Teacher Blows the Whistle on Critical Race Theory in California Schools

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i just see so much potential in every every kid that walks into my classroom every student that walks in i just see a ton of potential what are your gifts because we all have different gifts and um yeah but i but like i said that profession profession's not for me anymore they've pushed me out my views and what i believe is now considered white supremacist in california right now there's a push for this class called ethnic studies and uh actually gavin newsom just passed right now that it's going to be a requirement for graduation my district decided to go ahead of it and say you know what we're gonna we're gonna make it a requirement for graduation now and i kind of already had a feeling that it was gonna be a lot of like i mean i guess the best way to put it is bashing on america bashing on our history bashing on just our country i had no idea how bad it was because we are teaching online we have most of our materials online and us teachers share the same platforms and the teacher that taught ethnic studies at my site she actually had the same platform that i was using and i was able to see all of her lessons and it was shocking what i saw it is dividing america based on race and it's hyper race focus so whenever you see hyper race focus you're going to see racism along with it so for example they have this term called hegemony in in critical race there which means that america was built to only help the white man and everything else all of the institutions that were put up were either were put in there to benefit the white man and and to oppress everybody else and so there our students are learning about these concepts we hear about critical race theory in our schools well here it is right in front of you and almost every single lesson had some sort of element of critical race theory i mean there was even a slide on marxism and these are like interactive slide presentations that were given to the students so this wasn't like the teacher's plans or whatever this is what the students actually got like for example i got i got a gift from my district for being black a black teacher and i get this gift and it's only for black educators and it's just it was just such a pandering gift and because i didn't accept it um i got attacked you know like because i didn't accept this gift that had stickers in it that said i love being black it also had an eye a black educator's matter mask i decided that you know this needs to be exposed and it's just really sad and dark and so if you're wondering whether or not critical race theory is a good thing for our country start speaking against it and see how people treat you you'll start seeing how bad it is because they will that's when the real racism starts if i said anything about this while i was still in the school and on campus and that i'm the minority you know like that there's so many people that are i mean we have teachers that say that they're marxist on my campus and um that they're really pro-critical race theory and i knew that i was going to be the minority and also my district is not very kind to people that don't go along with whatever agenda they're trying to push so we made the decision to move to florida it was it was a very easy decision i'll say florida is a wonderful place and i really um the people here are just a lot more friendly and i just feel a lot more accepted here i feel like there's more people that um will accept me for me and i don't have to pretend to be someone else or silence myself or censor myself like i did for so many years being a teacher in california there's so much more to all of us except besides what we what you see on the outside it was actually uh september 11 and i was at the time in junior college and i was also very promiscuous i was you know because i'm a sexual assault survivor i just thought whatever my body is not my own so i'm just gonna give it to whoever i never seeing that and just being like you know what because i'm seeing my country be assaulted you know that was an assault on my country it was just so shocking and i was like i'm not gonna let people assault me anymore that mindset has just really like empowered me to to be more careful um it really did kind of put me on a better path just mentally like i have more value than just letting people take advantage of me and my own story you know i truly believe that i have a story of victory and if i really have if i really just embraced a victim mindset or had parent a teacher or an institution telling me to embrace it and just wallow in it i know i wouldn't be where i'm at right now we all have had something hard in our lives and we but what's great about this country and where we live is that we can we can change our lives you know i've i've changed my life and for the better and i just i feel like now as a teacher and as an educator i try and tell my students that and it's like there's this push back it's so counterproductive and it takes away from individual 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Channel: GoldwaterInstitute
Views: 100,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: we45ySMOjXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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