Teacher OOTD x3, Testing and It's OFFICIAL!

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] so it was a little bit of a long night actually was a little bit of a shorter night because I didn't really get that much sleep we went looking for his inhaler this morning and could not find it as an angler and since we've moved I don't think we've had to use his inhaler so we didn't know where it was I thought okay well maybe it's in storage let me go to storage to find it because I was starting to get a little bit nervous with his wheezing and coughing and it's not like he was having an asthma attack please don't think that he was having an asthma attack because he's not he's not having an asthma attack but it just does the medicine does help him breathe better so took my little twenty minutes news nap I have my coffee now I took the day off I am here we are starting to have testing tomorrow which is stressing me out and I need to go and grab that book later on today so that I can read up and make sure I refresh my memory on everything that I need to be doing for tomorrow so I have been enjoying a little bit of a snack and thinking about what it is that I am trying to make for dinner and figuring out excuses for me to go to Target I'm not planning anything for this week because of testing I don't want to kind of wear my kid's brain out so we won't be doing a ton of like reading and writing stuff we will have some different activities that we will do in the afternoon but that's kind of all that I have planned for them I'm not gonna you know make them have to think even more than what they had to think in the morning hopefully we can go to Target picked up my Pennsylvania PSSA booklet I'm going to read over that and be very diligent about reading it I am extremely nervous about giving the PSSA it's like I can't even express to you how nervous I am I don't want to see something wrong or do something wrong and then like end up getting fined or fired I don't know what they do like what do they do do you just get a slap on the hand I don't even know either way picked up that booklet ended up talking for a while with my partner teacher and another person that's on my vertical team which was good and fun and then I just now stopped at Giants picked up some food because I'm going to attempt to make a stir-fry my husband is asking me for stir-fry I'm gonna try to be a good little wife and I'm gonna attempt to make stir-fry I'll let you guys know how it goes so I am heading back to the house going to attempt to do that and then I will catch up with you guys to let you know as far as like how my planning is going okay so the lighting is probably not that great but really quick wanted to chime in and tell you guys that so for the PS essays we have to have certain things that are written out on our board every single morning and in order to just save my brain and not have to sit there and write everything every single morning got a fantastic idea from one of my like teachers on my team and she wrote them out on her anger charts so she had them already written out for the entire week she doesn't have to worry about it in the morning so that is what I'm gonna currently do is sit down with all my anger traits and write them all out so all of my directions are time [Music] good morning everyone it is Tuesday and I am in the parking lot actually I'm not even in the parking lot I'm on the playground in the very back of the building because I have so much stuff that I need to take inside like a lot a lot a lot of stuff so today's the first day of PS essays and it's getting dark um let's try it again so today is the first day of PS essays so we are giving our kids breakfast every single day for the PS essays and not just like any little breakfast y'all like I'm not talking about those little powdered Donuts like today we're doing pancakes for them tomorrow is cereal so I brought a couple of things for that and then my partner is also bringing a few other things so that we can make them some pancakes this morning hopefully I'll get to get one all right I need my entire car here we go I am such a dumb-dumb so home I was unpacking everything outside of my car getting all the boxes into my classroom and then when I go to take out the electric skillet that we have I've I'm like pulling it out I'm like there's no cord to this there's nothing I left it at home but thankfully y'all like I live like probably ten minutes away and because I get here so so early like I'd probably get here before 6:30 in the morning so um because I do get here so early I was able to drive back home and my husband had found it so yay I have the cord we get to have pancakes all that stuff needs to come down look at my room look how messy it looks and so now please don't think that all of this is like the subs mats because this was a lot of stuff that was left over from Friday that I was did not even bother with I'll let some of my girls but they're gummy bear stuff oh how cute so excited for them to do that so a lot of this stuff was from Friday so please don't judge it I had full like hopes and dreams and coming to school yesterday and of course that did not happen because my son he's doing a little bit better today he was still wheezing a little bit this morning but he's doing okay so I mean to get busy because we'd have a lot of stuff to get done okay so I'm gonna really quick just do a little what am I wearing because I'm so excited that it is finally like semi spring weather outside and when I say semi I mean like it's still just a little bit too cold but it's still beautiful outside so here's what I have on I hope you guys like it I'm gonna probably try to do one every single day this week and I'm gonna make them all dresses so every day this week I'm gonna do dresses I wish I would have one yesterday but yah was lazy when I'm at home like I am in a raggedy old t-shirt that my husband hates and in some type of workout pants or I stay in my pajamas all day long so don't hate me on that one but here's what I have so this sweater is from Old Navy and these are all I think these are recent so this is Old Navy and then the dress itself is also open AV which is super cute it is like a sleeveless it kind of cuts as a V right here which is really adorable and then it has like these little pleats I don't know if you guys can see that it's probably wrinkled but it has please it has such a pretty fit to it so and then underneath I have this um grace and lace slip which is super cute so it goes all the way up and then it gives it a little bit of length on the back a little bit of length in the front because I am always nervous about showing my legs or not having it long enough so it just makes it a really cute little look and then I got these ankle boots quite some time ago from DSW I don't know the breed itself but that's kind of my little outfit for today alright my classroom setup overall is already done I had to spread out all of my desks so I did that I'm only gonna have three people for each of these tables so I put chairs on either in and then a one person will sit on that bench and then the chairs are over there spread out so and then at the railing table I have two people there so that is done I'm going to go ahead and hang up my chart which has all of the information that I need to have on it for the PS essays and I gotta cover this stuff up so I'm about to do that now all right so my posters up that has what we need to have done for today everything is kind of cleared off I try not to leave anything up there I'm not sure if I'm supposed to cover that little quote up or not what I might end up doing is just stretching this little sucker out or it may not do that at all I'm not really sure all right ladies and gents we have our pancake party gonna happen in just a little bit and we are getting ready for some testing I've been reading the booklet up and down with my partner teacher we've been walking through all of the things I've been asking questions so we're gonna make this happen I will talk to you guys after the PSS ice it is not the end of the day and I am feeling extremely exhausted and it's funny because I didn't even do anything please let me know if you guys are in like testing mode do you get tired when you're giving the test like I'm not even doing anything but y'all my partner teacher and I are both like we're counting our steps like for like during the test time to see who kind of wins I fail tremendously today because she had eight thousand three hundred and something some two like steps which was amazing me however I probably had like three thousand steps I don't understand how she was able to get that many steps in and even then my legs are killing me just from like walking around today those it and then I started getting a really really sleepy towards the very end of the test and I'm like I've gotta stay awake got to stay awake but then once everybody was done I think we had about thirty minutes left from it before we actually had to go to lunch so the kids kind of had free time and then I was able to do some cleaning up because we gave out pancakes today yeah I told you guys that we were making breakfast for the kids and today was pancakes day here is kind of the leftovers these are my partner's pancakes by the way she made egg shaped pancakes she was trying to be super super cute because it's April so we had pancakes today and that was really fun kids really really enjoyed that tomorrow is gonna be cereal day so I need to go and pick up some bowls and I think some spoons so that I can have those ready for tomorrow and I bought like six boxes of cereal so like variety of cereal once we have kind of our testing part of it done we had probably about an hour like in between a lunch time and then our special time we took that opportunity to just be able to go outside and then have our read aloud and have snack time which was absolutely perfect and then we're gonna be doing the exact same thing for the rest of the week and then then the afternoons what we're doing is we're flip-flopping classes so we have like our peanut butter group and our jelly group so she had jelly today I had peanut butter today and what I'm gonna have the kids do because I am like adamant I'm like I don't want these kids like having to do this test and then I'm stressing themselves out over more work stuff like I'm not gonna do it so we're doing a little bit more of a fun craft which I thought was really really cool so let me show this to you guys okay you're sitting on the cushion let's hope you don't fall so what I did with the kids is I actually have like these really big pieces of paper I guess is the larger larger size the 12 by 16 is it I can't remember the exact size so I just have the plain white paper and what I did is I set up my projectors so that it was like flashing lights and I had the kids come and sit and kneel in front of me and they had to stay very very still still so that I could trace their face excuse this like crazy messed up mark but then I traced the outline of their face I can't think of the word I'm like brain fried right now then what I had them do is because I had a ton of Scholastic recorders left over because people were giving me some since I didn't have my scholastic for some reason for a while so I figured okay perfect time I'm gonna be able to do this and the kids will enjoy it they're gonna get to talk bless their hearts they don't like not talking during the day so what they did is I drew the silhouette on one side and then I told them I was like you can on the other side you're going to find books that you either like that you would are considering reading or that you had read that you really really like it means to kind of represent you as a reader and they would glue them down on this opposite side and then they cut it out and look at their little silhouette oh my gosh they're so cute aren't they cute little silhouettes they're beautiful this is kind of what they did today we're gonna do the exact same thing tomorrow so I need to make sure I have something planned for Thursday and Friday now some of the kids did not get to finish this so this will definitely be like a Thursday thing as well but I need to figure out something else for those kids who did finish it because I did have like four or five of them that did finish so this was one of them this was another one I'm getting there's some more he kind of cut off his neck a little bit but that's okay and then this one super cute I was really really impressed by them and they picked a lot of books that I'm when I'm looking at him like yep that's totally you right there so this is a really fun crossover you end up having a lot of extra like catalogs or if you have like a bit like I know at my old school we had a bin where if the teachers didn't want to order anything for that month or they had too many that were extra they would put them in this big bin and people can go and like grab from that bin and this was like magazines anything that you can think of but a kind of represents them as a little reader and I really really like it so I will put these up after the PS essays hopefully in the hallway or out in my classroom because I absolutely love them something for their little silhouettes everywhere I am pretty much ready to go so I have that anchor chart ready to go and I don't want to show it to you too much because that was on the PSSA so I have my anchor chart ready to go for tomorrow telling them what questions that they're doing I have my test booklet and everything's kind of over here on top of this ready to go for tomorrow and now that's pretty much it I am kind of sort of cleaned off but not really so I need to quickly try to clean off some of this and I'm actually thinking about just leaving it until the morning I take that back I'm gonna leave it in till the morning because I am kind of tired and I do need to stop to go to the store so I'm gonna do that there I do need to take that stuff home so I need to put that in my bag and then I need a disperse of this mess so let's get busy oh good morning everyone so I think I'm going to start a new series on this channel I think I'm gonna start back in the building parked in the parking lot chats I'm just joking but I am in the very back of the building once again today it is the two of the PS SAS and I was in charge of bringing the cereal and milk and all that good jazz so I was not about to try to carry that up into the building all in one shot nor was I trying to go back and make multiple trips I got to save my steps to redeem myself for the PS s a step challenge I'm gonna do it [Music] okay so teachers out there that have testing how many of you hate your room during the time of testing right now like my room is stressing me out because it is not the way that it should be it is not the setup that I want I have my desks are all randomly like in us Lonely Island's which is suicide I just I came in this morning and instead of me being like ah school I know and I have to make sure that I sharpen my pencils this morning because I need to have those sharpened for testing so I'm gonna start doing that and then hopefully I can like clean out some of the mess that I have but I desperately need to be cleaning things out y'all really quick as far as like an update as as to last week's like vlog videos I told you guys that there was something really really exciting happening and there is something exciting happening however I still can't tell you because the letter has not gone out to parents which is also very frustrating and weird we were hoping that it was going to go out on Monday or Tuesday it's now Wednesday hopefully it'll go out today we don't know we would like for it to go out today because we do have a meeting about it next week and if it doesn't go back out today then we're gonna have to postpone our meeting until a later date which would also be a bummer I hope to be able to tell you guys what's happening in this vlog video and you guys are so funny about the whole looping thing and I will already tell you I'm not really looping yeah I'm not looping with my kids so I will let you guys know that as far as like in this video maybe that helps you and like sparks some more ideas in your brain as to what could be happening but I am very very excited about it and hopefully it will be able to get revealed by the end of this week cross my fingers okay I need to stop talking yeah I hope you guys are having a good day I need to go sharpen my pencils pencils oh oh how did you get out get back in there all the boxes of cereal which one is your favorite cereal Apple Jacks Froot Loops mmm cinnamon toast crunch mmm multi-grain Cheerios frosted flakes Lucky Charms I'm supposed to be sharpening pencils and I'm over here unboxing my breakfast for this morning so we got Bulls and then we also have that and the milks are in the fridge are sharpened okay so really quick while we are on this topic of pencils I just need someone to kind of understand me and hopefully one of you out there will understand to me how many of you as teachers cannot stand it when students are sharpening pencils during the day it is probably one of my biggest pet peeves I cannot handle it when they are sharpening pencils throughout the day it has been since like my first year teaching that is probably one of the biggest things that I cannot handle and it's gotten worse and my milk just fell out of my okay so I'll go fix that in a second but let me just finish but I cannot handle it so I sharpen the pencils and I'm okay with sharpening all the pencils so long as they don't sharpen them throughout the day and then on the colored pencils on Friday I will sharpen all the color pencils so that they have sharpened pencils but I cannot stand it when they use a sharpener in the classroom especially like when I'm teaching because I will like do that slow doll turn and I'm like because it drives me bonkers I just if you are like me just kind of can you please just leave a comment below and just say Bridget yeah I totally feel you I can't handle it either so I don't feel as bad because my partner teacher and some other people on my vertical team were making fun of me to the point where they sent a video of a student who was sharpening pencils to my phone because they thought it was funny I need to sharpen the rest of my concerns I told you guys that I was gonna show you some different outfits this week and I know this isn't a dress so please please please don't leave a comment underneath there saying Bridget you didn't show us four dresses I know that this is not a dress but it's not pants so to me that counts I'm gonna show you my little outfit today and I am very very excited about it because I just kind of seriously just whipped it together this morning because the other thing was not working with the shoes that I have on and I really wanted to wear these shoes so here is what I have on today this skirt okay I guess let me also say a lot of the times when I buy things from like anthropology sometimes these are really really love no they're really really old maybe every once in a while I have one from like last year but anthropology is not not cheap y'all like it is really really expensive so I don't tend to buy a ton of things from there but I will try to splurge on one skirt once a year from anthropology because to me they last so long and they're so pretty and they just they're gorgeous so the skirt I have on today is an anthropology shirt here's what I have right so this is a very long skirt and what I love is that it has like these buttons here which are very very cute these have like a little wire inside of them so like I can literally like shape them which is nice because I kind of have a tendency to just shape them to my body so that they're not flaring up which would drive me crazy super cute okay so I told you guys I wanted to wear these shoes so look at my shoes I'm gonna take one off and show you but look how cute they are they are brand speaking new there's Sam Edelman I think that's how you pronounce him my husband bought these for me and let me say my husband is not a sentimental like guy like he is not he's never been that person like that's like oh this reminded me of this and this reminded me of that of you look he's not that sentimental like he's more of a practical kind of guy which I love him I love him to death and the other day he was like I bought you something and I'm like Oh Lord what did you buy and he was like well it reminded me of her wedding I was like what he was like yeah it reminded me I roar a wedding well it ended up being these shoes so let me tell you I'm on my wedding like the night before my wedding people were making fun of my shoes because I was not about to try to have like a really fancy wedding like seriously guys I would have gone to the courthouse and been totally okay with it but my mom wanted to have a wedding that's fine so I was literally gonna wear just shoes that I had around the house and wasn't gonna go and buy shoes well then I performed my wedding my cousins and my sister were all like oh my gosh I can't believe you girl where are those like the shoes so I went to a place called Belk that is like in the summit area where I lived and there were these really beautiful blues like this color blue shoes they were gorgeous and that turned out to be like the highlight of my entire dress was those shoes because they were gorgeous but isn't that so sweet that he remembered which shoes that I wore because I don't typically wear them they hurt my feet like crazy and he got me some that kind of matched was so very very very sweet of him so I really wanted to wear these shoes cuz I came in yesterday and I wanted to wear them today and y'all these are comfortable like this right here is so cushiony I was kind of concerned I was like I might have to take my shoes off during testing I don't think I am I'll let you know at the end of the day but these are so what frickin cushiony like I just feel the cushion when I'm like stepping okay TMI anyway okay and then I think the top part up here is all Target to be honest this shirt I got a couple years ago or maybe it was last year at Target and then the jacket I think I got last year the year before at Target as well so this is like a Stella and Dot necklace which I actually it's really cute I don't wear it often enough but today it seemed to fit really well so there you go okay I have full plans to redeem myself during these PS essays I'm going to beat my partner teacher with steps I'm gonna do it guys please be rooting me on I know you're probably like after it's gonna be way after but route me on I think we're ready to go we're gonna do this I'll show you guys my little setup so I have like my little thing of mints here I have literally erasers which by the way I cut them in half I don't know if anyone else does this I cut mine in half because they waste them and then they lose them and I'm not sure what happens to them so I cut them in half so that it's a little bit easier to manage and then I have all of their pencils inside of the box here I have my manual here a piece of paper there and my rocks right there so my little setup that I have going on for PS essays and then we have all of the cereals here ready to go and put the milks out over here so they can have their breakfast this morning pretty simple we're not going super super fancy I think in the previous years like for my son's class we went a little bit fancier like I had chalkboards and I had like at all like super fancy I'm not going super fancy this year because we were giving them breakfast every single day and we're giving them good breakfast too so tomorrow's bagels and my partner teacher is gonna do bagels huh okay I am gonna hopefully talk to you guys during my lunch break because it is in the entire fourth grade that goes into lunch and the kids can just sit anywhere they don't have to sit it like the assigned tables that we typically have I'm not gonna have lunch with them because they want to go and hang out with all the other kids that are like in other classes which I totally get so we are not having lunch with them this week but we will like resume having lunch with them next week once we kind of get back to our normal schedule so hopefully I'll talk to you guys during my lunch break if not then No sometime later second break of the day and I have created a really huge mess in my classroom here's the story by the way I won the steps challenge during the PS SAS today I was very proud of myself anyway he just wanted to throw that little piece of victory in their eye right after like the PS essays we're done my kids still had probably an hour and 20 minutes we're not allowed to leave our rooms until twelve o'clock my kids still had an hour twenty minutes of time and I'm like I don't want them to be on their iPads yesterday we were on our iPads and it was just not okay so I pulled out all the board games and I said you guys are just gonna play games I'm gonna let you have just free time it's gonna be great so the kids all were very excited about that but then crazy must suspect Minh decided I decided that I was going to just dump everything out of the closet so I have three closets well four in the back but really was only three of them that I've been cleaning through two of which are like my kids closets but there were so much junk like in the bottom of the closet like on the floor that I started like taking all that stuff out and then I started taking all the stuff out that was like on top of the rack so I'm gonna show you in a second I started taking all the stuff up outside like on top of the rags so hopefully organize some of those things so now here is what I have done this is my boys closet here and that box with those packets is for when we go to Harrisburg for our field trip so I have to give that out after our field trip or maybe on the day of the field trip so I have to leave that there that has nowhere else to go so it has to stay didn't stay there but I like to put empty containers because y'all I can not even like stress how much or how important it is to have just a stack of empty containers you never know for like lessons when you have to sort things out it just helps you like be better prepared as a teacher so I'm going through and putting like my stacks of empty containers here so that makes it a little bit easier for me to access them and then I cleaned out everything from the floor here's all the junk that was on there so now I have that all nicely cleaned out and then this is my girls closet which now houses all the board games up top so these are all the games that my kids are able to play I'm actually probably gonna have to wean through some of those because they're a hot mess but that's gonna have to come to a later date but again all of that has cleaned out the only thing that I have in there now is my little Christmas tree so that looks so much better please please please don't judge so this closet has been my junk closet okay so this closet has initially like it was initially like my closet behind my smaller table so if you remember like I had my small group table right here and this is the closet where I had both of the filing cabinets inside of it this is at the very start of the year and I said oh I'm gonna keep my things in there well it very quickly became like a junk closet for just random and like stuff random stuff so it was to the point I'm not even joking you where I would open up the closet and things would come falling out because it was so poorly organized it's looking a little bit better now although it's funny story because I told my husband I was like I need containers stat and him being the most wonderful person in the whole wide world I was like okay fine I'll go to Walmart and I'll find some containers so he found the containers and then he was like should I get eight or nine and I said eight I need 900 welcome to that later now I have it semi organized and I'm gonna walk you through it here's what I have at the bottom so there are the two yoga balls that got deflated because my my my babies cannot handle it and then I keep a bunch of these balls and we will play morning meeting games or just like games whole group with them or small group so I like to keep them inflated because ain't nobody got time to be like deflating them and inflating them all the time no not happening so I leave them inside of this box this stuff has just that things that I will file in there that are just resources that I like to keep I don't have a ton in there anymore now that I have the bigger one but I still like to use it and these are just some things that I have to eventually one day hopefully maybe not away go through who knows okay and then here comes the containers which I'm gonna start making some labels for these containers in a second but I had these back my first year teaching like this is my mom's handwriting because she was organizing some of these things my first year teaching isn't that cute so now what I decided to do was I was gonna put games that we play like as like small groups or whole group however we won't like to do it so some examples are like spoons and then these spoons are gonna get organized into like four groups so that I can easily just pass these out versus having to count out how many spoons each time so like that then I also have my Buzzard that I like to keep in here and that's so thankful to have put that in a box because I'm tired of listening them to go off so a lot of the little like these are verb tents games so these are the cards to play either headbands replace spoons with them and I leave those in there because these are generic guys there's nothing that has like a theme to it it's just a game to quickly be able to play same with these these are just decks of cards and we practice kind of initially with a deck of cards because it's a little bit easier to learn the game versus having to learn it with the commute content so we don't ever try to do it with the same we try to learn it with cards first and I still have to go through and cut all take some of those off I have little dice that we will play games with and those are there let's see and those dice don't fit in there very well I may end up having to move them because that's really bothering me so these are all gonna have labels to be able to put down and these are all the generic games that we will use throughout the year to kind of work on different skills and practices these are some of my book collections for small groups or for book studies I am slowly but surely getting more to my collection I actually have some somewhere else that I need to add to this and then I need to go and get two more of these containers to be able to sort out my writing units into these and then this stuff is like random I don't even know what to do with it but these are also like word sorts so I leave those there but yes that's kind of my closet at this point I feel way better about it because it was really really bad I feel so much better about it but now I have like this hunk of junk mess look at all that trash I have all this mess and I don't know what to do with it Oh everything's falling so I have this mess and now I don't know what to do with it that's kind of currently my situation I have a kind of picking up and cleaning to do I'm feeling so like spring fever wanting to organize wanting to clean it's amazing and I only have like ten minutes left it is now the afternoon the end of the day and the kids did a really really great job you know whenever they are working on these like Scholastic silhouette crafts it is a hot mess in my room they have stuff everywhere but they did a really good job of cleaning it up which is you know that's the most important part so overall it was a really great day we enjoyed having our cereal we write I don't know if I remember telling you guys that right after the PSSI I just let them like do their game board I had full intentions of filming like a video video where I kind of inform you guys about stuff and I am working on it I was gonna do it this afternoon unfortunately well not unfortunately fortunately my principal came in and we were able to discuss things that could be possibly set on Friday Friday okay let's hope that happens so um he came in we talked for a while we kind of planned some things out which is really really exciting and that was really about it so that took quite a bit because now it's five o'clock and the kids are gone by like 3:45 it's five o'clock and I'm barely getting to anything so hopefully I'll be able to share that surprise with you guys on Friday which I'm gonna be so excited about and then I will probably figure out where I'm gonna be moving and maybe about a week because this room is gonna be leaving guys and I don't think I'm gonna do a Harry Potter theme again so that's another thing don't think I'm doing Harry Potter you guys leave some comments uh below and let me know what they must do I'm gonna change it up to something a little bit different I have to make sure I do a classroom tour before I leave this joint and start like packing and tearing things down which will be sad I'm hoping that next week I can tackle that bad boy and that bad boy has all of my kindergarten stuff in it and I'm keeping my kindergarten stuff I am NOT gonna give it away I might try to minimize some of it so I don't have like multiple copies of things because typically like if I had let's say for Thanksgiving when we made vests if I had like eight vests left over I would keep them for the next year so I might try to minimize some of those things but I might tackle that big closet next week and I have so many girls that want to help me which is so fantastic too and it helps me out so much so I'm sorry if I'm making you dizzy I apologize I'm gonna stop rambling I'm gonna go ahead and clean up tomorrow is bagels and cream cheese day which is gonna be very excited so I made some labels last night and I want to get your guys's opinion on my labels so I am a very boring person I don't know if you guys have no nuts like when you look at my attire like I don't have a ton of color when you look at like my house I don't have a ton of color like I'm just a very boring person and it's because I have a tendency to tire easily of I have a tendency to like tire easily of um like things that are in because they always go out so I stick to more of the classic kind of things and same with like colors I try to stick with classic colors cuz I will get bored of color extremely easy which is why my room is so neutral and plain because I don't get tired of it like I have not gotten tired of my room at all this year it had my superhero classroom I wasn't very tired of that either but I also did use a ton of black in my classroom so that probably evened it out anyway so I wanted to do just something just a little bit different with my labels and I think I like them I think I'm not sure you guys let me know I think I like them so here are my labels if you see like I like green green is my favorite color so I added that in there and I wanted the white to almost be like a second layer almost kind of offset from the black but then the black wouldn't stick out as much so that's what my labels are looking like you guys let me know in the comments what do you think about my labels but be nice don't be too mean I need to fill these with my other games oh look I forgot that one I guess my spoons game I need to put those in there and I also bought more bins for my spoons so I need to change this over right now too so I'm gonna do that last night and I tried to look poor he's been the ones that have the little latch on either side I tried to look for these bins and they did not have them they did not have any of them they were well they that's a lie because they did have some that were purple like clear and they had purple but those were like really awkward shapes like they were very tall and what-have-you and I want it to be that I can just put them in their houses and then give them these because it has the the right number for each group because they did not have those I will opt it just to do these and they're green I told you I like green and I like blue like those are some of my favorites those are two of my favorite colors so I'm going to separate them out and get the spoons in here so it'll be easier to spaz out when we're doing those games [Music] look at how perfect that is it fits them so perfectly too now I have that in there so it has one two three four five of them fit and it has to go on top since it sticks out a little bit but I like that the green goes along with the green it makes my heart happy makes my color OCD heart happy so now I just need to make labels for all of these and I will get those done too and I thought I had this and I guess I didn't print the second page but these are like my large dice looks awesome I'm loving it what is wrong with me I'm like going through a whole thing where I want to just clean everything out and I can't do that because I'm making a mess like you know what like I clean but I make an even bigger mess as I'm cleaning which is awful anyway so when I went to the Dollar Tree yesterday I also found some of these like little clear luck like they lock with each other containers so here's what they look like and they come in different sizes but these little things will lock on to the next one so I can just kind of it's supposed to and so they will lock into each other like that and it creates a nice little neat organized pile well this is where I decided to end up putting a lot of my supplies because it's just easier for me to get to it the kids can get to it and I don't have to worry about it so now I need to go back and start organizing and cleaning out most of it which this looks really really nice and see there are small ones there little itty bitty ones like this and then they have these that are bigger which are really nice and the kids can actually come in and find stuff versus having to like dig around which is such a pain like who wants to do that anyways so now I'm in this little mode of wanting to clean up look at this look at that look at that mess down look back there that is awful awful I was gonna wear a dress tomorrow because I had planned that I was gonna show you guys all my dresses and I'm about to show you what I'm wearing right now had planned that I was gonna wear a dress tomorrow but our superintendent sent out an email and said you can wear jeans tomorrow and I'm like hey I'm not gonna turn down jeans because we don't get to wear jeans very often in my district they do not believe in wearing jeans in my district very much they are all about the professional life I'm all about wearing me some jeans so I'm really really sorry that you guys wanted to see some not having it because I'm wearing jeans too are but let me show you what I have on today so I have this it's a sleeveless I caught like a t-shirt probably like a jersey dress and I got this from only me it's nice it kind of goes like right above my knees it's very flowy which is really nice it's extremely comfortable like it's such a comfortable dress and then I have this blue cardigan which I bought at Anthropologie years and years ago but it's nice because it kind of it's very like casual so it has two little pockets here and then it also has this little hoodie in the back so I just paired it with one of these because I was not feeling it this morning and then for my shoes I had these that my mom bought me quite a long time ago and these are just some Tory Burch I don't know I guess you would consider these like a boat shoes maybe I'm not really sure but they're nice they're very summery and they're just little slip ons I need to head out to go and get eggs and sausage for my class tomorrow morning for their final breakfast for the PS essays which is so nice to be able to say that although in three weeks we are about to have the math PS essays but those are only three days and then I think science is only two days the week after that so I'm gonna skedaddle because I need to go out and do that it's been pouring rain pouring rain all day today and I'm not looking forward to having to go out into the store with it pouring rain so hope you guys are enjoying it I will talk to you in the morning good morning everyone it is Friday I'm so excited and today is the day I get to share my news today is the day I get to share my news I know I saw her once again at the back of my building and I have to unload my vehicle so today is probably one of the best breakfast azan the whole entire planet and it is probably what a once-in-a-lifetime type of breakfast for these babies I don't know we may do it again again and again again I don't know anyways today we are doing eggs and sausage for them so that's very very exciting and just to let you guys know like we did send out emails letting parents know like hey we're gonna have these foods if your child is having any issues with any of these foods you know we do have some like we you know we still have cereal we still have bagels we still have all the stuff from earlier this week but nobody has said anything so far and as some kids were very polite and they were just like no thank you we don't want I don't want any I ate at home and they were fine with that with me being in this like spring cleaning kind of mode right now I have a ton of junk and I'm realizing that I have a ton of junk I am in admitting right now that I am a little bit of a teacher hoarder just a little bit not a lot just a little bit so I need to make a run out to my car because I need to load up a bunch of stuff that I want to take to storage I have like things from kindergarten that I left in my classroom because I'd like to reference to them when I'm doing things when I'm creating units or when I'm talking to you guys about certain things that I've done in kindergarten previously so I have a ton of junk from kindergarten in my room and I'm gonna keep that in my room because I do like to reference to it and have those materials available to me when you guys have you know start asking me questions about kindergarten this is all the stuff that I am wanting to take this is all the stuff that I am wanting to take to storage these are two chairs that we found at a garage sale that I really actually like I just don't have space for them in the classroom so c'est la vie I'm gonna have to move them and figure out something else to do with them and then these are ton of containers that I had for my library so previously my library down here was all in those containers and I actually took them out and I'm sorting them differently so a lot of those containers can now go and then this is a superhero backdrop that I had from kindergarten that I do not want to give away because my room mom at that time made that for me and it was so beautiful so I don't want to give it up and I'm gonna just put all of this stuff in storage had clean out this closet yesterday look at all of that so this had a few like posters and then it had the that superhero backdrop inside of here but I was so sick of having look at all these snacks I was so sick of having all those snacks back in that corner behind my little whiteboard back there it was like driving me nuts because I would see it so I stuck all of our snacks for the PS essays inside of here so that I could like hide it yes essentially because I'm tired of looking at it it was just driving me nuts yeah like let me know are you the exact same way do you like can you not get your mind right for teaching when you have chaos like in your room I can't do it like I can not physically like get my head in the game or mentally I cannot mentally get my head in the game with my room a hot mess I just can't it just doesn't work for me because I start feeling very overwhelmed and I need to have clean and organized so that I can come into my room and go let's do this let's have a really good day and I can get myself together and it has not been that way this week because of testing but today is the last day of testing which I'm very excited about so I need to go get a cart and go take that to my car so I'm gonna go do that this thing is very hard to maneuver so we're gonna go ahead and turn around so it's a little bit easier [Music] [Music] it all fit okay we had a parent conference this morning check that is done I also printed off some new labels for my library books these are what they look like and I will kind of go over what each of these are in a little bit but this is kind of what it would look like on the button okay so now we are about to start to get ready to cook some breakfast so we're doing sausage and eggs for the kids and I'm hungry I brought some tortillas so that I can make me one too oh my goodness it's the end of the day and my room is a semi back to the way it was that makes my heart really really happy you all as soon as we finished the PSSA that was like all right first thing first we need to move this room back to the way it was like I need my I need my tables back I need my little small group area back so now my little small group areas here I have my desks put up over there so it's nice and neat kind of sort of it's a hot mess right now which I'm explaining all this in a second don't judge so it's messy but we're gonna get it cleaned up before I share my big news with you I have two other things that I really want to make sure that I talked to you guys about so the first thing that I really want to talk to you about is what I was doing today so this is like I told you I told you that as soon as I start getting into like spring clean mode I go all out like and I cannot stop getting in spring clean mode although right now I'm a little over it and I'm like I just want to go home I'll deal with it on Monday but I fixed my library finally finally finally so let me show you what it looks like so here's how my library works I sort my books based on genre because I teach with the 4t book challenge and I want to make sure my kids are reading different genres of books because I also teach by genres so at the beginning of the year I teach with the realistic fiction genre I teach with a traditional literature genre I teach with the historical fiction and information on a biography genre so we teach units based on those and I want to make sure that my kids understand when to go to some of those books does that make sense so here's what I did I created labels that are very similar to the labels that I used in kindergarten let me see if I can get it to focus okay there it goes so the labels that I use have a color on the spine and then on the front it has my name it has the genre name and then it has a spot for me to put the level I have not gotten to being able to put the level on each of the books but as I'm going along with them I can start adding some of the levels for them with just with like a sharpie here I printed these out on paper cut them up and then I just used packing tape to be able to apply them on and what's really nice is that the packing tape comes off relatively easy so if I end up having to change something or giving away books or however I do it I don't ruin the book itself with different types of stickers I have all of my red here which is my historical fiction and the books that are typically like on display or if there are books that I have either multiple collections or they're about the same type of themes so like bud not buddy I can do the Watsons go to Birmingham I could put all of those in here and like kind of have those as like a category in and of itself and I'll show you that in a second when I go into my fantasy in just a minute down here I have the animal fiction which I know that it's technically fantasy but I wanted to separate because my fantasy is huge so these are a lot of just animals as the main characters and my kids are obsessed with like the McGruff and the you know the Humphrey books so again all of them are the exact same color has my name on the front it has a spot for animal fiction and then it has a spot for the level itself over here the brown ones and the brown ones are mystery so I placed all of my mystery books here what I love about this is that it's clean it's not messy it looks just very clean and if I was to come over here and say I could quickly scan and Satan that one's out of place why is there a white within a red so I can pull that one out and automatically make sure I put it in the right spot sorry I have to get stands so they keep messing up right now so what's nice is I am able to keep them pretty pretty organized and clean whereas if I put them inside of buckets guys like you don't know what's inside of the bucket and you don't like things can get shoved in buckets and you never know where it is this I can easily scan to see if there's a different color that does not belong within that spot so that's really really nice let me show you the other side now so here's an example you can see I have a lot of fantasy and a lot of realistic fiction and some of my books are not done yet because we were just not able to have we didn't have enough time to finish it so again the blue are all of my fantasy books and it has a spot for those this is an example of where I would put a collection so all of these are the Chronicles of Narnia that I placed inside of this bucket so kids can easily reference some of those but it's just nice because it fits along with our 40 book challenge it goes with what it is that we're learning about and it's very easy for me to be able to say oh those books don't belong in that spot I feel like it's just nice and clean it doesn't look messy it's it's just clean to me I don't know I like it you guys let me know in the comments down below if you if you like this I am gonna put up the labels in my store so I'll leave a link to that so that you guys can go and get those if you would like to try to try this method of organizing your books so I will put the books in there and I will also stick the forty book challenge in with this page set and these will be editable so that you can add it edit your name and stuff in there too so you guys can do that but I like it okay so the second thing that I really wanted to talk to you guys about is a giveaway I had mentioned on my Ron Clark or a surprise I think it was a surprise is the way I said it but I had mentioned on my Ron Clark video the second part that there was going to be something very special because I wanted to share a little bit of Ron Clark with some of you as far as viewers and I have ended up deciding that I'm going to do that giveaway on Instagram so if you are curious about the giveaway and really want to know it be sure that you're following me on Instagram I will leave that link down below and it is the lettered classroom so that you can find me on there definitely make sure that you're following me so that you can be a part of this giveaway because it's very exciting I'm very excited to be able to share some of it with all of you so follow me on Instagram now for the big moment I told all of you that I have a very exciting thing happening to me next year and it is now officially out to families it is now officially out in the public so I can officially say something to all of you so next year instead of being a fourth-grade teacher I will be a part of a team called the Mac team and if any of you are familiar with Mac Mac stands for multi aged classroom so I will be in a team of with two other teachers one of them is my partner teacher and one of them is also a vertical team teacher of mine and we are all three teaching a combination of fourth fifth and sixth grade it is not like fourth grade teacher fifth grade teacher sixth grade teacher we're treating them as one huge group of kids and it takes away the the stigmatism of your fourth grade student so you need to be learning fourth grade material oh you're a fifth grade student you need to be learning fifth grade material well who says that what it developmentally they're not prepared for that what if developmentally they're ready to excel above that so this is kind of that environment that we are giving them those kids would remain with us for three years at our school and we are very very excited to implement it I will be doing a complete video talking to you about what is a Mac team and how is it pretty much going to look for us and some of it we're still trying to plan out and we're still kind of digging into it so that's going to take some time and we're going to be doing a lot of planning over the summer definitely but I'm very excited because not only will I be working with two other teachers and four fifth and sixth grade but I am also teaching all subjects so I will be teaching reading writing math science and social studies and our team is going to primarily focus everything with project-based learning so it's going to be very hands-on very much so related to real-world experiences because we want to be sure that we're preparing our student I will do a video explaining a little bit more about the Mac team I am very very excited to be able to share with this with you guys and more will come as far as some of our planning and how we're going about kind of creating this that is my big news I hope you are excited I am very very excited if you're a little confused if you don't really quite understand or in a disagreement I said keep your mind open for a little bit don't just completely shut everything down automatically we are changing every the world is changing so we need to start thinking of things a little bit differently and this is that opportunity to be able to start approaching things a little bit differently not only with you know technology and you know everything's changing technology's changing jobs are changing why isn't education changing so I strongly believe that education does need to change to really understand and look at the individual child versus looking at them as a 4th grader so that is kind of our our idea and our philosophy behind that and I'm so excited to be able to share this little journey with all of you so stay tuned for more information coming out be sure that you are following me on Instagram so that you can check out that little giveaway and I will talk to you guys very very very very soon
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 23,430
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher OOTD, ootd, state testing, teacher, esl, Classroom Tour, education, outfit of the day, elementary school, lesson plan, new teacher, how to become a teacher, how to teach, math, reading, writing, multi age classroom, A day in the life of a teacher, kindergarten, mac team, 4th grade, tour, common core, elementary teacher, university, middle school, book club classroom, tips, teaching, surprise, big news, education videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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