A Day in the Life of Distance Learning | Will we go back? COVID 19

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today is a day nine for distance learning and I figured that while we are all really trying to figure out how to navigate this new normal that I would do a vlog and I don't know about you guys but I really enjoy seeing people at home and how they schedule out their day and the things that they do that really works for them because then uh it might work for me hello I am here you are in the way say hi to water but I figured that it would be cool to see what everybody else is doing and how they're managing it especially with kids and a husband who also works from home it tends to get a little bit tricky and I think that we are doing a pretty good job of figuring out and navigating these waters and so I'm gonna share with you guys my day and I want to take you through I'm gonna talk you through little bits and pieces of how we manage it to talk you through what school likes looks like for Blane and Ian because for both of them and looks very very different Blane is in kindergarten and ian is in seventh grade so two huge differences and then I wanted to share what I do for my day and how I structure it so that I could feel as though I'm being productive and I'm not getting into a slump which it's really really easy to get into a slump especially now that we're at home so I wake up typically about 6 to 6:15 and I get ready I allow myself maybe one or two days a week where I don't get ready like full-blown hair makeup like getting dressed really fancy yesterday was my day to not get ready so today I decided to get up wash my hair put on makeup look good cuz I also knew I was gonna do this vlog let's just be real by 8 o'clock I tried to be up in my office which I am very very blessed to have an office but I am up in my office ready to go and so really quick my hours the way that my district works is that we have office hours so these are the hours that I have to be available for my students we are not allowed to do zoom or any sort of online conferencing so from 9:00 to 12:00 I need to be available for my learner's and then from 1:00 to 3:00 I'm available and this is through email through the discussion posts I'm providing them feedback with the assignments they're submitting for me so that's kind of what it looks like I'm gonna be totally honest the past couple days has been very very quiet but I have a few things that I need to get done today so I'm gonna walk you through some of those items I am starting to hear that the little one is waking up so let's go ahead and make sure he gets dressed because that's the first thing he needs to do in the morning before he gets to have anything fun he needs to be dressed ready to go for school because he has a zoom call with his teacher it's like a morning meeting style at 10 o'clock in the morning so all right let's go Blainey did you get dressed this morning yeah without me having to tell you yeah I'm so proud can I see what you put on would you put on shorts thingy nothing else innuendo Oh new underwear good job high five good boy am I the only one that drops all the sheets from the bed so before I head up I wanted to show you guys this little area in my kitchen for those of you that have been watching me a while you know that how much I really wanted Trent to make me a bar top he finally made it so it is a natural wood look how pretty that is isn't it beautiful I love it it's one of my new favorite spots in my kitchen it makes my heart happy so I can already hear the dinging meaning that my emails are starting to go off like crazy already that means that the kids are up really early this morning so before I get started answering some of those emails and looking through some of the activities that I have for my students today because I like to just double check everything I wanted to show you guys my little desk area so in my office there are two different desks we have a larger one which is this one right here this one right there that I do all of my lives from and then I have a smaller one that I like to work from I know that seems very very odd but I do so here's the little desk area that I work at every single day literally bought this for ten bucks off of Craigslist I mean it was like the best find ever it works I really like the vibes that it gives and then I have just a little I could ask this question a lot this is a little Mac Mini that I use it's old but we put a new hard drive inside of it and it works fantastic so we just attached a monitor and then that is an Apple keyboard and then the Logitech mouse which it's Bluetooth so it works really really well and then I have a little dry erase board off to the side I've always had this dry erase board I did not do this new for distance learning I like it just to be able to write my to do's and some of the things that my husband and I are kind of planning and working on and then at the bottom I did put two little clipboard areas one for math one for ela to be able to track my students and their progress and see what they're doing every single day so I kind of add that into those clipboards so I have my coffee I have my bagels so I'm gonna sit down and answer some of those emails and get to work no I've been dealing with a lot of emails and then we didn't have something up so I had to get that put up I really I should have knocked on wood when I said that it was a pretty quiet wait for the bus Barnes smiling hey Blamey no smiling hey can you tell everybody what do you do every day at ten o'clock what what do you do I'm about to do what are you about to do on the computer cleaning clean it he sees an image no honey what do you do every day with your teacher oh zoomed oh if you're not gonna be serious I'll turn it what do you get to do you get to see your friends you get to see your friends do you get to sing songs with your culture she doesn't sing a song yeah you do do you enjoy it do you like being able to see them yeah you're being shy aren't you so this morning has been pretty insane so far I have been answering emails and non-stop from students just asking questions and then I started doing some grading to track attendance and to see whether or not my students are completing the assignments that they need to do so this is kind of what it ends up looking like so here is my checklist for math and what I did I just created a basic table inside of Google Docs and I separated it by Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I wrote in the dates for which week this is and every single day my students know that they have to complete a skill and so one skill includes notes practice and then a quick check and so I have three blinks there to be able to track what they've completed on that specific day because my students are all on different areas in the class I am able to really just mark off saying here's something that they completed for that day so you can see the student did m6 notes and then they did m6 classwork and if they do one thing from that that folder from that specific skill it counts them as being attendant so I have this checklist for math and then I have one that's pretty similar for reading Blaney what did you draw today do you have a good day class yeah nice okay so I'm still in my spot but I have big news because we just got word from PDE which is the Department of Education in Pennsylvania that we are officially closed for the entire school year so we will be distance-learning all the way until the end of May this is gonna be my new normal people here we go are you excited to have me here all the time I'm ready it's not my lunch time I am on the clock until 12:00 you didn't answer my question are you happy to have me here every day all day the kids yes I do yes I do he's crying inside oh I see a tear you gonna put myself up alright I'm gonna go make lunch in a minute it's about 11:40 or so and so it's lunchtime for the boys and for me so I'm gonna head downstairs and we're gonna make something it's at 8:00 I know Walter what are you doing thank you so I try and get in his food first because his lunch is a little bit weirder it's like from 11 to 12 or so rain it's like 11 to 12 15 or something to extent so he has to get back whereas mine is from 12 to 1 technically but I start making his lunch at about 11:40 11:45 so then that way he can eat and then head back to his next zoom class so Ian's classes he has to follow his periods for how he would go through the day and then he meets with his teachers on Zoom not every day does he have to meet with all his teachers on Zoom this morning he didn't have any calls but this afternoon has three so we set him up a little area downstairs for him to be able to work and have a little bit more quiet especially from Bleen check out that storm cloud and that crazy oh my gosh it's so pretty outside [Music] who we have Heil babe there's hail big chunks of it too so while Ian had a really fancy lunch he got like a turkey cheese lettuce wrap with goldfish supercard related it's how we roll in my house we Trin and I and a plane on the other hand are not gonna get the super fancy lunch what are we eating nachos yeah right not homemade queso so we're gonna eat lunch together okay dip it dip it real good ding Oh slow motion slow motion shot you should have came from this angle though so it's like slow motion homemade queso I've got my coffee it is now after lunch and we are gonna start what's up Bubba you ok yeah we are gonna start with the last part of our day can you give me a second please go papa go with Daddy you're not following directions so we're about to go in for the last part of our day before it's kind of family time dinner time clean up the house time is typically what we end up doing but Trin and I spent some time like while we were eating lunch coming up with a schedule for the boys because now that it is a done deal we are not headed back we do need to have some sort of a schedule especially for Bleen Ian's not so much because he has a schedule and his is on the fridge but this is that's the one that the school gave him so we kind of let him do his day and we just check in with him periodically as far as blame goes the only thing he has is that ten o'clock zoom call so we need a structure in a way that allows me to be able to still do my part get my work done and Trent will help out while he's doing his things that he has to get finished so here's what we came up with it's a rainbow color because Blaine loves rainbows so we did eight o'clock to ten which is the red and that's the waking up getting dressed brushing your teeth to doing your hair eating breakfast did I mention that I don't remember but that's kind of morning time at 10 o'clock is when he has his zoom call with his teacher for morning meeting and so we figured from 10 to 11:30 that means he would have an extra hour of work time we would give him different activities so his teacher puts things on Google classroom which we're able to access all of the materials on Google classroom so he can do different activities and we'll do some different fun stuff as far as work things here in like our own stuff that we have like I have books from kindergarten I have activities from kindergarten now I'm like yeah score saved that kindergarten stuff for a reason so 10 to 11:30 that's what's going to be his school time from 11:30 to 12:15 we'll go downstairs ian has his lunch I kind of have my lunch I will prep lunch we will clean up and we will allow them to have just a little bit of TV time from 12:15 to 1:00 o'clock he's gonna have quiet time in his room he gets to play with his toys puzzles whatever he has in there that's what he's gonna get to do and then from 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock it's gonna be either arts crafts or play outside time depending on the weather so that's the general schedule after that it's kind of family stuff we typically will do different things as a family we might you know make dinner we might have like well we obviously will make dinner but we will we might watch a movie together as a family we might do puzzles or games it just kind of depends so I left that fairly open I just needed something a little bit more structured for the daytime so that I could also make sure that they're getting what they need but I'm also able to get some of my work done so that's kind of the reason for the schedule so I'm gonna laminate this which I have my laminator I have like five laminators it's really bad and then ian has a chore list like I said his schedules already pre-done his school sent that out we have it on the fridge so now for him he just needed something to help with chores so we added a few chores here and there on certain days of the week to make sure that he's just helping out a little bit more because now that we're at home the house is gonna get Messier it's just that's the way it works like we're all here all the time we need to make sure that as a family we're keeping it clean so between vacuuming extra times during the week and dusting a few extra times during the week because my house gets dusty we just needed a way to make sure that he's helping out and doing his part so I'm gonna laminate both of those put them on the fridge so that that way we can reference them throughout the week so yeah um I am pretty curious like if you have kids I want to know what your schedules look like so if you don't mind sharing your schedule with me I would love for you to put it down in the comments just so that we can kind of see what other parents how they're doing it how are you structuring it like if you work how are your work hours of doing I don't know I'm just curious I just want to know I mean nosey I'm sorry guys it just happens so all right I'm gonna laminate now it is 4:00 in the afternoon and I'm gonna go ahead and call it quits for today I feel like I've done a lot of work I've been pretty productive for the most part but now I want to just spend time with my two boys I need to plan out what I'm gonna make for dinner tonight so I'm gonna go ahead and end this vlog here guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it if you have any questions about distance learning and how I tend to manage it just with having two kids and they're going through distance learning leave those down in the comments below maybe one of these days I will do a Q&A for how I make things work here at my home so thank you again for watching be sure to hit the thumbs up to like this video also if you are new here and you like what you see go ahead and hit that subscribe button make sure you also hit the notification Bella so that you will be notified every time I go live or when I post a new video and I will see you all next time bye guys
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 10,410
Rating: 4.9307957 out of 5
Keywords: teacher day in the life, distance learning, school closed, how i am distance learning, distance learning q and a, teacher distance learning, pa schools closed
Id: -bjLbxNaBek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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