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what's up jt welcome back to the channel if you're new here i'm trinity and today i'm going to be testing out tick tock hacks the newest ones out i just be on tick tock make sure to follow me i also have another tick tock with the family so that's just fun too you know so make sure to follow them both because i'll be on there tic toc is just a very fun place it's so carefree and honestly it's definitely one of the most positive platforms out there right now don't forget to like this video for more content like this and let's go ahead and get started because this is about to be some mind blowing type of stuff okay it's crazy how i didn't come across these hacks earlier because i feel like some of y'all are probably gonna say that y'all have seen them i saw this video where you can use a flat iron to open a bottle of wine now i do have some wine here when i saw this i immediately thought about the times that i had to struggle getting a bottle of wine open okay like struggle struggle hopefully this is the right one it has to have like a cork in it i know some corks are made out of like something different it's not like the wooden looking cork is like a different one so i'm not really sure if it's going to work with everyone but we got to test it this is just crazy to think about you guys like i have used a knife i have used the fork i have struggled i've actually pressed down into the um cork and just kind of like pushed it in just because it was easier pushing it in than taking it out y'all i've struggled and the whole entire time i'm like man i got a flat iron like let me find out i have some moscato and i do have a flat iron that's definitely getting nice and hot oh my gosh okay first of all we need to open see i never even went through this process i always would put it on the top the uh what is it wine opener and just go at it but we do need to at least get this part oh do y'all think this is gonna work comment below what if it breaks the glass a little nervous y'all because tit top be catfishing y'all that's why i'm like man let something really happen to me i'll be stealing somebody so we have it at this part because this is the part where you want it that way you can see it coming up [Music] this is on 450 that's the highest my flat iron will go on you just hold it like this and you get it really hot and at some point it's just supposed to like go up oh gosh how long is this gonna take you guys it's not doing anything i mean it does have to get hot but how hot ouch you know i kind of burned myself this is dangerous this is dangerous all right you guys it moved a little bit i know you're like she's still at it yeah because i realized turning it helps like it is coming up what if i shake it would that speed it up y'all it's coming up oh my gosh it's about to blow oh it's working it's working do y'all see that it is working babe you see it too right yeah i see it oh it's like a pimple about to pop i know let me rotate my arm it's oh it's about it's coming up you got to focus uh yeah you got you got it focused it's focused i'm trying to figure i need to put on some goggles no it's going to go up to the ceiling hopefully it just doesn't cause a hole in the wall oh my goodness whoa wow y'all it worked i literally was over here like man this is not gonna work it's taking forever the bottle doesn't feel hot on the bottom it does feel hot on the top yeah a lot of people drink wine cold but think about it if you really don't have a wine opener and you don't want little bits and pieces of your what is it cork or whatever in the bottle because i've i've beat this thing down just to get to the wine before okay maybe it worked you asked me what i was going to use this for and [Music] now you see wow that's crazy so that's pretty much for girls cause i mean it's not a man that's just gonna be in the house with a flashlight i don't know if you got a girlfriend or a wife or somebody oh man y'all i am still just excited about that last hack y'all that was just that aroused me okay i got aroused it was just really cool like i really didn't think it was gonna work but it did okay you saw it for yourselves it does in fact work i just wish i knew this long time ago oh my goodness i wonder if my mom knows that moving on to the next hack okay we are very optimistic this time with these hacks i came across these prison style french fries okay they be finding ways to do stuff up in the pen and i don't blame them if you're there for a long time you do have to find a way mentally to make home feel like home so i mean i'm not surprised that people have gotten creative like what you supposed to do so you're gonna need some mashed potatoes instant and egg oil and he did make like this cooker this fryer but i was so plea in times that that wasn't going to work i saw that it didn't work for a lot of people but since i was blessed enough to be in a place to have a kitchen to have my own pot to fry this in we're gonna use that because we're gonna utilize our blessings okay so i have a bowl i'm gonna pour in the instant buttery reduced sodium hopefully that doesn't change the taste and this makes perfect sense because i mean it is potatoes french fries are made out of potatoes so okay i'm gonna pour it in the potatoes and an egg one egg [Applause] willow loaf eggs y'all i don't have enough to juggle i know i've been slipping lately and just beat the egg in so it clumps together so you can form the french fries honestly i think i'm gonna use my hands to get up in this thing clean fingers oh let me use my knuckles since i have nails wow this is like on some new professional type of stuff like this got real professional real quick i don't know how many eggs he used i mean can i add a little bit of water is that okay or is that gonna mess this up i feel like it could be a little bit more moist or maybe i just gotta keep on trying wow look at this you guys this is going to be perfect for molding the french fries let me find out this is crazy these hacks are mind blown like this is going to be like one of my favorite um tick tock hack videos on my channel that's what this is looking like let's go ahead and start all right shaping the fries there's one fry two fries okay so these are my four fries let's test these babies out i have my hot oil right here i'm pretty sure it's hot enough but we can test it and i always bring this up but there's plenty of ways to test your hot oil i have a unsafe way which i'm not going to demonstrate because i care at any point in time if you want to test if your oil is hot enough then just use flour um or use a wooden spoon or a wooden chopstick if it bubbles around that wooden spoon or wooden chopstick then it's ready if you put flour in it and it starts to bubble up then it is ready oh snap be careful when you drop it in fries are going wow you guys like they really look like something okay they definitely already smell good too ain't that something now i'm not sure how long they're gonna cook for but i guess we're just gonna wait around and see oh i can smell them already we might need to take these out just cook pretty daggone quick here they are they cooked really really quick and i'm glad i took them out at the perfect time because they were looking a little bit crispy crispy all right you guys take a look french fries it look good but do it tastes good we about to find out dear lord please bless this food let me nourish me to a body juice they pray a man let's break it open first let's give it a little break oh okay a thick inside talk about a hush puppy look on the inside all right here we go it's not bad i mean prison style french fries it does taste like a french fry it just tastes like a really thick french fry as it should because i did roll them very thick so this one has ketchup you know what this actually is giving me another idea hear me out hear me out or maybe i should just do it in the next video overall it's not bad though y'all fro it's just a very thick thick potato i'm actually impressed though like imagine if these were like at the store would you have known that these were like made the way that i made them and y'all know steven had to taste one it's mashed potato fry yep present style that's cool very creative okay so one thing's for sure is this hack does in fact work it works if you don't have any french fries first of all i'll make them thinner if you make them thinner it'll give it more of a french fry vibe you know them being thicker is giving it's giving hush puffy i got an idea stay tuned stay tuned cause this can go somewhere follow me on tick tock y'all i think i'm gonna kind of drop it on tick tock so everybody know who thought of it you know what i'm saying because i don't i don't know if anybody is gonna think of it i saw this hack where they basically combined a bunch of cookie dough together and make one cookie that's what we're gonna do usually i stick to chocolate chips but i'm like you know what let's try something different so i have chocolate chip i have sugar cookie reese's and i have red velvet now already basically ruined the first rule you want these to be nice and cold and hard they were sitting out for a little that's okay we're gonna make it work so when it comes down to cutting it obviously i'm not gonna use all of this cookie dough i'm supposed to use like a certain amount so what i'm gonna do is i'm just going to cut a little piece of every one and i'm gonna like mold it together so chocolate chip portion of a reese's oh man this is definitely very thought out you guys i think i'm gonna mold it and then i'm going to put it in the freezer um it smells good that's for sure all right so we have our four different types of cookie dough now it's time to mow these babies gonna roll it gently roll it this one's going to be the hardest one there you go you see easy peasy now we're going to put them together like this kind of shape it a little bit and i'm going to get some saran wrap and i'm going to roll it up and put it in the freezer and then we're gonna cut it and then put it in the oven now if you did wait for them to get nice and solid and you're just taking them out of the refrigerator then of course you don't have to do this step you have done things correctly to where you don't have to finesse like me all right let me try to pick this up gently at least now i can shape it on here and it won't really mess up so just roll it give it a nice little roll and then boom so here we have our mixed cookie dough that we are going to put in the freezer just so it can get nice and solid going to be moving on to the next hack this has been going around for a minute i think salmon has been going around as a trend on tick tock a lot and these salmon bites look so good i just have to try them now i'm not going to be cooking the salmon in an air fryer i just don't want to take it out and all of that you know what no i don't we're going to cook them on the stove top okay but if you want something that's fast and easy to clean up then use your air fryer so salmon jalapenos which y'all know your girl loves some spice i'll be using pickled jalapenos that's just a little twist because it just adds more flavor so i'm gonna kind of make this my own and avocado which i love and some rice paper which i have so let's get started here's our salmon nice and fresh i got a pound i will have to get rid of that skin so let me go ahead and get this taken care of washed and all that type of stuff it's nice and washed i did take the skin off the back i pulled it i didn't see if they had any that already had the skin off but that was the best i could do for is taking the skin off i think it'll be fine though so she cut it like in cubes i'm gonna cut it this way oh this is a thick piece of salmon right here and now i'm going to cut them like this i used to like the skin on salmon i don't know what changed it's like the skin has to be very flaky like it has to be cooked like if it's just gonna sit there and that might not i'm gonna cut this in two pieces just because those are very thin okay so we have our pieces it's time to put some some stank up on here you know i'm saying some some seasoning so i'm gonna add a little bit of salt some garlic powder some white pepper i know some people think that i would season this in a bowl but honestly it's just like why what's the point and then i'm just going to roll them around so i know you're probably like how are you going to get the other side season you just roll it around it's all on the board y'all it's all on the board so just make sure to coat every side you'll be able to see the seasoning on there i could add some cayenne some paprika you know make this like a um like occasion style but before i elevate it i just want to make sure that the the bases of it the foundation of this combination i need to make sure that's good first and then the next time i make it i can kind of add my own little spin on it a little bit more it is time to cook the salmon i want to go ahead and cook it before prepping because i'm pretty sure it's going to have to be a little bit like cooled down in temperature before wrapping it i think it's supposed to be like a a warm refreshing taste in temperature not necessarily something that's supposed to be burning hot put it in okay so the salmon is cooling it is time to now prep this is a whole new cutting board just so y'all know my avocado nice and fresh don't you just love avocado that's not brown i'm gonna take my rice paper putting our salmon on a little bit of avocado and a jalapeno and then we just wrap it right oh this is supposed to be this thick let's go for it another one here's the salmon this one looks big oh my goodness some of these are not gonna look the cutest oh my gosh there's a technique to this it's crazy because i have made um egg rolls before i put them back in the same pan that i put the salmon in salmon bites so there is a technique to it these are big bites uh that's kind of what i was going for which i don't know if that made the rolling process hard but it looked good to me i did add some sesame seeds you can kind of see the salmon you know the jalapenos on there it's all up in there oh man i'm kind of excited for this but i mean this is a big bite i didn't consider that but i'm gonna take it lord help me which was the smallest bite let me choose my battles wisely dear love please bless this fool let me nourishment somebody in jesus name pray amen oh my gosh am i really put all of this in my mouth can i do this hmm that was good that was really really really really really really good this next bite i'm gonna make sure you get the jalapeno and the avocado all right time to try it with some with some spice on top oh this one's gonna be a little difficult i don't know if i use the right rice paper because this is supposed to like be this um overwhelming let's get into it y'all i don't know y'all i miss the memo about the rice paper maybe this is spring roll paper it might not be rice paper i don't know what the difference is but i did give it a nice crispy outer part probably should have used butter it's just a little too overwhelming for me okay so this is delicious and i would definitely eat it again but we don't have to get this whole rice paper possibly spring roll situation figured out because that that thick layer of um rice paper or spring roll like it's too much maybe if i would have made more of like a longer version of this i was trying to stick to the square shape right i probably should have just lined up a few and kind of made it into a salmon spring roll that way it would have took up more of that spring roll slash rice paper and it wouldn't be so overwhelming ugh why didn't i think about this so i have a lot more salmon a lot more jalapeno a lot more spring roll slash rice paper so i'll just make it that way next time but goodness it is time for dessert okay because we are now about to get into these cookies sugar cookie chocolate chip cookie reese's and red velvet so here it is nicely shaped and i'm just going to cut them so i'm just going to place them flat on here oven is already preheated to 350. what do y'all think yeah yeah all right now i still haven't moved my rack because i think one is too high and one is too low so maybe we should put in the middle oh my goodness you guys the cookies are looking so good wow look at these cookies it look good but do it taste good we about to find out i'm pretty sure that it's going to taste good well let's see here red velvet cookies never had them i do like reese's is one of my favorite actually peanut butter cookies is my favorite cookie chocolate chip classic sugar cookie least favorite so i mean we bout to find out oh lord man they're nice and hot and they're still soft like one thing is i'm not like hard cookies i gotta eat them when they're nice and soft ooh let me give y'all a close-up again i got two look at that all right one big bite one big bite [Music] yes ma'am yes ma'am it's as good as they should right you would have to really really hate a certain type to not like it as you can see i'm not really diving into the sugar part i don't know like i just don't like sugar cookies so i mean yeah i'm being a little biased am i going to bite the part of the cookie that doesn't have the sugar cookie duh it doesn't make it taste nasty it's just like why am i about to just be nibbling on that part when i got plenty of cookies right here this is good i shouldn't be eating these i feel so guilty yo i've been slacking i've been slacking on my diet a lot a lot of stuff been going on over here but i'm getting back but it's just like oh that's why i feel so guilty and i need some milk who drinks milk beside their cookies listen a nice cold cup of milk beside any type of form of dessert i mean come on all right you guys so as you can see i'm on the couch which means that your girl is done with this video i hope you are enjoying the holiday christmas is approaching make sure to follow my family channel because we are doing vlogmas every other day not daily so go ahead and check the solid family out and that's it big shout out to the j team right here if you want a shout out like them all you gotta do is click subscribe turn on notification bell let me know below and that's it make sure to be bold brave and beautiful and i will catch y'all in my next video bye
Channel: Trinity Jae
Views: 223,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taste testing tiktok food hacks, tiktok foods, tiktok food taste test, viral foods, Trinity Jae tiktok hacks, trying tiktok food hacks, new tiktok food hacks, trying NEW tiktok food hacks, trying tiktok food recipes, testing viral tiktok, trying tiktok food snacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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