Intro to Tasmota - What is it? How do I? ESP8266?

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so before we jump to the project that i wanted to do to fix a couple issues behind me i thought i would go over some things with the back to basics of tasmota and one of the very things that a lot of people don't know well besides that i can't pronounce it is tasmota actually stands for something well actually it stands for the developer's first initial so theo then his last name which i won't try to pronounce sonoff mqtt ota so that's taz moda now i know a lot of you tasmota pros are probably hey i don't really need this just get to the cool stuff travis well hang around you may learn some additional things and well if you don't want to just hit the like button or something and i i don't know maybe take a nap for a little bit if you don't i'ma send the og to come flash all your stuff back to stock to you yeah hit that button so what exactly is it well think of if you've got all these different devices you've got light switches fan controllers more switches with three buttons these little smart relays the shelly relays they actually go in the wall that's somehow basics that some people did not so well put them in the wall in the past infrared controllers smart plugs that do power monitoring whole home power monitoring with all using tasmota now these devices come from several different companies and they come with their stock software on the little chip now the little chip has wi-fi built in and think of it just like a small little single board computer but it's on a one small chip but it's not that powerful but it doesn't need to do a whole lot well why can't i just use what comes with it i mean they designed the device right yeah you could and they say even the shelly ones now shelly is probably the one that i will say is going to stand out here because they are truly local and what i mean by local and i talk about being local and make it yours is hey can i take a product such as a smart plug or say this one off basic take it out of the box have no internet connection just have electricity to power it up and can i put it on my network without any application on my phone and can i get it into my network and view their use it or whatnot the data on it or control the relay without using the internet because that's really stupid when you have to rely on someone else's server to just control something across the room yeah we i know sometimes we don't have reliable internet in some places some people are blessed to have that but hey it's sometimes things break i mean hell even tuya had their entire freaking system break and everybody on reddit and everything it was like oh all my stuff i can't turn my light bulbs on guess what i didn't have that issue because all of my stuff i keep it local and make it mine i don't have to worry about someone else's server to control stuff in my house and that's a lot of what tasmota is behind is making it local open source tons of different developers have added features and you can add sensors and do stuff that was never thought about with some of these devices that are straight out of the box i mean for instance now i had to change the chip on this because of that to you company and that's a whole other soapbox but this runs tazmoda and it does bluetooth scanning this is a bedside lamp with a touch sensor on it that you change the colors and whatever if like reading but guess what it does bluetooth scanning and it picks up bluetooth from temperatures and humidity sensors i mean who does that well we do what for well i can put one of these little sensors in my bathroom and then now i can drive an automation that directly tells one of these relays to turn on to turn on the vent because the humidity is too high and well what benefit is that well gonna lower the cost on cooling and you won't have as much humidity in the bathroom which is you know causes mold and a whole other issues so you're really saving yourself money by doing this automation and it's all local using some products such as these that are very inexpensive so how do you get it and how do you put it on these different things and devices well some of these devices actually have pins already on them such as this is a little sewn off sv and it's used for i like to use these for like garage door openers and stuff same thing with like the shelley one they have pins on them you can do it over the air which is just use your browser and you can change the software on these very easily kudos to shelly for doing that and there's some other stuff for if you really don't want to get your geek on there's companies such as cough h.a they do i think right now some light bulbs that are pre-flashed with esp home or you can put tasmota esp home is another open source product that goes in these esp chips and there's another company which i have covered is atham and they have several different smart plugs and light switches and light bulbs and i even saw they did come out with that br 30 bulbs the kudos to them as well and they're all pre-flashed so you don't have to do the solder thing nope you can and there are these options that you don't have to get your solder on you a lot of times you can just use your web browser now of course there is some other stuff where you do have to get your solder on but just depends on how deep you want to go but i can tell you once you start to do some of this it's very addicting that you're in control of your destiny of what your products and what your money you spend because it's just gonna be yours you don't have to worry about somebody saying oh we're going out of business well so we're going to show you how to do a few things on and control things with tasmota and run through some of the basics on the gui because it's cool it does have a little web server right on the chip now i am going to in this session reference the docs a decent amount but it's a good little resource to go through and dig through there you'll be surprised how much they've packed into this small little processor that's on these chips i mean hell whoever thought you'd have a whole full web browser and whole nine yards on a light bulb really yeah that's a thing so used to i want to go touch on this you used to have to go download like tasmatizer or even use some command line tools or stuff they've really made easy using the using the chromebase browser install you just click it and go through and hook up your usb flasher and you pick the version you want now do pay attention that the regular tasmota builds and there are a couple different ones from the infrared the light the sensors and we'll go over probably some of those but just typically go with the taz motor one if you have the esp8266 or the 8285 which those are the most common chips at this time if you do have the esp32 you'll notice there's all kind of different esp32 ones they're esp32 c3s and there is a whole documentation and table of which build to use for the esp32 and it's pretty straightforward now if you really don't know come on jump down into my discord the links down below there's a bunch of people in there they'll help you out including myself if you ever have any doubts we'll tell you exactly and how to flash whatever you need to so once you do add tasmota device to your wi-fi and yes these all do use wi-fi and don't worry about the whole naysayers well it's gonna bog down your wi-fi well they probably have a very old router that's probably 10 15 years old some of the newer ones you shouldn't have any issues and especially if you have a couple access points mesh or whatever i mean i've got over 120 devices between two access points and they're still screaming for more you'll see in the default it starts off as sonar basic now we don't have a sonoff basic i actually have a martin jerry just single light switch it has two leds one relay and one button now pre i did flash this previously with two you convert you can still do them until you convert but there's only a small number of devices that you can do that and this one also allows you to solder to it or you can use a jig or whatever it's pretty simple to do these switches so once you're in there you'll notice you get an on and off button but again this isn't a sonar basic so that probably not going to work and we're going to get to we'll show you how to do all the things with it now a very important one is if you go to the information tab because if you're in the discord asking for help people are gonna ask you hey what version oh hey i'm running 9.50 tasmota and you can put the parentheses that'll tell us if you're running the full build or whatever of it and there's some other information we may ask down here such as the topic and flash size but that's really going to get into advance there's not a whole lot to do in the information tab now firmware upgrade this is going to default to the tasmota ota server so of course you do need internet access to use in this ota server now if you want to do one local you're advanced enough to do that go right ahead but it will default to the stock one you can just hit start upgrade and it will upgrade straight from the internet and pull the new bin file in case there's say a new release or whatever and you can go through here and push one manually just by hitting choose file browse to it and push it over just make sure you know what you're doing and read the documentation on upgrading you never know when there's some weird breaking change but there really hasn't been some major breaking changes with taz mode in the past because they're pretty careful on doing that now in the configuration tab the configure module yeah we'll get to that one configure wi-fi that's where you course you can put in multiple ssids say for instance you're going to plan to swap out your router and you don't want to have to worry about hey i've got 20 30 different devices on your wi-fi you could put in that new wi-fi network too along with the password and as soon as you swap out your router the devices will automatically drop and pick up and go to the other ones pretty cool feature and you can send it to all of them using mqtt at once but that might be in a different video than this that's a little more advanced now configure mqtt it's pretty simple you go in here and put in your mqtt which is mosquito you don't really have to get involved with it especially say the home assistant users because it's pretty much automated with the home assistant tasmota integration you just need to make sure and put in your mqtt broker name and password and then make sure it connects and that's pretty much it that you need to touch with mqtt to get it into home assistant so what i'd like to do is change the topic and that term is confusing but it's kind of like the unique device name and i like to give it kind of like a domain so like i'll do sw underscore and we'll do just say this is mj test and but i may put that as switch underscore living room or living room lamp or something like that because that will show up in your router as that name you'll know exactly what it is leave everything else the same of course you do need a valid user id and password that's going to be unique for everybody and do make sure that your mqtt password which if you're using the supervisor with home assistant that's going to be your user ids that your id and password need to be i think it's five characters or more otherwise it gives you a weird error and it won't connect to mqtt now the configured demoducies the modis domo whatever the d word no not that one but i don't use it it's another home automation software but you're welcome to go in there and go around and play with it go read the docs whatever configure timer that's a pretty cool part if you go in and set your latitude and longitude along with your time zone you can do timers straight on the switch itself to do automations like turn on and on on off say at dusk to dawn or whatever and it's pretty cool straight built in there and it doesn't require some other automation server it's like make a true smart switch now the logging it's gonna be just for doing a lot of debug stuff and like the mqtt log level the assist log if you want to do that the telemetry if you want to dig into the logs if you have an issue but for the most part if you don't just leave this all default you really don't have to worry about it now configure other now we're going to go over the templates we'll do that last the web admin password that's to secure the web gui it's not a bad idea to put in your own little web admin password that way someone can't be on your network and go change stuff with your switches if they really want to screw with you you know like siblings or never they would never do that right or kids this is also where if you don't want to use mqtt you can turn that off because you don't require to use mktt you could just use the gui on these and i have done that at people's houses with that timer now device name i would set something there because that's actually going to pop up in home assistant as the name you'll be able to see it you just don't want to leave it taz motor you'll end up with a bunch of devices all santas moda and all the entities will be all taz moda yeah go in here and set this before you turn on mqtt or put your stuff in there and then once you do all your configuration stuff you can come in here and say backup configuration that'll make a very small file and download that to your computer or device you're using and the really cool part pro tip here say you've got four or five light bulbs that you need to set up and you don't feel like going through and setting all these and everything you can just set them one of them up hit back up then hit restore on the other ones and just change that unique name and rock and roll and then it kind of saves you some time so how do we fix this god-awful son-off basic thing up here well i want to run through how and why i know a lot of people are wanting to just hey let me just go get a template and go get it off some weird website or my website or some other one that may be sketchy and no support but let's go run through how things were and why first so if you probably haven't been in here configure module some of you may have previously in different versions we didn't have a template now this was before the the whole scene blew up with a bunch of switches and to you convert and the whole nine yards so it was really just a small handful of devices it was fairly easy to manage and so if you look in here you'll notice the sonal basic you don't need a template for any of these devices just don't i don't understand why someone would go get a template for say an s31 it's right here you just go and pick it and if you just pick it and then hit save and that's it your device is configured so but what if you don't have yours is not in the list right now before we could go in here and pick generic and so i'm going to show you what generic is so if we go back to configure module after reboots you'll notice we have a big list of this googly gobbily gpio things yeah so don't confuse yourself what that stands for is general purpose input output and what that means kind of in layman's terms is think about it as just a bunch of pipes and communication channels now it's an input an input would be referenced as say a button or a switch because you're inputting data into the processor now output would be data coming out of the processor so that may be to an led to turn a light on to turn a relay on to turn anything else on it's just to signal something out of the processor so you'll have multiple pipes that come out of the chip and typically you'll see say this gpio4 you'll have say a switch attached to it now i'm not going to go over all these ones because some of them there's whole pull-ups involved and there's rotaries there's relays leds counters buzz all kinds of stuff and yes this one software handles all of that small little bin files nuts down here i squared c that's like temperature sensors all kinds of stuff you can do to add into these different devices and dev boards and switches and everything so how do you know what yours has and i don't know i don't want to configure that and well i have done one say you have a new device there's some new device procedures it's not too hard to do it runs through and you kind of figure out which pins are in and out and what they control and then you kind of mark it down and you go configure your template or if you already know the device you go get it from somewhere hope it works i have a small list of ones that i maintain and keep up with and if one is wrong you can jump into discord and say hey i need help with this one and i'll someone will help you out and probably i'll help you out so i'm looking for that morton jerry single pole so here's that morton jerry single pole and sometimes i'll have additional information on it so you can just grab this template copy it to your clipboard well in the configuration if you remember under yeah it's not under configured template it's under configure other there's a template section just paste over this whole thing here the one that i have on that web page do make sure you hit activate and hit save and you'll notice right above me now we got a red led now it is a little brighter in person just because red is not that great to pick up on a camera but it's not too bright where it drives you nuts a great little night light just being able to see where the light switch is at so at this point you can come in here and hit toggle i have a light bulb and there it is it blinds the camera and it turns on really works just fine and if i wanted to i can push the button and the light turns on and turns off and because we have it configured for mqtt if i jumped into tasmota all without me doing anything there's my mj test switch that i just named and there it is i can come in here and hit the switch it turns on turns off i could hit add to lovelace boom straight into home assistant automatically with really you not having to do a thing and then you could do automations with it with multi-press i got a whole nother video on how to do the multi-press stuff where like you can control stuff across the room with doing like a double press and long press etc that's really cool stuff so what did that template do remember we pasted that in there so it went in here and it did under configured template it put in here all the leds the relay the buttons etc and it named it mjso1 two-way switch right but i thought you said the modules control they do check this out again that we didn't want to do any breaking changes but we wanted to be able to add in different devices without having to hard code them into the bin file which there's not a lot of space on these chips check this out now you have under module zero your mj two-way switch pretty slick isn't it so now you've added a module into the software without having to hard code it into the bin file so that's how those templates template actually drives module zero all those built-in ones are still there for you to pick and it's all kind of dynamic of course for the module zero one so the ever important feature and don't be scared of this one it's very powerful and you will use it but it's pretty simple to use for the most part if you click on console this is like the log and i know you've done some stuff people ask well hey what's the log show you know but and usually log you can just read it well this allows you to interact with the switch how cool is that you can come in here and enter the commands well what commands uh is there a help no you're not gonna find a help built into the switch or whatever device it is because remember we don't have a lot of flash memory to store in just tons and tons of documentation but hey the internet's a great place for that so if you go back to the tasmania documentation there is an entire commands list it's pretty awesome and everything it has a lots of descriptions to it if you don't know what an option is set on your switch and you're like well hey i like that option well maybe it's already turned on just put in that option without any value and most of them will come back and show you the result and just like it shows hey that's our template and say for instance there's for doing the multi-press or you want to do it where the fast reacting button i know a lot of people don't know this one so you say if you push the button here you see how it's got kind of a delay what the reason why is it's waiting to see if you do a multi-press say if you don't want to do multi-press you can do so13 what is so not so it's set option 13 space 1 for on you can come in here and type in set option 13 out i think you can't even type on well i want to show you let's see if i just type in so13 see it shows set option 13 is off well i want to turn that on so it comes back and says it's on and now when i push the button you'll see that it's fast reacting it's pretty much instantaneous it almost feels too fast in a way but as soon as you press the button it clicks that relay on and it's pretty stupid fast and a lot of people do want that so that's just a small little example of what the power of the console can do go dig around look through those commands you can do all kinds of stuff with tasmota in using the console it's pretty damn powerful so hopefully you've learned something today on tazmoto we'll dig into some more of the little advanced stuff in tasmania and show the true power of what you can do if there's a particular subject or device or whatever that you're looking for some additional information or a little walkthrough on tasmota to do definitely shoot us a comment down below and maybe we'll go through and try to do a video based on some of the results kind of like a poll type thing i appreciate all the tasman developers and of course all the patreon subscribers and everybody for helping bring new projects and videos to the channel each week goodbye press all the buttons and you'll take care
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 9,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, tasmota tips, tasmota how to, tasmota tutorial, best tasmota, tasmota mqtt, how tasmota, how to flash tasmota, flash esp8266, install tasmota, what is esp32, home assistant mqtt, smart home, diy, home assistant, hassio, home automation,, automation, electronics, arduino, esp8266, nodemcu, wemos d1, esp32, node-red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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