Teachers acting like students

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[Music] [Applause] all right get out your homework from yesterday let's get started on that we've got work yes can we get homework - right here yes so I didn't do mine because I didn't understand questions three four nine eight ten one two and three yeah nah man you can teach us any of this stuff I thought it was optional I had a power outage last night you don't understand get hers them I went to go see the Avengers movie last night and I don't want to ruin it for you but I was angry I was angry homework I don't have any time for work the only work I'm getting done is over at Zaxby's this school ain't paying me no money take me a selfie okay guys as you know your project is due Friday it's where 10% of your grade we're gonna work on it in class are there any questions [Music] what does it do is this for a grade are we doing this in class what am I gonna use this in real life so if you add all of these numbers together good I go to that so extra yes I hurt my wrist I'm gonna see the nurse where were you that was like 30 minutes okay was see my counselor no we want to add these together so well we'll go ahead and we'll add 93 or 43 and we'll just go ahead and yeah so 25 + 7 + hey I'm not late my back's right there like it's already here so I'm not late hey are you wonderful not my phone why are you trippin pencil barb calculator hey you got Bellary tomorrow you can't change for a 20 you got anything to eat hey I'm not late like Miss Clara said just to come without a pie it's okay I can go back and get a pass if you really want me to oh it's my mom it's a Ruth it's an emergency I just give me a second I'm just I'll be done in a second just give me a second it's my job I got to take this can I bring this miss Jenkins you could see me I'm right across the hall okay can I go outside and eat my sandwich hey I'm not late because there was like a lot of traffic I couldn't help it and you know almost like freshmen hang out right here in the hall so I was gonna be on time so I'm not nervous late so the lights were like really long today like so many people were there but but I'm not like late because I was like here on time here and like also I brought you this hey my mom just text and I'm supposed to go downstairs to check out we're going on a cruise for like two weeks and it may be longer and she wanted me to talk to you and get all the work that I'm gonna miss while I'm gone so can I get all the work that I'm gonna miss while I'm gone on my cruise for the next two weeks er again it may be longer [Music] Bing Class B and Class C and their screws are going to hey where are you going but the bells about to ring you tripping there's five minutes left in class [Music]
Channel: North Springs News
Views: 2,066,020
Rating: 4.9130449 out of 5
Keywords: Teachers acting like students, North Springs High School, Aldo Bacallao, North Springs News, North Springs Charter High School
Id: jEKgYOMeAj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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