Teacher Vlog Episode 3.25 | Transformation

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or open house and then later on today I'll show you the things that I bought to go with I almost feel like I'm on the verge of a class classroom transformation and I don't even realize it yet which is interesting because I never thought I would be doing one of those this year but welcome to miss Robinson's pizzeria hey guys good morning I I'm tired it's Monday I don't know the date but I do know it's Monday it is the Monday after the impact driven teaching conference that happened in Miami I am it's a Monday after several days of sleep deprivation like I can't remember the last time I got a sufficient amount of sleep and an over good reason like the sleep deprivation was in the name of having this great experience in Miami that I had over the past weekend and or just getting things that have to be done for my classroom so in the name of the sleep deprivation that I'm suffering from him I am having to get a Starbucks on a Monday morning which is something I've tried to avoid to do but I just need to wake myself up I am wearing comfortable clothes today because I want to feel as comfortable as possible to make this day as easy as possible given the fact that I'm tired so that's what I'm doing full disclosure I'm not sure what's gonna happen with this vlog or if there's going to be a vlog of the weekend my intention wants to go to Miami and like vlog the weekend from me leaving all the way through the weekend but just being there and this happened to I think quite a few of us who actually vlog or vlog we were just there and we were just so caught up in the activity of what we were doing and meeting people that we hadn't met before and just talking and getting to know people that opportunity to just blow up the camera and blog didn't always present itself and so I have footage I just don't know what its gonna be like in terms of like continuity because it was so sporadic as to when I took up the camera or not so I don't know if I will have a separate vlog on the weekend or I will just intersperse footage of the weekend in this world I don't know but I would like to share with you guys because I think it was just a great experience I know I've said that many times before on Instagram and others have but it really was it was like a conference not that I've been to a ton of conferences I've never been to the teachers pay teacher's conference because I don't sell any products I've never been to the get your teach on conference because it seems like it would just be a lot for me to handle I've been to like the Q conference and things like that but this was just very different it was much more relaxed much more like one of the people that work in Isis says she feels like it's more of like a retreat type thing or a family reunion type situation and I would kind of describe it as that there was definitely a purpose to it and the purpose really is if I were to put it in a nutshell is okay all of you in this room are active on social media you have some level of presence on social media and now what how can you use that presence to really make some significant changes that teachers and people and professionals in the educational system feel like are necessary how do you use this voice that you have to make it more powerful than just you sharing what's in your classroom are you sharing what you need individually as a teacher and focusing more on like the whole like what do we need in education in the United States today so it definitely had that purpose but it was just the atmosphere was a little bit different than most conferences so that was that so today is Monday and always on Monday excuse me I have been on a day so the kids get out at 1:15 this week this Thursday is open house and I don't feel anywhere near prepared so my classroom is about to turn into a little factory in which children who are just producing things that I would like to have them be able to share during open house so I just got to get through this week because after this week is spring break and I will be with a rest so it's a little stressful and just the thought of what I need to try and make sure I get done this week makes me even more tired luckily I have a student teacher who can help me with some of the stuff I need to get done so that will be great but needless this day are needless to say not meatless to stay needless to say I'm so a little bit stressed about getting everything done so I'm gonna grab this coffee and I'm had to work so I will talk to you guys illegal hello Tuesday 1025 ish the kids are at recess and I went ahead and announced to them today that they are now factory workers an open house factory and that they would just be producing products between now until Thursday and I said and I mean it like if we get our stuff done I'll probably have like a little something for them on Friday just to kind of celebrate the end of the stress of open house and they don't know it yet and I'm not going to tell them but I this whole open house project with the fractions that I'm gonna show you a little bit later lends itself to like a little pizza party so I'm gonna see if my room mom's can help me out with that to kind of tie everything in so they're just factory workers and they're okay with that so so far today we have accomplished getting their fraction robots assembled I think what I'm gonna do is these are going to be hung up there because the majority of the room is going to be based on the idea that we just finish up with fractions so that is underway I have also let me show you this because factory workers need to know what they need to do um I have put a list on the board of the top three things that they should be worried about getting completed today so the fraction robot needed to be colored and cut which most of them if not all of them have done we need to finish up our superheroes which I'll show you in a second and then they're working on their spring training goals which is just in preparation for state testing so I'm trying to see if I can find one of the superheroes I did this last year and it was a big hit people really liked and of course this is a Teachers Pay Teachers product so it it ends up looking like this and the phone's ringing one second [Applause] Miss Robinson Miss Robinson all right thanks bye Oh two phone calls back-to-back so let me talk really quickly because now my recess is running out I think I was showing you this so basically the kids pick the one thing that they felt like was their superpower in the third grade and then they give a couple of things as to what they did to develop that particular superpower those that is the teachers pay teachers product I will try and remember to link it it is very tedious to put it together so they're always assembled in small groups so that's the superhero project and the spring training goals I'll go over that at another time when we're a little bit more in the thick of it with that so that is what has been up so far I feel like there was something else I was going to tell you and I can't remember but basically we're working in a factory right now we're just trying to get ready for open house and then later on today I'll show you the things that I bought to go with I almost feel like I'm on the verge of a class classroom transformation and I don't even realize it yet which is interesting because I never thought I would be doing one of those this year but it's loaded slowly but surely turning into that for open house so that's it I'm gonna stop talking and I'll check in with you guys later on so see you then hello it is just about five o'clock I'm getting ready to leave before I do I want to show you the update on the progress that I have made for getting ready for open house the factory workers have been working hard and you know what they really do like that um metaphor it just makes them feel grown-up I think and that works for me so today my main thing was I wanted these fraction robots to be done we got them hung up thanks to the help of my student teacher there's a couple more that we need to do but here is what they look like so far so I will zoom in or zoom in on them because they don't have any names on it so I told the kids I don't really care how you color it because it's your robot you can do whatever you like the main concern was just making sure that they got it put together correctly so they could put the eyes however they wanted them they could put the feet however they wanted them so that is all done with the exception of a couple of students that I think need to finish theirs let's zoom this out there we go so um that got done the superheroes are also still in the process of being put together my student teacher is pulling them in small groups putting them together and then today they had a little treat at the end of the day and I didn't want to stop the momentum so she actually put a few of them together without the student and you know what it is what it is sometimes that has to happen so that is done and then at the last minute I decided to finish up the steam project that they didn't get to finish last Friday when I had a sub so what they do is is they write their name let me show you this in the proper steps they write their name in cursive on construction paper fold it in half and then they outline it in black they want it to be thicker like so right here this is a name written in cursive on a folded piece of construction paper and then once that is done they cut out their name and they cut any holes out that need to be cut based on the letters in their name so this is would be the second step this one the letters let me turn it down this way so you can see it better this is a sample of a teacher so this one the letter holes were not cut out but they basically write their name in cursive cut it out they would cut the holes out there and you kind of have to assist them with that because that's a little bit harder so for a couple kids I started the holes with an exacto knife then they open it up and then it ends up looking sorry something like this so this is a student's name that's just been written in cursive and then you flip it over and they're supposed to create either an alien or an insect out of it and so I decided at the last minute to go ahead and let them finish that to hopefully include it an open house that'll be on my science board since that's a steam project so that is kind of halfway done tomorrow the big goal is to get the spring training stuff done the baseball mitts done I'll show you all that when it's finished and then on Thursday and and tomorrow start I don't know I have to go home and think about that I kind of want to start the fraction pizzas just in case it takes longer than I think but then on the other hand I want it to maybe do it Thursday because I'll have the chef hats by then but that might be cutting it too close I don't know but between now and Thursday we're going to be doing the whole fraction Pizza situation and we shall go from there kind of want to see if I can push it off till Thursday and just make it kind of a classroom transformation type thing but that kind of stresses me out so I wanted to show you that and then I will show you what I bought for the little pizzeria type situation that I'm going to try and create with this fraction Pizza project I which is Dollar Tree I bought some vases I'm gonna put these on every table group and inside the vases I'm gonna put a little here we go a fake bouquet of flowers like so this will go in the middle of the table and their little Pizza project will be made to look like a placemat and I have a sample somewhere I'm just not sure where I plated I think it's in the pod I'll pull it out maybe tomorrow and show it to you but I think it'll be really cute and I even thought it would be nice if I could find some little fake some of those little fake candle type things and sit those on the table and just kind of create this pizzeria feel that's my plan um and I think I'll have plenty of time to do it but you know when you're getting really close to open house and you think you have all this time and then you start to panic and think maybe you don't have enough time I'm kind of in that boat on top of that I'm still trying to teach a regular math lesson every day because we don't have time to like pause on that today's lesson was a lapsed time which is just always a challenge but by the end of the lesson I felt like the kids were understanding how to do it they talked we're taught three strategies using a number line using the clock and I'm using a subtraction to find the last time so when we go over homework tomorrow thoroughly I'll get a better sense of how everybody was feeling but all in all that is how the day went got a good amount of stuff done didn't get everything done oh and we finished Charlotte's Web so maybe we'll do the Charlotte's Web stuff that I wanted to do tomorrow I'm gonna have them pick a character they're gonna fill out this character analysis paper on Charlotte and Wilbur and I think I'm also gonna have them compare and contrast Charlotte in Wilbur and then they're gonna do a little watercolor painting with an illustration that I just pulled from the book from Google Images and that will be hung up on my writing wall to show a book that we've read and how we have also learned how to analyze characters character traits using text evidence to justify our answers I like for my open houses to be more academic like I want it to be obviously festive looking or cute looking but I also want it to reflect the academics of what we've learned so I always try and make sure that whatever I'm putting out there is academic in nature and so hopefully everything that I have in my mind comes to fruition come Thursday so I'm gonna go ahead and check out for the night I gotta go home and cook great these math test and get back and be ready for another day tomorrow but on a scale of one to ten I would give this day an eight and thank God for the student teacher for being here this week because she's been helping out quite a bit so that was my Tuesday I will be sure to see you on Wednesday so I will talk to you tomorrow all right I'm running late I should be at work in about oh my gosh I'm missing my phone one second please it's one of those mornings yeah I'll be right back [Music] okay so as I was saying clearly it's a rough morning and I'm running late even later now that I had to go back in there to get my phone I still have to stop at Starbucks to get my breakfast at work because I have no groceries in my house since I was away last weekend and didn't get my weekend routine done so there's that I'm going to Starbucks I just lost my train of dog but I am vlogging right now because I know they're probably not going to check in throughout the day because open house is tonight I don't feel like I'm ready yet so I have last-minute things to do and hopefully by the time the end of the day comes and that period of time that I have after school in the start of open house which I think is like 5 o'clock I can check in and kind of show you how it all played out as far as the day yesterday I just couldn't pick up the camera because it is chaos an open house Factory we have kids at different stages of different projects and just the stress as a teacher of like trying to make sure the kids get everything done and then the fact that you're out of a routine and you're out of the normal structure of your classroom so the kids get a little like chaotic and can't quite focus and just the frustration of like keeping them under control and feeling like there's not enough adults in the room to help the kids the way they need it so that was just exhausting and frustrating all at the same time again thank goodness for the teacher that is coming into Gator observation hours because she was able to come in help some kids finish prepping some things for me but even with her and she felt it even with her it was just like chaotic and frustrating I didn't teach a new math lesson yesterday because I knew we needed to get some things done we did do the pizza which is math but it was more review obviously since we've moved on from fractions and but that is it's an advance sorry I'm just like so disoriented I'm not a hundred percent sure if I'm going to be able to teach you a bad lesson today because honestly I have to get through open house stuff so I just need to get through this day and everything should be fine because tomorrow is a minimum day since it's the Friday before a break and is spring break and I cannot even tell you how much I need a spring break right now last night I thought it was gonna come home and Grady and I just put it have you ever been so tired where you're just like confused by everything like the simplest tasks are just computing to you like feeding and giving genesis or medication suddenly became so overwhelming and confusing to me because i just was that tired so I just had to acknowledge the fact that there are some nights where all you can really do is eat and then go to bed and last night was one of those nights for me especially I think because I have been on the run for the past week straight just like with no real down time arrest time so I just need to get through today and I just need my hair to be doing the right thing in this scarf right now and I look at myself that's a little bit better so I'm just gonna grab my breakfast I'm gonna pray that there's parking when I get to the school because I'm running late and I'm just gonna say several driving several little prayers throughout the day so that I can make it a great day as my old principle used to say I'm gonna make it a great day because the choice is mine so that's an opinion so I will probably talk to you guys after school wish me luck [Music] oh and it's raining so there's that [Music] well I made it you guys it is about 5 o'clock open house is starting soon the classrooms don't open for another hour but welcome to Miss Robinson's pizzeria do you guys hear the music I'm gonna turn that off now so that I can talk to you but I have been going nonstop all day today and I am so thankful for some of the help that I had between the aid that I had earlier this morning that covered my class while I went to an IEP that really had to happen today of all mornings the morning of open house and then my student teacher who has been a tremendous help excuse me and then my mom popped in suddenly and she was a great help I really woke up this morning not even sure if I was going to be able to get everything done and this happens to me every year at open house like the day of open house I'm always like is it going to happen am I going to get everything done and it always works out so I'm just going to show you what I did I really do like the way it came out it's a little bit of an increase from what I did last year this is like the pizzeria to the next level so I'm gonna show it to you and then I need to hurry up because I need to eat my little corn dog on a stick snack we got this for free cuz we have one of their little food trucks here and then I need to be ready to greet some families so I'm just gonna show you a table so every table looks like this this is the finished product of their fraction pizzas and they actually put these together themselves like I actually had a moment where I thought I'm just gonna put it together for them but I remember going to or one of the things that we've been told in some of the trainings we've had for cultural responsiveness it's just really being okay with the fact that the children's work should look like their work and not this picture-perfect thing so I had to kind of take a deep breath and this happened accidentally because like I said and I had an IEP this morning and an 8 that comes in three days a week actually just had to cover my class we didn't know how long the IEP was gonna last so I gave her a couple of things to do and then she had gotten those things done but I wasn't back yet and I had had the sample up on the board so she just took the initiative and had the kids put their things together which really actually ended up being a great help there's no way I would have been able to put all these together myself or have the eight do it and that really isn't what we should be doing we really should just focus on letting the kids create their work and not worry about them all being like exact replicas of each other or perfect so they have their pizzas they have their little chef's hat they got to wear these for a few minutes I meant to have them wear these while they were putting that together but since I wasn't here to explain that that didn't happen but I think that worked out for the best because I don't know if the hats would have lasted all all day and then right next to that they have this so this is their answer sheet to go with these task cards so my intention is that they come in and this gives it gives them an activity to do with their parents they pick up the task cards they answer the questions in the box that corresponds to the task card and then if they want to check their answers I've put an answer sheet here so it just tells them this is the answer key they would flip this paper up to see if they got their answers correct and that just kind of I told the kids that way you can show your parents look I've learned this I know how to look at fractions and read and represent fractions now and then I just thought as a little added bonus because once I get an idea I kind of go with it I went to the dollars the dollar store no the Dollar Tree and picked up these glass vases these fake flowers and then yesterday I got these little fake candles from Michael's it was 40% off I got a pack of 14 and I think I paid about eight or nine dollars the batteries came with them I can use them over and over again now given the fact that I'm going to middle school next year I could actually do this in middle school because I've seen book tastings so I'm assuming I'm teaching social studies and language arts I just don't know what grade but all of this stuff now that I think about it could actually be used for like a book tasting type thing so that's what's on their table and then we did the superheroes which is what I did last year I was going to hang these up on the wall but my student teacher said I think it would be really cute if I hung them from the ceiling do you mind if I do that I said if you want to do it go for it because I thought the idea was great but I just knew I wouldn't have the to do it but I like the effect because now it looks like the kids are having pizza together at their tables so there's that and for spring training this is their gameday promise here this is a product that I bought off of Teachers Pay Teachers I'm gonna maybe not zoom in because they actually do have names on it but basically they just pick one gameday promise that they're going to make to themselves so so that they can be successful with state testing it could be anything from promising themselves to get enough sleep taking the time to read questions carefully believing in themselves whatever it is that they think they need to do to help them be successful they've put it on that little MIT I have some books on growth mindset that are used to display so that kids can kind of talk about that with their parents let me see what else I can show you the other name aliens here they are so the kids really like this again this was something that was given to me by two teachers here that are in charge of running the steam lab the kids loved it I heard one kid say like I love this this is like a break from learning even though he didn't realize that this is a form of learning and then I hung our Chinese New Year signs up I told the kids they can let their parents know that for social studies one of the things we really did this year was talk a lot about different cultures and learn about them and that is a representation of that and over here I just have some more picture books on display because I want parents to know that picture books were kind of like a big part of our classroom room and since its Women's History Month these are some of the books I have out there all about famous women who have done important things and then on this wall I have little pictures of some of the books that we've read and some of the themes that we have placed them on so I have to say I'm very relieved and happy oh there's a couple things I have to show you before I give you that thought here is their spring training goal so I've put this here on the growth mindset wall they picked one goal in reading one goal in math that they wanted to improve upon based on their most recent I ready test and the last thing is what was over there was their growth mindset brains and I took those down but I really wanted those to stay up since we're really gonna be focusing a lot on just remembering the concept and the idea of growth mindset going into testing so I had them cut the brains out and I just kind of scattered them about on the wall I can only show you this side because the other side of the wall has some NIC pictures on it and I need to take that Chinese New Year thing down really quick and then the last thing that I did is on the door I wrote the sign that says how many days until the big game and then we have our countdown right there and that just represents that we have 17 school days left so what I was saying is all in all I'm just relieved that everything got done except for now I'm seeing that my teacher area should be spring decorated but it's not that's okay I might be able to do that after I eat my corn dog I'm relieved I got everything done I'm super happy with the way things turned out I'm super thankful for the student teacher that I have in the aid because there's no way I would have done it without them super happy that my mom came to help super happy that this day is almost over super thankful that tomorrow is a minimum day and super thankful that spring break is after that because I am super tired so that is it I'm gonna eat my snack go greet some parents after that and maybe I'll check in with you well not it's all said and done it is 7:00 I'm wearing some mittens that were gifted to me by a parent I just realized I didn't take them off but look how cute they are they match my classroom my fingers and my thumb is out but all in all I would say that this was a successful open house I think everyone with the exception of maybe five kids or so didn't come with their families two of those kids I know were sick so I wasn't really expecting them to be here and I have a class of 27 so it was good I got nothing but really positive feedback from parents they really likes the theme and the feel of the pizzeria I even had a couple parents say like I've never seen like a class do this type of thing where it's like themed this way or one mom said it was the best open house that she had seen which I was touched by so I'm just excited that it went out it played out really well and that it all came together and that it looks the way my mind saw it so I'm gonna wrap up the vlog for the day and go home and eat dinner I'm not gonna take my work back home I'm gonna see if maybe Peggy and Ginny want to share Peggy yeah Peggy's talking to her family right now does your family know that I have a YouTube channel okay but maybe they don't know I'm gonna ask you Peggy yeah how was your open house it was fantastic it was muy muy deliciosa and this is Peggy's husband Stacy and her daughter so that's Peggy I'm gonna check in on Jenni the camera is really close to my face I hope are you gonna watch show movie tomorrow that's a good idea okay no I already Jennie how was your open house it went well good I only had one parent asked me about Common Core math oh I during open house did you get a very thorough explanation good night I'm dad a twin like you get an unexpected question yeah and you want to say one thing but you know you shouldn't yes oh yeah just like a noncom mom so Jenny's room his pizzeria slash Charlotte's Web she did she made it I mean Jenny did a lot she made a book there's some art jenny is amazing and that she produces a lot of art in class and somehow in spite of all that jenny has always ahead of where I'm at teaching I don't I have yet to figure out how that's happening but there's one to full blown art projects plus the stuff that you've seen in my classroom so she has the superheroes too she has the robots but look at this look there's Wilbur over there Charlotte's right there and Jenny's killing it Jenny's killing it if my kids such a crayon it's a good day and that never happens I love your room I thought you had a real good sense of it was an Italian restaurant you know mine was a little I was trying to be an Italian restaurant and afar and apart so it was a hybrid yeah yeah it was a little bit of like an identity okay you know yeah crisis there yeah but we were it worked yeah I think it's totally can make sense I have to tell you I thought of this really last minute oh you hit them I found Wilbur on Amazon so cute right so is that what they took a picture with yeah okay guys here with on the couch well because I saw Stephanie and she was saying how she did when she did there great she did her whole room yeah and how she had a parent do a barn backdrop and the kids took a picture and I thought I need a backdrop how am I gonna do that and I realize it's not gonna get yeah yeah so we're just gonna go with this and sitting somewhere see maybe next year there was no photo op in my classroom I didn't have barn animals so we're gonna um say good night I'm not taking any work home I'm not sure about my need for dinner cuz I had a corn dog already but what's that dinner 5:30 you know it's like that's like a snack a midday snack so I'm saying good night good night I will see you guys tomorrow good night bye happy Friday it is oh sorry happy Friday it's 80s day which is why I have this hair bow and these earrings and neon colors it's about 10/10 the kids are at PE right now and then they will be going to recess this morning we did a walkthrough of all the other classrooms at school to see what the other classes did for open house so that was nice to be able to see that and then they went to PE which is what brings me to this point the first thing I wanted to show you was some of the books that I got this week because we did have our second Book Fair of the year so the first ones I will show you were donated to me we go to the Book Fair earlier like before it opens and then as teachers we can pull books that we would like if someone wants to donate a book to our classroom so these are books that I pulled and parents can come in and purchase them if they would like to I'm always thankful so the first one is this one here it's just called Abe's honest words the life of Abraham Lincoln this was donated by a student I've never read this I just know that I like the illustrations and anytime I can get a book that is about a historical figure I'm all about that so I got that one donated this one was donated by my mother this one is called perfect now I know I'm going to middle school next year but I am determined to somehow incorporate the use of picture books in the classroom and even though I haven't read this one I have a feeling that this one would just be good to talk about message like what is the message that this book is trying to convey because I'm pretty sure this book is about perfectionism because I know that I've seen it before and I think I read that that's what it was about so I picked that up thanks to my mom my mom also donated this one here this is called red butterfly how a princess smuggled the secret of silk out of China so again multicultural about the Chinese culture it sounds interesting I can't wait to read this so that I can find out what exactly happened here the illustrations are great so I'm excited about facts then of course when I went to pick out these books by that point I knew I will know by this point by that point I did not know if I got in my transfer but I was pretty sure that I was going to find out soon and I was pretty confident so then I tried to pull some books for older kids so I have I am Gandhi just another biography has timelines I didn't realize this because I honestly didn't look through it but this is an graphic novel format which i think is all the more engaging for kids to read that was donated by a family I also got the diary and Frank donated and the next set I bought myself I promise you I told myself you're not gonna buy any books you don't need any books you don't really know what you're gonna be teaching so let's just hold off and then I saw several books that I knew that I seen before I wanted and then books I just couldn't resist so the first one I bought is blended by Sharon Draper I picked this one up because I heard good things about it and I know that she wrote out of my mind which is a book that is probably one of my all-time favorite books to read with a class this one is called a maul unbound I just liked it because clearly this is going to be reflective of a culture that we don't really study very often I'm assuming it's the Indian culture I could be wrong um let me see if it tells me oh no I'm sorry Pakistani she's Pakistani so I picked that one up just because I knew that this was going going to reflect a culture that I don't really have a lot of in terms of my books in the library roll of thunder hear me cry I've never read this book before but I do want to read it especially going to middle school I think this might be something I might want to use I also know that Megan mentioned this and one of her blogs and she shares it with her students so I picked up a copy of that and then I picked up another one of these this one is just on Frederick Douglass and this one's titled Frederick's journey the life of Frederick Douglass so I spent about $50 at the big fair but it's for a good cause right so the kids are gonna go to recess I think they're at recess right now then I'm going to pick them up we will finish watching sure let's well we started that yesterday and I might just take it easy with the class for the rest of the day and get ourselves relaxed to head into spring break if I'm feeling really ambitious maybe I'll introduce a math lesson but if not I won't so I'm gonna go outside grab my kids and I'll talk to you guys later my kids are at recess now I had to go outside and escort them to recess and then I came back in and I realized there was something I forgot to show you from open house last night that I wanted to show cuz it was super easy and still academic so I had my kids I think I took a picture of this and post it on Instagram but did not like explain it so we just finished Charlotte's Web and I just always last year we did something similar to this where we painted an image from a book that we read and it just looks really good on this grey background so I wanted to recreate that it just has like this nice soothing look and so I was trying to figure out what I could do to recreate it but with Charlotte's Web so I found an image from the book I just typed in Charlotte's Web on Google and picked an image that I liked I chose this one because it has three of the main characters or three of the more major characters Wilbur Charlotte and Templeton the rat and one of the things that we do in this class is we always have to have text evidence like I'm pretty big on that so we decided or I decided to have them look at four characters fern Wilbur Charlotte and Templeton they chose one word to describe them as a character so for fern we said caring Wilbur we said humble Charlotte we said caring and Templeton we said selfish and then as a group they had to find a piece of text evidence that supported that opinion so we put the page number this one's kind of hard to read but we discussed it we approved it and then we just listed it here so this activity just the the written portion took maybe 3040 minutes it was very casual well we just had a conversation I had them paint the images first so that they had time to dry that took less than 30 minutes but it always ends up looking nice on the wall back there so I wanted to make sure I share that with you so yeah now I'm gonna say goodbye I don't really have much else of worth or value to say so I'm gonna put the camera down okay is Friday before a spring break it is 3:15 my room is back to normal the pizzeria has closed I spent some time we got out at 1:15 and I spent some time just starting to clean up in the pod because I really think my plan is to pack up things little by little because packing up your classroom is a job luckily I move not too long ago to this school so I don't have a whole lot of stuff but it's still a lot so today I just focused on packing up like my seasonal stuff or like the holiday stuff which was stored in this area so I cleared these little cubbies out consolidated them to just a few got that stuff up there organized this area down here all the way down there it just becoming a bit of a junk pile so I cleaned that table off over there and then this is all like my seasonal stuff or yeah like holiday type things so that's what I did now I'm going to probably go get a salad for lunch then I'm gonna go home and relax and just savor in the beginning of my spring break I will have to work over break I think to lesson plan because when I get back from Spring Break I have about three weeks before I'm out and I need to get my plans ready for my long-term sub and just really start transitioning to getting ready to be done for the year so I'm gonna wrap up the blog here for the day and for the week really I hope you guys enjoyed it if you have any other questions about open house because some of you have asked me some questions through Instagram leave them in the description down no not the description box in the comment section I think I said that in another video and I'll try and answer them to the best of my ability but that's it I hope you guys had a great week and I will talk to you probably not next week but the week after so next week just follow me on my instant or Eze and we'll call that my vlog for the week so I will talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 3,957
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: classroom transformation, teaching vlog, teacher blog, teacher vlog, teaching blog, a day in the life, a day in the life of a teacher, daily vlog, daily blog, third grade, 3rd grade
Id: MP_fuOJGq38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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