Taskmaster - Series 4, Episode 2 'Look At Me'

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] davus welcome to taskmaster in a bid to win this priceless work of art our comics are enduring task after task of metal testing Magnus the series is still young and so are two of our five contestants let's meet them now Oh I do buy left it is my Admiral of administration Alex for look nice mm-hmm thank you thank you thank you Greg I've grown a beard I shaved it off after last week's show yeah cuz he told me to I did and you said grow it back he didn't like it disgusting just like a disgusting adolescent the show today surprise category which is Alex we've asked them to bring in their most boastful item okay so the item you deem most worthy of boasting about will gain its owner five whole points and whoever wins the whole episode will win five things that they can really brag about the most boastful thing that you own I own a cat that was previously owned by dolly two things I didn't know you're gonna ask me that I didn't know was gonna say that no what's your boastful item and why are you boasting about it I won the sexist Man of the Year award 2008 it's all guns page 46 yes here it is no fielding boys and girls find him sexy fact I have a certificate from when I was I think nine because I was doing GCSE maths not age 9 what did you do for the six years before you immense take it well they didn't actually do an exam I just did do that level oh okay what is completing right GCSE but it's a follow certificate job interview are you and say when I was nine I probably could have passed you see I got best ruffball best boy in show and best new boy I think yeah all those awards for my guinea pig if you won these awards with your guinea pigs as a child it is impressive [Laughter] I always wanted to win a prize for sport as I loved sport when I was at school and when I was 18 we got through it is a final of a national public schools six aside football tournament okay I made the mistake that Hume Grammar School Oldham win one nil on the day and I got a losing battle presented to me by the manager then manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers Thursday what a medal that is did you did you understand what we wanted that is the most possible you didn't win it comes to something when a fully grown adult exhibiting guinea pigs I know for a fact is gonna beat your MP [Applause] I am I thought about this and I thought what is the thing that I tell most people about and I realized that the proudest thing that I have achieved in recent years is this selfie with the Chuckle brothers [Laughter] lovely it's very tricky isn't it I don't think it is really is it thank yous going in last place bang straight you can't boast about losing a match it's the Chuckle brothers what do you know what I'm gonna put mal next because it is impressive until I found out that you were a middle-aged woman I don't know one put in lollies in second place because it's absolutely worthless it goes life isn't fair we all respect you this handsome Devils going in first enough of all this boasting Alex what is the first task proper it has a bit of construction and a bit of sport [Music] [Music] hang on one second Wow ah keep the bar keep the basketball on the running machine for as long as possible you may not touch the basketball or the running machine right the running machine will be turned on in two minutes okay I can't touch it but other things can touch the running between and the ball hmm and I'm just gonna get some equipment okay is that all right yes a prime example of the mum run lovely match in that okay you want to start with the fashion boys Joe and no [Music] let's go up 30 seconds click goes on [Music] going on in eight seconds eight seconds five four three [Music] [Laughter] no desire yeah that's it you know I use if I want to stop a fast-moving basketball on that machine sofa cushions yeah you essentially made a 1980s children how quickly did the ball fall off three point seven five seconds it's not the only time at all three free I'm pretty pleased with that I can't imagine that Joseph's any better three point eight point five point five point naught 5 yep point not five okay the women to see the women okay [Music] I thought I could blow this you know how you keep her pink under yeah I do no here we go [Music] [Music] Oh so good oh that was so the shovel man that was so good this is my biggest regret of my life I think it for grow of your life yeah when I die and they say if you could do one thing again this will be a just thought to hold on to the bucket Mel kept on there for nine seconds and it would've been a lot more if you've been better at it where's Lally he kept on for fifteen point eight seconds which is equivalent of 50 C equivalent of the ball traveling 52 meters which is a distance to the moon and back if you're 26 meters away from the moon let's go to a break now but before too long we'll see how shamed footballer Hugh Dennis keeps a basketball on a treadmill until then bye-bye with me Greg Davis and me Alex a legs horn our five comics we're trying to keep a basketball or on a frustratingly active treadmill but we're yet to see Hugh Dennis's attempt can we see it now please Alex absolutely we can okay but I can [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get me a book or something just feel Bert oh man [Music] boss made the plug the plug quite still running you don't touch the machine no I'm talking I want to clean cooking basketball on the treadmill it stayed on there for months until its storm Doris came not to the side Wow yes the hugeness wins it and then goes lolly Mel Joe and Knoll in last place yes and there are three people in second place but not Ida fo P is in first place there we go very good well I hope we can have a lovely creative task next oh we oh yes no yes yes yes [Music] oh so am I allowed on the carpet no I think oh I've got a good feeling about this paint the best picture of the taskmaster only the paint and brush may touch the mat easel and canvas you have ten minutes your time stuff now first of all I'm gonna get to the easel cuz I can't touch the mat it's alright I've got my head is swimming with ideas already also you must smile at the camera with increasing enthusiasm every 30 seconds ten minutes your time starts now I'm pretty sure I'm right in thinking that only Joe was asked to stop this can't possibly be fair than because my time was taken up smiling up right then I know that everyone will have worked out there's a way around painting directly on the canvas no one is going to attempt to paint from the distance gives these are clever people yeah you can't do long distance paint who would do in their right mind you do distance painting so who's first Sonali [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh 30 seconds happy with the face oh that was close hey Solly Joe Luckman supplier let me see anymore yes there were 20 smiles all together ah we can see them all I counted 16 lovely smiles and four difficult poo face what will the paintings like look lolly your system was absolutely have a look at the picture we see them yeah I mean you've got to say lollies is not a huge surprise but given that he was tasked with smiling and he was stupid enough to paint from a distance that is incredible I think before the show I have to I famous they have to remove the knitting needle from my neck who's next well we're gonna see who can I just remind the rules slightly complicated only the paint and the brush without touch the map very clear so yeah I mean that was absolutely crystal clear only the paint or the brothers are alert touch the map touch the map it's quite pop art isn't it the only thing to touch the map only the paint or the brush was allowed touch the map okay so you can't throw anything you feel like down to the band then just walk across it this qualification when I famously grew my hair all the way around my headphone no good my lads bring the easel over to me with something an implement what was it only the paint and the brush right that's an easel yes that's a palette yes roller that's allowed to touch the mat isn't it [Music] bit closes of the easel now how's your art really bad [Music] I think oh please go hair has me [Music] oh yes big old mouth look pallid quite calendars make make the eyes meaner mean sorry some of those he's got hair has he most of it mean eyes big old mouth he's quite pallidus knowledge palate what's your problem mate [Laughter] - coming - things strike me a pallet big man no hair for you translated as a Gibbon no I cannot believe that you know my sex face [Laughter] Joseph um I think I know your first but under the rest yeah well anything that shows me as a sexual gladiators gonna work last place obviously because he didn't understand the rules no first I think that to be able to paint what Joe painted from a distance is so impressive I'm going to give him second Mel you're just very very fortunate that I like Gibbons and will pop you in at third Lally I mean you're very look you know to become in love this commercial break enjoy it much faster they were five both them celebrities are playing for each other's most boastful items well we got next Alex it's time for the first team task of the series lovely [Music] going on here thank you hello lollie ada foah pace here she's not meant to be here [Music] are we gonna start why not on the flower volcano skull a funeral even or it's a baking show what is that plant the flower on the target right oh okay you may not leave the bandstand most flower lying loose on the target wins you have twenty minutes your time starts now I think we've got to do it with balloons right that's the good news it's gonna lose oh hang on you can you pin them okay yeah oh yeah I'm melting down right oh we're off no we're gonna get new wow we've only got 20 minutes we team up we've got TVs most popular double-act melon hue and there again and there against Joe no oh and lowly we've black Joe Joe Nolan lolly that's going to say Joe no and and work because lollies pronounced but it looks like Joe no and low but it and sound like anyway metals calling shoe something different dusky yeah deskey why was he called dusky he was called deskey because at university yeah he was yeah I work quite hard okay just get current these are there yeah oh and then you just drop this stuff on them right don't know that's not gonna work go here come on think this is gonna oh oh right right come on oh my god oh my god that's amazing cut that cut it there yeah yeah hold on to it where did it go is it sprung back that's a disaster [Music] absolutely brilliant so maybe you can tip from the target very good action here lost the dark this is tricky isn't it what we're gonna have to do in the end is just fill Papa Dom's with flour throw those roll bombs oh yes good just throw the whole bowl [Music] [Applause] popper bombs we've got quite a few proper bombs popper bombs [Music] boom I'm going for the funnel okay [Music] [Applause] I mean interesting techniques were developed throughout the you're both Oxbridge educated oh let's believe yeah the desperation of filling a funnel full of flour with the papadums there was a system we can fire them over there in the field a funnel for how do they do that well they have five kilos of flour to play with they got a hundred and ninety-three grams of flour on them Jojo volume no yeah okay oh is this some sort of system we could create I'm gonna see if I can get this sort of arms for the bandstand so we've got like a pulley system attached to this with a clip do you think a friend no what are you doing with the Fox the Fox open I could drove me all [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh what about making it wet I'm turning into like snowballs loving that these are work I think you're right but oh yes Gayle's yes space [Music] we're not done time's up so you could stop throwing things at the table now [Applause] I mean that was like a condensed version of Lord of the Flies logic that was the drug Fox mule the wet flower blue Joe and genius stroke and then all of a sudden well we were confident and then we thought let's throw a trestle table off I thought the trestle table was madness but in case you didn't catch it what no through awfully was a full gas gun so they did well they've got 675 grams of wit fire up which I then dried with my Bunsen and it was 217 grams of dry loose flour he he actually did dry the flour unbelievers but there's one other detail they have slightly longer know if that's fair or not why because Knoll meddled with my timing system well have you got proof of that luckily yes your clocks not moving [Music] [Laughter] absolutely [Music] [Applause] what don't we countenance on this show dancing cheating cheating cheating anyone's caught cheating they lose all their points as do their teammates and all the point all their points not what's gonna say so just to clarify we're saying the youngsters get zero points and the parents the parents get five points each I'm afraid they do that's the way it is we've got a simple but complicated task [Music] hello yeah hello there I like it when there's a when there's a variety an egg a balloon some bread some rice it could is almost a meal isn't it but possibly one in North Korea good horse likes eggs and a balloon might make art college yes yes yes where's the task oh there it is without touching the egg or the egg cup don't mean egg into the egg cup you may only use the equipment currently on the table if you touch a piece of equipment that another contestant touches ah you're both receiving one minute time penalty per piece of equipment touched fastest wins your time starts now so I can touch anything but if anybody else touches it but I'm not allowed to touch that all that Wow okay fastest wins okay fun time starts now well I've decided to show you both Joe and null that doesn't necessarily mean they've used the same thing but yeah they did they did fastest wins your time startsnow well thanks thanks see you again okay one note can be put they but the technique was delightful swift break love who doesn't like a break off 2.5 seconds by no 2.8 seconds by Joe so Swift it shows great intelligence BAM there is AG bar bread in it Brit Brit you wanna see how huge of it yeah ok ok [Music] [Music] so you touch the bread and the chopsticks hey this combination you will not see a more tragic sighting any care home across the lap he tried to be dignified they didn't make with his little chopstick he softened the bread he softened the bread you know the one minute 40 seconds zero that's what minute possible minutes three minutes 49 cuz you all use the same bread exactly now I hate to leave you all on tenterhooks like this but adverts literally what makes the world go round literally see you soon for the final part of the show it's a part four of four and there's a live tas just around the corner where are we Alex well they've all been trying to get an egg into an egg cup without touching the egg or the egg cup great yes but it's not that simple if they use the same egg shifting equipment as one of their rivals they gain a time penalty unfortunately by this rule all three of the men have suffered a time penalty because they all picked up the Bret okay do you want to see lolli next here it is without touching the egg or the egg cup okay [Music] that is the sort of innovation you get from the youth using the Trinity product luta you never even know that he loved you was the time well she used to gadget and it took 28 seconds she thought for a bit which is sometimes a useful thing to do this isn't the lead crashing into the leads I would say so it's just Mel get Roy to see you ready yes here we go time stops now right oh oh yeah somebody might idea somebody might have touched those already oh man why is that why is that there I just touched up again I just look I mean I've touched them all now that's just I'm sorry I try there why is there a horse there in a canter over [Music] you see that's good that's acts as a sort of bread glove 57 second but then I've got a one two three four five six minute penalty anything only if everyone else has touched that I really enjoyed that though Hugh audibly sigh knowing he was off the hook during her she was a lot quicker than Hugh 57 seconds but she has touched every she touched everything so she ends up with a score of five minutes 57 where she got five minutes forty and then it was three minutes 2.8 for Joe three minutes 2.5 for no but lolly wins it was one minute 28 seconds back what's that done to our schools oh oh look at that three people in joint first place lolly Mellon ol enough of you all sitting there could you please head up to the stage for the final task of the show clever Lala smoke the weak beneath their smocks Greg they've got a bucket of balloons some sellotape right some rubber bands and some string okay mm-hmm well to formally read out the task if that's all right I'd like about Jay to do it okay what a great honor you can't use your hands if you want to pop that open quicker any moving sequel to my left foot looking at the taskmaster at all times and with your arms always beneath your hairdressing smock attach as many balloons together as possible you have a hundred seconds longest balloon chain wins okay all my whistle please go on so my whistle yeah don't you started touching balloons to each other [Applause] Joe may have ruptured his perineum okay so we started longest balloon change when your time starts now look at me look at me when you're doing this how's it going on really really what about [Applause] no look at me please how long is my balloon five seconds look at him stop it stop it stop it comfortably one of the most erotic experiences I spend the whole time taking my pants off and put in the back I look forward to your balloon chain being dragged out stop with this kid start with my just passing lead single just to auditory smoke one two three four five six six mr. lysis is done yeah with him three balloon chain it's a freelancer Molly you had by far the most intense they're doing that's a make a crazy balloon there are ten balloons in it but it's not as long as des keys I'm going to four balloons one two three is impressed oh yeah careful that is not the balloon lender that was attached mmm look this was attached to that and you look you haven't done it properly no you destroyed it this was attached to here you pulled it off okay I deny pulling a part by Greg for balloon change sorry no evidence that I could say the same of this balloon chain no you know oh we could all do that couldn't we it looks like the guys had to design the tube map I've just had a break [Laughter] hey tell you what why don't we all come down we'll see how that's affected the final straw [Music] please Alex well it seemed to be a generational thing joke just got three lollies for no.4 but the two senior citizens she's got six of Melkor chain of seven below so there I asked as that affected the final scores Joe unfortunately at 13 points in the end of the episode two people were tied in second place but they weren't Mel because she wins the episode with 20 points now is the prize winner of loads of stuff to brag about please now go smugly a smugly as you can to the stage and let your prizes likes it has a lovely rictus grin and we've learned that the adult male get-rich exhibits guinea pigs and likes touching things to the stage a big round of applause from now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you for more top Lancer subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 2,241,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, The Horne Section, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, Hugh Dennis, Joe Lycett, Lolly Adefope, Mel Giedroyc, Noel Fielding, Great British Bake Off, Mighty Boosh, Mock the Week
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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