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[Music] [Music] hey gang welcome to the Vickers tattoo a YouTube channel I got my good friend here Tom Alaba Rando from iwi us he is the national law enforcement sales manager for iwi we're at the take game range in pagelings South Carolina and we have got some really cool iwi products for you today Tom take it away thanks Larry so what we're gonna talk about is kind of the evolution of how we got into the x95 that's the newest series it's been out the IDF's had it for about six years now of course they work with it over there and then it gradually works its way over here we civilian eyes it you know we make it longer it's semi-automatic but just want to talk about the evolution of how we got to this point with the X 95 the original series was that tar21 or the SAR in this case it's called the Setar it's the older looking it looks like the Tavor the traditional profile that you would normally see and in the traditional profile the selector lever had a 90 degree throw for semi-automatic and then you went a little bit further on almost like an m4 to full auto and that's how this one worked and some of the the things the profile of it obviously stands out the fore-end has the slope to it and then obviously you have the traditional cutlass grip on the front and the idea what the Cutlass was when you're making the extended distance shot it created another point of contact with the weapon so you can engage targets a distance now the one thing that you'll notice about it is the charging handle was high about ten o'clock or so or you know two o'clock defender if you're right or left-handed it can be converted it did come in to calibers it came in nine millimeter and and also five five six that's the primary caliber they use over there so this is the baseline to war as they use yeah as the the seats are the interesting things the original version didn't even have the Picatinny rail on top it actually I think you have one of the original ones it just sloped straight down it had an accessory rail but it didn't have the pick rail that went across all the way when they started you know going around to different countries us in particular then that picatiny rail became important because not everybody wanted an optic that was built into the gun and that's what they did traditionally was that the optic was part of the weapon in this case they can change what's on top and that modularity became more important so as everything evolved it started working over to the x95 series now they wanted to change the weapon make it more modular they identified some things some needs that they had and that's when they started kind of taken off and evolving to what you're seeing nowadays so the x95 some of the main differences that you'll have on the x95 is the magazine release button actually moved forward right where and then four would be the older version had had it right where the trigger system was in front of the mag whoa and it actually works really well it's it's a slick system it does work but the one thing you still have even in israel is folks running them for big time yeah so it eliminated some tactile confusion what i like to call it because going from one platform to another i got to look for that that button to index it whatever so everything else pretty much remained the same though the mag well the bolt release still behind the mag well which most bolt releases would be behind the mag well that's where they have to be to kind of catch the bolt that stayed the same one of the other things that they changed was the Cutlass almost didn't apply in this case because the four end is so short that you kind of have a hard time using that Cutlass the way you want to so they actually went to a traditional pistol grip and this is the actual pistol grip that you use in israel it's got the fatter panels on the side of it this is what we use in the US market but this has the fatter panels on it and it's a very modular system from an armored standpoint of breaking it down this is much easier to work on then the war was and the Tavor was pretty easy to be honest with you but this carried over even you know more modularity when you pull the barrel out the rail goes with it and it's a Wars case you have to pull the rail off so you know you'll lose zero in this case you still have to adjust a little bit but it's not bad at all they also have pic rails on you know three six and nine all the way around the gun again I need to bolt something to the gun laser any mods or whatever that makes life easier additionally the charging handle move more to the side instead of being on top so if you do have something on top of the weapon you're not worried about racking your knuckles or anything like that so it just became a really modular system you can change this pistol grip out for the Cutlass that's the other thing you know really they allow for yeah there's a screw that runs down the center you pop that one long screw out to traditional kind of pistol grip screw you might see in another system almost eight K ask you pull it out you stick the the Cutlass on if you want to and you can roll it there's a lot of guys that still like that Cutlass even the civilian version for a majority of reasons Europe so it's it's interesting the one thing they carried over is they put the traditional backup sights in this weapon that carried over into the X 95 the X 95 the reason they call it X 95 is a nine millimeter five five six that's that's why they went with that designation it's still it's a war family but the one thing that's it's changed a bit and this is the five five six and the nine millimeter is with the 300 blackout in the US and they kind of saw that that was that was a thing for sure they started developing a platform that dealt with the threat of blackout round and it's being adapted you know for more military purposes too but the civilian market actually got that first Yuri that training yeah it's different one it's usually it's the military market that drives the civilian in this case that that cartridge in particular and its popularity kind of backfilled if you want if you will into this system right here so the one thing that they had to reengineer on it though that was different is there's actually a gas port setting on the deck of the three under blackout series there has to be the gas regulator so a gas regulator exactly right and it has nothing to do with suppress an unsuppressed believe it or not that's that's not what it's there for it's for supersonic and subsonic so when you get into 300 blackout and you look at the the pressures that are subsonic and supersonic they're they're vastly different than almost any other cartridge out there because of the weight of the round and what's happening inside the gun so they had to redesign it it's a different bolt and it's a different different barrel obviously but that gas regulator has more to do with subsonic versus supersonic not suppressor unsurprised now one thing I want to point out yep different colored magazine for the 300 blackout now granted it's interchangeable five five six because eyes adhere to one of my basic rules with that caliber exactly and it's we like you can stick at five five six around in this very easily so we try to segregate the ammunition and identify that it is a 300 blackout because it's hard to tell sometimes if you've got a whole series of weapons out there we like different color magazines for that cartridge absolutely I think we know exactly color code it yeah it for me if you notice I got all my five five sixes over there and I drove that 300 blackout I just wanted as far away as possible that it's just it's it's something that if you're not paying attention it can bite you want to bring up a couple things we were talking about it yesterday getting ready for today the butt pad yeah the traditional butt pad on annex 95 this is twenty two point eight inches overall they run just a plastic plate on the back for the most part the one thing we've discovered is sometimes it's good to have that extra length on the back end of the weapon for a couple reasons one is you get a little bit more leverage on the gun for recoil management but if I'm switching from left to right shoulder and I'm shooting this in my left shoulder it pushes that ejection port away from my face that way I'm not really dealing with any issues so I kind of like having that extra pad on there there's aftermarket pads that do the same thing it worked extremely well but you know I gave it a little bit more length but it's a little bit more practical for at least my purposes and purposes or some other agencies that we deal with now nine mil yeah zhuzi mags no uses colt magazine oh yeah yeah traditional cult type magazines so you can get them anywhere we're trying to stay with non-proprietary magazines as much as possible that's that's something can be a deal killer for agencies or civilian use is I get this really cool weapon and now I've got a fine track down this magazines usually more expensive because they're harder to get in it's supply and demand issue so Colt magazines it's all it uses regular m4 magazines over there and obviously its render blackout again I would change colors but basically m4 pattern magazines cool we're fixing the light this thing up tom has a really cool technique and why these mags are reversed we're going to go over that stay tuned more coming your way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right my buddy tom is gonna take you through reloading the x95 bullpup tom so one of the common misconceptions is that because it's a bullpup it's not as fast to run out as efficient there are things particularly the x95 that are m4 esque right off the bat you don't have to worry about you know the magazine release lever button being up front the selector lever be in the same place as an m4 would be that's easy the only thing you have to think about now is going behind the pistol grip to do the reload so the way I explain it is it's more like a pistol workstation than a rifle workstation everything's real close to the body so let me show you kind of what that looks like and I'll talk you through it okay goin hot goin on so what I'm going to talk about is the reload itself what you're gonna do during this reload my workstation is a lot closer I don't have to sync the gun down to get to the mag well all I literally have to do is pin the gun into my shoulder roll it palm up almost like a pistol that's the way I think about it so I'm gonna come up I'll engage my target boom I get my nice hit I recognize that the weapon has run dry the guns a little bit more center line I hid the mag release button let that fall I insert the magazine I'm gonna hold on to the magazine I don't give it up till the bolt goes forward I run by thumb up the spine hit the bolt release then I'm back on the gun I fire my next shot okay as soon as I remount the gun it's very simple it's very efficient so let me try that one more time you got it go nice and smooth thataway alright so I'll go about half speed so you kind of get the idea I come up and good deal you see how smooth and easy that is it's just a matter of doing the repetitions and then you've got it one thing I've already picked up on here would be key to make sure you seek the mag then hit the bolt release yes so you're grabbing the way we're showing it is more of a beer can yeah so you grab the bottom of that magazine it stops that thumb kind of comes back then it drives up the highway which is the spine of the magazine and gets into that you don't want to grab that magazine too high most folks will won't have too much of an issue grabbing the bottom of the magazines here you're gonna have that magazine seat cool now you got a double mag here and I noticed yesterday you have a reverse of the way we'd normally run in here in the states with an m4 correct so the Israelis actually run two mags on their guns occasionally and they'll have you know rounds forward rounds rearward and the reason for that particularly in a x95 is it's so short they want to make sure their chin isn't hitting against the top of the magazine when they're actually mounting the gun the other kind of unique thing about it is when you do a mag change it keeps the magazine on the same side I'm not worried about including the ejection port right so everything's on this side a byproduct of having it reversed is when you're shooting on a reco the round is actually seating itself in the body is not drifting forward yeah which is what happens in a traditional magazine when they're facing the same direction under recoil at top round or walk itself out and you either have to flick it out or push it back it actually slows you down so the way the Israelis do it is you know though what they run that weapon dry they'll come up and and they're I feel it and you just reach back and you're actually kind of reaching towards your shoulder grab the magazine rotate insert and then all you got to do is take your thumb and hit the bolt release and then you're back on it again and you're good to go really sixth one well I remember yesterday when you showed me the guns we were doing our set up right off the bat I was like what's up with this reverse piece and you go actually makes a lot of sense and you ran me through it I go dude we got to get that on camera absolutely and it's it does it does make sense this is something they've figured out over there and now we're bringing it here yeah baby absolutely you guys run it to bore school right yeah we run it Civil War school it set to more operator one two and three and the basic school we run more of those than the twos and the threes is I just have the weapon system I'm at zero I mean everything from fundamentals to functions to cleaning and if we have the the raine space we actually take those basic students out to about 300 yards so they understand what the guns doing at different distances not just close work now if they want to find out information on the classes where do they go they're gonna go to iwi us and there's training right there it's right on the top tab that's going to tell you where the schools are and how to how to sign up basically it's very centric to the bullpup our bullpup system it's a war the older one and the x95 we teach both
Channel: Vickers Tactical
Views: 548,815
Rating: 4.8837557 out of 5
Keywords: Ctar, C-tar, Tavor, x95, x-95, IWI, israeli, israel, military, army, weapons, firearm, firearms, gun, guns, machine gun, automatic, fully auto, full auto, Larry Vickers, Vickers Tactical, Tac-TV, tactical, shooting, IMI, Sar, delta, devgru, spec ops, mossad, assualt rifle, bullpup, tar-21, slow motion, slomo, slo mow, bullet time, high speed, history, Ak-47, m-16, m4, AR, Carbine, 9mm, 300 blackout, 5.56, tips, training
Id: bwwMIuMpiuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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