Taskmaster NZ Diss Track Task

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of course it's time for another team task warning this task contains explicit lyrics and also bullying oh yeah okay big old ball of spaghetti hi paul um mom's spaghetti okay so this is like a rap situation where's the envelope oh yeah you got it oh that's just inconvenient paul honestly can i just put it on the table yeah sorry create a diss track about the members of the other team best diss track wins you have 45 minutes your time starts now i got beef with mad heath man man run them over like a cat david you shouldn't run over something like that i think let's make it covert friendly and less spitty get mad wrap him with the shoelace have his body hanging from this tall place oh they're going to go hard on us because they know about music and stuff [ __ ] you the things we know about laura she was on stephen sharp cakes ugly [ __ ] cakes yeah that's how flow goes imma break your nose break your teeth [ __ ] get out of my flow can't wait to hear his christmas song montgomery more like mont gubery i'm gonna drown you in your own blood hold your face down in your own blood now oreos wi-fi boy why need all that wi-fi in the garage what are you wanking in there buddy yeah that's good yeah the thing is they've got nothing on us there's nothing we're untouchable so we know good luck to them oh we should make fun of them for being old yeah yeah yeah we should really bully them for being older than us oh do you think they put them together because combine their ages and save us out surely they won't focus on that surely you wouldn't focus on that no no i'm less worried about the age i am truly terrified to find out what david does here because if that's the practice i feel like you're going to be on a list somewhere david came up with a different freestyle of increasing intensity for every beat we sampled a lot of it was unbroadcastable matt heath stab him in the face god of blood on the sheath [ __ ] man we kept it respectful and yeah we didn't go downstairs we kept it clean and we kept it respectful so i hope you guys did as well yeah if anything we sort of tried to bore you guys up yeah sounds like a pretty piss week diss track did you read the task as compliment no we knew we could go really hard because we're wealthy and you're not we've got two blistering diss tracks to come when we return we'll see you after the break [Applause] a wholesome light entertainment program that so far has been mainly about parachutes and battle rapping what's on next paul williams our two teams are attempting to disrespect each other via the medium of rap music up first our dynamic duo matt and ursula there's just two of us time they needed three of yours you're coming last we're gonna eat your ass not me not too much let's go laura not sharp enough for seven eight jacinda got eye diarrhoea from your ugly ass pike laura grimes is borah snorer one [ __ ] up your day one [ __ ] up your night there's just two of us you three of us you've been surpassed we're gonna eat your asses not me so much i'll have a biscuit guy montgomery more like guy i'm comedy or guy mcfreckleface or spf 70 guy because you're extremely pale very pale very pale good looking though here we go final chorus there's just two of us they needed three of us we're gonna put you in a cast and eat your ass koreas wi-fi boy more like blank man wanking in the kitchen wanking in the land wanking in your garage wanking all over your [ __ ] signal [Applause] wow that was quite something yeah talk us through the thought process i don't think we should be talking about you kept writing and you're going to eat their asses it wasn't until after that ursula pointed out that eating their ass is i thought it was like insulting you guys you did make history this song set a record for the most ass eating threats in a wreck boy [Laughter] we kept it clean and we kept it respectful and i hope you guys do us the courtesy yes you'll be devastated to find out that not only do we not offer to eat your ass but we don't even offer our own [ __ ] for consumption once again that was a misunderstanding from me okay are we ready for a return of serve i'm excited to see if david will deliver on his promise to literally murder both of you in multiple ways let's find out here's david guy and laura who prefer to be known collectively by their rap group name which you'll soon find out so you take it all at the top introduce it maybe baby yeah uh we're called the uh hello uh this is our rap group the three friends three friends and uh this is our our track that's gone out to matt heath and ursula carlson [ __ ] you guys yes you guys yes yes you've been warned okay [Music] never met any old [ __ ] worse than you matt heath you got fair team yet sticky and you're icky like i'll use cheese you don't play neo on the radio but you should because neo's real [ __ ] good yeah oh is it a calcium never seen a tv show you didn't siren [Music] guess what it's pissing me off whenever you open your mouth you gotta hear somebody cough [Music] and i don't like coughs they sound real bad to me you may be baby boomers because you're sagging an appearance you're yelling older than us but you're younger than our parents [Music] what a [ __ ] crazy age you're more famous than us but we're on the same way please hug me i'm gonna break your face just in case you don't know your place hidden on my foot while i spray you with mice [Applause] [Music] drink more [Music] yeah what a [ __ ] crazy age more famous than us that we're on the same way that was lovely thanks guys it was that was really lovely i felt so guilty after making that i um emailed the producers to try not get that eared they said no so as an apology i'm so sorry here you guys go ah thank you i'm so sorry meet thanks i love it me crack oh thank you it's lovely i'm so sorry i mean honestly you should have brought us milk [ __ ] yeah
Channel: Charlie
Views: 171,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taskmaster, taskmaster new zealand, comedy
Id: P-yN1S5RVbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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