TC Compass Build Part 4 Load Development; Sierra Palma 155g Bullet Accuracy Test Groups

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel and for those of you that are new to the channel welcome to the channel today we are going to be continuing our testing of the Thompson Center compass chambered in 308 Winchester now the first batch of low development didn't go that great the second one we had some pretty good results we use kind of a hunting load and we actually had some pretty decent groups today we're gonna be testing some ammo that's probably gonna be a little bit higher on the shelf we're gonna be using some cierra match Kings it's gonna be the 155 grain sierra matchking the palma version which is not necessarily intended for the chamber that we're gonna be shooting it through but it still should give us some pretty good results the bullet we're using is 155 grain sierra palma match king the brass we're gonna be using is brand new star line 308 brass and the primers is going to be the CCI large rifle primers that we've been using through the entire test and the powder is going to be different the last two times we've used varga and today we're going to be using IMR 4895 to try to get a little bit different taste of something else and see if the gun likes it better so with that being said we're gonna go take this gun outside and these loads and see how they shoot all right guys we're out here again for the third time we're gonna test out these 155 grain Sierra Palma match kings now these aren't necessarily designed for this particular chambering or this type of gun per se from what I understand these are supposed to be launched out of a 30 inch tube and they're designed to go about a thousand yards and they're supposed to be pushed pretty hard but we're doing none of those things because we're shooting out of the Thompson Center compass chambered in 308 Winchester so we don't necessarily have the exact chambering we're supposed to have yeah yeah yeah but whatever we're gonna test them out anyway because I have a decent amount of them so we're also going to be shooting these with IMR 4895 powder we're gonna be shooting a powder range of forty point five grains to forty four point five grains and I already cited these in in the first group looked kind of promising so hopefully we'll see some good results here got the GoPro set up right in front of the target just where I don't like it because it's probably going to get shot but I don't really have any better often so we'll go ahead and get started here and see what kind of groups are going to get of course the wind had to pick up rape force started shooting as usual so it's kind of ragging on the PPU brass the other day for being soft but we're using Starline brass here and actually the first charge weight I've used I saw dr. marks on so maybe I should just shut my mouth there's a bit of a shadow on the target right now so I can't quite see very well but it's like a good start when I can see so let's go down to mark the target and we will shoot our next group okay so we let the thing cool down a little bit furniture nice group next group is gonna be 41 grains of IMR 4895 first group looked promising I don't know that it was at an inch but it was pretty close and with our first group being like that I'm notorious for this but hopefully we'll see some smaller groups but it may end up being our best group today that's what I'm known to do a lot of time is I get excited think we're gonna see some phenomenal groups cuz the first one is pretty small and then they get worse and worse but I got a feeling these old do pretty good even though they aren't necessarily designed to shoot out of this chambering because the Chamber's like I said from what I understand that they're supposed to be shot out of have a much shorter throat because these bullets can't be seated very long but after that first group it doesn't look like it's gonna hinder the accuracy too much in terms of what we're trying to achieve here so we're gonna go for the top right target here and let's see what this does that's good so it looks like we got four pretty close together and then one flyer so this is only group two so I can't really say anything but I'm going to anyway because why not but I feel like this gun has a tendency to get four close shots and a flyer now that may be stupid of me to say that but after firing these will make over 200 rounds through the gun on paper from what I've seen that tends to happen a lot but once we change out the stock we may see that change who knows but right now with the load through we've shot that tends to happen a lot so we've got a lot of testing to you and flip the gun cool down and we'll shoot this next group alright guys and that's again cool off I took off my hoodie is turning a little warm outside I feel like I'm about to start sweating so hopefully begun won't get too hot here the barrel still a little warm but we gave some time so it shouldn't be too bad shot rifle a lot hotter than this but I guess there'll be a testament to this gun so next group is 41 1/2 greens of 4895 IMR powder if only I could see things correctly alright aim for the top left I don't know oh man nothing really best it looks good we're still on the lower end but does that check so if you don't know Missouri has some very erratic weather you can experience all four seasons within one week and springtime and fall you get the bus weather but you may get a mixture of winter and summer day-to-day you could have 20 degrees in one day at 80 the next so trying to take advantage of some of these nice four days and do some shooting but sometimes the wind is not very cooperative but we're going to go ahead and shoot this really hope we can get some some good groups today I've been looking forward to shooting these forgetting to do that my group wasn't great okay I'm gonna give the gun longer time to cool down on this one because it is starting to heat up a little bit you don't want to make sure we got a cooler barrel when we shoot it this next - all right guys that's gonna cool down quite a bit this time it is barely warm which is perfect in my opinion because I don't like shooting it when it gets too hot then you start to see wires a lot more consistently and obviously we don't want that so gun is ready to go this group is I think 42 grains before we half what do you want yup 42 grains IMR 4895 another five shot group basically just hoping we don't shoot the GoPro and maybe if we're lucky we'll get a good group here we're about halfway or almost halfway through the powder charges well tell you what when the wind was blowing like it was earlier as kind of chilly but now yeah well toasty I didn't realize it was gonna get that warm when the wind stops it's kind of nice coming out of winter here all right sitting down there and it was dead it could be the wind and then now as I lay down to shoot I got to my curse Lord is wondering if the trigger was ever gonna break there DS wind is starting to get on my nerves a little bit okay so there's a lot of horizontal stringing here I don't I don't want to blame this on the wind but I'm starting to get a little skeptical yesterday I came out here I got everything set up all the camera equipment all the the target and the gun and all my gear and then the wind kicked up and was just blowing like crazy and would not stop so I'm getting a little a little frustrated with the wind so sorry I seem a little aggravated but I am I'm just gonna try to do my best to cut through the wind here and hopefully we can kind of work around it but there's times where I'm seeing a bunch of mirages downrange and then other times where there's a spike virtually no wind so we'll just work through it hope for the best sorry you can't always get a perfect day shoot right flip again cool down go check the group and then we'll be back okay guys we're about halfway there this is gonna be group number five so 42 and a half grains of IMR 4895 we got a jet flying overhead I don't know if you can hear it we also have a my dad running stay tall but uh anyway we're gonna be shooting at the bottom right target here and I'm probably gonna cut quite a bit of this video out because the gusts of wind are very inconsistent so I'm gonna try to shoot in between them now if you guys prefer it that way in the video for me to cut out you know the gaps between shots which usually I try to you know go ahead and shoot them all pretty quick but if it's windy like this I want to try to give these rounds the best chance cuz that last group if it wasn't windy it may have been the best group that we shot I don't know how much the wind really effects it at 100 yards but sure doesn't help in any so we may end up reshooting that one I'm not sure yet but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and shoot this next group here but what I was saying is if you guys prefer me to cut out the time between shots especially when there's gaps like this let me know in the comments and I might go ahead and do that in the rest of these video so she's group you see how she does there's no wind right now so give it two seconds and then we'll see some those are gonna hustle through that but make sure check okay so we've got an objector mark on this one which I was seeing ejector marks on the the first charges that was shot yesterday when I did the the site in so I'm not surprised by that I bet you can hear that jet flying overhead right now a lot of jets flying overhead today and here and quite a few I didn't look bad okay so well things are going good I'm gonna go ahead and go check this target I'm gonna mark it don't keep them apart you said got half he's loaded to do so let's do it okay guys good news is I think we just shot our first sub my group out of this gun so that's exciting now I didn't want to say this early on and I'm still a little skeptical about saying it now but these bullets are designed to be fired very fast they they like to have a lot of velocity from what I understand now I'm hoping that means that we're gonna see better groups towards the top end but I'm kind of afraid to say that out loud but it's out there so now we'll probably see some terrible groups I hope that's not the case I am excited because that is the first group I think that's under an inch that we've shot through this testing so hopefully we'll see even better groups coming up here in a minute now we're gonna shoot for the the top or the tip of the center diamond you guys probably know the drill by now but I just wanted to let you know anyway so we'll go ahead and shoot and see what happens hopefully the wind won't bite us in the butt and the whole gun is shifting I don't know if that screwed up this group or not but things slid on both of those shots considerable amount okay so I think that group might have been a little better had my gun not falling into a freaking pothole over here I don't really know what happened but it it moved quite a bit on those first two shots and realized there was a little divot there so I don't know I'm not gonna try to make too many excuses here but I do think that group might have been a little better had that not happened but we still got three groups to shoot so plenty of chances left but we're gonna go more target and see how the next ones do okay guys we've got three groups left the good thing is these groups are for the most part pretty small so it's a lot easier to shoot these targets the way that I like to I like to get all of the groups on one target so you only have one piece of data to deal with rather than multiple targets and dealing with all the different pieces of data and trying to keep them in tune with one another in the same place you know stapling your targets together or whatever you don't have to deal with a that you just have one target you mark it you make sure you know what was shot on it and that's all you have to worry about now I do this because it works best for me if you guys choose to do it differently than whatever if you do it the way you like but for me this is what I prefer to do and there's a little bit of money in targets which obviously targets aren't super expensive anyway I think you can get like a pack 100 years maybe for somewhere between 12 and 18 bucks right now depending on the day on Amazon but nonetheless is just something to think about so like I said we've got three groups left this one here is 43.5 greens of mr 4895 I believe we're gonna go ahead and shoot at the left side of the center diamond now I'm hoping we'll get another sub inch group here by the time we're done but we will have to wait and see so let's get to shoot also I move the scope elevation up just a little bit because when I shoot that bottom corner of the diamond die I don't want to have that bullet skimming over the top of my GoPro I'd rather that thing be comfortably flying above it although we're still only talking about a couple inches so not like it's a lot safer but every little ounce counts right now in my mindset so just don't want to shoot the GoPro okay groups looking good so far hope it stays that way [Music] make that when that top right hole to the same hole precise at this time opened up a little bit there one off that the line that they were forming hope they don't bust it here sweet that looks like pretty good group from here looks like we got for touching and then or maybe three touching and then two in the same hole or four touching and one flyer or not necessarily a flyer but that looks like it's under an eight so I'm gonna go ahead and say that's a pretty good group there now we got two groups left like I said supposedly these things like to be fired with a lot of velocity so I have hope for these last two groups and these aren't even really super high on the on the the powder charge wait so we could go higher I think I'm not really seeing any scary pressure signs on any of this brass I mean I've seen the ejector marks from the beginning so that's not really anything I'm super concerned about right now and they're not bad it's just I can see them so anyway we got two more groups and we're gonna go ahead and try to put them on the same target I may bring the scope adjustment no I'll go ahead and leave it where it's at it's fine but uh hopefully we won't shoot the GoPro so I'm gonna let this cool off yada-yada-yada you know you guys know the drill go mark the target don't work the back in just a minute alright guys we got two groups left unfortunately that last group may or may not have got caught on the GoPro I'm not sure I went down there and it it turned off so I don't know at one point it turned off but hopefully we got some of the group but one way or another you guys can see it now hopefully so you'll be able to know what I was talking about at least when I shot it I'll probably still put that footage in just so you guys know what was happening when it happened but anyway it was a good group it's not entirely sure if it was I think it was under an inch and that's what we're looking for so hee haw so far but anyway got two more this is 44 grains of Mr 4895 and hopefully we'll get two more tight little gear up side of these I've got some some Lapua skin ours or seen ours however you want to say it I can't wait to see how many people get pissed off at that but anyway they're the same grain as these and I'd like to see how they perform against one another I'm guessing they're probably gonna be pretty similar but maybe we'll test those out in this in this series before it's over I got all these bullets and dirt cheap so I really didn't spend what you have to pay for retail but clearly they they perform so let's go ahead and put these on paper real quick hit a little oh okay so the primer still looks good brass looks fine keep going and it's a lot of dirt in the face okay so I think we're already at an inch it looks like I'd open it up quite a bit holy crap you're a piece of dirt and just hit me and freaked me out I thought a piece of my muzzle breaks it off but uh sorry it's a mediocre group it's not great hopefully this last won't be a little better but I mean honestly with everything that's on the paper already I'm pretty happy these bullets can only do so good as the gun is capable of and I think for $200 this gun is is doing a pretty good job so well let the gun cool down once again I'm gonna go mark the target we will shoot this last group and then we will go measure these and see just what we got okay so the GoPro died but it actually died after I got done there checked the target so that was convenient but it's been having troubles lately it turned off earlier while we were filming and then managed to film a whole new group so I don't really know what's going on there but I need to get a new GoPro I just can't afford it right now but anyway hopefully it'll get this last group here I put it not an aftermarket a knockoff brand battery in there so we'll see if that actually manages to keep it alive for a little longer go away spider but I got one group left 44.5 grains of IMR 4895 hopefully we will get a good pair now I'm wondering was the GoPro having issues God telling me that I'm about to shoot my camera because that's probably what's about to happen I don't know maybe I should have listened to the sides and packed it up and brought it up here but I'll see in just a minute whether or not that's what's about to happen really really really really really really hope this happens suckers in lives a long hard life hey so far the co-present life that's good okay that's good start see if it keeps grouping please God let it keep creeping okay so far so good cross our fingers here oh I think that hit one of the other holes watch this last one's gonna be a flyer I guarantee it every time well at least two GoPros still oh wait no there's another hole okay so that group sucked long before I open my mouth I think looks like that shot was a lot higher than I thought my crosshair just curved up okay so nice crappie group two in the day perfect but uh good news is those bullets gave us a much better idea of what kind of accuracy potential this gun has with a little higher grade ammunition not to say that stuff that we've shot has been low-grade but pretty sure this is at least twice the price of or close to twice the price of everything else that we shot through so far so we are definitely seeing an increase in performance with these bullets there too the previous ones now I'm gonna shoot the zmax loads again because I feel that it's only fair and I really want to know if the groups really were affected by the the scope so we'll see that I'm probably gonna shoot those today actually because we've still got plenty of daylight left in the the wind seems to have kind of died off it's not nearly as strong as it was earlier when it is blowing but for the time being I need to go swap out some batteries and then we'll go film this next video so if we don't shoot them today one way or another I'll get the video but thank you guys for watching let's go measure these groups alright guys we're back inside we've got our target we've got it all marked up and measured so we're gonna take a look at it here in a second we had a pretty good day today the scope didn't move at all through the Rings so so far the Rings are doing their job hopefully they're not going to fail again the next time we test the hundred and sixty eight graders but for the moment they did their part and we got some pretty good groups so let's go take a look at these groups okay guys we got our target here for you to look at we've got our good old lightsaber pencil here that we always use as a pointer so remember this is 155 grain Sierra Palma match King using IMR 4895 from forty point five grains to forty four and a half grains each shot group going up half a grain increment so keep that in mind throughout the testing as I show each group because I'm just gonna mention that now and I'm just going to tell you the shot group size so I'm not gonna mention exactly how many grains of powder in in each shot group so anyway this first group here we're starting at 40 and a half remember one point zero eight two inches the next shot group was one point two nine two inches the third was one point one four nine inches the fourth was one point five one five inches the fifth was zero point seven eight three inches the sixth was one point two nine three inches the seventh was zero point six five seven inches the eighth was one point four six nine inches and the ninth was by far the largest group on the board here at two point four four two inches now the entire target overall ended up being averaged out at one point three inches and sometimes I do this I won't necessarily always do it but with this outlier if we remove this from the pack then it actually brings it down to one point one five inches so the Sierra Palmer match king 155 Greiner was so far the best shooter that we have done load development with and we're gonna go ahead and put all of these groupings into our data book and we're going to pick the best grouping and use these for the testing later on but next we're going to retest these Emacs or at least try to as long as we don't run a name or problems but who knows so we're gonna go ahead and test that next but for now let's get back to the bench alright guys so we got two tests down I'm gonna go ahead and try to redo that first test again hopefully the scope won't move the second time but we will see anyway with that being said that pretty much concludes this video I just want to say one last thing if you guys want to support the channel I'm gonna leave a couple affiliate links below that you can use that whenever you click on those links one of them is for Amazon anything that you buy on Amazon I will get a very small Commission on which helps this channel tremendously because I don't make any money from YouTube advertising they D monetize my channel so that's really the only way that I can make any money from these videos in the way that you can give back to me if you so choose to do so so I am selling silicone table coasters on Amazon Dedic or is the brand name and that will be hopefully where this link below if you tube doesn't take the link down we'll go straight to these coasters there's silicone tape table coasters and it comes in a set of eight now if you or your friends or your family want to buy a set of coasters and you like them and you decide to leave a review that will help me out more than you know and I just want to say thank you guys for sticking around I hope that you tune in for the next video and I will
Channel: Risen Citizen
Views: 1,429
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Firearms, 308, 6.5 Creedmoor, 300 Win Mag, Savage, 12FV, Reloading, Handloading, Hornady, Sierra, Bullets, Ammo, Ammunition, Precision, Shooting, Best, Budget, Guns, 2019, New, Aftermarket, Stock, Glass Bedding, Boyds, SWFA, EGW, Rail, Picatinny, Recoil, Pad, Sand, Bag, Target, Sniper, Long Range, Steel, Leupold, Aluminum, Ruger, Prone, Groups, Grouping, Sub Moa, 1 Inch, 30mm, Scope, Moa, Rifle, Barrel, Heavy, Rings, One Piece, Two Piece, Base, Action, Brass, Powder, Primer, Gear, Gunsmithing, Match, Matchking, Johnny's Reloading Bench
Id: e7Fj4IPj_Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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