The 5 Best Budget Armors in Tarkov! - Patch .14

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tarkov's new armor system is complicated and it's completely changed what we consider a good or bad armor so in this video I want to go through the five best budget armors that you can get from the traders in patch point4 and talk about a few armors that you should probably avoid using as well with all that out of the way let's go ahead and Dive Right In so diving right in with the first armor and that is the 6B 23 that you can get from proper at level one now this is a barter only and there actually are some things to consider with this armor but to be honest there aren't a lot of options at level one even at ragman pretty much across the board they made any sort of decent armor really really hard to get we're in the category of any armor is better than no armor so do with that what you will but I did want to make a quick shout out of what I think is the best one that you can get at level one and that is the 6 b23 and that's because it does have plates and has soft armor underneath it uh and the plate is a class three plate which on day one isn't that bad the big caveat here though and thing to know when you purchase this is it has a slot for a back plate but it doesn't have a back plate now now I'm not going to go way down into the weeds of the plates versus the soft armor or anything like that I actually highly recommend you check out Giga beef or airing Marines videos they've both done multiple videos a lot of testing they're doing the Lord's work go there to get the nitty-gritty but the tldr is the more layers of armor that you can have on the better so when you're looking for an armor that's going to be good you want something that has a plate and also has that soft armor underneath it so this has pretty decent coverage it's got some crot protection neck protection side protection and front and back protection with soft armor which is great it's only class 2 but you know on day one that's not too bad uh and it does have the class 3 front plate but no back plate now you can kind of like if you are level 15 you can link search this and actually purchase the back plate you can get it once you're at higher proper levels uh or you can get them for sometimes as low here let's this is the class replate there sometimes they go as high as like I said 50k here but the thing with this is this is actually a class 4 plate so if you do get that back plate you get class four protection on your back three in the front and two with the soft armor so that's nice but you can't get that right away so it's something to be aware of uh you can probably find those plates as well you also can't purchase this straight up it is for a propane tank these can be pretty expensive they go between 40K up to 70 80k depending on if people are doing the red Rebel barter so it's pretty decent value it's pretty decent coverage just be aware that it does not come with the back plate that's a super important thing to know and propane tanks are pretty easy to find now moving on from the 6b2 3 anything above this you're probably going to need ragman level two once again everything you can get at level one is just kind of like it's better than nothing uh you do need to get to level 17 to get to ragman level two which means you'll have rag 2 and the flea market which can kind of work well together but in order to explore some more of these budget options you're probably going to need ragman level two now our second armor here is the carasa this one you can buy straight up for cash 50k it comes with two class 3 plates that front and the back and it's got class 2 soft protection underneath uh it doesn't have any like the crotch coverage but it does have uh the net coverage there which can be very helpful for a stray buck shot round from a scav or something like that covering that throat hit boox that is very nice so very classic budget armor you get a little bit of everything none of it is very good this armor does have some other bonuses as well these plates are much more standardized plates with the 6b2 3 those were kind of some odd-shaped plates you can't fit too many in there this means that if you kill a guy with class 5 armor most likely he's got plates that can be put in this carasa uh it's pretty kind of backwards compatible so if you find in a ground stash a class 4 plate a class 5 plate or even some class six plates they can all slot into the carasa so it makes it a little bit more versatile especially if you don't want to take this person's entire armor you just grab some plates maybe you insurance fraud yours the carassa is nice you can purchase three every reset and they're only 50k moving up to the third pick and that is going to be the barter for the nfm Thor what's nice about this is we're stepping up to class four armor now it's got class four plates at 50 durability front and back which is nice it also has the soft armor underneath at class three protection which is a huge step up in protection here knowing that the aramid underneath is going to be class three and your hard plates are going to be class 4 this is very nice there are some trade-offs here though you don't have any neck protection you don't have any of the groin protection or anything like that so you're a little bit more exposed here as you can see pretty Exposed on the armpits there but what is protected is much more protected once again we get those standardized plates meaning that you can swap these out for class fives or six if you find them and we have the introduction of the left and right plate so on your left and right side here you do get some class three protection but you can find class 5 and class six I haven't seen class 4S but they might be out there uh little side plates if you find them in raid or you can purchase them from the Traders at higher levels you can slot those in giving a little bit of additional protection there I wouldn't say that's a huge deal but the big thing here is moving up to class three soft armor protection and class 4 plates this is big and you can purchase two of them per reset and there're only two Diaries these Diaries go for anywhere between 20 and 30k even if these are at 35k 70,000 rubles for a huge step up in protection is really nice then moving on to the fourth pick here and that is going to be the 6B 13 assault that comes in Florida here you can buy this straight up for cash 64,000 rubles this is once again class 4 armor here which is nice but we have downgraded back to class 2 soft armor so there's always that pushing pull now you get the groin protection you get the neck protection and you get the class 4 plates which is all really nice but that soft armor underneath your uh plates is going to be class two so a little bit less stopping power there and we're back to some of these weirder looking plates which once again isn't inherently a bad thing you just lose the functionality of being able to swap plates out in raid these are a little bit more rare to find and a little bit harder to purchase these type of plates um but you get once again 64,000 rubles class 4 protection front and back and you're a little bit more covered here I still use these even at level 40 I have a bunch of these in my insurance return I find that they hold up pretty well to damage and uh that neck protection can be really helpful against scavs and moving on to the fifth and final pick we are moving up to level three ragman I know level three needs level 32 so you need to be a decently high level but as you progress through the wipe you're still going to be wanting to know what are decent budget armors and you can actually find these as you'll see uh pretty often as well it's kind of a tie between the Strand hog here and the eclipse rbav I would say the eclipse is the better one and you can purchase these for cash which is nice uh 86,000 rubles a little bit more expensive you have to be a little bit higher of a level but we are getting plates with 55 durability on them so if we go back down to level two the other class 4 plates that we're getting had 50 durability some of the class 4 plates in here had 50 or 45 durability so once you move up to the eclipse here uh you're getting plates with 55 durability just a little bit more ability to tank some shots uh you also get the ability to put those side plates in these armors also do have the class 2 soft armor protection so that's a little bit less than ideal but you do get some of the gro protection there uh These are nice because they're also rigs so they cost a little bit more than what like the Thor armor barter is but you don't have to buy a rig as well and they hold a decent amount of stuff you can put a grizzly or a helmet in there uh bigger magazines smaller magazines the functionality of being a tactical rig and a play carrier can be kind of nice here uh the Strand hog is a barter only the barter ends up being around 80k as well you can also find these a lot on Rogues and Raiders and stuff like that um this does have slightly worse plates though these are 45 as whereas on the eclipse they're 55 uh same class 2 protection here this is just another budget option pretty easy to find now those are the top five budget armors that I think you can get that are pretty accessible there are some things to know with the system and some armors to avoid the first one being almost every single one I talked about here you can purchase on the flea market but there is a huge thing you need to be wary of and that is the fact that people often pull the plates out of these and then sell them so we have a new little UI thing here and that is armor plates and how many plates are inside it now if you see something with a two out of four that's normally not that big of a deal uh very few armors come with side plates inserted and once again even if they did that's not really a huge deal on on the armor so even when you buy from the trader you're going to see two out of four that's not a bad thing but if you see Zero out of four then what you're just paying for is the plate carrier the soft armor you're not getting any plates this is a big deal now sometimes this can work to your favor because like we said on some of these lower armors like the carasa these sell for 50k I've seen these with the plates inside them sell for as low as 23,000 rubles on the flea market so sometimes you can cop like a really good deal on a budget armor with the plates that's nice but anytime you start getting up to the decent class 4S uh your most likely people sell them on the flea market without the plates in them and another really important thing to note here is no class five or six plates are even able to be sold on the flea market so if I look up a slick here and I'm like oh sick a tan slick only 150,000 rues no that has no plates that is just class 3 soft armor uh and you can't buy the class six plates from the Traders anyway you just basically wasted 160,000 R so big thing to be aware of make sure if you're buying an armor off the flea market it's got plates in it and also remember that no class 5 or class 6 plates are able to be sold on the flea market now all that being said I also wanted to call out a few armors that used to be really good budget options that you should probably avoid now going to level two proper here the 6 B5 uh U armor this used to be a pretty decent budget 55,000 rues it's class two proper but it is class 3 soft protection in the front Class 2 soft protection in the back Class 2 neck class 3 growing so that means you're getting a little mix and match here it's going to be inconsistent class 3 protection in the front Class 2 in the back and there are no hard plates here at all and once again watch those other videos but it's super important to be able to have kind of like those two different stopping Powers there so this armor at 55,000 rues why not just hop over to ragman and get a carasa for 50,000 rues in which you're going to get plates and soft protection so avoid that also at ragman level two the uh 6 B5 uh UL the floral one this is was one of the go-tos this is one of my go-tos for a really long time this is also soft armor only it is class 4 that's super nice you get Class 2 neck protection though everything else is class 4 you think class 4 armor is pretty great once again look at the price 64,000 rubles from ragman for only soft armor 64,000 rubles from ragman level two you get plates that are class 4 and more soft armor protection so there's really no reason to be using these same thing for the famous 6p3 TM the rat rig this is something that people used to use a lot as one of the best budget armors in the game now it's class 4 front Class 2 back so once again you get this weird mix and match here if you're running away from somebody or somebody catches you behind even though you got class 4 armor in the front really bad amamos are going to be able to penetrate this and do some serious damage to you you can't even buy them anymore it's barter only there's a few barters but once again for 50,000 rubles getting something with plates and soft armor uh or moving up to 60,000 rubles to get some class 4 that's going to be a much better option few final thoughts here I wouldn't worry too much about plates or anything like that until you get to the higher level Traders uh it's really like level three and level four Traders where you get these plates you can dive into the different materials and classes and stuff like that but early on while you're leveling if you're just looking for simple protection use the armors we listed in this video I wouldn't worry about this too much until your higher level and then the last thing is just obviously these is just things that you can buy from the Traders sometimes you're going to find a class five or class six plate in a ground stash sometimes you're going to find a really good armor on a rogue or another player or something like that obviously use the best thing that you have at your disposal but these are the five best budget armors that I would say and some armors to avoid in tarov this patch I hope this video kind of helped break down this new complicated system and point you in the right direction with some good cheap early wipe armors to use uh definitely let me know Down Below in the comments what your favorite armor to use is or if I missed anything that would be another good budget armor if you like this video think about dropping a like or commenting down below or subscribing to the channel for more content like this I also stream escap from tarov on Twitch and here on YouTube about 6 days a week those links will be down below and if you're looking for people to play tarov with our Discord is an awesome place to be that link is down below as well thank you again for stopping by and I will definitely see yall on the next [Music] one
Channel: JesseKazam
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Keywords: tarkov new player guide, tarkov new patch, tarkov new player, tarkov new player guide 2023, tarkov new player tips, tarkov beginners guide, tarkov beginner, tarkov beginner tips, tarkov beginner guide 2024, tarkov wipe, tarkov new recoil, tarkov armor rework, tarkov update, tarkov update news, tarkov wipe day, tarkov prewipe, tarkov desync, tarkov lag, tarkov bugs, tarkov problems, tarkov bug, tarkov broken, tarkov pvp, jessekazam, jessekazam tarkov, jesse kazam, eft
Id: CBeqG0jvEJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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