IoT LoRa Based Smart Agriculture with Remote Monitoring System | RFM95 +Arduino+Soil Moisture Sensor

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hi all in this new video we are going to learn about iot lora best smart agriculture and remote monitoring system smart agriculture means monitoring environmental conditions that influence crop production we'll use the load as well moisture sensor that is based on 8 mega 328 micro controller loader model rfm 95 and ast 10 humidity temperature sensor the ast 10 digital humidity and temperature sensor measures the local air temperature and humidity the capacitive soil moisture sensor will measure the soil humidity and moisture hence all the major data can be sent wirelessly up to few kilometer distance and can be read by receiver both the transmitter and receiver is designed using the loader module the transmitter operates on low power mode so just by using a aaa battery the device can be operated over few months so now let's begin with this interesting project [Music] [Music] so here is the loader temperature humidity and soil moisture sensor that i purchased at 15 from maker fabs you can purchase this pcb assemble board from the same link so the documentation is very clear here the best part about the sensor is it has a receiver as well and the receiver costs around 18.90 and is made of rfm 95 loader module it supports the frequency of 43 868 and 915 megahertz the product documentation is very good and very clear you can learn more about it from this link so this is the loader transmitter that is made using soil moisture sensor ht10 air temperature and humidity sensor the pcb size is very compact and all the components are very nicely assembled on this board you can see a lot of module that is rfm95 that operates at 433 megahertz on the top of the side you can see there is a sensor and here you can see a microcontroller that is 8 mega 328 microcontroller with arduino boot loader here you can see a triple five timer ic that is particularly designed for measuring the soil moisture sensor by capacitive sensing and here is a connector for usb to ttl converter from where you can upload the code you can also connect an external isp if you want so here is a reset button that is used in place of dtr for resetting while uploading the code at the top you can see there is an ast-10 that measures local air temperature as well as humidity and you can see there is a place for another antenna but an antenna is already assembled here on the back of the side you can connect two battery that is two triple a battery and here is the soil moisture sensor that can be dipped inside the soil it is painted with waterproof pen so there is no chances of corrosion and has a very very long life so this is the low rashfield mercedes sensor version 1.1 that you can purchase from maker fabs to program this mode you need usb to ttl converter that is based on cp2102 ic so the board operates at 3.3 volt so connect the vcc to bcc tx to rx ground to ground but you need to solder a male header pins if you want to upload the code so just solder the mail header pins here so here is the receiver part so the receiver has the same loader module that is rfm95 it also has a same 80 mega c2 at microcontrollers that can be termed as arduino pro or pro mini so here are few jumpers uh that determines what is the frequency that it is operating so 43 megahertz 868 and 915 okay and here you can see there is the same spiral antenna that you saw in the loader transmitter on the back side you can see there are the gpio pins assigned that is the same pin that you see in the arduino microcontroller that is from analog a naught to a5 and from d0 to d13 okay so here you need to solder the male headers as well so the male headers can be soldered on all the three sides and to upload the code to this board you don't need usb to ttl converter you can simply upload the code using the micro usb cable on the right side you can see there is a point for battery so here is the code for the loader transmitter the code has a three part and using this three part we are sending the humidity temperature and adc value of the soil moisture sensor all the low power modes are defined here and you can change the interval and the control the power using all these codes so now you need to install a library for rfm95 that is lola radio library so just download the library and get to the library folder so now connect usb to ttl module to the board and then just install a battery appear a battery triple a battery so now you can connect this board to the computer and then simply go to the tools select the arduino pro mini that is 5 volt sorry 3.3 volt and 8 megahertz okay and then select the com port after that you can upload the code now just put this sensor in a field or in a form where you have kept your flower parts so i have kept this inside a vegetable plant do not dip all part of the sensor on the soil only level part need to be dipped in inside the mud so this is how the sensor will start operating and sending the data wirelessly now let's see the receiver code the receiver operates at 43 megahertz that is assigned in this board okay and the power is also controlled so all the parameters are defined here and you can change the power from here if you want and then it will just receive the replay and show in this real monitor so all you need to do is just connect the micro usb data cable to this board okay and now go to the same tools and in the tool section just select pro or pro mini and select 3.3.8 megahertz select the right port once the code is uploaded on the board the side you can see the transmitted and the received data that is successfully displayed on serial monitor so on the receive side you can see the humidity temperature the adc value from soil moisture sensor and the rssi the replay is sent and the packet is received so this is how ismart agriculture work so thank you for watching
Channel: How To Electronics
Views: 11,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lora Smart agriculture, Lora AHT10 Sensor, lora iot agriculture, smart agriculture, lora technology in agriculture, Lora in agriculture, lora agriculture sensors, lora soil moisture sensor, Lora Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, lora network agriculture, lora for agriculture, lora applications agriculture, Lora Temperature Humidity, lora based projects, lora iot projects, smart agriculture technology, Smart agriculture using arduino, capteur lora agriculture
Id: Uc33rr-RQDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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