Tasmota Control of Zigbee Lights WithOUT Home Assistant or NodeRED

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so in this video i'm going to show you how to use a tasmota light switch to control a zigbee light bulb with no automation in between and do cool stuff like this single toggle turns it off single toggle puts it back on you can change the color temperature press and hold it will continue to change the color temperature back to warm white double tap it will toggle and then tap and hold and then you can also change the brightness from the wall pretty cool stuff show you how to do all of that because it's sometimes difficult to get some tasmota light bulbs that you could do the whole device groups thing that we showed previously so we're going to do it with zigbee to mqtt no home automation such as home assistant or node-red you can't cheat in the middle we got to do this with just the two devices right well we're gonna show you not not with the len kind switch because all you fools them bought up all the pre-orders that were five dollars a piece on amazon but you can pretty much do this with whatever type of light switch you want whatever you can get your hands on to put tasmoto on them i know even after them sells a bunch of different pre-flash ones if you really can't find one but you could do this with a shelly or whatever just gotta have really putting tasmota on it if you really want to do this type of setup of course you'll be cheating to do like my boy cough h8 recently did some br 30s we do appreciate that as well as i think athem did these are all pre-flash and put tasmota on them as well i think they come with esp home he does sell a regular type light bulb as well that we have covered as well as athem but there's just sometimes you gotta have that zigbee thing because of that type of bulb you want so let's jump on into the tasmota console and we'll show you how we set this up and we'll kind of start from the ground up and maybe we'll work into some more of the advanced stuff so in our little setup here i've got my little test desk little button here and everything's gonna be synced so i know some people ask well hey are you editing the video and pulling out the delay no i want to show you the delay if there is one there so just for this little test one here we can press the button and that's the bulb over my shoulder here it just works better over there we won't blind the camera so you can see push the button and we can toggle it on and off so it's not that hard i'm not going to go over the whole zigbeetmqtt setup thing because you should probably know how to pair devices if you have it set up already now one thing i do set in my bulbs or devices is i hit the little pencil icon and then i will set and make sure and update the home assistant entity id i like to use just no spaces it makes it simple for me and it makes it more foolproof in doing rules and different things with topics it's just much easier a lot of stuff doesn't support spaces i like to do it that way you can't escape the spaces but that's a whole nother deal typical deal on here you know you got your exposes and you can turn the bulb on and off as you can see going on and off right behind me and the delay was not too bad i think for zigbee pretty decent so how do we control this with mqtt and don't let mqtt scare you because let me show you exactly kind of how you can do this without using the zigbee to mqtt console and without home assistant so there's a section in here in the documentation and we'll leave all the links if you're really lazy and don't can't find this with google but it's really simple to send something to zigbee we'll go over this part i know it's json that's scary at times but without the json you'll notice how it says right here it says zigbee to mqtt friendly name set state is the topic now topic can be confusing think of topic as more like an address or like a channel and zigbee to mqtt is going to listen for that for your light bulb so if we just copy that topic so there's a ton of different ways you can do this i'm just going to use mqtt explorer if you really wanted to you can even use home assistant to publish or even another tasmoto switch but i wanted to show you it's really simple the way mqtt works so i'm just going to jump in here to the publish and paste in that copy and paste from the documentation now where it has friendly name we'll go grab that friendly name that we set to our bulb over here so that's that zig lend kind bulb and again you can use whatever bulbs you want as well you can even use a group so over the friendly name we will paste in because i'm a big copy and paster the name of there now make sure to be in raw mode because we don't want to send xml or json to it and we'll send the off command and we'll publish because remember what it's going to do is going to send the payload or the message of off to this topic or channel that zigbee to mqtt is listening on and you hit publish and you should see it go off boom there it goes and really if you wanted to you could change this to toggle so i wouldn't have to keep changing you want to listen to me talk anymore and i could just hit the publish button and then hit the publish and it goes on and off so pretty cool you can already see the power and where we're going to go with this next so let's jump into tasmota and quickly go over how to do this in a rule now if you didn't watch the previous videos yeah shame on you you should have at least just left them to play and gave me at least the watch minutes right but basically this little test switch is we did the toggle there's no actual toggle on the actual relay it's just toggling a pin on the esp chip that's not hooked to anything and that allowed us to still put the load of the light bulbs through the light switch so in case we wanted to actually turn off the light switches to work on anything with the lights we could just turn it off well how we did that was in the template was we set output high to always hold that relay high or on basically so of course if you did want to come in here and turn it off you could use and change the template there's multiple ways to do this now one thing i also came in here and did is i set switch one for the button and i'll explain why because we're going through some other stuff with that dimming and whatnot we need it to be set to switch switch one gives us a little faster response as well and plus allows us to do some short press and long press stuff too now it doesn't let us really do multi-press but that's a whole nother deal if you want to do that so this isn't connected in any way the light switch is over here and that's just a lamp plugged in on a totally different circuit so if we push the button it does change the toggle but nothing really happens right so since we are set up for actually toggling that fake relay and this isn't using any device groups or anything like that what we're going to do we're going to do a rule and the rule there's three rule buffers and a buffer is just a big set of rules and then you can toggle each buffer on and off like if you want to play with something and try something out in rule three without impacting rule one that's one of the reasons why i like to use the different buffers now the first rule we're going to do is going to be rule one on power one state and the way these rules are laid out is you have the rule number and then you're saying on so it's like the start of the rule then you're saying the trigger when something happens when the power one which is relay one the state changes so if it changes from on to off or either or because we're not going to give it a state to change in we don't care what state just as long as the state changes so now we want to do something so of course there's the word do we want to do a publish that's going to send out through mqtt and now you can already see where we're going with this of course i'm a big copy and paster again i'm gonna go grab my publish from they used a while ago to show you and paste it in and we're gonna send the payload of toggle end on and that ends the rule so begins in the on and goes through there pretty simple rule but they look confusing and terrifying when you first look at it but once you kind of break it down it's pretty simple and how they are so press enter if you want to see your stuff you'll see it shows rule one here now you'll notice the state is off we'll fix that and there's your rule that passes on by and there it is so we need to do rule one space one that's going to turn that rule on so let's give it a shot we'll push the button and now we've already just with that simple one little rule have done changing the state of the light bulb using a tasmota switch pretty cool isn't it all without doing anything in home assistant or node red or anything and to be honest like i said before this is no delay no camera trickery or nothing i won't edit this i can see that i'm just going to be continuing to talk and yeah i talked do a lot but you can see right now that i'm pushing it and the light turns on and off so it's probably not as fast as device groups but maybe that's due to the transition also in that bulb that can make a difference in the bulbs as well on how quickly they react with zigbee because some of them ramp up kind of like how this one is you can see it kind of ramp up and ramp down instead of just bang come on so this is pretty much going to solve your issue and you don't really need to sit through another bit of talking and showing you rule stuff and everything you can just jump on down through using the markers down below hit that closing and smash that like and that subscribe button and shoot us a comment maybe let us know other cool stuff you may want to do but if you want to hang out let's jump into doing some cool stuff and i'll try to explain a whole lot of it and i may even confuse myself a couple times but yeah let's jump into that doing the dimming with the button this took me a little bit of time but it was a good challenge and i'm going to leave all of this and probably youtube won't like me for put all these weird characters in the description and no i'm not trying to get you just to go to my blog because i got shitloads of ads on there no i don't have any ads on there that i know or i put on there i don't think it shows any like some others just go check it out in there and i'll put it all in there where you can kind of copy and paste out and kind of go through and grab this stuff now this these are all the going to be the setup commands basically you just go and copy and paste them and put them in the console just like this just put calculus 0 now this is all one rule buffer you'll want to paste all this in when the system boots up it does a variable of your friendly name so i made it where you didn't have to go in here and change all the stuff you could just change the friendly name right here to what your bulb is named now this particular switch i'm using has a red and blue led now i wanted the to start off the blue led to be lit showing we were in brightness mode and not the color temperature mode now this particular bulb is initially set up on is i had the value of the temperature start out at 153 now towards the bottom i do have a place where if it goes over a certain value you would want to change that if your bulb doesn't get as warm you'll want to go and change that and i'll show you once we get there so it's kind of just setting up some initial variables state 2 which is just a single press it does an event and it sends a zig talk i just did zig tag and if you look down here it says hey on event zig tag do publish there's the same thing your zigbee to mqtt var5 which is the one i just set here which is your friendly name so it just replaces it set state toggle we just went over that stuff simple stuff right then we have these four which the four is when you hold now you say what are these other variables well the var one is actually if you look var one is add so it's gonna do add and then i have to know which the brightness or the color temperature which variable so it puts that number so i'm using two variables to make up which way it adds the 25 i do the steps in 25 now i may change some of this stuff and add more features but we'll add that to the blog post as we go now you say might need a backlog right here i'm not sure why but if i put the word backlog in here it puts backlog backlog and it gives me an error so i just took one out and it works and maybe later we'll run into a bug where it doesn't work i don't know so then it does event zig push and i don't know which push it is because it's going to do the var 2 which is the number whether we're in brightness or color temperature mode so that gets down to here where if it actually does a zig push 3 it will send over the brightness or the color temperature now the cool thing i had it do was i had it actually and you may not be able to see in the camera when i show it actually i have it blink the led for the user kind of pulses every time it sends that step of different color temperature or brightness and which one it depends on basically on the mode now then once you hold the button down you let up it's going to see the let up message and it's going to flip itself so then it will flip itself from increment to decrease mode so then it will decrease when you hold it and then when you let up it will increase again so it kind of goes back and forth because remember we only have one button if this was a with a two button switch like those len kinds it would be so much easier because you could just use the buttons up and down but that challenge was there to do all this with one button and it starts up sets all the cool stuff and we see if we can toggle it we get the toggle and some of this you may be able to i'm more of a visual person you can see in the log some of the stuff it does without some of those rules can get confusing hello i got confused a couple of times so now if i hold you can see it's adding brightness and then now when i let up you can see it changed to sub so now when i hold it's going to subtract brightness in steps of 25 on that 0 to 255 scale and then when i let up it you can see it goes back to add so then we could continue to add brightness to it so if i put my finger on here you can see see it pulses so the user can see that the bulb is actually going and doing something as they press and hold things to set the brightness or whatever it may be you'll see it toggles once and then hard to see but there is a red led under there i'm trying to put the shadow on it you can see it and the same thing will happen it will pulse as you hold the up and down but i want to switch back to see the rules and then we should be able to start to add which it should get warmer as we hold it down and you can see we get up to that 370 and get that warm white so it's a little advanced rule stuff but pretty awesome what you can do with taz moda and controlling some zigbee bulbs pretty badass stuff so hopefully you've learned some cool stuff and maybe just apply some knowledge and doing some automation stuff for learning a bunch of rules and tasmota and learning really how zigbee 2mqtt works kind of under the covers as well so in another video i'm going to do just the opposite because i know a lot of people can maybe through call for whatever anthem can get their hands say on their tasmota bulbs or maybe they just have some but there's that issue they rent and they don't want to change the light switches and get the whole landlord pissed off at them so in another one we're going to show you using some zigbee buttons or even a little zigbee volume knob thank you for caleb is sending me this because i don't have an ikea near me and we're going to show how to control your tasmota light bulbs with zigbee so just a flip-flop of what we just showed so make sure you're subscribed for that one maybe you'll even learn some different stuff that maybe you just want to add another light switch in a place you just didn't have one before even in the home you do own so i appreciate all the patreon subscribers and youtube and everything else out there definitely helps bring new products and projects to the channel all the time let's get done with the video what are you gonna tell them before we go hit that subscribe hit that subscribe button and by our merch today right now explode and you almost poke me in the eye with the why you hating antennae me [Music]
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 4,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, home automation, hass.io, hassos, tasmota, esp32, esp8266, arduino, esphome, diy, smart home, zigbee, home assistant, automation, nodemcu, wemos d1, node-red, taco face, top 10 best, how to smart home, zigbee tasmota, tasmota zigbee bulbs, zigbee bulbs, remote zigbee, wall switch zigbee
Id: LilhuCXYofE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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