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what's up jt welcome back to the channel if you like johnny j team all you gotta do is click subscribe all right y'all so i'm going to be only eating melted foods today big shout out to bloom for inspiring me to do this video because your girl would have never thought about it disclaimer disclaimer these will be melted drippy foods basically let's not take melted literally okay we're focusing on foods that have to melt in order for them to be tasty and good meals in these videos i like to incorporate different meals that i've never tried before and this first meal is definitely something i've never tried the famous korean cheese corn is that what it's called yeah that's what it's reading that's what it's giving you got corn cheese mayo some seasonings and that's it like it is a melted dish it is meant to be melted the cheese has to be melted or it's just not the dish let's get started all right so i'm gonna start off with sweet corn and i know y'all already are kind of like girl we know you don't like corn and you're right at this point i can now say that i don't hate i don't love it but i have eaten corn in dishes i have made corn ribs before and those were really really good so i just don't do the whole pile of corn like i just can't eat a handful of corn by itself you know when people make corn like a side and they just scoop up nothing but corn on a spoon and eat it no i cannot do that it's gonna have to be elevated okay and since i respect food so much i'm not gonna just turn my nose up to corn dishes oh don't try this at home kids you know what i don't even want to risk it i ain't got time to get cut today okay so a can of corn some butter it is recommended for it to be unsalted butter i didn't have unsalted butter they're from using salted butter some mayo by the way i am eyeballing this because it's more about the look of it at the end of the day i'm gonna scoop up some chopped jalapenos this is my own little twang on it you know if i'm gonna go at it it gotta be spicy come on now y'all know me y'all know me a little bit of sugar this is just gonna make it a little bit sweeter i'm gonna add in a bell pepper man i watch so many videos on the best way to cut this and i already feel like i'm off to a bad start i don't know maybe it's like this i don't know and then break it is this it is this how he did it do y'all keep this white part on i try to get it a little bit off but i personally don't don't care yeah i cannot wait until i get my new knife set like i'm about to be out here going crazy some people have been concerned uh for me with it with the knife but y'all i'm very confident in cutting i don't know if it doesn't look like it but i'm pretty good with it like i don't i'm pretty confident with it everything's better when the knife isn't like rusty though i will say that [Music] so so i wanted to go ahead and mention that this is what i was going to originally cook this in because traditionally i think um it's supposed to be cooked in like a cast skillet and seared a little and add on the cheese and then put it in the oven i'm still kind of getting my small one back to its original state if you've ever had a rusted skillet you you get it you know so i didn't want to use this one today that's why i'm using the nonstick just to cook it but um if you have it i would definitely suggest doing it that way today i will be putting it in this cute little container and putting the cheese on top and letting it melt so i'm doing it a little bit different but i think it's still going to turn out good i hope so right [Music] just pat it down if you had a skillet this is exactly what you do you know just pat it down and then we're going to add the cheese on top [Music] i think that's enough cheese i know it's supposed to be a lot of cheese i i think that's enough though now it's time to pop this in the oven just so the cheese can brown so i think i'm gonna put on broil okay so it's looking good but is it gonna taste good we about to find out the cheese is melted it's just on broil i hope it does give like that beautiful top we'll see presentation is not necessarily my um fine point i'm more in the taste level okay but the plating and all of that still working on it y'all it's ready it's ready it's ready oh gosh oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes look at that y'all i did that it looks so good oh my goodness all right y'all it's time to taste it because it look good but do it tastes good we about to find out oh my goodness super excited for this y'all i'm i'm just proud that i'm trying new things y'all it's a new year and i just want to take this moment to encourage everyone to try new things this year don't let anything or anyone hold you back go for it the um pest control people are here to do their annual spray kind of scared me over there in the corner dear love please bless this food let it be a nourishment to my body jesus name pray a man oh my goodness all right oh my gosh y'all saw that okay it's the mozzarella cheese this is a great combination who knew i didn't look at that y'all look at that cheese this thing is holding together y'all i can't believe i'm over here eating corn like this i am a believer i would definitely recommend this recipe um i haven't cooked a lot of different recipes with corn being the the the star so i'm gonna have to play around a little bit more before i can confidently say what type of corn dish i like the most but them corn ribs that i made a while back and this is really good so far i haven't had a corn recipe that i didn't like i'm so impressed by that corn dish y'all like is it because i'm pregnant maybe you never know we'll see after this pregnancy if it's still hit but now it's time for a new melted dish and by the way i woke up late so i hope you didn't expect this to be like a breakfast lunch and dinner thing this is a whatever i want to make good thing y'all the baby is definitely um kicking thanking me i'm sure thanking me for the amazing dish that i just made i'm a little thirsty you know what i think i'm gonna order the sonic crushed ice or a chick-fil-a's ice because that's my favorite type of ice but in the meantime i guess i could settle for this ice and we're not gonna be filling it with water no no no we're gonna wait till it melts oh that's so great now i may or may not bend the rules considering that i am pregnant and your girl will definitely need water but i'm sure y'all know that already right then again i could just put in the microwave i feel so weird doing this but i like to commit i'm the committing type let's see what it's done so far oh well lookie lookie okay that's not bad girl am i able to fully commit to this challenge definitely gotta try this next melted recipe some of y'all probably peeped it before it's like a deconstructed s'mores basically well you know what well no no no technically it's not there's a big twist to this i'm gonna be using this container we're using all of my cute containers today this is a different one this is more of like a orangey peach it's it's definitely me y'all so i have some reese's did you say reese's or reese's i'm just gonna fill the bottom up now i only have four of these so it's not gonna fill it up all the way which is fine at least i'll know which area i need to eat from if that makes any sense i just don't have anything that's smaller than this we have four right here you know let's just for the sake of the look the oven's preheated which is great i'm gonna take these huge marshmallows and i'm just gonna sit them on top like this [Applause] these are huge and now it's time to pop it in and get it nice and melted and gooey and ooey and brown and and delicious i'm hoping it turns out just as delicious as it looked okay because it did look good but we gotta find out if it tastes good oh this baby kicking today i hope this doesn't like bubble up you know what i'm saying i might even put something under even though your girl do need to um clean her oven this is going to catch any fallout just in case they look so beautiful but i need these bad boys to melt i need them to kind of collapse a little bit all right y'all it is done presentation not not all what it's supposed to be let's just say the marshmallows were were huge um they took over they took over and there was a moment but nevertheless it is here and it is melted i'm going to pull out my graham crackers and this is going to serve as like a dip so it is like a twist on s'mores but see it's really that uh reese's that peanut butter twist that really does change it okay because that's like my favorite i like reese's better than hershey so that's different smell like a whole campfire out here y'all gotta get some close-ups here here it is nice and melted you can see the chocolate on the bottom you know what bump this marshmallow give me some more of that chocolate shoo give me some more that that's what i want oh yeah this is the best way to eat s'mores i don't care what anybody says this is gonna get messy i know again again again again it's not bad but it's sweet as it should be i should have sprinkled some salt just to cut that sweetness or a different cracker maybe not a graham cracker maybe a saltine cracker all right listen up the next melted dish i'm going to be making is a stuffed bell pepper now this is one of my favorite dishes i made different versions of a stuffed bell pepper because you know your girl out here creating recipes and stuff i mean this is kind of backwards but oh i want to do like a sausage egg peppers i want to do like a breakfast twist on this you know when your girl your girl will be out here creating stuff well some people add rice and ground beef and all of that like there's different versions of it okay make it the way you want to like i said there's so many different ways to make a stuffed bell pepper you could stuff it with anything but i really want to try like a breakfast twist and it's so crazy because this is like late in the day but who says that you can't eat breakfast late in the day don't let nobody tell you that you can't have no breakfast for dinner i wish i wish somebody would i wish somebody would when it comes down to bell peppers you definitely want to find peppers that's going to stand up these i'm surprised that they just stood up because they're kind of like not cooperating but um even if it's leaning that's good so i'm going to clean out the inside of them [Music] like this now it's time to put the egg in now i already know what y'all thinking oh why do you scramble it in a bowl first it is not that deep the egg will still be an egg and it will still be scrambled okay some people got uh what is it called uh is it ocd which is fine but that ain't me i don't i don't got that i'm gonna add in the rest of the red bell pepper that i had in earlier people like to eat the bell pepper with the stuffed bell pepper fun fact about me i don't always eat it like that i still add bell pepper in the filling that is how i'm always gonna do it i don't know why the girls that get it get it and the girls that don't don't okay i don't i don't know what else to say some green onion i'm gonna add a little bit of salt just a little you know why because this is not ground beef this is not ground turkey this is sausage sausage is salty so let's not add any unnecessary salt that's all i gotta say and some black pepper mix it around i'm gonna put the bell peppers in the oven just to get them nice and toasted then i'm gonna stuff them throw some cheese on top and finish them off this is the dish look familiar oh place them like this just so they can sit up they don't have to but you get it just get them nice and soft and again some people eat the bell pepper i don't i don't know why i don't eat them like that one time i made more of like a deconstructed stuffed bell pepper where i just kind of sliced them um just in chunks and i was able to eat it that way but for some reason i'm just not gonna you know what i'm saying i'm not i don't know why i don't know like let's talk about it in the comment section let's talk let's not judge let's talk so they're nice and soft now we're gonna stuff it it's nice and stuffed and i'm gonna sprinkle some cheese actually oh it's too late now whatever but sprinkle some cheese within it and just kind of layer it on that way when you dig into it you can get that cheese and it's just not sitting on top but i forgot to do that therefore we're just gonna put it on top also the only cheese i have available is the mozzarella but my favorite is kobe but this will do stuff it on top like this nice and cheesy this is the stuffed bell pepper breakfast edition even though it's not breakfast but who gonna check me let's get into it like i said it's probably been way better as far as that melted department if i put the cheese throughout look at that melted honey fill up his bless his food and let it bring nourishment to my body and she's neighbor amen [Music] y'all i love breakfast bowls some people aren't gonna consider this melted but if you google melted dishes bell pepper will pop up i'm just saying i'm just saying if google said it it does melt in your mouth though with the people that eat the bell pepper all together see i've tried it before and it just i don't know i just couldn't get with it and i would just you know bite the corner and then eat and then bite the corner i can't go with it i don't know and i know it defeats the purpose well does it how do you not know that the bell pepper isn't part of the flavor of the filling when you put it in the oven but i get it i can't wait to see these comments oh my gosh i cannot wait to see these comments about this whole bell pepper thing but if y'all bite it and then eat the filling uh that's not really something i'm open to so or maybe you take a knife and you kind of just cut it up and all of that but if that's the case then it would be made the same way that i made it a while back i didn't record it or anything but i cut up the bell peppers just in chunks like good chunks and kind of just had a like a deconstructed type of stuffed bell pepper that way i could eat it like this and not bite it oh i can't wait to read these comments i'm tempted to go on live but i'm not people trying to get messy on live i ain't witty all right y'all i'm on the couch that means i'm tapping now i'm tired y'all i'm pregnant and i'm tired it's getting down to the end of this pregnancy staying strong y'all thank y'all for all of y'all's just i don't know like encouraging comments i appreciate y'all so so so so much thank you for liking this video thank you for just continuing to watch me thank you for following the solo family ay thank y'all so so so so much i really do appreciate y'all big shout out to the j team right here if you want a shout out like them all you got to do is click subscribe turn on that notification bell and let me know below and that's it make sure to be bold brave and beautiful and i will catch y'all in my next video bye
Channel: Trinity Jae
Views: 227,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eating only melted foods for 24 hours, melted foods, eating only, 24 hour food challenge, challenge, foods, Trinity Jae, melted cheesy food, trinity jae 24 hours food
Id: W-LMPD2L4_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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