TDS Meter using TDS & Temperature Sensor with Arduino || Measure Water Quality in PPM

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welcome to the new episode of how to electronics in today's episode we'll learn what is TDs how does the tds meter works what is tds sensor and how do you the interface the tds sensor with any microcontroller will also learn the principle and theory behind the electrical conductivity in tds sensors will see all about the tds sensors from DF robot and then will interface the tds sensor with our dinner to measure the tds of water the BPM and then we'll add a waterproof temperature sensor to correct the reading and calibrate the tds sensor the official sponsor of this video is next perceiving next PCB is one of the biggest mystery manufacturer company in china they offered a brilliant and high-quality severe only few dollars for example therefore a full air PCB at only $28 all you need to do is a generator gerber file from any pc be designing tool and go to their site upload the grabber file select the quantity select the design tool and just upload it and then simply place an order so after a week we'll get the PCB at very very good quality [Music] [Music] let us see what is TDs so TDS is defined in terms of water or any other liquid so tedious is transferred total dissolved solids and it represents the total concentration of dissolved substance in water the gel substance mean it may be an ionic substance or it may be an organic substance so it is made up of inorganic salts as well as a small amount of organic matter common inorganic salts are calcium magnesium potassium sodium and their carbonate nitrates bicarbonate ctc so this table indicates what type of water with that TDS value is good for drinking so anything below 40 ppm is good for drinking so this is the TDS sensor that I recently but just from DF robot so I will give the link in the description for this component you can buy it from here so it has one electrode with a very long wire and a signal connector board and a small connector so on the electrode you can see there are two metallic rod placed outside so there is a fixed distance between the two metallic rod this is a small connector that need to be connected to the Arduino and this is a signal conversion board that has to IC that works as an amplifier and converts the signal generated by the illah protein to a digital signal so one connector needs to be connected on this side and there is an a small connector that need to be connected on the backside so one in up the connector is directly connected to the any microcontroller or Arduino and another is directly deep inside the water now let us see the working principle behind the tds meter so we have different type of liquid that we are using in house we are using in chemistry lab or we are used for pharmaceutical products all this pound or all this liquid have different physical properties and different chemical properties so all these compounds are made up of some chemicals that may be acidic basics or salt like I am showing here that is NaCl HCl and NaOH when this substances dissolves in water they dissociate now when they dissociate their forms positive cations and their forms a negative anions so the conduction between cation and anion is responsible for conduction of electricity so on any of the tds sensor we have two rods means now these two rods are separated from each other so we are using a conductivity principle for calculating the tds now when an electricity is provided there is a conduction so that conduction is between the cation and anion so the greater is the quantity of mixed solid the greater is the conductivity the lesser thus dissolved solid the lesser is that electricity conduction so this electricity conduction is converted into a ppm value and we have this equation now let us see how we interface the tds sensor with Arduino so the tds sensor is an analog sensor and it just has a three connector so the analog pin of the tds sensor is connected to any of the analog pin of arduino in my case i connected it to a1 the bcc is supplied with 3.3 volt or 5 volt and we have connected a ground to the ground so here is a practical circuit that we assembled it you can make a separate PCB for assembling all this if you want so let us see the code so we have used an EP row now this ap roam is used to store the sample value so that the calibration can be easily done okay so we have a gravity tds dot s library this we can get it from the link in the description we have defined the tds penis or not we have initialized the tds library so here we are using a fixed temperature that is 25 degree celsius to measure the tds in the setup section who have been SL as the analog reading how we do then allowed reading there is conversion up voltage into any bit value okay and by here we are simply printing the tds ml one serial monitor so here two samples of water both are the clean water right now but you do one of the sample i had a small amount of salt so that the conductivity will increase by very very less amount okay now after mixing i'll just stiff solution so that the salt get completely dissolved on it so once it get dissolve you can place the rod and start measuring so when i put it inside the sample of dissolved salt so you can see the ppm value is currently 70 it has an increase and similarly when i keep it inside another sample where the water is clear it is still showing 56 so there is one slightly variation now this thing can be displayed on LCD screen that is system due to LCD so i have connected one cysteine into two LCD to the arduino board so you can make the connection exactly like this so I have made this connection you can see I have added an extra LCD where I can display the tedious value okay now let me power it on so now it's showing 0 ppm but when I did you put electrode and water it will start showing some value so it's showing around 74 ppm but now the biggest factor is we have made the device for 25 degree Celsius what if the temperature of water rises and what if the temperature of water drops down to lower value in that case we want to get the prefer than you so in that case I have used a sensor for the calibration report so the best sensor is d s a 10 B 20 waterproof temperature sensor so here is the connection the 1d s 18 be xx added to the digital pin of arduino that is 7 and a poun of registered a 4.7 kilo ohm og headed to the same sensor by a 5 volt pcc now we will just put both of these rods and measure the conductivity or measure the VPN value but before now let's see the program so for program we have just added one word and the lodge liability and we have defined the temperature sensor P rest of the code are still the same that I showed you earlier so instead of in a bottom britta setup section we are just reading the value of GDS sensor and even gravity dot TDS the set temperature we are not putting 25 degrees Celsius instead of that we are putting the value from the SAT level 20 water book temperature sensor okay and then we are just displaying the temperature and tedious value on system crust to LCD display so just compile the code and upload so once uploading is done you can see that TDS is almost 0 as I haven't placed the sensor in any liquid now when I place the sensor you can see the TDS is 66 and temperature is around 25 point two five so now I will add a lot of salt to it so there tedious value changes so here are the salt so when adding the salt the TDS value else is started rising so as you can see it has plus hundred 400 now it has crust 500 600 slowly slowly it will go higher so now it least L must around 1900 so 1900 ppm remember you can only use this sensor up to the temperature of 55 degree Celsius if you want to work properly or give you false reading once the temperature crosses 25 degree Celsius so that's all about the today's video thank you for watching please share like and subscribe my channel
Channel: How To Electronics
Views: 85,140
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Keywords: Interface TDS Sensor with Arduino, TDS Sensor Temperature, Gravity TDS Sensor, TDS Sensor Water Quality, TDS Sensor DS18B20, Analog TDS Sensor, tds sensor arduino code, TDS sensor, TDS Meter Arduino, TDS Sensor Project, TDS sensor Arduino, TDS Sensor Probe Arduino, How TDS Sensor works, TDS Meter, tds sensor probe, TDS Sensor PPM, Electrical conductivity, Water TDS Value, water TDS Monitor, total dissolved solids, water quality tester, Water quality monitoring
Id: ofZ7D8lVsXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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