Taste Testing Michelle McDaniels (My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You) Pro Dough Bakery Donuts

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hi guys hello i'm nada and today i have a special guest with me my favorite sister dina dina and today we're doing something other than nothing what are we doing today dina eating some donut we got some dome nuts they are by michelle mcdaniel um or my thoughts will probably offend you do you watch your stuff i send you her her link maybe you see on one video well i watch her and i really like her so i wanted to try these and they were super hard to get a hold of like every week when i tried they were sold out so i finally got my hands on them i think uh six donuts was 19 and with the shipping i was like 25 total we're gonna taste test them today and we're gonna see if they're actually any good so i had them in the fridge since yesterday because they arrived yesterday so it took a little less than a week they were priority mail i've never had donuts shipped in the mail that's what makes me nervous i'm sure the officer does it's fine i everything's gonna discover them because you'll be okay okay my donuts go bad pretty quick i guess we're gonna find out so they're in a cute little pink box it's called pro dough bakery six individually wrapped protein doughnuts naturally an artificially flavored birthday cake do you like that flavor they're all the same flavor yeah it's all the same uh one donut is 210 calories which isn't bad okay let's open them let's do this let's do this okay oh that's cute [Music] wait like birthday cake [Music] let's try it okay ready three two one [Music] this is ten grams of protein two grams sugar what's the expiration date i don't know i mean they're not like soft fluffy well put them in the fridge right i had them in the fridge so i don't know if that affected it i started taking them out like earlier [Music] but i don't know if they would be though because these are like protein like dyson do you like that i'm pleasantly surprised i know those would be really bad i feel like if it was like microwave for like 20 30 20 seconds it's gonna it's gonna leave it nice and soft and then this will be i think we should try that okay so we microwaved it microwaved it 20 seconds because time wasn't see now it's a little great the the frosting okay i touched this one sorry go ahead [Music] now it smells like a real cake much softer it's still not like fluffy like a donut on the inside i don't know it does taste good warm i like it warm better that's my piece of advice microwave your donut very filling though yeah it is filling i agree and it tastes healthier [Music] it doesn't it doesn't [Music] it doesn't i think i can taste the protein yeah probably it's not a breakfast [Music] this is a dessert how is a doughnut a breakfast that's available sweet in the morning like cereal that's a dessert okay for breakfast that ain't right well what do you have avocado toast i mean yeah what about pancakes is that dessert or breakfast you are eating cake for breakfast yes that is not a meal it's a dessert waffles too yeah it's pretty much dessert for breakfast yeah that ain't right this is the only flavor she has yeah maybe she'll make more flavors yeah she'll probably she'll probably end up making more flavors i'm sure this is a pretty small like production team so um she should make what flavor hold on let me think of all the ones i like a peanut butter or something something peanut butter cookie it's cookies and cream i'll give it 3 out of 5 stars just because you have to wait a week yeah i'm i'm right there with you i would say it's not your traditional donut you're not gonna have like a really fluffy doughnut because it's packed with protein so keep that in mind you gotta wait a while to get it and they're kind of expensive till next time let me review something else what are we gonna review ooh what are we gonna have the review next the 100k puzzle yeah oh the 100k plus yeah so this is david dobrik's puzzle not at least he's gonna be a loser i don't like that negative energy am i gonna win some of it no because you just said i'm gonna be a loser i didn't say that yes you did it no you're gonna win like 25 cents and he scammed everybody they could have at least made it like a cool looking puzzle damn that's it for our product bakery review we'll see you guys next time bye bye guys
Channel: Nada Does Nothing
Views: 1,351
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: RiX9Cc9x044
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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