Tassles | Shane Willard

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thank you everybody it's so good to be here with you for the last night this is uh if you're talking about following an actual bible numbers chapter 15 i'm going to get to that in in just a second it's been these weeks fly by i don't i honestly don't think i stopped in the last two days because it's not just the meetings it's the it's the meetings between meetings and then it's it's it's meeting up with people and then of course i still have stuff in america and south africa in the uk and it's the good thing is that the you know the time zones allows me to uh sort of work whenever i need to and um and so but this is these things fly by because you guys chris and the team here make me better because it forces me every time to seek god and dig in and bring something fresh and these are good spiritual exercises to do and so as much i hope i've meant as much to you as you've meant to me is what i'm trying to say and you guys are just legends on your way out tonight i do have my resource table there um if you could do me a favor if you intend to buy anything if you could do so in the first 10 minutes just i got to pack it up all right so um if you if you could do that that would be that would be fantastic obviously we give all that away um that's been true for over a decade and you can avoid yourself too and i can't wait to see you i can't wait to see you next year and considering how border closures go you might see more of me than you think so we'll just uh we'll see we'll see how that goes um so i get to open the bible tonight and anytime you do that you want to ask a couple questions one what happened two more importantly what's happening in me right now because of what happened and so given the uh the journey of thought that we've been on that as disciples of jesus christ we are not endeavoring to believe in jesus more we are endeavoring to be so profoundly connected to him that we learn how to see the world how he sees it and live in the world how he taught us to live so at new hope we are committed to just to qualifying disqualified people we are committed to a value system that god loves people more than whatever rule you broke we are committed to to fulfilling scripture instead of simply being right about one verse in it and we are committed to obsessing about are you thirsty instead of are you worthy we are committed to living a life that shows the whole world that we are profoundly connected to something that happened before the foundation of the world that jesus did not come to inaugurate a new reality he came to manifest what god was always like from the beginning because god is like jesus exactly like jesus god has always been like jesus we now finally know that and so i want to talk about one more element this is numbers chapter 15. there's gonna be a bit of entertainment tonight a bit of preaching and if you're a bible student a bit of hebrew hermeneutics so i'll just leave it at that here we go this is numbers chapter 15. um verse i think 30 or 70 37 and the lord said to moses speak to the israelites and say to them throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments it's an odd command with a blue cord on each tassel keep going you will have these tassels to look at now that makes sense so god gives this odd command make tassels on the corners of your garments which would lead to what question why so you have them to look at it's not a great fascist statement actually and so you'll remember all the commands of the lord so evidently the tassels were meant to allow us to remember and have a tactile reminder that god's way is the best way for my life god's way brought me from slavery to freedom god's way brought me from darkness to life god's way brought me from egypt to israel god's way is the best way for my life and like all humans it helps us to have regular rituals or tactile reminders to re-ground us in this and watch what i said that you may obey them and not prostitute yourself by chasing after the lust of your own hearts and eyes then you will remember to obey all my commands and be consecrated to the lord your god for i and the lord your god who brought you out of egypt to be your god i am the lord your god jesus here's what i want you to do i want you to take tassels and i want you to attach them to the corners of your garment why so you'll have them to look at so what they would do if you give me a second i'm gonna try to do this while holding a microphone they would take a garment this is called a tallit we'll get to that in a second they would take a garment and they would wear it and the idea in a tallit was it was the presence of god the idea was is that you can't organize your life where god is here but not there that you take god everywhere you go everything you do everything you say how you treat the waitress who's taking too long to take your order how you treat someone who cuts you off in traffic you cannot disorganize your life as god is here but not there everything you do everywhere you go everything you say god is in it in the middle with you and then they would take the tassels and they would wrap it around their hand like so and they would remind themselves god's way is the best way for my life god's way brought me from slavery freedom god's way took me from darkness to light god's way is the best way for my life now there's a couple of very key words in this if you could bring that next slide up from me the four key words is the word kanaf now with some go to wumba gusto i want you to say that word with me it sounds like this it sounds like kanath ready go kanav now kanoff just means corner it's the corner of the garment you're supposed to put the tassels on the corner of the garment it's so it's it's the it's this part now there's only about eight thousand words in ancient hebrew so one word had to have a lot of different meanings so kanov can mean corner border hymn or it can also mean wings the reason it could mean wings is because when the priest would bless the people he would say something like this the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord left his countess to use can you see where the word can off might start to mean wings now the second and by far the most important word i want to teach you is the second word and that word is talit with the same amount of gusto let's try that ready go talit let's try that again a lot of gusto to leap now to lead is this garment literally a piece of clothes but metaphorically and symbolically it meant the presence of god they would use talit as the as an old primitive wedding altar where they would stretch it to lead in front of the wedding altar and so when people said their wedding vows they were doing so underneath the presence of god they would also spread the tallit across the wedding bed for the first night of the wedding so that when the marriage was consummated it was done so underneath the witness of the presence of god this was where you would wear it you see these put on the garment of praise even in the new testament where christ this was a this was a metaphor to sort of sort of say never lose sight of the fact that god is with you everywhere you go and they would take the tassels and they would wrap it around their hands to remind themselves of god's ways we'll talk about that in a second so that any time you sinned with your hands you first had to physically and intentionally unwrap god it was a reminder tactile sort of thing hey this is important now so we have kanaf that was the corner of the garment you have talit which is the whole garment that's that was metaphorically and symbolically the presence of god you also have a hebrew concept called tim a tma just means unclean so if someone was declared unclean you would have to announce that by saying tim a tim a tim a unclean unclean unclean and then of course the opposite of unclean would be clean and the hebrew word for that is tahor to means unclean i mean sorry tahor means clean i realize that english to horse sounds more like unclean but to to tahor was clean tim a was unclean but but wait there there's more next slide so you had tassels that was to be attached to the corner of the tallit now the tassels had all this symbolism in it i'm going to try to hold it up to where you could try to see it the best and i will try to describe it on every tassel you had five knots one for each book of the torah genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy in other words it's not just that you have the presence of god it's how do you carry the presence of god do you carry the presence of god as it is attached to the word of god or are you willy-nilly with the presence of god in other words it's not just what you believe it's how you believe what you believe it's yeah okay you're carrying the presence of god so what what way are you carrying the presence of god it's not just that you could carry the presence of god and be a jerk with the presence of god it's not just the presence of god it's how you carry the presence of god as it is attached to the word of god in between the five knots are four spaces one for each one for each letter in the holy name yahweh you'd hey the name of god was defined in exodus 34 he is the lord the lord he is compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness in other words it's not just carrying the presence of god it's carrying the presence of god in a way that's consistent with the word of god and the name of god are you a compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love person it doesn't matter that you believe the presence of god is with you it's how you carry it as attached to the word of god and the name of god the compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding and love god this is quoted everywhere psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name and forget not his benefits who heals all of your diseases and forgives all of your sins for he is the compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness to god who does not treat you as your iniquities deserve but gives you mercy that's new every morning it's also quoted negatively in jonah jonah is ticked off that god's not going to destroy his enemies and he's like i knew it i knew you were a compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness god i hate the fact that you're that nice either way god's not shifting it's not about just the presence of god it's about how we carry the presence of god as it is attached to the word of god in the name of god in that tassel it takes 613 loops to make a tassel there's exactly 613 commands in the old testament scriptures in other words it's not just the presence of god it's the word of god the name of god the ways of god but every tassel if it's tied properly always comes off with eight strands eight is the number of new beginnings fresh starts second chances mulligans clean slates and the opportunity to write a better story in other words it's not just the presence of god it's the word of god the name of god the ways of god and ultimately the grace of god for when i fail it's that it's you cannot separate these two things so numbers says you're supposed to attach tassels the word of god the name of god the ways of god the grace of god the nature of god to the connoth of your talit the presence of god this should start making certain scriptures this should start making certain scriptures come to life remember there's this one time jesus said beware of the pharisees for they wear their tassels too long right that's luke 15. in other words beware of people who are too loud about how spiritual they are normally they're not normally like if i if i show up at a church if someone says hello i'm the prayer warrior here normally not normally the prayer warrior somewhere praying you know i've never met a prophet in my life that announced himself as a prophet hi i'm a prophet probably not the true prophets are the ones other people go watch out for that guy he's gonna read your mail pretty good right right you know in other words in jesus day certain people like to make a huge outward show of how spiritual they were by tying tassels longer than everyone else's it was a it was a way of bragging jesus says beware of the pharisees because they wear their tassels too long remember there's this one psalm it says under the shadow of your wings canaph it's the under the shadow of the word of god the name of god the ways of god the grace of god in the shadow of your wings remember there says there's this one time there's this guy named david and um david killed a giant and he got really popular right and so he got really popular with everybody except for the king because they started singing stahls killed thousands but dave attends a thousand envy filled saul's heart and so saul starts chasing this guy around the countryside just because of jealousy so david ends up running from saul and in that story you find out a few things like one david's a bad man i mean a bad man he is like special forces hand-to-hand combat he's a serious dude you read that story you're like david everybody he fights he wins bear bring it on lion come on and get you some giant philistine warrior i got this this guy is jack bauer on speed he is a bad dude he's liam neeson's character and taken bro this guy's a bad man he's a bad man but you also find out that as good as he is at hand-to-hand combat he's frankly terrible at hiding right once he goes on the run it says that he went to a cave to hide from seoul and 400 people already knew where he was right which leads to this observation bro as good as you are at fighting when it comes to hiding frankly you suck right and so david's hiding in this certain cave and it says that saul is looking for him don't know where but saul's got to go to the bathroom they go to the toilet and so saul goes into the cave to go to the toilet and i guess david's in there and his his eyes are already adjusted you know and so he's in there and saul's there to go to the toilet it says that david snuck up behind him and cut off the corner of his garment well hang on a second if you cut off the canal of someone's ground so saul's the king of israel what would he have had attached to the corner of his garment tassels so david takes the corner of saul's garment and goes and stands in the distance saul finishes his business and when he comes out into the light he goes to wrap the tassels around his hands and he can't find his tassels and david's holding it up in the distance and it says saul saw it as a reproach why of course he did why what's david saying david's saying saul the presence of god that's on you that is above my pay grade i cannot touch the anointing that's on your life but i can give commentary that the way you're carrying it stinks to high heaven you still have the anointing but you sure have lost sight of your tassel the way you're carrying it stinks so you see where these passages of scripture start to make a bit more sense now an interesting prophecy came about it's at the very end of the old testament and it's said by a prophet named malachi or malachi and he he is talking about how can you recognize when messiah is amongst us and he makes this interesting sort of observation or prophetic utterance about here's one way to know when messiah is amongst us here's what he says but for you who revere my name the son of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings the word is in other words you can tell messiah is who he says he is by if there's healing in the corner of his garment [Music] mark chapter five an interesting story comes about with jesus and an encounter with a synagogue ruler named jairus let me read the first part of this story and then i'm going to tell the story and then we're going to see where this goes next slide so this is mark chapter 5 verse 21 when jesus said again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue leaders named jairus came and when he saw jesus he fell at his feet and he pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live so jesus went with him so mark chapter 5 is all about jesus going to go pray for jairus's daughter now we got to keep this in mind because if we ever lose sight that jesus is going to go pray for jairus daughter the next thing that happens is so spectacular we might lose sight of the whole story so this thing is all about jesus going to pray for jairus's daughter because jairus's daughter is very sick and jesus has compassion on jairus daughter and chooses to go pray for jericho's daughter because jared's asking to pray for his daughter because nobody would want their daughter to be sick so jesus is going to go pray for jericho's daughter it's very important that we remember this is all about him going to pray for jairus daughter because if we ever lose sight of the fact that this whole story is about jesus is going to pray for jesus's daughter we're going to probably miss the whole point so we have to remember that this is all about jesus is going to go pray for jairus's daughter because jerry is very concerned about his daughter and jerry asked jesus to please go pray for my daughter and jesus said yes of course i'll go pray for your daughter and this whole thing is going to be about him going to pray for jerusale's daughter now what's going to happen next is going to be really spectacular it could distract us from the fact that jesus is going to pray for jerusalem's daughter but i want us all to remember that this is all about jesus is going to go pray for jesus's daughter because we don't want to lose sight of that so it's very important for the next few minutes that we remember that this is all about jesus gonna go pray for jesus yep so jesus is going to go pray for jared's daughter something odd happens strange story jesus is on his way to pray for jerry's daughter and out of nowhere it says that a woman with an issue of bleeding for 12 years presses through the crowd and grabs the corner of jesus's garment she grabs his tassels which leads all kinds of questions like why and what's going on and surely there's is jesus wearing magic clothes like what's happening here well we have to remember these people had all memorized every prophecy about messiah now let's talk about this we white people tend to look for the where's the doctrine where's the hang on let's see if we can read this emotionally for a second she's been bleeding for a very long period of time let's just think about this physically for a second i think it's safe to assume that she has some sort of female issue okay and so she's obviously bleeding in some sort of female way now you ladies if you've been bleeding for 12 years just forget the doctrine for a second how do you feel physically and keep in mind medicine back then like antibiotics weren't invented until 90 years ago right there wasn't advil there wasn't paracetamol you just had to know on a ginger root until you felt better okay like how how did you how did you feel about this the other thing that's going on here and this is so like it's so important remember there's only two types of people in israel there are tamay people unclean and there are tahor people clean this is where we define sin very poorly in our culture we define sin as doing bad things well okay but actually sin is defined in jesus's world as anything that wasn't perfect for instance in leviticus it's a sin to have dandruff so why don't you check your neighbor right now see if they're living in sin just kind of check like you got a little bit of skin yeah right hey it was it was a sin to have a skin rash even if people couldn't see it how'd you even live back like anybody have a skin rash you want to tell us about real quick so we know like right right in leviticus it was a sin for a woman to have her period so i know that's really unfair right it's not really your choice right it's a sin for your for a woman ever period why because that wasn't a part of the original story so it was seen as a life leak and so if a woman had her period she's supposed to like not be touched and then they then of course they make the pharisees were really good about this they made rules on top of rules on top of rules on top of rules so so they had all these man-made rules built around the 613 so then they said they said well not only is it a sin to touch someone who's on her period right like you know i don't even know how you live back then like if you're here tonight you're like on your period could you just like raise your hands or we know not like that's weird that's like a strange thing right then they said no not just that just to be extra safe it's a sin to touch a chair where a woman who's on her period has sat in the last three days like what did you like so if you're here tonight you're on your period and you want to raise your hand could you like leave a sign in your chair so we like like what they made all these rules around this by the way it was a sin in leviticus 12 to give birth right right it says it says that after a woman gives birth she must go to the temple and offer a sacrifice to atone for her sin of loss of blood right all these things make you unclean it was great like there was one man-made one that was um it was a sin to touch furniture where a married couple had been intimate in the last three days like what did you do put up a son oh right like i was teaching this one time in a pastor's home and he made everybody get off the sofa y'all get up y'all in some unclean space over there he was 75. anyway enough about my heroes listen so anytime you touch something so it wasn't here was the thing with tammanus if i could make up a word it was contagious so so if i had eczema or something and then you touch me now you're unclean and so it was a it was the easiest way to explain it it was a great way to profiteer on people's spiritual guilt because you're the people selling the sacrifice that makes it all the stuff so so in one sense there's this lady who has this physical problem in other sense let's think about it emotionally this lady would not have been purposely touched in 12 years and it's not because people were mean as they literally couldn't afford to touch her so when she think about this socially 12 years you walk into a room and people put their hands behind their back how would you feel about this and so in in hebrew hermeneutics there's uh if i'm going to give you something for the nerds okay you have to read the bible through four levels if you're a nerd the levels are called pashat ramez drosh ensued if you're not a nerd one two three four and one is the the one is the plainest thing going on so in this story the plainest thing going on is jerry is jesus is going to go to jerius's daughter and on the way there a lady who has a physical problem needs a needs some help but then there's this remez a remeza is a hint or an illusion and it throws in this odd detail she's been bleeding for 12 years how'd they know that what if it was 11 years and nine months what if it's 13 years in three months what if she hit it for a little while right obviously not the point when a jewish writer writes 12 to a jewish audience the jewish audience hears 12 tribes so on one level it's this one lady at one moment at one time needing a touch from god on another level this is a story about an entire nation needing a touch from god because they're leaking life and without a touch from god they will die right so you got this multi-layered story and jesus is on his way to pray for jairus's daughter and this lady with an issue of bleeding for 12 years realizes if he is who he says he is there should be healing in his wings the problem is is how do i get close enough to touch him he's surrounded by people and this is where you're going to love this lady she's like how do i get close enough touch him hang on i'm tamay which means no one can afford to have me touch them so she puts her elbows out and she's like excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me excuse me right and there's this parting because people couldn't and she reaches up and grabs the corner of jesus's garment and it says that she's healed what's interesting is that jesus doesn't address the healing he actually does something strange something you never see jesus do ever every time jesus healed somebody what does he always do shh don't tell anybody about this hey let's keep this on the down low shall we not this time he does something so weird he's like who touched me who touched me power has left from me does that sound like jesus no that sounds like obi-wan kenobi luke the force has left me some unclean woman has touched me now which which leads to all kinds of questions like why would a rabbi point out to an entire crowd that an unclean woman has touched him what would they think he now is unclean which by the way is the entire gospel in a nutshell is the one who knew no sin was willing to become sin so that the actual unclean people could experience wholeness and cleanness right you have the whole gospel right there in one little narrative the one that had the one that could play the i'm clean drum was willing to take on the uncleanness so that she could have some peace he says to her he doesn't address her healing he says go in shalom go in other words um don't make the next husband pay for the sins of the first one don't make the next group of friends pay for the rejection of the first group go in shalom but but where was jesus going he was going to jairus's daughter so one of the craziest miracles jesus ever does was an interruption to his schedule which is a whole nother lesson like if god can't interrupt your schedule you might miss some of the craziest things you'll ever see god do right there's a whole lesson in that so jesus on the way his on his way to jerry says dar and a tragedy happens on his way there the daughter dies this is horrible now once again let's be emotional for a second if you have a little kid and that little kid dies forget the doctrine for a second how do you feel how do you feel on the inside you'd be devastated and then in unbelief and then you'd be grieved and then you'd be angry you'd sort of be disoriented and then it gets worse the way they tell him she died is literally the worst rudest bluntest way you can imagine watch what it says while jesus was still speaking some people came from the house of jerius remember that's where he was going the synagogue leader now what jerish daughter's dead why bother the rabbi anymore jess your daughter's dead why even bother the rabbi anymore okay first rude right who announces that like that second if you're jerius how are you feeling first devastated second in almost unbelief third emotion anger at who no not jesus you can't be mad at the lord right he's mad at jesus he's a man he's he's mad at the lady stupid lady been bleeding for 12 years you couldn't wait 20 minutes god he was on he was on his way to heal my daughter and because you had to stop in for your little bleeding issue now my daughter is dead you stupid woman right right this is a sad awful awful story but jesus carries on now a couple questions about this one why why do they tell him like that okay first jairus is a synagogue leader who has to live according to the law correct now to understand what's going on here we have to understand jewish law in leviticus it was a sin to knowingly walk into the room where a dead body is so you can't know there's a dead body in there and then ignore that and then walk in the room so she's dead and they know that that means that nobody is allowed in that room without sinning and so they don't want jesus walking in they're not going to let jesus in that room because to walk in the room where a dead body is would be a sin leviticus says it is against the law to knowingly walk into the presence of the dead if you know a dead body's in there unless you're already considered unclean by the public who touched me who touched me power has left for me i need all of you to look over here this lady who's been bleeding forever she just touched me i need all of you to think i'm unclean why if they don't think he's unclean they're not even going to let him in the room jesus is absolutely covering his bases here in other words what looks like a disaster was actually the thing that made the next miracle possible and that's true of my life and it's true of yours sometimes the thing in our life that looks like the biggest disaster upon further review five years later we realized that was the one thing that made our life today possible oh yeah oh shane i got fired i got fired okay good now you can probably start that business you've been dreaming about and thinking about reasons you couldn't start it for years and years and years oh shane they left me they left me okay seven years ago and now take that as an opportunity to go forward and start a better life that sometimes what looks like a disaster is the very thing that makes a way for the next miracle right now jesus covers his bases here and he goes oh she's not dead she's just asleep wink wink all right as i want us to remind ourselves before we read the next passage the name of this piece of clothe is a to lead everybody together to lead a lot more gusto to leak it's literally a cloth but it's metaphorically the presence of god so jesus would have been wearing one of these and what would have been wrapped around jesus's hands tassels now watch what happens next slide any and he went into them and said why all this commotion and wailing which is sort of a ridiculous question a kid has just died so people are incredibly upset but the child is not dead just to sleep which is like what but they laughed at him and after he put them all out he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him and he went into where the child was now watch what he says and he took her by the hand stop what would have been wrapped around his hands tassel so in this story he reaches down and takes the little girl by the hand so in the first part of the story the lady gets healed because she's reaching up for god in the second part of the story the little girl gets healed because he's reaching down to her even after she's dead and it appears hopeless jesus was still coming and sometimes you'll be touched by god because you're desperately seeking him but sometimes you'll be touched by god because he's desperately seeking you in the first part of the story the lady serves she reaches up and grabs his wings herself in the second part of the story he serves the tassels to the little girl now watch what he says and he took her by the hand and he said to her talit ha comb little girl i say to you get up tallit ha coomb my child the presence of god is here it is time for you to arise my child the presence of god is here talit ha coomb my child the presence of god is here it's time for you to get up and if i didn't come here to say anything i came here to say this talit ha comb my child the presence of god is here it's time for you to get up yes you went through that disaster a while back ago it's time for you to get up yes you lost your job a little bit ago it is time for you to get up are you going to sit there in your death in despair and waller or are you going to reach up for the tassels or at least let god serve it to you because the message of jesus christ is talit hakum my child the presence of god is here it is time for you to get up now there's something i have to talk about with this because my conscience won't let me not talk about it it is unwise to presume upon god to fix something that we could fix ourselves right like i am positive i speak for the leaders here if i don't i humbly apologize it's not my place but i'm pretty confident on this that if you get lung cancer we will pray earnestly and mightily and with some hutzpah that you will be healed of that lung cancer but we would much rather you quit smoking today than need a miracle in 20 years right like if you have a financial problem we will pray with all of our heart that god will give you a breakthrough in your finances absolutely but we'd also like to know that you get up before 10 am we'd like to know that you bathe regularly that you dress appropriately and you show up to work on time and you go over and above what's asked of you because it the second temptation of christ remember satan says throw yourself off the mountain and because god has such a big plan for your life he'll rescue you so the second temptation of christ was presume upon god's power to fix something that in wisdom we should just be living anyway and remember jesus goes he probably would but why would i test him when i could just not jump right i don't know if i'm getting this across in other words if you can do something about your situation then do something about it right um maybe maybe if i did it as joyce meyer you'd get it if it's within your power to change your life get off your butt and change your life don't let me come back here next year and find you in the same exact place that you are today get off your butt and change your life do something about it speak positively act act ethically and do something about it to change your life i love joyce but if you don't like joyce maybe joel osteen will do it for you you're a champion god loves you you don't let that devil get in your head and get you all negative you tell him to going back to hell where he came from me and victoria was talking the other day about what daddy you say about y'all and y'all aren't just beautiful people y'all are champions so the next time that devil gets in your head and goes round and round and round and round you just reach deeper down inside of you you become the champion god intended you to be [Applause] because when life goes low you go high and if you can't go huh get i don't know anyway so love joel joel's awesome here's the thing right here's the thing right if you live long enough there will come a day where you've taken all your medicine and you've done what the doctor has said to do and you're at the end of their ability to help you there will come a day that you might do all you can do to save the relationship and they're still going to leave you there might come a day where you've done everything you can think of for your adult child and they're still going off the rails and there's literally nothing more you can do to try to control the situation and in those moments it's where we have a promise of something more profound when we get to the end of where our wisdom can bring us in acting responsibly there's always a touch of the tassel because when jesus touches you nothing unclean can remain there's just one more part i got to show you this this is so cool next slide check this one out and immediately the girl stood up that's a good thing right and began to walk around oh by the way how old was she oh she was 12. in other words the lady's been bleeding for the exact same many years as this girl's been alive i don't know maybe they knew each other i know that's not the point in one sense this is about one lady and one little girl who one gets touched by god because she's seeking him the other gets touched by god because he's seeking her either way the love of christ is coming after us but this is also about a whole nation and about me and it's about you and it's about our desperate need for a touch from god now watch what happens next night and this they were completely astonished next one and he gave strict daughters not to let anyone know that's jesus that's more like that's more like how he acted you know when you see jesus acting out of character you got to ask why and he gave straight daughters and anybody know about this and he told them to give her something to eat why why would you tell them to give her something to eat i i don't know i guess resurrecting you work up an appetite i don't know anyway here's what's happening in this story this story is about me and you so i bless you my brothers and sisters to not just be carriers of god's presence but keep a watch on how you carry it create a lifestyle of responding to saying our next yes for everything our rabbi has asked us to do to see the world and live that way i bless us to never be people who wear our tassels too long being so loud and prideful about how spiritual we are but may we carry the presence of god as attached to the word of god the name of god the ways of god the grace of god the nature of god may we be compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness and more than anything more than anything at all to lead hakum my child the presence of god is here it is time for you to get up grace and peace everybody god bless
Channel: New Hope Church
Views: 1,833
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: GVFQ6xxVgnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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