Powerful Prayers For Undeniable Breakthrough | GOD'S HAND IS ON YOUR LIFE

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the bible in luke 13 verse 10 to 13 says on a sabbath jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set freeing from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god the bible says she was bent over and couldn't straighten at all this means that this woman could not look up and see the sky she could not see the smiles on people's faces she couldn't even be embraced or hugged properly and i believe her physical state is symbolic of someone who may not be able to see their future someone who may be looking around but can't find anyone that's concerned about how they're doing you may be there and all you need is to be embraced or held but the wonderful thing about this short passage of scripture from me is not the fact that jesus said woman you are set free from your infirmity it's not that jesus he put his hands on her and she was healed i'm particularly touched by three words in this passage jesus saw her god saw her true love saw her the king of kings saw her and that's the word which i'd like to encourage you with today jesus sees you god sees you you might be so bent over in your mind spirit and soul that you can't see the light you can't see anyone smiling at you but jesus christ sees you he's smiling at you you might be bent over unable to look up or forward to your future but all you need to know is that jesus sees you right where you are he sees it all he sees the pain he sees the fact that you've been left feeling isolated by those close to you he sees that you're feeling rejected and abandoned he sees everything the fact that you feel overwhelmed or like a ton of bricks is on your shoulders and just as the bible says in verse 13 then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god i believe that not only does jesus christ see you in your place of need he will put his arms around you he will cause you to straighten up in his arms and in his love so that you would know that all things are working all things have always been working for your good it's all working in your favor now let us pray thank you for your word lord jesus thank you for your word which uplifts and encourages father i pray in agreement with all who are listening see us lord cast your eyes upon us let your gaze be fixed on our lives for the man or woman who is listening right now and in need of a touch from your hand may you see them lord may you see their faith may you see their desire lord may you see their need i praise you lord jesus because you are a god who sees beyond the veil you see beyond the facade that we put on for the world you are a god who sees right into our souls i pray and i yearn for your gaze over my life over my family [Music] because unlike the human eye when you see me jesus when you look down on me from your heavenly throne you see all that's in my heart you see all that troubles and hurts me you see all of my struggles and pain you see the innermost parts of me and i am grateful because it's only you that can then make me whole it's only through your gaze that i can have all of my burdens and troubles lifted i speak the priestly blessing in numbers chapter 6 verse 24 26 over my life the lord will bless me and he will keep me the lord will make his face shine on me and be gracious to me the lord turn his face toward me and give me peace may this be my reality that your face will shine on me day and night [Music] that your face will turn towards me each and every day and give me peace i desire for your eyes to fall on me because they are filled with compassion with mercy and unconditional love i am running into your arms jesus because it's in your loving embrace that i can stand up straight it's in your loving arms that i can say psalms 40 verse 2 he lifted me out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and mire and he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand [Music] in your arms i can rise up and stand in faith i can stand in boldness in your arms i am no longer bent over looking down in despair but i now have great posture i can stand and say i am healed i can stand and renounce the power of the devil i can stand with boldness and conviction and testify of the goodness of god [Music] thank you jesus that when i am weary i can come to you thank you for your gentleness when the load is heavy i can find relief in you i have realized father that the only way to live is to stand in the embrace of the one whose image i was created in i stand in your love jesus a love that is unconditional and pure and when i do this i am set free from the agony i am set free from the bondage of trying to fix everything on my own i laid arrest all of my burdens as i come before you no longer will my mind be clouded by worry by earthly troubles or shortcomings your love covers all your love is restoring your love men's broken hearts so i glorify your name jesus i'll praise you forever because i believe that by faith you see me you rescue me and you'll never abandon but instead you'll be all that i need your word lord tells me that i will praise the name of god with a song i will magnify him with thanksgiving i am so thankful for your love king jesus that even though you knew everything about me you knew all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but yet you still died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me i give you thanks lord jesus [Music] even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me i give you thanks lord jesus we bless your holy name amen father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen there is so much for us as christians to gain when we wait on the lord and many people often get to a point where they think it's much better to take matters into their own hands than to wait on god but i encourage you not to go ahead of the lord don't try and force the issue because god's timing is always perfect if the situation you're in doesn't seem to be changing quickly enough for you [Music] consider that maybe god wants to change you in this situation you're going through perhaps you are the one that needs to grow and mature maybe you're waiting because god wants to remove certain characteristics from you and purge your heart the weight could be for your benefit and i believe that sometimes when we are impatient when we struggle to wait on the lord this is because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in the act of being patient and believing that god will make a way and here's what the bible says psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth i believe that the bible tells us here to recognize and understand that he is god of all we cannot force the issue it's the lord who knows best our trust should therefore be placed in our savior jesus christ in our season of waiting you and i should also wait upon the lord prayerfully psalm 25 verse 4 and 5 says show me your ways o lord teach me your paths lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the god of my salvation on you i will wait all the day the bible goes further to say in psalm 37 verse 7 rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass psalm 145 verse 15 the eyes of all look expectantly to you and you give them their food in due season and the bible goes further in psalm 62 verse 5 and 6 my soul wait silently for god alone for my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense i shall not be moved several times throughout the psalms we are given examples and references on how we should conduct ourselves while waiting you and i are to wait on the lord patiently you and i are to focus on him we are to firmly place our focus on jesus christ while we wait you and i are to wait on god expectantly that means we are believing we are trusting and waiting with expectation faith and hope now let us pray lord jesus i come to you today i pray that you would teach me to wait on you patiently if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place i pray that my heart would fully trust in you in your word and believe that you will move within my situation if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal certain things within me then may your will be done if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or help me to mature then may your will be done king jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakeable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will still have unshakeable faith in you that your hand will move in your perfect timing and that will be the right time your word in psalm 123 verse 2 says behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us father indeed my eyes will look to you jesus until you have mercy on me my eyes will be fixed on you as my master as my king as my way out and my solution to all problems so may you have mercy on me micah chapter 7 verse 7 says therefore i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful lord a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me help me to wait upon you lord with a yearning desire let nothing put out the fire in my faith psalm 130 verse 5 and 6 says i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i do hope my soul waits for the lord more than those who watch for the morning [Music] in your word i place my hope and faith king jesus you have proven yourself time and time again to be the one who delivers his children in their time of need lamentations chapter 3 verse 26 says it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the lord help me to be obedient king jesus your word says it's good for me to hope and wait quietly for you without murmuring or complaining help me to wait with quiet expectation father i believe that when i wait patiently for you when i am obedient to your word which says be still and know that you are god you will show yourself to be faithful and true though i may wait for longer than i would want i know that i do not wait in vain in the fullness of your time you will answer all of my prayers and so i give you praise and glory thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] have faith have faith i really want you to hear me as i say this have faith in jesus christ have faith in god whatever you are going through however deep the waters however big the giant is stand and have faith in the one who speaks and the wind obeys have faith in the one who speaks and creates have faith in the one whose breath has eternal life have faith in the one who speaks and breaks the grip of death have faith in jesus and by definition faith is having firm trust in god it's trusting that he is the way out it's trusting that he is a pillar of strength when you feel weak faith is you saying i am in god's hands despite what comes faith is believing that god will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty god and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances now the thing about faith is faith becomes more defined and refined in difficult circumstances and don't be fearful and start thinking that you need faith the size of noah's ark in his teaching on faith jesus requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed hebrews 12 verse 2 says looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god if you feel like your faith is inadequate then remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to jesus as the beginning and the end of christian faith everyone has a measure of faith when they receive jesus and the bible indicates that it has to grow the increase in faith however is a personal responsibility romans 10 17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god the food that feeds faith is the word of god the nutrients that grow faith come from the word of god the ground for faith to thrive and grow is the word of god and you may ask why such emphasis on the word of god as a seed of faith why not worship why not fast to grow your faith well it's because the grass withers the flowers fade but the word of god stands forever according to isaiah 40 verse 8. it's because isaiah 55 11 says so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it so people of god look to the bible and look to jesus as your source of faith now let us pray dear lord i pray that you would grow my faith although i will start with faith the size of a mustard seed may you help me to grow in belief until i have faith that can move mountains until i have faith that is unshakable because it is anchored in him who lives forever increase my faith lord feed me with your word so that whatever is lacking in my spirit will be filled by you let my faith become clearer may it become more defined [Music] let my faith go beyond the saving faith when i gave my life to you but let it be strong and assured let it be firm faith so that when i face the enemy i can declare the words of david in first samuel 17 14 where he said you come to me with a sword with a spear and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts i pray that you would give me faith that endures and overcomes sickness because your word says by his stripes we are healed i pray for faith that can overcome heartbreak because the word assures me that i will receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need lord jesus may i find the strength to let go and move on from the past because i am confident and trusting in your ability to lead me into a better and brighter future i believe lord that only you can fully repair a broken heart you can renew a sinful mind and save a lost soul that is why i surrender only to you may you fill every void that may unsettle and trouble my heart i pray that i may embrace a future that is in your hands even though my eyes may not be able to see i trust you king jesus to give me a future that is filled with open doors a future filled with love and goodness for me and my family with you by my side i trust and believe that i have a safe place i have a god who rescues and defends by faith i receive the joy that comes only from you by faith i receive healing in your presence by faith i receive peace in my mind peace in my home and peace within my family i receive restoration in your presence i declare that i am made whole again in your presence there is no one comparable to you o god and for this reason i bow and submit to you i bow down and confess that you are lord and i need you in my life i need you to continue to be a light unto my path king jesus chase away every dark thing and destroy the attacks of the enemy i praise you for your unconditional love a love that always protects a love that leads and guides a love that always provides a love that always forgives i praise you for your consistency may your name always be praised for such love whenever i need you you are always there for me whenever i call on your name you always answer thank you for your goodness i bless your name i say you are holy and precious thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ amen a custom is a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society place or time a custom is an established way of doing things it's a habitual practice and a way of life [Music] now there is a man in the bible who had an interesting custom in daniel chapter 6 verse 10 the bible says now when daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his windows open toward jerusalem he kneeled down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his god as was his custom since early days daniel was a man who had a custom that he respected a custom that he followed and honored you and i can learn something from the life of daniel indeed he's most known for being thrown in the lion's den but if you follow his life closely there are things we can take away and implement in our own lives the bible said he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his god as was his custom since early days now i don't know what your custom is i don't know what you do in the morning or in the evening i don't know what you hold in high regard when it comes to your habits i don't know if you have anything you habitually practice but i would like to encourage you i pray by the grace of god that you would not take these words lightly but may the holy spirit hammer this message deep within your soul we should have a daily habit of prayer we need to make prayer a habitual practice it should be our established way of doing things prayer was daniel's custom and he was faithful to that practice now may i remind you that luke 6 verse 12 says now it came to pass in those days that he went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to god that's jesus being talked about here the miracle worker the one who stepped on water as though he was stepping on concrete with such power he still prayed he prayed all night [Music] luke 5 says so he himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed once again we're told about the consistency of jesus's prayer life there must be something to be gained from prayer daniel practiced it three times a day jesus did it often he consistently prayed all night there must be something to be gained from prayer saints now join me and lift your faith as we pray for the lord to birth a desire for prayer in our lives let us pray lord jesus great and awesome is your name to you i say holy to you i say wonderful and glorious father give me a prayerful spirit just like daniel let it be my custom to pray daily to pray consistently and frequently and as i prayed lord i ask that the holy spirit would touch me and teach me how to pray so that i may not pray and speak in vain repetition give me the grace to pray under the influence under the power of the holy ghost let my prayers be sincere and from the heart let my prayers not just be centered on what i want or what you can do for me but rather may the holy spirit lead me to offer prayers of thanksgiving and praise prayers of intercession lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you [Music] i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time revealed to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray [Music] in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light of fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis let my life be christ-centered may i really walk in the spirit may i really walk by faith and not by sight purge my heart so that it is clean and filled only by good things things which will help me in my walk with you cleanse my heart so that when i come to you lord my heart will be positioned to seek your face and submit to your will because if i am aligned with the will of god my prayers will be powerful and effective so help me to seek first the kingdom of god and bow to your will lord i acknowledge my dependence on you as my provider as the one who sustains me and preserves me may you take delight in my prayer life may you take delight in my custom and habits lord [Music] so be glorified lord may you continue to help me to build my prayer life may you continue to be with me and reveal yourself to me more and more each day i choose to meditate on your word day and night so that my mind may be infiltrated and filled with thoughts that are true noble just pure lovely and of good rapport i pray that your word would begin to change me from the inside out may i grow in knowledge of scripture may i be strong spiritually as my relationship with you is strengthened help me lord jesus so that my faith will not be choked out by the worries the pleasures or duties of this world help me to set my mind on things above father your word tells me that you are a stronghold in the day of trouble and even though the enemy has declared war against me i know that the angels of the lord encamp around me even though the devil in his army may rise up against me the word of god says that the power of life and death are wielded by my tongue and i declare victory in the name of jesus may you be glorified forever and ever in the mighty name of jesus christ amen john 14 verse 15 to 18 the bible reads if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you orphans i will come to you the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost i can only rejoice after reading this verse because it means that i am marked sealed made distinct by the holy spirit you and i are not just beings walking around on this earth we belong to the lord and what makes us identifiable is the holy spirit if you look at a parent they can stand and watch hundreds of kids playing in a field and a mom or a dad will always be able to pick out their own children they will be able to do so because there is a relationship there's time invested there's a connection a bond that is developed there is love and i believe that receiving the holy spirit is what makes us identifiable as children of god that's why the bible says we're sealed by the holy spirit so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god [Music] and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away [Music] set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom in liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me [Music] in jesus name i pray amen the bible in luke 13 verse 10 to 13 says on a sabbath jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set freeing from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god the bible says she was bent over and couldn't straighten at all this means that this woman could not look up and see the sky she could not see the smiles on people's faces she couldn't even be embraced or hugged properly and i believe her physical state is symbolic of someone who may not be able to see their future someone who may be looking around but can't find anyone that's concerned about how they're doing you may be there and all you need is to be embraced or held but the wonderful thing about this short passage of scripture from me is not the fact that jesus said woman you are set free from your infirmity it's not that jesus he put his hands on her and she was healed i'm particularly touched by three words in this passage jesus saw her god saw her true love saw her the king of kings saw her and that's the word which i'd like to encourage you with today jesus sees you god sees you you might be so bent over in your mind spirit and soul that you can't see the light you can't see anyone smiling at you but jesus christ sees you he's smiling at you you might be bent over unable to look up or forward to your future but all you need to know is that jesus sees you right where you are he sees it all he sees the pain he sees the fact that you've been left feeling isolated by those close to you he sees that you're feeling rejected and abandoned he sees everything the fact that you feel overwhelmed or like a ton of bricks is on your shoulders and just as the bible says in verse 13 then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god i believe that not only does jesus christ see you in your place of need he will put his arms around you he will cause you to straighten up in his arms and in his love so that you would know that all things are working all things have always been working for your good it's all working in your favor now let us pray thank you for your word lord jesus thank you for your word which uplifts and encourages father i pray in agreement with all who are listening see us lord cast your eyes upon us let your gaze be fixed on our lives for the man or woman who is listening right now and in need of a touch from your hand may you see them lord may you see their faith may you see their desire lord may you see their need i praise you lord jesus because you are a god who sees beyond the veil you see beyond the facade that we put on for the world you are a god who sees right into our souls i pray and i yearn for your gaze over my life over my family because unlike the human eye when you see me jesus when you look down on me from your heavenly throne you see all that's in my heart you see all that troubles and hurts me you see all of my struggles and pain you see the innermost parts of me and i am grateful because it's only you that can then make me whole it's only through your gaze that i can have all of my burdens and troubles lifted i speak the priestly blessing in numbers chapter 6 verse 24 to 26 over my life the lord will bless me and he will keep me the lord will make his face shine on me and be gracious to me the lord turn his face toward me and give me peace may this be my reality that your face will shine on me day and night that your face will turn towards me each and every day and give me peace i desire for your eyes to fall on me because they are filled with compassion with mercy and unconditional love i am running into your arms jesus because it's in your loving embrace that i can stand up straight it's in your loving arms that i can say psalms 40 verse 2 he lifted me out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and mire and he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand [Music] in your arms i can rise up and stand in faith i can stand in boldness in your arms i am no longer bent over looking down in despair but i now have great posture i can stand and say i am healed i can stand and renounce the power of the devil i can stand with boldness and conviction and testify of the goodness of god thank you jesus [Music] that when i am weary i can come to you [Music] thank you for your gentleness when the load is heavy i can find relief in you i have realized father that the only way to live is to stand in the embrace of the one whose image i was created in i stand in your love jesus a love that is unconditional and pure and when i do this i am set free from the agony i am set free from the bondage of trying to fix everything on my own i laid arrest all of my burdens as i come before you no longer will my mind be clouded by worry by earthly troubles or shortcomings your love covers all your love is restoring your love men's broken hearts so i glorify your name jesus i'll praise you forever because i believe that by faith you see me you rescue me and you'll never abandon but instead you'll be all that i need your word lord tells me that i will praise the name of god with a song i will magnify him with thanksgiving i am so thankful for your love king jesus that even though you knew everything about me you knew all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but yet you still died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me i give you thanks lord jesus [Music] even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me i give you thanks lord jesus we bless your holy name amen father you alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day give me a passion to seek you lord give me a passion to hunt for your presence the last thought in my mind before i sleep should be you and let my first thoughts each and every morning be you [Music] i submit to you and align my spirit to your will and purpose for my life open my ears so that they will be sensitive and receptive to your voice lord i pray that your word would not depart from my mouth but instead i will read and meditate on it day and night so that i may be careful to do everything in accordance to your will may the holy spirit help me to keep seeking things that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god help me holy spirit to set my mind above and to keep focused on everything related to the kingdom of god help me not to conform to the things of this world help me not to be distracted by things that are on the earth which only have temporal value and for me to even do this lord i need your supernatural strength and so i declare that you lord jesus you are my source of strength that leads me to overcome the devil you lord jesus are my source of strength that leads me to walk in victory you are my source of strength that leads me to defeat sin you have said in your word that in the last days you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and so i welcome you holy spirit i invite your presence to encamp around me and to fill me help me to realize the promises of god promises for peace that surpass human understanding promises of a sound mind promises of protection i pray that you would move with me holy spirit walk with me and speak to me be the still small voice that guides me and leads me lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place at this present time i ask for your protection and covering over my life and over my family's life so lord help me to guard my heart help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness i pray that the holy spirit would continuously be tugging at my heart and soul teaching me how to be obedient to the lord teaching me how to stand in faith and to fully trust in god i praise your holy name king jesus be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen there is so much for us as christians to gain when we wait on the lord and many people often get to a point where they think it's much better to take matters into their own hands than to wait on god but i encourage you not to go ahead of the lord don't try and force the issue because god's timing is always perfect if the situation you're in doesn't seem to be changing quickly enough for you [Music] consider that maybe god wants to change you in this situation you're going through perhaps you are the one that needs to grow and mature maybe you're waiting because god wants to remove certain characteristics from you and purge your heart the weight could be for your benefit and i believe that sometimes when we are impatient when we struggle to wait on the lord this is because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in the act of being patient and believing that god will make a way and here's what the bible says psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth i believe that the bible tells us here to recognize and understand that he is god of all we cannot force the issue it's the lord who knows best our trust should therefore be placed in our savior jesus christ in our season of waiting you and i should also wait upon the lord prayerfully psalm 25 verse 4 and 5 says show me your ways o lord teach me your paths lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the god of my salvation on you i will wait all the day the bible goes further to say in psalm 37 verse 7 rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass psalm 145 verse 15 the eyes of all look expectantly to you and you give them their food in due season and the bible goes further in psalm 62 verse 5 and 6. my soul wait silently for god alone for my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense i shall not be moved several times throughout the psalms we are given examples and references on how we should conduct ourselves while waiting you and i are to wait on the lord patiently you and i are to focus on him we are to firmly place our focus on jesus christ while we wait you and i are to wait on god expectantly that means we are believing we are trusting and waiting with expectation faith and hope now let us pray lord jesus i come to you today i pray that you would teach me to wait on you patiently if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place i pray that my heart would fully trust in you in your word and believe that you will move within my situation if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal certain things within me then may your will be done if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or help me to mature then may your will be done king jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakeable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will still have unshakeable faith in you that your hand will move in your perfect timing and that will be the right time your word in psalm 123 verse 2 says behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us father indeed my eyes will look to you jesus until you have mercy on me my eyes will be fixed on you as my master as my king as my way out and my solution to all problems so may you have mercy on me micah chapter 7 verse 7 says therefore i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful lord a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me help me to wait upon you lord with a yearning desire let nothing put out the fire in my faith psalm 130 verse 5 and 6 says i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i do hope my soul waits for the lord more than those who watch for the morning in your word i place my hope and faith king jesus you have proven yourself time and time again to be the one who delivers his children in their time of need lamentations chapter 3 verse 26 says it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the lord help me to be obedient king jesus your word says it's good for me to hope and wait quietly for you without murmuring or complaining help me to wait with quiet expectation father i believe that when i wait patiently for you when i am obedient to your word which says be still and know that you are god you will show yourself to be faithful and true though i may wait for longer than i would want i know that i do not wait in vain in the fullness of your time you will answer all of my prayers and so i give you praise and glory thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen have faith have faith i really want you to hear me as i say this have faith in jesus christ have faith in god whatever you are going through however deep the waters however big the giant is stand and have faith in the one who speaks and the wind obeys have faith in the one who speaks and creates have faith in the one whose breath has eternal life have faith in the one who speaks and breaks the grip of death have faith in jesus and by definition faith is having firm trust in god it's trusting that he is the way out it's trusting that he is a pillar of strength when you feel weak faith is you saying i am in god's hands despite what comes faith is believing that god will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty god and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances now the thing about faith is faith becomes more defined and refined in difficult circumstances and don't be fearful and start thinking that you need faith the size of noah's ark [Music] in his teaching on faith jesus requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed hebrews 12 verse 2 says looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god if you feel like your faith is inadequate then remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to jesus as the beginning and the end of christian faith everyone has a measure of faith when they receive jesus and the bible indicates that it has to grow the increase in faith however is a personal responsibility romans 10 17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god the food that feeds faith is the word of god the nutrients that grow faith come from the word of god the ground for faith to thrive and grow is the word of god and you may ask why such emphasis on the word of god as a seed of faith why not worship why not fast to grow your faith well it's because the grass withers the flowers fade but the word of god stands forever according to isaiah 40 verse 8 it's because isaiah 55 11 says so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it so people of god look to the bible and look to jesus as your source of faith now let us pray dear lord i pray that you would grow my faith although i will start with faith the size of a mustard seed may you help me to grow in belief until i have faith that can move mountains until i have faith that is unshakable because it is anchored in him who lives forever increase my faith lord feed me with your word so that whatever is lacking in my spirit will be filled by you [Music] let my faith become clearer may it become more defined let my faith go beyond the saving faith when i gave my life to you but let it be strong and assured let it be firm faith so that when i face the enemy i can declare the words of david in first samuel 17 14 where he said you come to me with a sword with a spear and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts i pray that you would give me faith that endures and overcomes sickness because your word says by his stripes we are healed i pray for faith that can overcome heartbreak because the word assures me that i will receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need lord jesus may i find the strength to let go and move on from the past because i am confident and trusting in your ability to lead me into a better and brighter future i believe lord that only you can fully repair a broken heart you can renew a sinful mind and save a lost soul that is why i surrender only to you may you fill every void that may unsettle and trouble my heart i pray that i may embrace a future that is in your hands even though my eyes may not be able to see i trust you king jesus to give me a future that is filled with open doors a future filled with love and goodness for me and my family with you by my side i trust and believe that i have a safe place i have a god who rescues and defends by faith i receive the joy that comes only from you by faith i receive healing in your presence by faith i receive peace in my mind peace in my home and peace within my family [Music] i receive restoration in your presence i declare that i am made whole again in your presence there is no one comparable to you o god and for this reason i bow and submit to you i bow down and confess that you are lord and i need you in my life i need you to continue to be a light unto my path king jesus chase away every dark thing and destroy the attacks of the enemy i praise you for your unconditional love a love that always protects a love that leads and guides a love that always provides a love that always forgives i praise you for your consistency may your name always be praised for such love whenever i need you you are always there for me whenever i call on your name you always answer thank you for your goodness i bless your name i say you are holy and precious thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ amen a custom is a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society place or time a custom is an established way of doing things it's a habitual practice and a way of life now there is a man in the bible who had an interesting custom [Music] in daniel chapter 6 verse 10 the bible says now when daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his windows open toward jerusalem he kneeled down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his god as was his custom since early days daniel was a man who had a custom that he respected a custom that he followed and honored you and i can learn something from the life of daniel indeed he's most known for being thrown in the lion's den but if you follow his life closely there are things we can take away and implement in our own lives the bible said he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his god as was his custom since early days now i don't know what your custom is i don't know what you do in the morning or in the evening i don't know what you hold in high regard when it comes to your habits i don't know if you have anything you habitually practice but i would like to encourage you i pray by the grace of god that you would not take these words lightly but may the holy spirit hammer this message deep within your soul we should have a daily habit of prayer we need to make prayer a habitual practice it should be our established way of doing things prayer was daniel's custom and he was faithful to that practice now may i remind you that luke 6 verse 12 says now it came to pass in those days that he went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to god that's jesus being talked about here the miracle worker the one who stepped on water as though he was stepping on concrete with such power he still prayed he prayed all night luke 5 says so he himself often withdrew into the wilderness and pray once again we're told about the consistency of jesus's prayer life there must be something to be gained from prayer daniel practiced it three times a day jesus did it often he consistently prayed all night there must be something to be gained from prayer saints now join me and lift your faith as we pray for the lord to birth a desire for prayer in our lives let us pray lord jesus great and awesome is your name to you i say holy to you i say wonderful and glorious father give me a prayerful spirit just like daniel let it be my custom to pray daily to pray consistently and frequently and as i pray lord i ask that the holy spirit would touch me and teach me how to pray so that i may not pray and speak in vain repetition but give me the grace to pray under the influence under the power of the holy ghost let my prayers be sincere and from the heart let my prayers not just be centered on what i want or what you can do for me but rather may the holy spirit lead me to offer prayers of thanksgiving and praise prayers of intercession lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis let my life be christ-centered may i really walk in the spirit may i really walk by faith and not by sight purge my heart so that it is clean and filled only by good things things which will help me in my walk with you cleanse my heart so that when i come to you lord my heart will be positioned to seek your face and submit to your will because if i am aligned with the will of god my prayers will be powerful and effective so help me to seek first the kingdom of god and bow to your will lord i acknowledge my dependence on you as my provider as the one who sustains me and preserves me may you take delight in my prayer life may you take delight in my custom and habits lord so be glorified lord may you continue to help me to build my prayer life may you continue to be with me and reveal yourself to me more and more each day i choose to meditate on your word day and night so that my mind may be infiltrated and filled with thoughts that are true noble just pure lovely and of good rapport i pray that your word would begin to change me from the inside out may i grow in knowledge of scripture may i be strong spiritually as my relationship with you is strengthened help me lord jesus so that my faith will not be choked out by the worries the pleasures or duties of this world help me to set my mind on things above father your word tells me that you are a stronghold in the day of trouble and even though the enemy has declared war against me i know that the angels of the lord encamp around me even though the devil in his army may rise up against me the word of god says that the power of life and death are wielded by my tongue and i declare victory in the name of jesus may you be glorified forever and ever in the mighty name of jesus christ amen [Music] john 14 verse 15 to 18 the bible reads if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you orphans i will come to you the holy spirit is our helper [Music] the holy spirit is our comforter how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yielded open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost i can only rejoice after reading this verse because it means that i am marked sealed made distinct by the holy spirit you and i are not just beings walking around on this earth we belong to the lord and what makes us identifiable is the holy spirit if you look at a parent they can stand and watch hundreds of kids playing in a field and a mom or a dad will always be able to pick out their own children they will be able to do so because there is a relationship there's time invested there's a connection a bond that is developed there is love and i believe that receiving the holy spirit is what makes us identifiable as children of god that's why the bible says we're sealed by the holy spirit so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times [Music] may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom in liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 857,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: vag8OoiGmNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 43sec (6523 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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