I didn't watch out and gave him for like the first two weeks and I was I hated it because there was so many spoilers and I was just at the dude but stop spoiling movies if you spoil movies you're stupid all right don't be that person who hears another cheating life hack for all you teachers out there I don't know if there's any teachers watching my videos probably not but hi if you are this teacher decided to put paper and a little headband over everyone so that they cannot cheat that is 7 it works but you just your fashion does not look on point today I mean some of these kids probably dressed up super nice you're like but then they have to wear this all day like out yeah so this teacher actually brings in a metal detector to class right before the test I don't know why just to be extra safe I mean I guess so some people be bringing in some weird things to school ok so I I definitely get it like look at this student they brought in a bunch of candy like a look at much candy they brought in why are you bringing in so much candy bro so this teacher decided to take it to the next level a drone during a test now look at this picture right here there's a drone flying around all these students now I'm just imagining how loud this is gonna be I would not be able to focus with a loud buzzing sound just flying drones are really loud this is how loud drones are they're very freakin loud so this would probably mess up my focus but well yeah I guess this works I mean this teacher is probably looking at the drone footage in this teachers are flying the drone footage and they're just literally just flying around to see who's gonna cheat or not like bro I would not be cheating if I were you they're gonna find out on camera footage but I think you took it a little bit too far teacher come on today's video is sponsored by bang energy they have so many different flavors like rainbow unicorn okay we're gonna put away the megaphone you know what let's try this flavour out real quick pina colada and peach mango this sounds good we got it right here we go okay that's one of my favorite ones guys you gotta try out bang they have the best flavors and it also gives you so much energy throughout the day they also have non-caffeinated versions as well so guys click that first link down below go cops and bang and make sure to use code infinite 25 to get 25% off your purchase check them out on their social medias as well like their Instagram at bang energy and all their social medias you guys are gonna love Bank I drink bank so that I'm energized throughout my video thank you to Bank for sponsoring this video ok this is taking it a bit too far as well this teacher has camera footage camera better not be cheating at all cuz this teacher got two camera angles she's making a vlog at it if this teacher decided to touch job applications for McDonald's two failed tests oh no this person got an F everything's wrong you know what your working at McDonald's alright get the heck out of my class you know what fine I will work at McDonald's at least I'm making nine bucks an hour or something like that that'd be sick well not right now cuz no one can even is McDonald's even open right now during this whole like endemic thing or whatever this is savage dude Savage teacher so this teacher I don't know how they even climbed up there very impressive wouldn't this be painful as well is this a male is this a male because I feel like this would be a little bit painful um but apparently he could not get a good view of everyone so he climbed up on the door and is you know bird's-eye view of everyone taking the test so he knows if you're cheating he's got a bird's-eye view pearl I don't know exactly why goodbye did you just hit taking your test and you see your teacher climbing a door and you're like are you okay mr. Clymer this is weird this is very weird all right I don't know what he's doing Oh okay low key I actually had to do this we had folders this was the technique that my teacher used they gave his folders so that no one would cheat it was like a three wave holder thingy and you just put your paper in and you just you're good and it was kind of cool okay I kind of liked it because you're just in your little you're in your little room basically and you could just do your test and stuff but you can't shake unfortunately so cheaters out there this one sucks for you but so this kid put on his test the question was f x plus g x equals and i don't freaking out some Steve algebra stupidness but he put hashtag Yolo hohoho I don't think that's right if my calculations are correct but then the teacher put hashtag minimum wage hashtag future hashtag McDonald's ouch that's a burn right there Oh study up because you might be working at McDonald's in the future actually well you know what I dropped out of college and I'm a youtuber No so it definitely depends it definitely depends but stay in school I guess you can't right now because of what's happening but you know what I mean just do good in your online school whatever went to go get help from a teacher and this is what I was probably out getting some coffee or something getting a getting a quick lunch break when they're not supposed to so they've made this little contraption oh my what they've they've put baby arms and like what's the point of even making this everyone's gonna know you're out doing something alright it looks just like the teacher you know what if I was a teacher I'd do the exact same thing I wouldn't want to be at school I would want to be home playing some video games so today in class a wasp flew into our room and was sitting on the ceiling and instead of just killing it with a ruler or a book or something my teacher said it on fire frigging sides teachers all they want to do is set things on fire no I get it I would probably want to do the same thing I'm Loki a pyromaniac like I love playing with fire is that weird that's not creepy right yeah but this teacher is getting very close to the ceiling like I think it's burning the ceiling so hopefully he doesn't burn the whole school down that would be absolutely terrible but then it would be epic for the students because no school I matched with my professor on tinder right after our final this is what he messaged me Oh God was he gonna say I'll take this slightly awkward opportunity to tell you your final grade is B Oh sick not even that bad all right you know what this kid should have said they should have said I'm gonna tell the principal if you don't give me an A and then you would have gotten a freakin a dude because the teacher you would've gotten fired right I think so that's crazy and so awkward oh I wonder how old your professor was hopefully it wasn't some 90 year old guy ooh very creepy very weird wait so I just realized tinder you both have to swipe right for them to message you I'm pretty sure so what the heck happened here Betty just swiped right to on your professor yeah nice you guys should just get together I'm just kidding don't do that oh my this teacher don't want any of your excuses oh my god my assignments late because my dog ate it yeah no one freaking believes you Patricia yes stupid your dog didn't eat your freakin homework that doesn't exist uh-huh well it actually does some people's dogs actually eat their homework maybe but but if your assignments late it's going in the trash Patricia but yeah your late assignments go into the trash your teacher don't want to hear it this kid fell asleep in history class and the teacher got down on the floor and tied his shoes together that's epic he's a frickin prankster teacher why isn't there a teacher that vlogs like their classroom I mean they're probably get fired but that'd be epic dude this teacher could vlog it be like guys everyone be quiet he's gonna fall down once he wakes up I'm so funny like that bee is such a sick vlog I would watch it teachers out there someone vlog your life all right to be interesting anyways guys that's it for the video if you did enjoy make sure to hit it with that subscribe button and like in subscribe the channel if you guys don't know we just dropped a brand new merch we got the infinite merch and it also comes in youth sizes so clean and then we have the very nice infinite wavy merch ooh such a nice shirt guys also comes in youth sizes so much other merge of ailable guys first link down below go cop anyways I will see you guys all in tomorrow's video sorry about that so sorry bye
Channel: Infinite
Views: 2,427,042
Rating: 4.9334693 out of 5
Keywords: Infinite lists, entertainment, family friendly, Elders React, Kids React, Infinite, Lists, TEACHERS Who Took It TOO FAR.., infinite lists reacts, infinite teachers who took it too far, teachers twho took it too far, infinite kiera bridget, infinite lists teachers, teachers, mad teachers, mad teacher compilation, teacher gets mad at kid, teacher yell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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