The day God lets it all go - Shane Willard

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i want to talk to you this morning about how to handle regret all right now with that everybody should sort of perk up right like oh regret i have those right sometimes we have to address things from stages that don't apply to certain groups of people so if i was talking about parenting and you don't have kids then that's sort of like okay whatever but regret regret's the one thing that should unite us all like yes yes like no matter where you come from whether you're an introvert an extrovert like like whether you're the life of the party like you're a party waiting to happen or whether you're this is the first time you've left your house since netflix was introduced to australia right you're like no no no regrets regrets i have those i i've got those these are these are the things in your life that you just hope never end up on facebook right these are the things in your life that if you if you had a do-over you would take the do over but you don't have a do-over but yet people treat you like you have a do-over like like people act like oh oh if you you know you should have known better well yeah i should have and if i had to do over i would but i don't have a do-over what do you do with that i'll talk about the things in our life that when we meet a new group of people we wrestle with how much of our story to tell them because it's none of their business but if they find out about it they might think i was dishonest about it and so where do i wrestle with the tension of how much of my past to tell somebody when i meet them new i'm talking about that and what we're gonna find is is how we handle regret and more specifically how we handle other people's regrets are incredibly important to living a whole sort of life to having a regular ritual by which we set aside to where we let it go for ourselves but then we must also let it go for them you can't want mercy for yourself and then justice for everybody else doesn't work that way right if god's letting it go for you then god's letting it go for them now thank goodness we don't live in ancient sumerian culture because they've been asking this question for thousands of years as well and in ancient sumerian culture they told you you could handle your regrets by cutting yourself so you would just cut until it was right the problem was they didn't know how many cuts to do so if i say you could get right with god by cutting yourself and you say how many cuts and i go i don't know and so what's the problem with that the problem is is what if you do 10 cuts but the magic number is 11 and you still go to bed wondering have i done enough to make the regret right in some sects of ancient sumerian culture they actually sacrificed their children thank goodness we don't live then one monk from the 1500s wrote in his journal i prayed on my knees on stone floors until they bled which leads to all kinds of questions like what kind of god would delight in you putting pain on yourself to make something right the point is is that we've all wrestled with what do i do with our regret and what i found was was that one of the more ancient answers might still be the best answer and in leviticus 16 this is what happens god says let's put a day aside every year and that day is called yom kippur let's put a day aside every year and on that day everybody gets a clean slate everybody gets a fresh start everybody gets a second chance everybody gets a do-over everybody gets the opportunity to write a better story if i could use a bucket as an illustration on this day what we're going to do is we're going to take everybody's regrets and we're going to put them in a bucket the things you failed with we're going to put them in a bucket and we're going to bring them on this day and we're going to give everybody the gift of a bucket empty so that next year you get a fresh start a clean slate a second chance opportunity to write a better story the the idea is at its most elemental level you can't carry this year's regrets in the next year because next year will have its own set of regrets and so if we don't regularly give ourselves a second chance of fresh start in a clean slate we'll end up with two buckets and if we don't handle it then we'll end up with three buckets and then if we don't handle it then we'd have to consolidate it into a barrel and before you know it it could take a crane to pick up your life it's just that heavy and so what they did in leviticus let me repeat that in leviticus one more time all the way back in leviticus they gave people the idea is that god would never hold something against somebody past a year god would never hold anything against somebody past a year now a later writer said his mercy is actually new every morning and then jesus said well if you want to know what i'm actually like i forgive 70 times 7 for the same sin in the same day so if you can't go with jesus at least go back to forgiving yourself and others once a day and if you can't do that at least go back to forgiving yourself and others once a year and if your concept of god is meaner than leviticus change right it's time to move forward any concept of god where we we see god as able to hold something against somebody past a year that's a meaner concept than leviticus and here's the problem with that as the great g k beal said we become what we worship so if we think god holds things against people forever we will justify holding things against people forever and that is bad why because at some point we'll mess up and we'll hold it against ourself forever right and so i want to look at this day and my goal is a few fold one obviously i want jesus to get bigger i want the cross to work better the resurrection of these central scriptures to get bigger not smaller i want to empower us today about how to handle regret namely your regret but also want to empower us on how to handle their regret i want the cross and the finished work of jesus to to come alive inside of us i want to show us how what the gospel writers did was they used something the jewish people knew namely yom kippur to exacerbate and show what jesus actually meant for the world oh and by the way today is yom kippur and i don't mean that metaphorically like in a spiritual sense today's young court no no i mean literally today is that day right and so what a day to talk about this sort of principle right so this is leviticus 16. if you could bring that first slide up for me this is the account of that day aaron has to offer the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household then he used to take the two goats and present them before the lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting he is to cast lots for the two goats one lot for the lord and the other for the scapegoat so this day centered around two goats one goat for the lord and the other for the scapegoat to be as elemental as i can be essentially a priest would throw dice or cast lots for the two goats one lot was gonna be the goat for the lord and if it's the if you're the goat for the lord it's just gonna be a bad day for you okay um and but let's just be honest if you're born a goat it's just a bad day period right go for the lord the other goat is translated in english the scapegoat right but it's an odd word let me show you this next slide so the day centered around two ghosts the goat for the lord and the goat for the scapegoat now the word translated scapegoat is an odd hebrew word it's it's very hard to translate matter of fact in the afrikaans bible they don't even translate it they just say assassin some of the older english versions just translate it the same way azazel we don't know what to do with it the the hebrew word translated scapegoat there is a zazel which means take him away now that's odd that's the reason they can't translate it into english that way it was it would say this he is to cast lots for the two goats one lot for the lord and the other for the take him away that doesn't make much sense so they translated it scapegoat but the idea is is that we're gonna take something away that idea is also in pop culture today in the marvel comics series in the marvel comic series the x-men one of the x-men is named azazel and azazelle's power is to grab something and remove it take it away that's the idea azazel is take him away it's also translated a weapon in the hand of the enemy the idea is is that whatever the enemy uses to beat us up normally our own failure we're going to remove it we're going to take it out of his hand and we're going to remove it so this day centered around two goats one goat for the lord and the other for azazel now azazel is the most important word i'm going to teach you today i promise it'll come back at the end and i want us to learn it so with some good gusto i want us to practice saying that word it sounds like this azazel all right ready go ah zazel one more time with a little bit more gusto than that ready go ah zazel now zazelle means take him away so this day centers around two goats one goat for the lord and the other for what was his name again everybody together azazel and azazel means take him away now let's look at it next slide aaron shall bring the goat who's whose lot falls to the lord and sacrifice it it's gonna be a bad day for that goat to sacrifice at first sin offering but the goat chosen by lot as the azazel shall be presented alive before the lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the desert as the azazell in other words we're gonna we're gonna remove that goat so here's what would happen two goats one goat from the lord the other for azazel the idea is is that the goat for the lord is going to handle everything on the inside in private but the goat for azazel is going to show everybody in public what the goat had handled in private it's there's two goats one goat in private and one goat out in front the scapegoat for ah zazel which by the way that's exactly how the gospel writers framed christ that everything jesus needed to do for god was done before the foundation of the world but since we wouldn't believe it without seeing it he is now showing us by putting flesh on and showing us out in public what had already been done before the foundation of the world now what i want to do is i want to walk through these two ceremonies with you and i want to show you how the gospel writers framed the meaning of christ around this day next slide so first the goat for the lord now the goat for the lord would be taken inside and tied to an altar and it went through these five steps the first step was called mala now my law means to lay hands on something now because we're westerners and we read everything literally when you tell a westerner lay hands on something here's what they picture right and that's okay if that's what you do i don't mind but in hebrew mala was less about who you touched and more about what you imparted that was within your authority to impart like let me give an example did rabbis lay hands on sick people yes they did but did they touch them no they didn't but did they lay hands on them yes they did but did they touch them no they didn't but did they lay hands on them yes but did they touch them no think about that till lunch now what would happen is is you had the authority to impart something over the top of somebody that was mala in this case a priest had the authority to put all the regrets of the israelites onto this goat now this is where it gets a little interesting when the priest malad the goat he would put all that everybody got your bucket everybody got your bucket of regrets all right so we're going to put it on this goat and when the priest did that the talmud says that the weight of the sins of israel going on to the goat forced the priest to turn his head so the imagery was this hold on a second the gospel writers say this that when the father put the sins of the whole world on jesus at the cross what did he do he had to turn his head in other words is yom kippur happening right in front of us is this the day god just lets it all go is this the day that god gives us a clean slate a fresh start a second chance and the opportunity to write a better story is this happening right in front of us now the next part of the ceremony was called the press here's what would happen the priest would put the sins on the goat then he would reach around the goat and squeeze the goat the idea is we really really really really really need to get the sins in the goat right so he'd reach around and he'd squeeze the goat and the goat would it would it would it would belt out right now here's the play on words the play on words is in hebrew the word for press is gethsemane right that means to press hang on a second remember the gospel writer said that as a part of this process jesus was in the garden of gethsemane and remember his prayer he said father i'm pressed with the sins of the whole world it's just a gospel writer's way of saying you know that yom kippur thing we do every year it's happening right in front of us this is the day god just lets it all go this is the day of fresh start second chances clean slates and opportunities to write a better story the next part of the ceremony was called it is finished at exactly the ninth hour the priest would proclaim in a loud voice it is finished why because everybody else is outside so he's telling the people outside where they are in the in the ceremony it is finished and he would grab the goat's throat and he would cut it and he would catch the goat's blood in this cone-shaped cylinder and he would walk from the altar to the holy of holies swishing the blood in order to keep it alive to keep it congealed and then he would walk into the holy of holies and he would sprinkle the blood on the altar seven times the whole time saying this don't touch me don't touch me i have not yet offered the blood of the sacrifice don't touch me don't touch me i have not yet offered the blood of the sacrifice hang on a second think about your gospel stories at exactly the ninth hour jesus proclaims in a loud voice it is finished several days later he runs into some women in a garden and he doesn't even say hello he says what don't touch me don't touch me i have not yet a sin in other words this is yom kippur language this is the gospel writers going hey you know that thing we do every year where god just lets it all go i think it just happened in front of us but not just for us on some cosmic level god just gave the whole world a fresh start a second chance and an opportunity to write a better story new creation just bursted forth right in the middle of this one and that would be called good news now after the priest offers the blood he would then come out and wash his hands why because he's bloody he's nasty he's just killed an animal he'd wash his hands and then he would have to present his hands for inspection his hands had to be inspected to make sure he still had flesh on in other words did you survive that thing because if you went into the holy of holies and survived it was thought of that god accepted it okay that that proves it god accepted it you're not a ghost you have flesh and blood on you survived it think about your gospel stories it says after all these things jesus went into an upper room with witnesses and he presented his hands to be inspected and remember what he says is it not i i am not a ghost if i need to prove that i'm not a ghost give me something to eat it won't fall through which is an incredible incredible bar trick right he's like hey you don't believe it give me something to eat i'll eat it it won't fall through here we go hey you saw me die here we go this is me this is my hands my hands have been presented to you this is just a gospel writer's way of going hey you know that day every year that god just lets it all go it just happened right in front of us on a much more cosmic scale than we can possibly imagine but this day does it just center around one goat it centers around two goats one goat for the lord and the other was what was his name with a whole lot of gusto everybody together let's try it ah zazel let's try that again with more gusto ready go ah means take him away take him away next slide when aaron is finished making atonement for the most holy place the tent of meeting in the altar he should then bring forward the live goat that's azazel and he used to lay hands on the head of the live goat and confess over all the wickedness and rebellion of the israelites all their sins now i went and looked that word up in hebrew and the word all there is actually all because all says all and all means all so let's leave all because if we ever make exceptions to the word all we might run the risk of our sin not counting in all so when all says all let's leave it all because all might be fun to make exceptions too if it's not your sin but when your sin is the exception to all it becomes a problem so when all says all let's leave it all because all is better if we leave it all so let's leave all can we all agree but shane they're an addict i know oh but shane he left his wife for another woman i know he'll probably regret that oh but shane he's a homosexual i know i know oh whatever failure you're thinking of if you're wondering i wonder if my failure counts on this day here's my only question does your failure fit into the category of all and if your failure fits in the category of all then it fits and anybody who tries to make exceptions to all don't fight with them just realize one day they'll do something that might be the exception that they made to all but god's not making exceptions to all because all means oh all right and put them on the goat's head he so they're going to put the sins on the goat's head everybody's bucket of regrets we're going to put it on this goat's head right he shall then send the goat away there's that take him away in the desert in the care of the man appointed to the task so you've got to put somebody in charge of the aus hazel and his job is to lead him away keep going next slide the goat will carry on itself all of their sentence to a solitary place and the man will release it into the desert the man who releases the goat as the azazel must wash his clothes and bathe himself with water afterwards he may come into the count so this day centered around two goats one goat for the lord and the other for ah zazel which means take him away here's the ceremony for azazel next slide so you basically you had a terrified goat standing in front of hundreds of thousands of people he knows what just happened to his friend inside and he doesn't know what they're going to do to him he's scared the priest would take all the sins of the israelites and place it on this goat's head with mala they would then attach it to the goat's head physically they would take a scarlet woolen thread a red cord and they would wrap it around the goat's head why because ritual and visual images help people get what's going on right it's sort of like if you've ever been to youth camp and you nailed your sin to a cross like it's not like that literally does anything but it helps you understand what was actually happening so they would take a red cord and they would wrap it around the goat's head and the priest would say behold israel your sin and he would step back and present the goat with red wrapping on his head hang on a second the gospel writer said that as a part of jesus's trial pilate had his head wrapped in thorns and he presented him to the jewish crowd with his head wrapped in thorns and said behold your king hang on a second if you wrap someone's head with thorns what color does the wrapping become red so as part of the gospel story is you have jesus standing in front of a jewish crowd with red wrapping wrapped around his head the imagery is obvious this is the gospel writer's going hey you know that thing we do every year where we just let it go clean slate's fresh start second chances the opportunity to write a better story it's happening right in front of us right now at that point they would march the goat through the crowd remember no no microphones no pa you just had to shout that the priest would march the goat through the crowd and say behold israel your sin is being removed from you as far as the east is from the west behold israel your sin is being removed from you as far as the east is from the west and then what they would do is they would hand the goat into the care of a man appointed to the task and his job was to remove the goat the priest would then cut a piece of the red cord and he would hang it from the temple door now the guy would then take the goat out into the desert i've been to jerusalem i've seen where they do this it is far you cannot believe how far they marched this goat why because if you want your sins removed you want it far that's the idea now here's the problem with that the problem with that is on yom kippur it's the only time in the whole of the bible that the command is shabbat shabbaton absolutely no work in other words on this day you were forbidden from doing anything and here's the reason why because if you forbid people from doing anything then no one could ever claim it's because of something they did that their sins were forgiven and here's why that's important as soon as we do a ritual and we think the ritual saves us or we think the ritual forgives us we could create an ethos where people who've done this ritual are forgiven and people who haven't done this ritual aren't and people who've done this are in and people who haven't done this are out and people who've done this are clean and people haven't done this are unclean and if we ever do that we actually put more faith in our made-up rituals than we do and what god was just doing before the foundation of the world so in leviticus they weren't allowed to do anything lest anybody would claim that something they did is the reason god forgave them that day right that was a powerful thing so but when you when you've got an hour-long thing where they're marching a goat out and you're not allowed to do anything so what they started doing is instead of taking all the time to march it out they just started marching it to the nearest cliff and throwing them off right the reason for that is it was easier secondly is the mishna says that there was one yom kippur where four days later the goat found its way back home right and so you got you got all your sins are returning you know you got this you got this loaded goat right and so they wanted to make sure that that never happened again and actually that idea made its way into english metaphors like think about it when you were a kid if you did something really stupid and your friends were taking the mickey out of you right your grandmother might have said hey don't let them get your goat don't let them get your goat the etymology of the phrase don't let them get your goat is when somebody brings up your failure in a way to embarrass you which leads me to this if the goal of yom kippur and the finished work of christ is to be goat removers then the church of jesus christ can never be the goat bringers right like presence church should be the place a fresh start second chances clean slates opportunities to write a better story no matter where you came from you get an opportunity to write a better story here we should never be the people bringing up people's failures we should be the people reminding them that their goat has been removed that's the idea so the next time somebody brings up your failure don't deny it just say yeah you're right that happened but you know what the problem is i just don't see my goat anywhere my goat is not around that's the idea you you'll confuse them and they'll leave you alone they'll think killed you but that it works right the idea is is that we don't want to be the weapon in the hand of the enemy that god is trying to remove correct right we want to be the people reminding people your goat has been removed not we're the ones bringing your failure up now here's what would happen the people weren't allowed to do anything because you never want to be able to claim that it's your ritual that forgives you that would be terrible if we ever presented the gospel that sounds like this perform the ritual we made up and god will forgive you that would be horrendous right so these people weren't allowed to do anything there's a red cord hanging from the temple door and here's how you knew when it worked the talmud says that every year on this day the same miracle happens on the same day and that is at some point when that goat had been removed the red cord would turn white and that's the only way people knew the goat was finished being removed is when that red cord turned white it was like this sign from heaven that says hey it worked your bucket emptied fresh start second chances clean slates opportunity to write a better story here's the problem you weren't allowed to do anything right now could you imagine several hundred thousand people standing there and they witnessed the people in the front row witnessed the miracle first and then they would what would have happened buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz it would spread not quite as fast as twitter but it would go right it would go right but you weren't allowed to do anything there would have been this buzz and you're but the problem is is you're literally not allowed to do anything no singing no that's doing something no clapping no you might then create a theology that you're clapping did something no no no singing no clapping no yelling out nothing god is doing it by grace and that is it because he's nice and your job is to connect with what god is doing right here's what would happen is the priest they'd set up a big chair in front of everybody and when the priest noticed that the red cord had turned white yom kippur ended with one movement he would notice the red corded turn white he would turn to the people he would back up to the chair and he would simply sit down and when the priest sat down it was the indication to the people that it was all done fresh starts second chances clean slates opportunity to write a better story and at that point yom kippur was over which means what they were allowed to do something so the question is at that point what did they do i'm trying to think of the hebrew word for this but it translates something like this they went nuts why because when you realize deep in your soul that your regrets are not being held against you for the next year that is worth celebrating and it was raucous maniac celebration not and this is so important it wasn't celebration in order to get god to do something it was celebration because of what god did it wasn't come on three more songs and god might do something no that's witchcraft it was it was come on hey god's done something let's connect with that and celebrate with it because that is worth celebrating there's a guy that um went to yom kippur and he wrote down his experience and it got written down um and then it got translated way later in king james english but i think you'll get it and it's very moving what this person's experience was in yom kippur here's what he says next slide he then fastened the scarlet woolen thread to the head of the goat for azazel and laying his hands upon it again he recited the following confession of sin and prayer for forgiveness oh lord i've acted with iniquities trespasses it sends before you i my household and the sons of aaron your holy ones oh lord forgive the iniquities transgressions and sins that i my household and aaron's children your holy people committed before you as it is written keep going as it is written in the law of moses your servant for on this day he will forgive you to cleanse you from all all all all your sins before the lord and you will be clean this is yom kippur but wait a minute i want to test your knowledge of something okay everybody in here seen the passion of the christ everybody saw it right no one saw it twice did you you didn't watch a movie where they beat somebody half to death for two hours twice right that's a little weird but like once we all saw it we were like oh man goodness me come on mel did you have to be that graphic with it of course he probably dumbed it down from what it really was right it would have been whatever it was awful been awful but but whether you see the passion of christ or not it was in there it was also in uh in all your in all of our passion plays some of the older movies right and here's basically what happens pilate doesn't know what to do with christ but he knows he doesn't want to riot because it's passover it's a problem right so what does he do he says i am going to leave it up to you what would you like me to do with him right and the jewish crowd they start chanting something famous it's in all the plays and all the movies so we all know what it says what did they say everybody together crucify him yes crucify him crucify him crucify him we know that why because it's in all the movies and the plays problem is that's not what they said let me show you what they said next slide it was the day of preparation for passover week about the sixth hour here's your king pilate says to the jews but they shouted take him away take him away crucify him hang on a second if a jewish crowd is chanting take him away what word would they be saying is this the day god just lets it all go remember leviticus says you've got to put someone in charge of the azalea remember jesus says to pilate you've been given charge over me right and it says after the person in charge of the azazel is done he must wash his hands next slide when pilate saw that he was getting nowhere but instead an uproar was starting he took water and he washed his hands in front of the crowd but wait a minute there's more yom kippur ends when a priest sits down if you have a standing priest there's still work to be done but a sitting priest indicates there's nothing else left to be done next slide day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties again and again he offers the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but when this priest has offered for all time one sacrifice for sins he sat down at the right hand of god in other words the new testament message is our priest is sitting which leads me to this question have we ever presented the gospel in such a way that requires jesus to stand back up have we ever said you know what your work wasn't enough we need people to do our ritual at our altar at our time so we can somehow religiously control their spiritual guilt framework and you know what we're going to need you to stand back you realize the only other time in the new testament jesus stands up is when when they're stoning stephen when they're stoning stephen he's looking down going if you're going back to that then what i did was for nothing i guess i'll stand back up though this the new testament story is our priest is sitting down which leads to this question have you ever wondered have i done enough to overcome the bad i've done and if you've ever wondered have i done enough to overcome the bad i've done the answer is that is an irrelevant question because the finished work is enough and the priest is sitting let's say this way next slide here's first john john is trying to explain the meaning of christ to our world and he uses yom kippur as the backdrop here's what he says my dear children i write this to you so that you will not sin let's stop and talk about that for a second the only appropriate response to the grace of god is to choose to live better in other words if someone gives you a clean slate write a better story if somebody gives you a second chance take it if you hit a golf shot into the water and your partner says i was talking in your swing take a mulligan aim differently if you fail a test and the teacher says you know what you're better than that i'm going to give you a do-over on that test write different answers if you commit a crime and a clever lawyer gets you off from that crime on a technicality change your life write a better story don't in other words don't show up every yom kippur with the same exact bucket of regrets if you get a fresh bucket change your life now if you show up next year with the same bucket of regrets does god still forgive you yes he does but your life will suck you can be totally forgiving and your life suck why because sin has wages built into it it's not about forgiveness it's about using the grace of god the fresh start the second chance to clean slate the mulligan to write a better story dear children i write these things to you so that you will not send but if anybody does i love that dear children i hope you don't but if you do and you will we have one who speaks to the father in our defense jesus christ the righteous one he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins oh and not only for our sins but also for the sins of all bible-believing christians everywhere no he's not just defending the father for you you didn't think jesus just died for you did you that would make us elitist and terrible actually the good news is that jesus isn't just defending us he's defending everybody everywhere even your cousin earl his brother randy yeah even that child that's away right now you say yeah but my child's away from god right now i know and i hope they changed their life but in the meantime you can know that jesus is defending your kid before the father why is your kid in god's world yes is he breathing god's heir yes is he held together by god's name yes then jesus is defending him or he would die as long as someone's breathing air jesus is defending them because he died for them that would be good news see is jesus defending us yes why because he's just defending the whole flipping world and we're just a part of it right this would be good news now how can we remember today great teachers can summarize things in a few sentences so i'm going to give that a go so if you phased out for any of all of this here's the whole message in two minutes next slide the hands have been washed whatever your failure is the good news is better than that failure the good news is that your hands the hands have been washed let's say this way next slide the cord has turned white you say yeah but i keep going back to that drug i just can't stop i know dear children please stop that change your life do so write a better story there's a better outcome for your life than that drug has for you but the good news is better than that failure the good news is the court has turned white it is very difficult for someone to change their life if they're constantly fighting the internal belief that god has something against them the good news is that god has nothing against you and he is offering you the opportunity to change your life because the good news is better than the failure let's say this way next slide the priest has sat down that there is nothing you could do to overcome the bad that we've done and that's good news why because it was all taken care of there's nothing else left to do but but perhaps the best way to remember today is essentially this next slide the goat has left the building has left the building you say shane you don't understand i went through a divorce i know i know i wish you wouldn't have but since it happened the good news is better than that the good news of your story is that your goat has left the building a shame it was my fault i know i know but it does you no good living in that regret all that was seven years ago let it go let it go the good news is better than that write a better story for your life the goat has left the building but shane it was this crime you understand i know i know i wish you wouldn't have but since you did you can know jesus is defending you and the good news is better than your failure your goat has left the building so my brothers and sisters may we live on a more profound level than regret in the past and may we handle it properly for us and for them that's the beauty of this day god lets the goat go for you god lets the goat go for them he says shane but they're wrong about god yeah i know all of us are wrong about god are you kidding me right now if the goat leaves for you then the goat leaves for them you can't want mercy for yourself and then justice for everybody else it doesn't work that way may we be people who live with fresh buckets clean slates fresh starch second chances and the opportunity to write a better story and may we give that grace to the ones who've hurt us and when we do that who knows we might actually be successful in showing the love of christ to the world so may the guilt the fear the shame and the pain may you never carry it one more day may you release your bucket by releasing their bucket and understand that the court has turned white the hand has been washed the priest has most definitely set down and more than anything more than anything at all may each of you leave today with a revelation deep in your soul that your goat has left the building until i see you next time grace and peace everybody
Channel: Presence Church AU
Views: 1,381
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Presence, Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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