The Simple Way To Make Cheese Pizza (Zoom Class)

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awesome you guys so hey my name is andres we got  craig here baking steel test kitchen if you're   watching this on youtube be sure to subscribe to  our channel and like this video um always giving   out good stuff good education on pizza or food  in general or life and we're always positive um   that's really important to us so you guys at rock  we could not do this without you so thank you   this is probably like our 60th um zoom class we've  been doing every week since the covet hit since we   can't do our live classes so thank you and we'll  get right into it we're going to take you through   the steps of making pizza at home we're going to  take under the assumption that you have the dough   ready and fermented if you don't have the dough  then you purchased it today and we're going to   walk you through our steps of making your dough  balls and then making pizza first things first   i fire up the ovens at 475 to 500 degrees  i've got baking steels on my top rack and   on my bottom rack if i don't own a baking steel  consult with us you need to have one but if you um   if you have a pizza stone put it on the top rack  and we'll once that thing breaks hopefully you'll   come in and join at the team steel and we'll  talk uh further about that but for now preheat it   one hour at the same time the dough comes out of  the fridge maybe an hour or two before we fire it   up if you're balling it up which what's what we're  going to do now this is a really critical step   our latest mastering the pizza dough recipe we  talk about bulk fermenting your dough for 12 hours   at room temperature and then one two or three days  in the refrigerator in the bulk state covered okay   we want that flavor to build up over time and  believe me it makes a humongous difference in   the flavor profile bulk fermenting it okay so we  bulk fermented then the day of making pizza we   make our dough balls this is critical because now  we want to take all those gluten strands and the   natural gases and tie them all up into a ball and  those natural gases will be stuck inside this ball   as the dough gets to be room temperature and the  dough relaxes it starts to rise and that's the   gases trying to get out and that's what creates  the bubbles and the air pockets that we love   in our pizza okay so i'm going to  show you how i make a dough ball   first things first the dough is cold which makes  it a little less sticky but flour up your hands   okay and you and your work surface right in front  of you okay and now i'm gonna pick the dough out   i've already portioned this out this is 250 grams  of dough uh that's about the size to make a 12   inch pizza because the dough is cold and it's got  a lot of water we flour up both sides just to make   it more manageable so and now what i'm gonna do  is just pick it up and then just fold it in half   okay and i turn my hand sideways i grab each side  and i press it in and close again just like that   and i turn if it gets sticky at all that's a time  to take a time out put more flour on your hands   i lightly press in and i close it i turn and  i follow the same sequence 20 or 30 times   now keep in mind this is not a stress ball okay  we don't want to rip it and tear it it's be gentle   press in and watch how softly i'm pressing in  maybe like a a third of the way in and i close it   okay and i turn and i just keep following  the same sequence the seam side is always   facing away from my chest i've got this  smooth side you can see how smooth this is   right almost like a baby's butt okay and i just  each time i do this i'm getting a little bit   more and more taut taking some of the air out it's  getting tighter and tighter as i turn and press   press and turn when it's just about the ball  where i want it to be it's nice and tight i take   that smooth side and i put it into my palm  and now i can aggressively pinch it closed   and now i've trapped all those gluten  strands you can see i've got this nice   ball of dough and now for the next this dough  ball needs to rest for the next call it three   to five hours depending on the temperature  my temperature in this house is currently   at about 72 degrees room temp is anywhere from  in my opinion 68 to 72. if you're varying from   that we can adjust but generally speaking room  temperature this ball is going to rest covered   at room temperature for three to four hours and  in that time it's gonna almost double in size so   you wanna keep it covered too right  so i'm gonna put it back in my   actually i probably wouldn't use a ball  i use something flat like a sheet tray   um like this put it on my sheet tray and i would  cover it with plastic wrap and let this rest   again for a few hours and that's what we  do on game day all right so now let's we're   gonna fast forward four hours the dough has  relaxed i've actually put it into it i guess   i could put it down to a deli make more sense  but i i let my dough rest in the delis okay   um but three or four hours you can see it's  starting to expand when i first put it in here it   was about a half of this size it's almost blowing  the lid off which means it's just about done okay   that means it's room temperature it's risen and  now i'm going to stretch out and make my pizza and   before i make my pizzas i want to have my meason  floss let's talk about mison plus all that means   is get your stuff together before we start cooking  in other words i don't want to stretch my dough   out and then go to my fridge and look for my sauce  or my cheese or my ingredients i want to do all   that beforehand so look today we're going to make  um a cheese pizza i've got all my cheese already   ready to rock and roll and today's pizza we're  gonna do a white pizza i have parmesan reggiano   we have fresh mozzarella and i have some fontina  and we're gonna shred all this cheese up into   one pizza that's gonna be my white pizza sauce i'm  not using alfredo i'm not using creams or anything   like that super heavy we're going to use cheese  as the base and that's going to be our sauce let's get into making this then we'll  get some questions in a little bit   don't forget remember i've got my my  oven on at 500 degrees at um fahrenheit   for the last hour so my oven is super hot ready  for this pizza to launch i've got a pizza peel now   let's talk about this for a second there's wood in  this metal we're using wood because wood launches   better than metal doesn't get stick it whisks  up some of the moisture i'm going to flour it up   i use a combination of flour and semolina flour  no cornmeal remember that because corn is corn   it burns we don't like it tastes horrible on our  pizza we like corn on the pizza not underneath it   so that's my floured peel think of those as ball  bearings and set that aside let's get to the dough   flour up in front of you remove  the dough from the container   i've got a little oil here side down and  now i'm just going to gently pick it up   make sure it doesn't stick okay and i've got  this nice circle because my my dough container   circle now my dosa circle makes it much easier  to stretch around pizza if that matters and i'm   going to do is lightly press into this dough  and it feels like clouds actually can you   push that screen down just a little bit um you  can see i'm just like kind of lightly pressing   you see that's perfect it's not sticking i pick  up a continuously pick it up so it won't and um   and as i press it's starting to expand a little  bit when it gets to be about six or seven inches   it's going to um take my bracelet off here i'm  going to pick it up and use my knuckles and we're   going to do the gravity stretch i'm just going  to put my knuckles around this thing and like a   steering wheel i'm just kind of going around  each time i do that i give it a little shake   what's happening you can  see it's starting to expand   and if i work consistently around it's going  to become consistently the same thickness right   you can see that how's that beautiful  and actually you can take it   right and i'm stretching a little bit turning  be patient nothing to stress about here and as it gets closer to my  size i can place it on the peel   that i made right remember we have to dust it  up with flour and semolina flour i place my   dough on top and before i do anything else i'm  gonna give this thing a little slide it should   be moving like a hockey puck like sliding back  and forth if it's not then i'll pick up that   area that's stuck and throw some more flour  underneath it really that simple and now what   i'm going to do is give us one last stretch place  it back on my peel and i like to do is take my   edges and kind of stretch them a little bit  and pinch them what i'm doing is i'm creating   some contours in my dough right maybe really  taking those air air bubbles and making them   larger in some areas and smaller in other  areas i've got this really nice looking crust and it makes each pizza that i  make and each slice that we cut   unique it's not going to be perfectly round on  the edges i just think it's awesome alright anyway   that's it that's my dough give it one last final  shake i feel pretty confident it's not going to   get stuck so now i can start to add my ingredients  and which means i pull out the wonder shredders i   got two today i got gifted one of these 1920  um wonder shreds which say thank you for that um for my base i might want to add a little bit  of olive oil do a nice little white pizza here and   now for my cheese i'm going to add a little parm  reggiano it's kind of grated on there nice and light you guys like cheese i'm not sure how  much you like cheese but this is a   fresh mozzarella i'm just breaking  this off into small pieces oh man it looks good doesn't it chef and i might want to take this pizza be  mindful it doesn't get it's been sitting   here for a couple minutes give it a little  shake again right make sure it's not going to   get stuck when i go into the oven it  looks great and now i've got some fontina   and by the way there's no rhyme or reason here  these are just cheeses that i had in my fridge   basically use what you might have in your fridge   call it refrigerated cheese pizza and now i'm  just going to shred this fontina directly on top and less is more unless you're talking about  cheese and maybe more is more what do you   think chef breathe take a deep breath i'm  almost going in the oven here so i got to be   chill right yoga yoga dough we call it yoga  dough by the way because it stretches so easy i'm going to come over here  and twitch my oven to broil give that a couple of minutes to heat up   what i'm going to do now is give it one last shake  and i mean that this is this like make sure it's   still just make sure it's still sliding  now i'm confident i can go into the oven   the back of the peel goes to the back of the  steel and i slide it off that broil is going   to be kicking on in just a minute but i'm gonna  launch it anyway because i feel like it ready chef so back of the peel to the back of the  steel and just kind of shake it off boom now i'm going to do because i got the broiler  on i want to put my timer on for two minutes   and that way when we get into a conversation here  and i forget my timer will remind me i got hey   dude you got a pizza in the oven don't forget me  and don't burn so two minutes in my oven i know   it's a pretty good amount of time and it tends  not to burn too quick um what do you think chef   pretty good so far it smells amazing um and then  what we'll do is i just want to grab one thing i don't i want to clean up in front of me  and get ready if i'm having a pizza party   i want to stretch and make another pizza right now since we're not having a pizza party today i  don't need to do that but now is the time to do   it i would stretch it out get it kind of prepped  up so when this one is removed i can launch a new   one in right i've got my mesenplas here already  to do that but today we're only making one pizza   because there's only two of us and we already had  one before class too so just in case uh anyway   let's take a peek it's been about a minute in  the oven and then we'll get to some questions   because i have the broiler on can you  guys see yeah you guys can see here right   look at that huh it looks bubble  chef that awesome beautiful now it's it's cooking it's got about probably  another i'm gonna probably leave that broiler   on for a minute it didn't kick in right away this  pizza would be cooked in about three to three to   probably three and a half minutes which is  extremely fast because we had our baking seal   scorching hot and we'll let it let it finish  up and we'll show you guys the finished goods   this is just a white pizza again our ingredients  were parm reggiano fresh mozzarella and it's the   kind that's in the plastic wrap and we kind of  tear it by hand and then we used fontina which   we shred by ourself remember we always shred  our own cheese because um i'm gonna turn let's   check this one more time oh yeah it's  looking awesome i'm gonna turn my broiler off right let me see i'm going to turn it off in like  one second remind me to turn that broiler off chef   um we always shred our own cheese because when  we do these strands when we don't i should say   these individual strands that you see in  those plastic bags are coated with starch   in the store so we never buy it pre-shredded  because it browns way too fast we always shred   our own cheese and these shredders come in  really handy i'm going to turn the broiler off   boom boom and finish this another minute this  pizza will be done and we will have an incredible   what's this up i think this is a thursday friday  saturday sunday monday tuesday a six day dough   first time ever this dough we made it was six  days ago it's going to be incredibly flavored   here's one right here too the secret to it so it  doesn't overproof is to ball it up the same day   then you've got the best of both worlds and this  is kind of like the max end of pizza dough at home   is like you know we find between days five six and  seven robust flavor but you gotta um we burning a   little bit no um just be mindful we're almost  done want to take a peek can i see inside here oh probably a little dark huh that's awesome   awesome so let's i'm actually gonna um yank  it out i kind of got a little aggressive   i left my broiler on a little bit  too long which is okay because that awesome beautiful check it out underneath   right awesomeness crisp i can't even pick it  up it's so hot i'm gonna try really quick boom   look i got on my fingertips so it's not  really burning me yet you can see that   that was literally about three minutes and 20  seconds um super crispy beautiful can you take   a top down of that is that awesome smells  amazing you can you could you can use like   a little bit of shaved garlic if you'd like you  could top this with basil it's really gorgeous amazing and anyway that's our  white pizza thank you guys
Channel: Andris Lagsdin
Views: 1,284
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to make pizza, pizza, pizza at home, bakingsteel, baking steel, baking steel pizza, pizza steel, baking steel class, bakingsteel recipe, homemade pizza, baking steel pizza class, how to make pizza at home, pizza dough recipe, pizza making, baking steel pizza dough recipe, baking steel dough, how to make pizza dough, bakingsteel pizza, pizza stone, homemade pizza recipe, making pizza, baking steel other, make pizza at home, cheese pizza, new york-style pizza
Id: K2VT1tJ1HWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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