Tavor X95 | The "FUTURE" Rifle?

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you guys seem to like this new intro so let's keep it going [Music] what's going on everyone this is talents I and you are watching Sunday gun day I hope you're all having a great Sunday so far today we're taking a look at a gun that created a massive buzz when it was first introduced I remember seeing this thing in magazines and videos and without doing a whole lot of research on it myself people were making it seem like this thing was going to be the future standard of rifles it wasn't until a few years ago that I actually got my hands on one and shot it honestly I was kind of underwhelmed and immediately rekindled my love for the ar-15 that being said we are going to give this thing another shot today and dive right into the Tavor x95 by iwi the x95 is the newest generation bullpup from iwi it's a long stroke gas piston system and this one happens to be chambered in 556 but there are nine millimeter and 300 blackout variants and conversions available there are quite a few upgrades and enhancements from the original Tavor SAR that I shot including a new fire control pack with a five to six pound trigger the ambidextrous mag release has been moved to a more familiar ar-15 type of location and speaking of ambi most of the features can be swapped to the opposite side of the rifle for left-handed shooters surrounding the sixteen and a half inch chrome-lined hammer-forged barrel is a forearm very similar to the Galil that i reviewed recently including three removable rail covers there's a modular pistol grip that can be swapped out to a standard pistol grip with a more traditional trigger guard but for now I'm going to be leaving this thing how you see it here there are flip up sights hidden in the top rail which I will test out just to see how they are but for most of today's testing I will be running this house on 403 our gold dot now it has been a minute since I've shot a Tavor or even a bullpup for that matter and it feels very unconventional for me it just doesn't feel like a typical rifle I'll probably need to warm up a little bit to get used to this thing like sticking the mags in the back of the gun like this charging handle on the side it's just a little weird crank up this bold dot and here we go I went to look in the chamber to make sure it was clear what the chamber is all the way back here were clear alright guys back for my first mag impression of the Tavor x95 there's a lot to talk about here and I'm kind of going to jump all over the place I'll just start with how this thing feels when I first picked it up the grip like I mentioned is something that you can change out for a more standard like ar-15 style grip it removes his big trigger guard and it puts a more traditional trigger guard in there for you like I mentioned I'm probably going to keep this thing how it is now it does feel pretty ergonomic like it feels good in my hand however the overall style of this rifle being a bullpup it's a little bit weird to get used to it's a full length rifle but it is also very short like a AR pistol length short this is a non NFA gun so it's coming with an overall length of a little over 26 inches I believe so this is a rifle in every sense of the word and if you are looking for something that is very short maybe for some a CQB type of work but you also want to have the ballistics of a 16 and 1/2 inch barrel that way you can push out to probably past 100 yards very easily then this would be a good package for you so again when I put my hands on this thing and the grip feels good in my hand however the rest of the gun it feels a little weird it's balanced very well forward and backward I would say the balance point of it is right about here right behind the pistol grip right in this section of the rifle right here whereas a lot of the times on an ar-15 it's going to be much more forward of the grip when I'm holding this thing out it feels a little bit top-heavy because of the big bolt and piston inside of here but that's something that I'll be able to get used to pretty damn easily and then another thing to mention is that you cannot actually change the length of pull with this this is all fixed on here there's no way to adjust this stock as it comes right now it does have some good padding on there though and once you get used to this thing I think I'll be pretty comfortable with it after a couple more mags now while we were in the back portion of this gun here it does obviously lock to the rear the bolt release right here slams that thing home the ejection port right now is on the right side of the rifle on the reverse side there is just a dust cover and this is something that is swappable so like I mentioned if you our left-handed shooter you could swap that to the other side and then run the gun like this it just makes it even more awkward when I'm not a lefty the mag release like I mentioned has moved up to a or ar-15 style location the mags fall out of there very easily and this also shipped with AP mag window just like this the safety is ambidextrous the charging handle is ambidextrous this thing is nice and oversize I can get a full finger on there probably too if I wanted to once you get a feel for this thing and you know where everything is on here it does become pretty familiar and easy to operate so you can see the slot on the other side here where I can flip that charging handle if I want to there are also QD mounts on the sides here they do include the swivels which is a nice touch and then moving all the way up to the front here we have the Tri Rail also a rail on top and these covers are very similar to the Galil that I just covered if you press down on this button and then push forward you have access to a Picatinny rail again QD mounts up here if you want to run this thing with a sling and then to put this back on simply press the button and slide it back down same thing on the bottom and same thing on the reverse side and then on the top you have a pretty generous sized Picatinny rail one thing that I did not really realize on this gun was that they have flip-up sights built into the rail they're pretty damn tall but when I threw this hollow Sun of 403 R on here I just basically co witnessed it put it right on the front post here and I was on from about 45 yards there I will turn this thing off and shoot with those things just to get a better feel for it let you guys know what I think and for the most part that covers a lot of the features on here like I said again a 16 and 1/2 inch barrel so you are getting good ballistics out of this thing got an a2 birdcage on there I could very easily swap that out for something else throw a can on there if I wanted to and I think that gives you guys a pretty good rundown of what the Tavor is offering before we get into shooting it's a little bit more though I do want to do a direct side-by-side comparison with an AR pistol since I keep bringing this up so here I have my go to home defense ar-15 I brought you guys a video on the can that I have on here as well as the entire platform itself however I've added a lot to it and this thing sits next to my bed every single night I'm going to be bringing you guys a video on this probably next week so here is its length with eleven and a half inch barrel the muzzle device comes right about to the Scout light here I'll actually pop this can off for a better visual so pretty standard ar-15 if I want to shoot this thing I'm pretty bunched up unless I move this SB a3 brace out when it is all the way out this is almost the perfect size and feeling gun for me which is why I choose it now I will compare this in its comfortable length and configuration right next to the Tavor if I line up the brace with the stock you can see that the Tavor is coming in much much shorter than the ar-15 now if I slide this brace into its shortest length possible the gun still functions like this you can shoot it it's just not all that comfortable the Tavor doesn't change this thing is pretty comfortable to shoot no matter how you have it and again I will line them up brace to stock and you will see that the ar-15 is still just a little bit longer so the Tavor is shorter possibly more maneuverable it's going to have better ballistics than an eleven and a half inch barrel I completely understand why something like this was made and it serves a great purpose for a lot of different people out there for me though I still prefer something like this this is familiar to me this is what I train with and I think a lot of people are in that same boat however we are still going to shoot the Tavor a little bit more and I'll sort of be thinking about comparisons between these two guns as I go and that will come back and I'll give you guys some more of my final thoughts I think I'm gonna start this test with a little bit of distance because like I keep saying this thing should be accurate with a normal length rifle barrel I'm gonna start on my normal silhouette tá targets which is about the size of my torso to give you guys an idea of the accuracy and then I will move over to the 2/3 ADAP that they offer and this thing is roughly the size of a nasone this thing if I had to guess would be accurate 1 MOA at 100 yards I'm back here at about 75 now so we'll see how it does let's start with the big target now for the 2/3 it's a little windy I'm a little shaky standing up in the cold but it's not too bad while we're out here we might as well give the iron sights a try let me actually turn the dot off not my favorite but they work you're gonna give a real Oh to try now which is gonna be weird coming from the back pocket to behind my grip like this to see how it goes now I don't know if I want to hit the button like this or if I want to come up here and do that [Music] let's try that again [Music] alright guys back for some final thoughts on the X 95 after after a couple of those mag dumps there this thing is smelling kind of plasticky because it is new I put 300 rounds through it today and it was all obviously breaking in now a lot of this thing is that plastic II polymer material however the fit and finish on it is still pretty great it better be great with the price tags that these things are coming in at because these are going to be significantly more expensive than an off-the-shelf ar-15 with that though you're getting a lot of the great features that we already covered and I can talk about a little bit more now so early on with the shooting there you will notice that I was missing quite a bit in the beginning because when I'm pulling this thing up on target the target acquisition is a little bit different for me maybe it's because of the stock where the air goes on this thing but when I pull my sights up I feel like I should have my red dot mounted a little bit higher these iron sights worked pretty well as you guys saw and you'll notice that those are very high to begin with the gold dot on this thing does Co witness with them but I feel like I want it to be a little bit higher I would pull the gun up on target and the reticle would be sitting right towards the top of the glass in this thing this hollow son by the way is great I've been using this thing a lot actually swapping it out on different guns that I'm reviewing so chances are you've seen this exact red dot before I keep saying red dot it's actually a gold dot the gold dot on this as opposed to a red dot or a green dot is supposedly better for people who are colorblind might be a little bit easier to pick up and it looks pretty crisp it is a 2 MOA dot and these things seem pretty rugged from my testing so far you can see it's a little banged up because I've been kind of throwing it around with this test and some other tests just like putting guns on the ground in between mag changes and stuff like that but yeah it's been holding up well in a hole holds zero very well also so like I was saying when I'm pulling this thing up on target it's a little bit weird to get used to I feel like I have to duck my head a little bit lower than I do with a traditional ar-15 however once I get this thing on target and I'm in a comfortable position with that optic I can run this thing all day long and it remains pretty damn accurate the trigger on this thing is very much improved compared to the older version of the Tavor that I shot I'll see if I can show you guys what this thing looks like now I'm saying this trigger is improved but I'm not saying it's like the greatest trigger ever I would probably describe it as adequate I mean it works it feels a little bit lighter than the SAR version that I've shot in the past a little springing on the take-up find that wall there somewhere a little bit of creep after that I guess you could describe it as a combat effective trigger I'll let out to the reset there's not a whole lot of tension on the trigger when doing that and then again a little bit of creep through that wall to the break so the trigger like I said it's adequate for me I do wish it was a little bit better for the price tag that these things are coming with no I haven't even checked to see if there are any aftermarket triggers for the two wore out there if I had to guess I would say that there probably are however I really don't care for that I'm not going to be modifying this thing it passed the red dot that you see on it here and I would say this thing is a good gun for a specific type of person who wants something very specific once you warm up to this thing the shoot ability is pretty good on this thing the recoil impulse is fairly soft a few times there I wasn't sure if it actually locked to the rear it's just a really different feeling having that piston system in here moving backwards like closer to your face as opposed to a bolt carrier group which would traditionally be riding a little bit more forward here back into the buffer tube so it's a pretty neat package however it's still really not for me I'm sticking with the ar-15 I appreciate the small package and the full-length rifle barrel really not a bullpup guy but if you're out there looking for the best of both worlds when it comes to barrel length but being short then this is definitely going to be a good option for you now if you guys have any questions on the Tavor x95 let me know in the comments down below I'll try to answer anything as best as possible I have to give a huge thanks to everyone who supports this channel over on patreon if you ever want to have direct contact with me you want to ask me questions you want to bounce some ideas off of me check out that page with a link in the description you get videos a week early so everyone on patreon already saw this video you get access to the exclusive discord and I will fill you guys in on a lot of very cool projects that I'm working on coming up here in the next couple of months also if you are new to this channel consider clicking subscribe because I make new videos every week that's gonna be all for today so as always thank you guys for watching and I will talk to you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 666,287
Rating: 4.8875446 out of 5
Keywords: SUNDAY GUNDAY, Talon Sei, IWI Tavor, IWI Tavor x95, Tavor x95, Tavor SAR, Tavor TS12, Tavor 12, Future Rifle, Bullpup, Bullpup vs ar15, tavor vs ar
Id: ozgr7INa2uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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