Our New Home!

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I saw one that said muck [Music] the hardest part about moving is not being able to find where any of your stuff is so you don't know how to mix your coffee what am I supposed to do okay don't judge I'm going to use this and I am going to wash it first promise hi good morning everyone it is Monday morning and we have already moved into our new house actually last night was our very first night in our new house and I got very little sleep because it takes me a while to adjust to noon what places so on who was it Saturday Saturday morning or Saturday afternoon Saturday morning we actually were able to load up a load of our stuff in the truck and the owner of the house gave us a text about 8:40 or so and pretty much said hey guys come on over I have the keys for you I'm just like loading up a couple of things and that was it so we went on ahead and brought the truck over at 8:40 on Saturday night and we unloaded a whole huge load got home about 11:30 that night woke up the next morning I got here started cleaning a few things and they brought in everything else so we were able to get everything from our storage unit and from my in-laws house moved into this house in two days I mean really one day when you think about it if you take away sleep time but that was really nice so we had a ton of help which was really awesome for us and so we had our first night here last minute and I wanted to do a little walkthrough of the house for you guys just so that you can see everything I know you're going to end up seeing things maybe a little bits and pieces here and there I know over the summer you definitely will the first school year goes it just depends so I'm going to do a little walkthrough of the house so that you guys can kind of see everything and I'm going to go ahead and warn you that everything is a hot mess because everything is still in boxes and we are also doing some like renovating them down in the main floor we're wanting to repaint a lot of things there's a wall that's going to get shipped last and we're looking into changing some things inside of the kitchen as well so a lot of the things are not going to get packed up anytime soon down on the main floor but we're going to try to make the upstairs and the downstairs basement as little as possible so my job is going to be unpacking some of those things while the husband's job is to suckle and P so itself buckle buckle buckle buckle music morning okay we're just going to roll that okay so here we go I'm going to take you guys through the little walkthrough so that you can see the new homes so here is the little house right here that we have I've already put out a couple of flags but I was able to find so yay fourth of July so excited and so we come up and we have a nice little storm door we should this door kits thinking hot I don't like this door because we are right where the Sun rises so we get it's kind of like and they open it up and when you come in you are greeted by stairs and the living room off to the side we have a little bitty closet what you know what my favorite thing about these old homes is and I think it's really dark right there there we go this total was built in the nineteen fifties so it has like that old charm to it which is something that I really really love about it and I wish they would just kind of catch some more of that old charm because I really like like I probably would have left all of this that same brown so you'll notice like in here like all the the wood floor is original to it and then B baseboards are all that original color too from when the house was originally built which I love that I think that looks really pretty then we have the stairs we'll come to in a second we have a husband that is doing stuff and here is the living room very very small this will actually lead out into a patio goes off to the side so we have like a little patio out here there's that space and then our backyards back there then we have I really like the arch itself because it just has that kind of curved curved edges which is really nice and then we have our fireplace which is right here and this is actual wood burning fireplace which I thought was really really cool it's a little dirty right now so we have to get it all cleaned up and then we're trying to get all this painted so this is all going to be painted a certain color hopefully we'll start to get it done I think maybe tomorrow I'm not really sure yet because then somehow everything guys another one of my favorite details of this house is the stairs well is the staircase so I absolutely love this piece of the staircase I like how they have this detail here so this is not going to get covered up because this is probably one of my favorite pieces of the house too so then when you go through here you have the small dining room and we have AC units which is new for me because I've never experienced ez units other than when I was a little bitty girl but we have AC units who are looking also into getting air conditioning central ears so we'll see how that goes so that we have this little room which is our dining room nothing special to it but then when you come from here and you turn here that leads to the kitchen so here is the kitchen again nothing special nothing huge but we are wanting to change a few things I'm wanting to take down this cabinet this cabinet to do it as open shelving we want to do butcher block countertops and then painting the cabinets that we are the original cabinets that we have we're going to stick with our appliances for now but then I think if we end up changing the countertop then we're going to change the sink and the faucet so while investing what that happens and we want to look into redoing the flooring so we're going to see how what happens there as well so we'll see but it's just a little kitchen and it has a little door to come up here and the outside here is our little outdoor area so we have a really pretty trees and then we have a shed over here we're going to put our trampoline right there and then hopefully maybe have a sandbox I'm not really sure we're going to do one or not but we're not we are going to have our trampoline over here in this little area so and then you can come this is like a doozy of a set but you come down here and if you walk around you'll see the little patio so there is a little patio itself really cute super quaint you know I'm loving it we have a lot of work ahead of us okay so there's the kitchen and then there's typically a door right there but we removed the door so you would go through this door here this door leads you into the one car garage it's a hot mess right now because everything that is supposed to be going into the main floor so like the kitchen living room the dining we're all that so it's all here this is where it's going to be housed until we are finished doing everything that we want to do to it but it's nice because we have these really my shelves up here we have another shelf up here to be able to put a lot of our paints and stuff so it's a nice little car garage there will be good for winters for at least meat okay and then I am going to end up changing this little door right here and it was a it was didn't even have a door on it yah it was just like an open space but they had it as a coat closet I'm going to add a bunch of shelves to it and just make it into a pantry because I honestly don't keep a ton of like Drive stuff like I just don't like I try to cook with where the meat and the vegetables have fruits and that kind of stuff you know how to find a ton of like pantry stuff but it would be nice to be able to have it here and set up over there in the kitchen so that's what I'm going to do we'll see how that happens and then when we come down here you can actually see a little person down there we come down into the basement hey buddy thank you why are you doing that okay so then we come down into the basement which I've already started getting a few things together and y'all just get ready for the mess oh my goodness look at that they have been very excited because they got Legos out we've had Legos hidden for out of years and it's been so exciting for them that they have not had all their Legos well they finally got all their Legos back and now it's a hot mess down here so but this is going to be the little downstairs area we're going to end up meeting at night sooner or later but then you have a door here so you go through this door and the door leads you into the laundry room and storage so we're going to end up doing a few things with the laundry room we're not quite sure what we want to do yet but we have the desk that I had in my room in my in-laws house that's probably going to go down here as like maybe a workstation we're probably going to do some drawers or something underneath it to be able to organize stuff and then the cabinet that I took down that I want to take down in the kitchen I want to hang them maybe up here or up here somewhere so that we can have storage for laundry room so you have washer and dryer dehumidifier and then you have a ton of storage and y'all this is where my husband was getting so upset at me yesterday all of this stuff is kindergarten all of this stuff it's in this little area right here this is all my junk like this is all my kindergarten stuff so like look at that that's ridiculous so I really have to now go through it and clean a lot of it out and figure out what is it that I need to keep and what is it that I need to get rid of so much fun so now I'm going to take you back into the upstairs so that you guys can see the upstairs room but this is the downstairs basement and we're wanting to paint the beach here too so you see the babies right above me we want to think those white just to kind of really open up the space OB now I'm noting you upstairs we have one bathroom right now Lewton okay we're going to make it work because we made it work in my in-laws house so we have one bathroom right now we are planning on trying to do two bathrooms but that's just going to be later down in the future whenever we were ready to do that but we would like to change out this vanity area into one that's a little bit more curved and maybe doesn't have as much space here because we do have a closet which is nice that was in the process of getting it all cleaned out but we do have a closet - that's enough space for the us to be able to put our zine it'll just be nice to have something that's not so wide so that your space here is not as limited so our tub is blue got to love it but yeah this is a little bathroom nothing special y'all nothing special and then it is our room which is here so our room is pretty huge - the whole inside of the house we have a really nice closet that's the people before us had we're going to figure out a way to make this longer but we have a nice amount of storage which I am very very excited about so we have that all the clothes that need to go in it and even more clothes oh I'm so sorry like it is messy I'm just saying look this is the worst part about moving so we're going to end up putting our bed here that mirror is not going to be there hey we're going to end up putting the bed here and hopefully we'll have an AC unit very soon so we don't have to worry about that and then we have this little nook wanting to make this into a desk so we've seen on Pinterest where you can put like a brace or something down here and actually make it into a built-in desk so that you have somewhere to sit which I think would be so cute and it would be really nice to do my makeup with that Sun in the morning and then we have our TV we just got all of our internet and cable and stuff hooked up last night so we do have a TV in here this morning which is really nice and you come over here and we have the two boys rings my son's room my older ones it was a little girls room so we have a few little details here that are really cute but it's all little girls stuff so we have the little girl's room so you look at that I love that color but it's so pretty in here he's going to have the same type of desk that's going to be placed over here and then you have my younger one room which we actually found some curtains to be able to put up for him so that when he naps because he doesn't have um same with my older son he doesn't have any blinds so we had to put up some curtains for him but that's about as far as we have gotten we have not done anything at all so there you go there's our little house tour my job is to get upstairs II sent my job is to get the down Cersei sent my husband's dull is to work on getting everything so that we can get at least living room moved in we get a living room within we can put a sheet over in the dining room and then do the dining room once my parents get here because my mom my dad my brother and my brother's girlfriend are all going to be here on Thursday so they're going to actually help us do shiplap in the dining room which I'm very excited about so that'll be nice but I would like to at least get this that started to get painted so that we can have a couch to sit on when they're here because that's a little bit of a bummer all right so I'm going to go and get back to work I'm going to go drink the rest of my coffee and I hope you guys like my little house tour that's not done up and it's all a hot mess okay so it's update time stop I'm so sorry that like at my eyes and just like I look like a ghost but it is what it is I haven't unpacked my makeup yet so it's going to have to just be like that I'm so sorry so I want to give you guys a little bit of an update I have been having out on some chores so he's ovens total emissions right now to be able to get a few things so he wants to go and get a drill a nail gun some of the sheets to put down for like painting cause of it'll be no mess of our nice hardwood floors so he's going to go get those and then he's also going to get trimmed because we have the guy who was here before us they are so flooding he had mentioned when we were like looking at the house originally that we he didn't have time to finish up the trim so let me show you guys what he did so we have like this really pretty like chunky molding down here which is really lovely actually like they're like how detailed it is like it's got like multiple things going on but this little piece right here is missing from the entire baseboard so he has gone out to be able to go and purchase some of those things I have been seeing with here I stayed I stayed back with the kid to be able to unpack some things like as far as upstairs and be able to get a lot of our clothes up so that's kind of what we've been doing so far these are all the boxes that we've been able to unpack so that's a little bit of a score for us I will show you guys once all that stuff is done on what it looks like after its invest we're getting somebody to pay so the kids went to my mother-in-law's house because they're having a few friends over at the kids are just kind of having a blast so now we are getting ready to paint this wall I'm so excited to get ready to start painting this room it is going to look so bright and so amazing in here I'm very very excited I'm not still like a hot mess feel like it's just going to happen for the next forever so yeah we're really excited I had supposed to go and grab a couple of things that we forgot so he was moving at that and then we're going to get started with the show okay so for any of you who are wondering what color I am using it is Sherwin Williams in its seventh 0:08 alabaster it is absolutely beautiful and it was the pain of the year I think it was what last year or a year behind year behind that's okay though pretty it's coming up a little bit more yellow on the screen there it goes yeah it's not really yellow like nothing business like right here what you see right here is a little more egregious color with a little more yellow that's okay Oh [Music] good morning everyone it is Tuesday morning so it is our second such as seconds all day no it's the third full day it is the third full day of us being inside of our house so um at the moment I am going to be working a little bit downstairs I did get a couple of things set up upstairs so it's not like ass cluttered I got a few of the clothes put up which is really good I also took a shower but I have not fixed my hair so it's a little bit frizzy I apologize anyway so I'm maybe working downstairs in the basement trying to get a few things put up there and my husband is painting to annecy it it looks really good look at that huge difference huge difference you can see the color difference from the very top where we haven't painted yet to now I like it it looks bright and open so he is painting at the living room while I worked in these basements a little bit today so the kids are down there right now which is okay I'm going to let them stay down there I'm going to be moving some of the boxes to go into the like laundry storage area so we can make room for these kids because right now is a crazy mess so let me show you guys this is the mess that we have going on there is the kids but there's the mess that we have going on I like it down here because we do have a little bit of light like this will be true basement but we do get a little bit of light which is nice so I hope we have a few windows and there's some in the very back so I'm going to work on getting a lot of this either taken out and put up into some of these and if you've been watching my vlogs for a little while you know exactly where these came from these were in my classroom in kindergarten but now I'm using them in here because well I need them so it's good storage for the kids so I'm going to be working on putting some of the things in there and then also in this one here and then getting some of this other stuff placed into storage my mother-in-law King just a little bit ago and to kind of just look at the house you brought us some donuts which is really nice because right now we have like a non-working kitchen since we are trying to do things in the main part I've had a little bit of progress done down in the basement not a ton I would like for everything to have a little bit more space we'll see I would like to also like vacuum the carpets but everything is still around on the floor how like these boxes are left that need to go back into this basement and then there's just stuff left over from some of the kids for our kids let me show you guys what I have in the basement and then here's what I'm kind of thinking so here's like our basement I'm going to turn the light on the house so this is the other end of the basement that has the washer and dryer and then the storage unit so y'all have some of these like extra white shelving and I'm thinking of putting the white shelving over here and having my kindergarten binders like I would like to be able to take out all my binders and have them up so that I can be able to access them easily those are really the only things that I want to keep I do have a lot of like books that I need to find places for them and I was going to put some my son's in both my son's room so we'll see about that so I'm going to try to work on this and getting some of this put up into the shelves get the other shelves down here and put those up so that I can start putting some of this stuff away we can have like walkable space here because right now there is none like there's just not a ton of space so I'm going to get started on that and then maybe eat another doughnut I'll talk to you guys in a bit okay you destroyed the fun good morning everyone it today is Thursday morning and I am so sorry that I did not blog yesterday however yesterday was my birthday and it's really not an excuse okay said um yesterday ended up being we went to the grocery store in the morning from there we went to a friend's house a little bit afterwards and they had a pool so the boys got to play the pool for a little while and then from there my in-laws invited us out to dinner so we went out to dinner at a place called Mexicali came home I was so exhausted but I had a live chat scheduled so I did a live chat if you have not seen the live chat they have some really really really good questions when I did it so definitely go check it out I'm going to leave a link down below not sure if it's going to stay up for very long I don't know we're going to play it by ear but I will leave a link down below so that you guys can go and check it out so if you want to see a little bit of live footage from it or a little bit of footage like for me doing the live chats we are going to put that in [Music] Oh okay so that was really about it I was really nervous but it ended up being very good this guy what is wrong with you hey go get dressed we're going to go through the story oh yeah okay so today is going to be a very very busy day Brad I've just recently gotten on the shower I haven't done anything with my hair yet I haven't put makeup on and like the reason why I'm with a little rough but that's okay so I need to do that and then we as and we as a boys the two boys and I are going to head out we need to stop by the school to think of a CV and then we also need to go to a couple of stores to look for sheets I need light bulb like little things like that that I just need to pick up so we're going to head out and do that while my husband is finishing out pacing the living room between the living room should be finished today hopefully is what we're hoping so I am going to go in do not get ready this morning and I'm going to thank you guys along with me alright so I'm at school really quick because I came to pick up a TV and I also had to leave a little sign for my principal to be able to say where my partner wants to have her TV so I'll put TV goes here he is doing demo lesson so he's watching demolitions all day with I guess some people that he's trying to hire so he's in that and I can't really bother him right now so if you're going to just leave that F cinema quick text message and be like hey left like in the room where I put it so I got the TV in my car I can ride in my car because I'm not sure if I want to leave my black VR Bradley wool rug it's not getting messed up lately and I don't know if it's just because of the power of the vacuums that they use in the evenings that it's just I think I want to take it home so I have that I want to take my yellow chairs however I don't think I can fit my yellow chairs maybe my husband can come and get them later on but I cannot fit them in my car so we'll see about that I am now going to ah I forgot to tell you guys so they didn't paint in this room which is a little bit of bummer because I don't want to put up the walls in this room until they get everything painted and then I'm working with someone who has a bunch of really old maps so I want to be able to get those into the rooms and I'm not sure if and when I'm going to be looking at them but my room is done so we can go and check that out so my room is now officially cleaned off carpet looks phenomenal everything looks fantastic it looks so clean in here they did a phenomenal job so that means next week I might be coming in about an hour every day or an hour two hours every single day to be able to start working on some the bulletin boards in this room so that means I need to start creating a couple of things on the computer and get those printed laminated and ready to go and then looking for some twigs because we're wanting to where we have the curtains that go here we're wanting to create this big huge overarching like twig forest the feel to it and I was thinking that just because I really want to have some type of a mystical creature I don't know I have to figure out maybe if I can find like a dragon to put in this room something that I think would be very like fantasy like civil sea but all these closets mean to end up getting cleaned out because this is where all of the kids are going to be putting all of their things I have to do that next week so this is good this is motivating because now I feel like oh great now I can come into this room and get some of this stuff done my house is coming together but it's taking forever and that's going to be okay oh and it's any more stuff sweet okay so that's really about it but now my room is done so all three rooms are done they're cleaned now we can get busy and get cracking and getting all of these things together which is going to be good okay so we have now made it back into the house and we've been home for a little bit now so we attempted to move a couch down into the basement and we failed horribly so we put we put the couch back into the garage so it's going to stay there but I wanted to show you guys a couple of the things that I bought so I want to TJ Maxx and got a little bit crazy when two at home couldn't find anything at home but then I went to this one place called it's called Gabe's morale but my husband refers to it as Gabriel brothers anyway so I went there yesterday and I wanted to show you guys what I got because I didn't really get ton of stuff but either way showing it to you so here is a here some of the things that I actually picked up from TJ Maxx first so we are getting a brand new couch which I'm very excited about the couch is supposed to arrive on Saturday which is why we've been struggling with making sure that we get the living room painted because then we can just seal off everything else and work in the other two rooms until we're done so I found these because I've been looking for a really nice neutral color something to brighten up the couch a little bit because it's a dark grey that incorporates some of that blue that I'm going to be using throughout the house and then I like the different texture that it has going on there so I picked up two of these which I was really excited about these were 1699 I'm not horrible as far as prices go actually I think that's a pretty good price for a big pillow that like this because it's huge like there's my hand it's a huge huge pillow so I'm very excited about that so I got two of those also picked up some kitchen towels it's never a bad thing to have enough kitchen towel so I have a few kitchen towels that I picked up for that I'm loving the really like natural feel to things lately so a lot of my house is going to have that natural tone incorporated throughout so I got those two things from there also picked up some sheets because are some of the sheets got ended up getting ruined and we well we just needed new ones so found a Calvin Klein clean set which is what is in my master have a queen so I picked up one for that also picked up a gray one in the Queen so we have two extras plus two that we already have now this one's actually going to get thrown away because it got ruined when we were traveling and then if we go into the boys room sorry my messy all like I'm working on it but when we come into the boys room I actually picked up this basket which I absolutely loved my husband was adamant that he wanted to have some type of a basket that was out in the room that the kids could be able to put their dirty clothes in so I found this one I love them because I can just take these off and then wash them in the laundry once they kind of get grimy and dirty but that looks good right there and then I also got Ian a couple more we've got to paint that y'all he hates he hates that it has flowers on it oh I think it's playing anyway I also picked up for him and got him two new sets as well so we got a twin set in this blue which was 1499 not a bad deal and then another twin set in a kind of a slightly lighter shade blue left not focusing for $19.99 which wasn't too bad so picked up two more sets for him as well and then Blaine and so in Blaine's room I picked up one of those baskets as well and the baskets were 1999 by the way but this one is a little bit of a nurse's own worth it has a little bit of a different shape to it it's not as big and as wide so I figured it'd be perfect for Blaine and his room because he a smaller clothing so put that one inside of his room and then he did not get any sheets we had my mom she was actually going to bring a queen bed that she has that she wasn't going to use or not a food sorry she was going to bring a twin bed that she had at her house that she was going to use unfortunately she's also bringing me a lawnmower and if the Queen bed ended up not fitting because the the bed of the truck was just not big enough and it's supposed to be raining their entire way here today so they'd have some struggles they had to leave the bed behind so now what we're going to have to do for just in the meantime because he's getting bigger and I feel so bad for my baby but going to put up his crib and just not have that front so it's going to be like a daybed ish almost so we're going to put the crib up for him and I did not get him extra sheets you already have two sheets I think I need to get one more summer go to Target later on and pick those up for him and we got put his bed together so you can finally have a bed in his room so right now they have toys everywhere and then I went to Gabe's I picked up some Z's I love these hangers I just I think that there is the absolute best when it comes to my shirts and my sweaters and holds them in place really nicely so I went on the head and picked up more of those because I have a ton of clothes that ended up and they're all thrown everywhere that ended up needing to get put up which is what I'm about to do right now and then we have like the wooden ones that my husband likes to use we get those from Ikea but I have wooden ones that I'm using for my pants that I'm putting there and since we don't have enough space because I give him all that place over there I have to figure out what to do with like my underwear and my night clothes and things like that so I'm going to end up figuring that later on I'm not going to worry about it right now we're just going to throw it in there we're going to wing it so that's what I got um wait I also got like a little sponge thing and then I found these and they were these were like on the super sale you'll and I kind of did it there were 20 bucks there Michael Kors they are originally to like $100 but they were for sale when like you know what's 20 bucks I remember find it really nice shoes like that so I ended up getting these I think they're so cute they're like kind of like my black ones that I always like to wear especially to work - the fact that these are white and they have like this really cool texture to them so I picked these up at t.j.maxx as well which I'm very excited about so that's really about it um now I need to clean this up and put it up there Oh [Music] all right so what I did is on this side I have some of my kind of like high heels in my wedges that I typically don't wear very often but I like to keep them protected so I have them up there those boxes are incredibly old like I bought those when I was in college I graduated in 2012 so they're really old but that's okay they work on this side to have a bunch of my like cardigans and my sweaters not like close letters just like cardigan sweaters and then I have my dresses which are back here that are really long that need to have to space down at the bottom down here I have like the clothes actually like sweater sweaters I have a box down here that's kind of kind of serving as my underwear bra and some that kind of stuff a given TMI with you guys but whatever so because my husband has that whole thing over there I needed to find a space to be able to put my stuff then I have some sleeveless then short sleeves and long sleeves and button-downs are all there all of my pants are down here and then my skirts and then I'm trying to figure out what to do with my shoes I haven't quite decided what to do with it sad warehouse up day I'm living in a construction zone oh my gosh so I figured I'd do a little update for you guys it is I mean it's in the afternoon it's our new niche now late afternoon ish whoa but no focus on me so update we have pretty much finished the living room as far as the paint goes I was a little nervous when the paint first started going on so let me show you here's the paint that was before just sort of mind you so here is the paint that it was before like a very creamy color and now it is very very very white very white this color is called alabaster by Sherwin Williams I I mean it's got what the cream to it I don't know it's not as white as what I initially thought and I think it's mainly because we have this huge window and right now if you're looking outside it's a very overcast type day there's not a ton of Sun coming in well there's no Sun at all coming in but there's not a huge amount of light that there typically is now also the Sun rises right here so when the Sun does rise y'all we get a boost of light and I think it just really brightens the entire space up and it makes it look like ultra white but in this sliding I'm really loving it so we have pretty much everything as far as the like living room down and I'm feeling better about it here's what we are going to do you guys are dorks I think what we're going to do it for right now I'm just going to leave this wall I don't want to think about this wall I wouldn't think about the dining rooms and I want to think about the kitchen more than I want to think about that wall right there so for the time being we're just going to leave that wall the way it is I think we were wanting to do some type of a grain but I'm not 100% sure what color I wanted to do I don't want to do ton of colors throughout because our house is evident and then I just feel lettuce it doesn't have a blow to it you know what I mean but here's what we are going to do so this like seat that you see here like you can see the molding down here we want to do the molding and this seat piece so not the wall not this piece not this piece but just this and this piece down here we want to do that in that blue it's called salty dog by Sherwin Williams that we're going to do in the cabinet so we want to paint this entire thing blue just to kind of give it some type of a color some type of a flow to it and then so this is the dining room you can see my husband's like they're working but in here we've we've been kills in it he's been killed in it alright so we've been putting kills on here because we have to make this as neutral as possible so it doesn't mess up our color but the way that we were thinking is if we're you okay yeah alright so the way that we were thinking about it and I'm sorry if you hear noise is the air condition behind me is that when you're looking at this wall right here this entire wall I wanted it to be that salty dog like that navy blue and then you would be able to see over there in that window maybe honey you would be able to see over there in that window where it's going to have the salty dog right here on the bottom piece of it so you're going to have this blue here tying into that blue over there tying into the blue that's going to be in the kitchen and then this wall this wall and this wall is going to have shiplap which is also going to be in that alabaster color that you see out there so it's all going to tie in really nicely I'm very excited about it laying honey what are you doing honey so yeah that's kind of where we're at right now we took off all the molding well actually we I think we it was my husband um he took off all the molding that was up here and we ended up deciding that you know ship laughing it's probably going to be the best solution because it's really hard to get it to be nice and a flat surface he was able to do it with this one right here and then this one which is why we're painting it but it's also just a really nice I don't know it's going to give it a good look I think I'm very very excited about it so we've been living like this very bad that means to go downstairs and then he's been working on sanding us all of this here so we started having wall issues yesterday I forgot to tell you guys about that we started having wall issues because he was wanting to kind of fix a piece I don't know it was like he was trying to fix it and it ends the paint just started peeling and peeling and peeling and peeling so guess what guys this whole wall is about three shiplap because we are not messing with that anymore we were just sick of it and we're done and we're just going to shiplap it and be over and done with it so this is going to be shiplap and then all of this is going to be painted poor children have been confined to either upstairs or downstairs one of the other they cannot hang out on the beam for also my three-year-old pink right here none of the rules apply alright so we're going to keep going at it parents are going to be here later than what we thought we originally thought that they were going to get here probably about seven or eight or somewhere around there they're going to get here about nine or ten o'clock at night and they whip in me stay tomorrow and then they're pretty much going to spend the entire day tomorrow work being yep I'm going to put them to work really quick I just want to note just be that that is rain just going to rain the lot of rain coming
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 28,061
Rating: 4.9204893 out of 5
Keywords: A day in the life of a teacher, education, elementary school, math, education videos, kindergarten, teacher, 4th grade, elementary teacher, tips, teaching, new home, moving, renovating, first time home buyers, first home, first week in our first home, organization, home organization, unpacking
Id: NEWofmbEzc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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