Most Iconic Moments | Taskmaster

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Surprised by some of these picks. They're noteworthy, but I feel 'iconic' only applies to some of them.

I started compiling iconic moments not too long ago just because I was wondering how many there were and (possibly) to make a poll out of it for the sub to rank them! This is my list so far. Tried to include all series as well (which I didn't really have to push in any way) as as many contestants as possible without stretching the definition of 'Iconic' too far. Also my memory can only get me so far. The bolded ones I feel are ones I'd consider to make up a 20 minute video.

EDIT: Italic entries are accepted suggestions

Series 1

  • Romesh Ranganathan eating watermelon
  • Romesh Ranganathan's Tree Wizard
  • Josh Widdicombe's Tattoo
  • Josh Widdicombe counting beans/spaghetti hoops/rice (The first 'solo' task)
  • Frank and Tim's 'Brad and Geoff' blooper

Series 2

  • Richard Osman moves the Yoga Mat (The first loophole and 'perfect solution')
  • Joe Wilkinson's Potato Throw
  • Doc Brown's Nursery Rap
  • Katherine Ryan's song to Mayor Hudson

Series 3

  • Al Murray bribes Alex Horne to move a bucket
  • Rob Beckett surprises Alex
  • Paul Chaudhry's Snowbear
  • Dave Gorman cheats with a pea

Series 4

  • Joe Lycett smiling at the camera with increasing intensity
  • Hugh Dennis is part of the cloud society
  • Hugh Dennis is a glorious bag baller
  • Mel Giedroyc dances to 'Censure'
  • Noel Fielding hides in a bowl of fruit
  • Mel Giedroyc eats her exotic sandwich (and snorts an M&M)

Series 5

  • Bob Mortimer, Aisling Bea and Sally Philips sing 'Rosalind's a Nightmare'
  • Nish Kumar and Mark Watson's 'Always seeing you (do cool stuff)'
  • Mark Watson steals Greg's trousers
  • Sally Phillips recreates 'the birth of Alex Horne'
  • Mark Watson sends 148 cheeky texts and gets no points for it
  • Greg takes Nish Kumar aside for a pep-talk
  • Sally Phillips creates a 'water cooler moment'

Champion of Champions 1

  • Bob Mortimer's edible mask

Series 6

  • Liza Tarbuck makes Alex sit on a cake
  • Tim Vine accidentally loses the hook of his scales on his clothes.
  • Asim Chaudhry’s heartwarming rap about loving Papa G - /u/Severe-Draw-5979

Series 7

  • James Acaster's garage extension breakdown
  • Jessica Knappett and Kerry Goldiman's soap opera 'Cul de Sac'
  • Greg takes James Acaster aside to scold him like a disappointed teacher
  • Jessica Knappett falls of the stage
  • Rhod Gilbert hides in Greg's Closet
  • Alex does a jig to Jessica Knappett's song

Series 8

  • Lou makes an 'apology' to Alex by signing him up to dozens of pointless services.
  • Lou makes Alex eat burnt porn
  • Iai Stirling's not-so-glorious volcano.

Series 9

  • Jo Brand and David Baddiel take a tea break
  • Ed Gamble turns Alex into a beautiful mermaid
  • Ed Gamble teams up with David Baddiel for the live task
  • Jo Brand reads Greg's mind in 'Horse or Laminator'
  • Rose Matafeo has a chickpea burial
  • Ed Gamble has a breakdown completing 7 tasks in any order

Series 10

  • Richard Herring plays ALL characters in 'The Smart Steak'
  • Johnny Vegas' upside-downism PSA
  • Johnny Vegas randomly falling over on his way to get the hose from behind the shed - /u/Severe-Draw-5979
  • Daisy May Cooper and Richard Herring eat watermelon
  • Mawaan Rizwan tries to fill an egg with helium
  • Daisy May Cooper rants at Richard Herring while drawing a 'Hippo'
  • Katherine Parkinson can't find the spider

Series 11

  • Mike Wozniak rides a hoverboard
  • Mike Wozniak dislodges a hemorrhoid
  • Sarah Kendall discovers that a bag of salt is actually sugar
  • Mike Wozniak looks the toughest with his new mohawk
👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/DoctorWhoops 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this yes please not a trap is it if it's make a baby i'm gonna win make the best music video for a nursery rhyme you have one hour and your time starts now i can't think of any nursery rhymes you've got kids come on what do you sing to them twinkle twinkle little star yeah i hate all the dead on the course the cat did a pedal we used to sing at school hey diddle diddle the cat did a piddle yes all over the kitchen floor a little doggie laughed to see such fun so the cat did a little bit more is that happened do you know peanut on a railroad track heart all a flutter along comes a great big train choo choo peanut butter okay are you okay joe um thinking y'all find you really distracting okay i'm all over it [Music] none of us know that song catherine and you know why because it's clearly a fever dream you want richard was the only one who didn't know any nursery rhymes off the top of his head why don't you know in the nursery rhymes you were born at 32 weren't you i was i was i was born at six foot one but i was i was a normal age i don't know i think the stress of the task it's awful in it when you open that envelope uh it's uh doc brown next precious on doc doug brown sup kids you know a lot of these nursery rhymes chat pure gibberish fantasy this one's got some real talk for you true story yo it goes one two to the three four five one side quarter fish alive i said six seven to the eight nine ten then i let that little prick go again you say you let it go [ __ ] bit my finger i mean what's your problem with fish mate not a fish man i mean it was i should say we filmed that it took an hour there was genuine it was a mixture of blood and fake blood why were you bleeding well because i punched that salmon in his face so many times i had scales off the fish that were embedded into my actual hand i'm not sure it was in the spirit of the original nursery rhyme that was really good [Music] hello now there's exciting ah so you just don't understand fashion i'm ready for the party make the most exotic sandwich you have 10 minutes to plan your exotic sandwich then 10 minutes to construct it your time starts now right what do you think exotic means that to me says maybe fillings that have never been seen in a sandwich before um okay so what i would like please is some moroccan flatbread turkish delight that's very exotic get me some wholemeal bread and maybe some pizza bread as well wholemeal though i'm not an idiot so i need a kumquat greg's sausage roll kiwi fruit let's go all sweet heck everyone's going to go savory aren't they some smoked trout then a crunchy bar then a kitkat then a double decker oh yam tequila some in tequila uh croissants okay i'll go shopping okay shall i come with you thank you do you need money okay bag for life see you later i want to start with mel she looked very excited and i'm keen to see her sandwich okay she did say before she started i want to blow the task master's tiny mind here we go this is so good right chocolate spread good layer of the chocolate orange little bread ski double deckers a bit more than nutella let's go for the crunchy three minutes three minutes wow let's do some m m's maltese i can see why people get stressed out on these cookery shows this is absolutely appallingly stressful just bronzing up the marshmallows that to me is like a sort of japanese pagoda can i give you this as well yes to say thank you is that for me yes thank you eat your exotic sandwich fastest wings final line please now what's the task say now time starts now okay oh gang [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i know i can't do any more than that those showbiz knights say m's only blue ones it's the exotic that sandwich it's sort of i mean it's instant diabetes isn't it well i suppose so it was uh turkish delight crunchy kitkat double decker twix snickers m m's icing sugar marshmallows chocolate eggs chocolate oranges nutella and a blowtorch i suppose it's sort of it's sort of exotic [Music] i slightly struggled with the door handle out i wondered if that might be the task big fan of tea so this is a real boost to me right throw a tea bag into a mug from the furthest distance you have exactly one hour your time starts now i reckon i'll be pretty good at this playing a lot of cricket in my youth it's the longest part of the house but how do i get into the mountain i'm just thinking about length i'm not thinking about any accuracy [Applause] well i'd like a um i'd like a catapult but the other thing i want is one of those things that you throw balls with if you're a dog owner and also sorry can i get a tennis ball so i worry i'm not going to be accurate over like the 50 meters so what i need to do in addition is build some kind of thing with a sheet which is like a um you know like a cup funnel where if the ball hits i just have to hit the sheet and it will go into the cup [Music] tim you got sensible yeah [Music] thank you yes [Applause] give us some uh it was a new world record um presumably it was uh 23 meters and 87 centimeters it was the first row first round this is an open and shut case the winner of the first task tonight mr tim key [Music] relevant has he got a name stuart stewart i'm sure i'm ready for this get this camel through the smallest gap you have 10 minutes your time starts now so basically you want me to birth stewart get this camel get this camel get this camel through this morning get this camera i know what all the words mean but together i find them confusing mercifully no one did decide to uh i understand attempt to birth the camel okay so this is uh the final attempt mel ged right and a camel right [Music] right i think we can do it i think we can do it come on come on gang let's do it red light two minutes 20. right you can see the high road this is good shops are there brilliant i've seen it it's over there one minute one minute okay it's absolutely tiny [Applause] yes [Applause] well i could ask a question is there a smaller gap than baby gap nope baby gets the smallest in the brand and therefore she took the camel through the smallest gut possible yes and the security cameras will have recorded mel gedroid running in with the camel and running out again well i've got to say i thought it was awesome and i'm going to make mel the winner right now [Applause] a tie break task and this time we got them to open a jar of mayonnaise unfortunately i spilt vaseline all over the jar before they opened it so here is the mayonnaise tie break i just feel like i might need them open this jar the jar may not leave the lab fast as time wins your time starts now am i allowed to do the task if i think i know what the task is without looking at the task do you do whatever you want joe oh quick yeah so we have a time of zero seconds the winner of this episode mr joe license [Applause] hi alex hello johnny how are you thank you for asking no one ever asked me that oh we're going unwell yeah yeah i feel like we've we've bonded make the largest object properly vanish largest object to properly vanish wins you may not use any editing trickery i don't know any editing trickery we have one hour your time starts there should be one more word it's vanished mate that's so clever i mean it can be it doesn't have to be in this room right mm-hmm they make the largest object properly vanished is that me no that safe is bigger than me so let's discuss what properly vanish means okay so with zero points rough one again this stuff because you know it's not possible to make something properly radical that's to vanish is to disappear suddenly and completely let's just agree it it's it's just gonna have to look like it's vanished otherwise it's no points again this is gonna be the shittiest series of all time the winner's gonna be dating she bought something she bought a bottle of wine you see that show went on for 10 weeks and what a woman won a prize because she bought some wine she didn't even collect it because she was giving birth final person to see is marwan here we go come on moan behold a large animal now you see it now you still see it but maybe you're looking at the wrong animal where'd the car go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you watching i sort of i understand what we were supposed to do now how did he push it into the hedge in that short amount of time you'd already beaten daisy by putting the duck behind him how did he do it though i'll show you how he did it there was no camera trickery there was some trickery like this you're looking at the wrong animal where'd the cow go the cow was never there that's brilliant i mean come on thanks i don't usually milk things but you know when you know the ideas i didn't even know [Music] hello hello hello hello you oh yeah hello hello hello all right do you do we do we strike you should i take the attachments would you like to yes i suppose so yeah i'll take the time yeah thank you thank you oh we can so do this write and perform a song about this woman that son wins you have five minutes to talk to the woman and then 30 minutes to write her a song the time starts now so we need to gather as much information as we can hi so what's your name rosalind where are you from originally southport what do you do for a living yeah um japanese translator do you have children yes got two sons two are they good men yes they're a bit inept at things but that's fine what do you do to pass your time i'm an athletics official track judge and i do long jump and the sprints long jumper who's your favorite band of all time music guys might lead us to some music good idea like mozart mozart mozart one of my favorite bands as well have you stolen much in your life yeah well when i was about 10 i used to do a little bit of sort of sweetie shoplifting with my best friend elaine i also play the cello great do you play cello with anyone or are you yeah string quartet yeah my husband and a couple of friends and what's the name of your um my husband is called alan and did you ever do it in public or was it just yeah it's not normally when people are sitting in rows watching it's it's just the sound do you eat meat rosie um as long as it's kosher which what's your favorite mate chicken chickens what's your favorite film oh hangover hangover wanted to oh favorite food oh beans on toast yeah quite right can i sell are the other two in the string quartet are they a couple as well they used to be and then one got um set to see me so he lost the use of three fingers in his left hand would you like to be able to fly no [Applause] bob's first four questions do we strike you have you ever stolen what is your favorite meat would you like to be able to fly thankfully you have teammates to take up the slap do you want to see uh mark and nish first yes i do please okay so this for the first time ever is mark and nish's song for a stranger hello great britain hello how are you all feeling out there we're all fine thank you and now's the time you've all been waiting for the band good evening london uh we are the uh the diverse stripes i am jack brown and this is my wife sister mark this is called i'm always seeing you open brackets do cool stuff close brackets all right and one two three four [Music] oh yeah i saw you translate a poem from japanese it looks so tricky but you did it with these i saw you judging long jump at the athletics i felt so low cause i was born i'm just pathetic i'm always seeing you do cool stuff i try my best but it's never good enough i saw you watch the hangover dvd but i was busy with the hangover pup 3 i saw you listening to the mozart symphony but my attention span is hey look at that tree two three four i'm always seeing you do cool stuff i try my best for this terror good enough wanna serve your beans on toast but it's a fantasy it's nothing but a boast you come from south but i'll leave miles away in bala and i'm a coward and i feel a rather valid i'm always seeing you i try my best but it's never good enough good enough one more time i'm always seeing you do cool stuff i try my best but it's never good enough [Applause] right have you ever thought mark watson was a drummer i think you may have just shaken off the whole heron thing i had no idea but nobody knew she could sing or play guitar that was a miracle i think and all that time she just sat there absolutely no expression and this is the first time in an entire series where i've got nothing negative to say congratulations on your brilliant song [Applause] for more task master subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 746,774
Rating: 4.9562993 out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster
Id: 8osXVhoSelM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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