Tarkov Officially Has Purchasable Cloths & Surprise Arena Patch - Tarkov News & Updates

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hey folks welcome back to the channel another today in tarov we don't have any events we don't have any patches really or anything like that what we have is more microtransactions on top of that Arena got kind of an unexpected update one that they didn't announce that brings in some stuff ahead of plan so even if you've given up on Arena pay attention cuz there might be some stuff there that might make you want to go try it out again so with that all said let's get into the info and get you guys up to date okay so for the microtransactions we got a patch last night where they updated the website and as well as one that updated the game um nothing crazy came from it that I've seen yet other than the fact that now you can buy Cosmetics I can't show you bear because I I'm a USC but there are three bear and three USC sets of clothes you can buy and when you buy them you get the top and bottom um you can see him here on ragman through the services uh you can buy the Woodland infiltrator which used to be level 40 uh and about 2 million Rubles um plus an additional uh what was it for the pants I don't know I bought these already I can't I don't remember how much I paid for them um the other ones you can buy are the urban responder which were level 50 and 4 and5 million uh with another 2.4 for the pants or no it was these I'm sorry 6.5 for the pants and level 55 and the night Patrol which was 52 5.7 million um 48 2.4 million those are all the stuff that you could you can buy now you do this by going to escape from taro.com and going to your profile uh sign in same thing same place you do your Twitch links and get your other gifts and along with the stash upgrade the co-op mode you also have the apparel unlock now uh you click on that and then it's right here so here are the bare ones you can buy the bare old school uh the zson and then the bear g99 those are the three you can buy uh the $12 gets you the upper and lower seven upper lower five upper lower as you can see these do persist through the wipe uh so you buy them now when the game wipes again here probably in June maybe I don't know I'm 100% sure about that uh when it does Wipe again you can be level one and put these clothes on if you wanted to and then for usek it is these if you buy the bear stuff you cannot wear it as USC just like if you buy the USC stuff you can't wear it as a bear so make sure you buy the right stuff for your account uh and also is if you're doing the purchase as a gift like you're buying it for somebody make sure you get the correct region obviously stuff's cheaper in Russia so just wherever you're going to buy it from make sure you get at the right location if you're buying as a gift um if you're logged in I don't think it lets you buy yeah it doesn't ask you for area cuz it already knows based on your account so yeah that's that's that that's all we've got for tarov uh unfortunately I wish we'd get some events or something more important more cool to talk about other than just buyable clothes now for the game but we'll go talk about Arena here real quick now BSG isn't known for giving us lots of heads up or information or planning or anything like that but this was even short notice for them um we got about an hour heads up that they were going to be installing a patch on Arena uh I didn't even notice it till after the Patch was already started um but we do have patch notes for it it is complete now the game's up and running if you are interested in that let's take a look at the patch notes real quick uh the big change here the one that I didn't expect was the the addition of the unranked game mode this was not supposed to happen per the road map till the next big patch but we got it now and any of you any of you that watched my last video talking about Arena this was one of the things that I said the game needed to do Big Time help keep it afloat I think though I don't know if it's going to be enough this might just be too little too late I'm not a truth or I'm not a fortune teller I don't know but if you go into your Arena stuff you can see now there is an unranked mode now one of the really big advantage to this and I tested it uh is that you can progress your kits outside of ranked mode so unranked will allow you to progress kits I did it with uh the ratnik kit and it gave me progress towards my rock and roll kit so now you don't have to grind and ranked to get your kits up you can do it in unranked mode so back to the patch notes uh Team fight shootout 2 by2 3b3 are available uh They removed the team restriction on selecting duplicate presets so you can have multiple people selecting the same preset uh I guess theoretically you could have five of the same so you're not blocked out of running a kit you want to run they reduce the number of selected locations to one for matchmaking so a lot of people might not realize this but in ranked mode when you go to unselect Maps um um you have to have at least three Maps selected down here you can't just run one map all the way around you got to have three Maps selected well with unranked mode uh they took that out so you can go all the way down to one map now if you only want to play one map that's all you have to play in unranked mode in addition they increase the cash rewards um for these in unranked versus ranked which I found really weird um I think this is backwards but I could be wrong um my opinion is you're going to need to incentivize people to play ranked mode not unranked um and there's more risk in rank mode as far as and more difficulty if you will so I would have assumed you would have made more money in ranked versus unranked but BSG didn't see that way they did it the other way around they're going to incentivize people to go play in unranked mode and then lastly the career screen the player stats are divided so you can just see right here quick little click you can go back and forth you can see what your uh your stats are on ranked versus unranked now with matchmaking this is overall this affects everything they reduce preset purchase time from 90 to 45 seconds this is cutting it in half uh this is a good change I don't think you need 90 seconds to pick a kit so less waiting around um then they reduce the match acceptance times from 30 to 25 seconds I don't know why this isn't just like 10 seconds uh I don't know why somebody needs 20 seconds to click accept um just make the prompt louder make it Force pop up on your screen um flash bright lights whatever it is in case people are watching YouTube videos off on the side whatever it might be uh sound they added a volume setting for the arena announcer now a lot of people just want this removed but at least we have a setting now where you can go in and in sound you can go to the announcer volume and turn him all the way down to 30% he's still there but he's a lot quieter and the same thing with the match accept screen volume um this is like the opposite of what I said needs to happen I I guess it's cool that people can turn this down but people are missing the accept screen cuz they're not paying pay attention or whatever so and that's only going to get worse with longer Q times which is going to happen as fewer and fewer people play so go in there turn your stuff down if you want pretty pretty easy in addition they reduce the volume of the radio turn on and off noises that's like the the simulated radio the sound that happens when you hit the uh your radio which is J by default I believe I have mine bound to J I don't know if that's default or not uh that and that's really annoying and some little kids would just be douchebags they would just Spam J and it was really annoying and you to mute them and then you'd have no coms for the rest of the match um and then they increase the overall volume of radios which I think this is good because people did tend to sound quiet but you can supposedly adjust that volume now you can monkey with this audio I'm not I think this is chat volume I'm not sure I haven't checked this it could just be radio volume here um though places that you can monkey with it if you think it's too loud uh or if it's not loud enough after that we got quality of life change the experience exceeding the amount needed for currently selected preset will be carried over to the next preset we talked about this as a bug uh BSG knew it was there they were addressing it that is a good change thankfully a lot less wasted experience now when you're trying to move through your kits uh harder penalties for harsher penalties or no harder penalties for killing allies in a match uh so before it was four kills now at three kills you get a warning um reduce the number of of kills of the offending player to be kicked and blocked from 6 to four uh so now I want somebody it's four team kills they just get booted added the defending player block for killing and damaging allies before the gates open and for sometime after so I don't know how long this is going to be but it can't be too long because you can sometimes get into fights on some of the smaller maps in a mle of matter of seconds and accidentally team kill somebody because they walk in front of you so just be weary of this um until we get a specific time figured out uh the player is instantly killed and a warning is issued if they damage or kill an ally now I don't know if this happens at three kills or if this happens on the first when you team kill somebody and it kills you right away that is not a good change because team kills happen they just happen sometimes especially when armbands and and the clothing col colors and some of the other stuff makes it hard and confusing so I I really hope this doesn't do it on the first one and then on repeat offenses the player is instantly kicked from the match and blocked from matchmaking for 30 minutes really good change this is good kicking them and getting rid of them them for 30 minutes um not letting them recue this will really cut down on the people that do this and then if the player keeps doing it the punishment will be increased good good good good then we got the leaderboard the statistics displayed on the rating screen now only count the results of ranked games uh list of fixes fixed several issues guys in the game to ex screen to be missing for some group members so some steps in the right direction uh like I said the only thing I really disagree with on here and it's small potatoes is the cash reward thing everything else in here is good assuming they didn't do something bad with the team kill stuff so if you've been avoiding Arena might be a chance to go for you to go check it out again especially in a more casual playlist uh I only played one unranked mode I could it took me I waited for five minutes in tier two I went into uh in unranked I went into tier two I waited for 5 minutes and I didn't get a match uh so I had to go tier one so keep that in mind that might change uh this is also going to thin out the player base on ranked you're going to have a lot of people go to unranked to level up versus uh ranked mode uh so you're probably going to start seeing some longer Q time unless we get a big influx of players back which uh optimistically speaking hopefully it happens but I doubt it will um we might see some people come back and play but I don't think this is going to be enough to pull a bunch of people back uh even though the game is running a little bit better desync feels a little bit better from the patch they had a couple of uh days ago but other than that I think arena is still kind of on life support a little bit that's just my opinion we'll wrap it up there thank you guys for watching don't forget that like And subscribe button we'll keep you guys up to date when stuff comes out hopefully we get something in tarov meaningful here pretty soon other than just my microtransaction stuff I really really want an event or something to kind of spicy spice up the raids I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day I wish you the best of luck in your raids and we'll see you in tarov
Channel: Airwingmarine
Views: 21,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9fswEzb8fqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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