Targeting Linux with .NET 6/7 and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows 11

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hey friends I'm Scott Hanselman I'm going to chat with you about Linux and windows and net and how they all fit together and they are wonderful it's important to remember doesn't just run on Windows it is open source and it runs everywhere Linux and iot devices and Android phones and iPhones and all over the place now I'm going to switch over to my desktop and show you I have Windows 11. you can use Windows 10 if you like but you're going to get a lot more features if you're on Windows 11 so if you can upgrade do go to the start menu here and I'm going to type in terminal we're going to set a few things up to start if we're going to be doing this work we're going to be at the command line and we have a couple of choices there's the old classic command prompt but then there's the new wonderful Windows terminal I would encourage you to use that instead and now when I run the terminal I'll bring it over here I can click on this Chevron here and I'm going to click settings this is important we're going to double check this I'm going to click on settings we're going to make a note of this Choice here default terminal application you're going to want to make sure that that's set to Windows terminal okay if you do not have that choice then you may have an older version of windows but if you have a newer version of Windows you'll have the choice between the classic console host and the new windows terminal if you select that Windows terminal then whenever you launch something whether it be launching the command prompt or Powershell or Linux you'll get the new windows terminal the benefits you'll have are many you'll have this drop down menu and the windows terminal will in fact look on your system for all of the different shells that you can run and you can see that it's detected a number of linuxes that I've already got and it's also detected some developer command prompts that were installed with Visual Studio you can see also that Powershell here is boldface that means that that's my default shell and we've got our classic Windows Powershell up here and our Command Prompt our original dos command prompt you don't have to use Powershell I like it I'll show you what it looks like here in um in the Windows command line to start what you can do is you can type WSL dash dash install so you should be able now to go out to a command prompt type WSL dash dash install and it will set your system up to go and run the windows subsystem for Linux now what it's doing behind the scenes is there's this thing in Windows called Turn Windows features on or off it's kind of a very old control panel if we go into that Windows features on and off it looks like this it's a little bit scary if we zoom in down here we see a bunch of different choices the one that we want is the windows subsystem for Linux and in the past when you set up the windows substance for Linux you would need to check a bunch of these and then turn them on and off and reboot and it was all very confusing in fact wsl--dash install does that for you so it'll set your machine up to do exactly what you want now you see this word hypervisor here and you might think about hyper-v right hyper-v lets you run virtual machines on Windows but we're not going to be running a full virtual machine we're going to be running a lightweight utility virtual machine so we don't need to have hyper-v and this is really important and really cool because not everyone has the pro the professional version of Windows you might have the home version and we wanted to make sure that the windows subsystem for Linux would run on home versions that way students and people who don't have Pro would be able to to use it so you don't need to do any of those things but it's nice for you to see that that exists and you can just type wsl-install now I can type WSL dash dash list excuse me dash dash list Dash V and we can see on my system I've already got a number of linuxes installed and the star here by Ubuntu indicates that that's my default okay let's type wzl--dash help I'll get a whole bunch of help let's see if we can parse some of this because there's a lot that went by right there look at this WSL dash dash install has some choices and you can say for a list of valid distributions use WSL Ash list slash online so let's do that for a second WSL slash list slash online we'll clear our screen here and we'll type that let's see what happens the following list of distributions can be installed and it's actually giving us a choice I can say WSL dash dash install Ubuntu which I already have or I can pick one of these other ones and this is super interesting where do you think those are coming from and what does it mean to install Linux on Windows well in fact that's downloading tar files it's downloading all of the the distribution that you would want and where's it coming from well these are in the Windows store and this is super cool we can actually click on the Windows store I would encourage you to do this as well and we can go to the Windows store and we can search literally search for Linux so I typed Linux into the search bar of the Windows store and it finds linux's which is cool you've got Susa and there's some weird stuff in here that's not Linux but what we want to click on here to get the latest WSL is the windows subsystem for Linux preview and in the future we're going to see that stay in the store which is going to make life a lot easier so if you want the latest update you have Windows 11 you go in here to the windows subsystem for Linux preview in the store you can install it from the store and then you'll get updates you'll get really cool updates to the the command line tool to that WSL .exe so when I type WSL dash dash help I have some features that you may not have and we'll talk about those in a little bit okay so I said WSL dash dash list online Ubuntu is a good default but you can have as many of these as you want okay you can install as many of these as you want and all you have to do is say WSL dash dash install and I'll install uh Oracle Linux right now and then you'll notice a progress bar is going to appear down here and it's going to start downloading that from the store and it's going to install that Linux and we'll come back in a little bit oh that looks like looks like it's so fast it's going to happen no I thought we would have to take a break uh there you go wow oh look at this so that just brought down the tar file for Linux and look look at that we didn't have to wait we just installed Linux on Windows like that wow so this is Oracle Linux on Windows and then when we pull we're going to go ahead and close the terminal here I'm going to run the terminal again because it's going to detect that I've got that new Linux distribution installed so I'm expecting a menu item to appear look at that Oracle Linux 8.5 just appeared so I now on this machine have Ubuntu I have Kali Linux I have Debian and I have Oracle Linux you can have as many of these as you want which is great for testing and it's great for Learning and again this will work on Windows 11 home as well as Pro which is cool now you see that when I launched my my windows terminal the first one that popped up here was Powershell that's my shell that's not Linux this is just a shell this happens to be the windows Powershell I'm actually going to click here and say Ubuntu okay and you notice that my prompt here is very colorful so I have the same prompt in both windows and on Linux that is a prompt that is from a open source project that is called oh my posh O Like O H my posh and you can see that it oh my Posh dot Dev and this is a little thing to note it's a prompt engine for any shell even though Posh might imply Powershell in fact it works everywhere now and that's a good thing to remember this doesn't have anything to do with Linux explicitly it just makes the command line experience awesomer so you can see here on the oh my Posh website you can get started you can install for Windows for Mac or for Linux so I happen to have that prompt installed on my system which means it looks cool in both places I spend a lot of time at the command line and we're going to spend time at the command line here in Linux but I want to assure you that this is in fact Linux in fact we have Ubuntu 2004 and then this over here is just Windows all right and I can switch between those tabs as much as I want and then if you're curious that is a human heart that is indicating the health of my current last command and this is my blood sugar because I'm a type 1 diabetic so I'd like to keep that in there and then I can also go out to different projects that I work on and you'll see that I have the different bits of code and I have both my blood sugar the current version that I have installed and then here I have my git prompt you can put whatever you want in there you can put flags and Emoji you can put your battery life on your laptop whatever makes you happy okay now if you're in Linux on Windows you might think about the task manager and wonder what does this look like where is this running so I'm going to right click on the start menu I'm going to fire up the task manager which is going to appear on another monitor over here so I'm going to have to go and get it and bring it to you I have two mini monitors we'll go all the way over here there we go and we're going to look at our VM mem WSL you can see that we've got a process that's managing this utility virtual machine now that is going to go up and down in size depending on how many of these that you have running and you can go and say WSL dash dash list Dash V and you can see how many are running so right now we see we have Ubuntu currently running our Oracle one stopped it fell asleep we're not running it anymore our Docker is running we'll talk about Docker in a little bit and the other ones are stopped but if we go back and we start up that Oracle Linux again okay we return here and we run WSL dash dash list Dash V you'll notice that Oracle Linux now says running when before it said stopped okay those will come and go depending on whether or not you're using them and you can monitor that of course from WSL dash dash list the dash V lets you see verbose it lets you see that state in that extra information so I I have a tendency to always just run Dash V all right here we've got the Oracle one and we've got the Ubuntu I can even run them in split screen which is cool so here I've got Oracle Linux I'm going to hold down the alt button with my left thumb and I'm going to click on that and I'm going to get a split screen so now we've got Ubuntu right here we've got Oracle down here and I can do that as many times as I want if I was in fact going to test Debbie in here and then maybe I wanted Kali Linux up here so you can do whatever makes you happy okay so we're in Linux but we're also on windows so that's a little bit weird remember that a virtual machine historically has just been a square you are running Windows you're running Mac and then you start a virtual machine and it starts up and then you have a square within another square like I'm running I'm running uh windows and it's living inside of this square and then I might have another window which is a virtual machine inside it we wanted the windows subsystem for Linux to field integrated into windows so how do we do that well what's what's going on in the file system is the file system integrated here I have home slash Scott but if we go to let's say Powershell and I look at the current directory we have C colon users Scott that seems like a different file system if I type DF and I look at my file systems here we can learn some interesting stuff we can see all the different file systems and we note a couple of interesting things we have some Mount points if you're familiar with Linux you'll note that you can mount directories to other file systems so in fact Mount C D E and F on my particular machine are other file systems what if I went over there what if we went to CD mount city seed oops and then I'll go users Scott and desktop it might be on my OneDrive that's why I can't find it all right so look at that we are on Mount C users Scott OneDrive desktop but I'm looking at it from the perspective of Linux so we're seeing uh the Linux view on a mounted file system now this is going to be a little bit slower and this is a really important thing to learn when you're starting doing WSL on Windows if you do your work on Mount C users whatever or Mount C source code it's going to be slower than if you do that work on the native Linux file system because you're effectively on a network share it just happens to be your own machine you're going through some layers not really a network share but you get the idea Okay so I'm gonna go back home and I'm going to do my work here inside of Slash home slash Scott but remember that I said things should be very integrated we want it to feel like Windows how do I like edit a text file like I can type VI and I can say hello.txt and it will run VI and I can do something and say hey friends and then close it just like you do and I can see that hello.txt file is here right there I'll Loadout text but where is it it's in C home Scott okay I typed VI which is the text editor or Linux could I run Notepad well notepad's a Windows application and we're running Ubuntu but are we we mean we are we are in Windows so what kind of lines can we blur what if I type Notepad well command not found all right Linux doesn't know about notepad but we own the kernel here we have a fork of the Linux kernel and you can see the source code if you want up on GitHub so what if I said notepad.exe and then we let Linux say you know I don't know what that is but maybe Windows would know and then we pass it along we pass it along I could say notepad.exe and look notepad pops up notepad EXE that's cool so then what if I said notepad EXE hello text all right now we're cooking what's going on here we have opened a Windows app from Linux passing in the Linux file name and now we see it inside of notepad now you might be familiar with things like carriage return line feed and some of the issues that we've seen over the last many years where carriage return line feed which is an ASCII 13 and LF which is an ASCII 10. um can be a little bit challenging because Windows includes carriage return line feed but Linux only uses a line feed at the end of a line in a text file well many years ago you probably didn't notice it but in fact notepad was updated to support Unix line feeds you can actually see that right there okay and when we go and we say save as where are we saving where are we saving well we can save on our PC desktop but we have other places as well and we'll show you that in just a second so can we make a change to this hit save close it and then I'm going to run it in Vim or VI again look at that so you can open your text files open your source code and do it in either Linux or in Windows and it will maintain those um those line endings which is really really cool historically you couldn't do that the reason that that worked is because of this let's type this let's type explorer.exe that's the Windows Explorer except we're going to type dot so we're saying explorer.exe Dot look what happens look at this the Windows Explorer started up okay but where are we where are we right now let's make a little room and let's take a look up here in the corner we are on WSL localhost WSL localhost Ubuntu home Scott now remember that from Linux we were able to have a mount point to look at the Windows File system here we're kind of doing the opposite we're in the windows world and we are looking at the Linux file system what's the best way to do that what's the easiest way to do that you do it with a local network share so wsl.localhost looks like a share looks like it's over there in another computer it's not it's this computer talking back to my own computer and I can see all of the different linuxes including the new Oracle one that we installed a few minutes ago I can open up Ubuntu 2004 I can then go into home Scott come down to the bottom and we can see our hello.txt sitting right there so that's interesting that means I could potentially open that in a number of ways I could even right click and say open with and I could say notepad or Visual Studio code or whatever open with notepad and there's our application and again we note the line beads are correct how cool is that it's important to note how we can move forward and backward Within These experiences and it also shows us how really well integrated W cell is with Windows right it's not just running a VM if you're running a VM you have a square and a square and getting files back and forth can be challenging shared clipboards is challenging with this we look at the windows Explorer here we've got Dropbox we've got Microsoft where I work we've got a a disk we've got my PC and look Linux the little Linux penguin we've got tux tux the Linux penguin is hanging out chilling inside of my Windows Explorer so Linux is a first class citizen here inside the Windows Explorer which is pretty cool now check out what else we can do if we can do that I can come here to the start menu I can say all apps we can go down to U for Ubuntu I can open this up and I can actually see graphical applications that are installed so I've installed from Ubuntu some graphical applications like this image manipulation program which is kind of like open source Photoshop we can go and run that that application is called the I'm going to go ahead and click on that that's going to fire up and look I'm going to bring it over from this monitor what's going on look at that this is interesting so we have a Linux application running looks great moves well but look at my look at my cursor look at my Windows it looks like Linux that's because it is Linux okay that is a Linux graphical application that is running on windows and WSL so then when I say open right where is this going to come from if I say open what file system is this well this this dialog box this dialog box is not a Windows dialog box if I say file system or file system root we are looking at the Linux file system so if I wanted to get over into windows from here I would have to go Mount C like we did before remember users Scott I'll go into you know my downloads or my OneDrive right and then I could go and oops open something up okay so here we've got um you know PDFs or I can open up uh let's see if we have any um do I have any uh I don't know any pictures any pictures in here you could open up pictures and I could go and edit those inside of this application and they're going to look right they're going to move right and I can then save as or save a copy and I can see them either on the Linux file system or on the Windows File system that means if there's a particular application that you're interested in and you want to you can run it Windows apps Linux apps all existing very very nicely inside of the WSL file system on Windows 11. that's pretty cool okay let's go back out here and we'll go to the over here in Linux and I'm going to say sudo apt update because I want to point out that it really is Linux and I can go and make sure that my Ubuntu is completely updated and ready to go I want to make sure I've got all the latest upgrades you would do that kind of work just like it was any old Linux machine because it is in fact any old Linux machine and you can say that here it wants to go and update some stuff here's where we start talking and thanks for sticking with me because I think it's worth understanding these things notice I'm actually getting updates and SDK using my regular Linux tools dot net in this context is just another member of the family and that's really important to point out so I'm going to say no in the interest of time and I'm going to say dot net dash dash info and we're going to take a look at we have here and what's going on you can see that I've got dot net 6 on this one I could install the 7 that's coming out in a few weeks we're on Ubuntu 2004 and then more importantly I can see the base path I can see the location is I can do that another way by saying you'll see is located in user bin and that's actually pointing off to the user share with a bunch of different.nets because you can have multiple.nets installed on any system and then the SDK will pick the right stuff and then here we see a number of net runtimes for apps and net web web apps How would you go and install this well a couple of different ways if I go over to the documentation I can go to website we'll start at the beginning here if you start at website and I want to actually remind you if you're looking at this video because it may be may be recorded for some folks to look at later then you're going to see that on November 10th we conf conference you can learn about these things that was recorded as well so no matter when you're watching me spend time with you you can go and check that out if I click download I want to point out that we have Windows Linux Mac and we have docker you can click on one of those and then hit install and it'll walk you through the process this is really interesting on Linux there are many ways to on Windows you run the run the installer but on Linux you can do it a couple of ways you can download tarballs tar balls or just zip files you can do a scripted install you can run a script which will download the targets for you you can grab the binaries yourself if it makes you happy but I recommend using the official package archives so in the context of Ubuntu you can just get them they're in there if I actually go to packages.ubuntu you can see we have versions sitting in Ubuntu right now ready to go and then we also have packages on the Microsoft website so you have many many ways to do that uh and then of course if you install them from the net they are supported by Microsoft so that's pretty cool sent to us Debbie and Fedora open Susa uh this one is uh I always forget the sles what it stands for um and Ubuntu they all are supported by Microsoft which is really really cool and then if you can also do other distributions like Alpine is very popular and you can use snap to install as well these things all work and they work great on Linux so let's do a couple of quick experiments let's just make a test application I'm just going to make a folder here and go into that test application and I'm going to save dot now actually let's do LS we'll make sure we have an empty folder here I'm going to say dot net new console okay and then let's just take a look at that now we see we have program.cs I can say Vim or VI program.cs we can see that okay we want to see that we can do that that's on the Linux file system okay so then we're going to say dot net run and we're going to say one one thousand two one thousand took about two seconds well why is that that's run actually built the application it went and it restored the packages that it needed it built it and then it ran it run is an SDK command remember the dot net command that we're running is there in and linked over to a share is compiling that hello world we'll say it again one one thousand a little faster that next time but now we have a new folder this bin folder that was not there before we didn't have a bin folder before let's go in there I'm going to go and say push D and I'm going to save this folder and I'm going to go back down into bin and into debug and into net six and I can see my application right there let's look at it like this you can notice these X's are indicating that this is an executable application and that's why it's got the little star and why it's been colored green on my particular installation of Ubuntu here that means I can just run test app now interesting notice that I didn't go one one thousand to one thousand I just went run okay you can run that app that is a Linux application it's only 142k and you can run it right there just like that all you need are the dot net runtimes that's how you make your applications now we're going to go and we're going to say pop D to return back to our test app folder and we see that folder right here so I could also run Notepad oops remember notepad.exe I could write my code like this now we're using the new.net6 so you know here that we have the new console template so there is no public static void main that has been implied and you can learn more about that if you want to but that makes it really easy to just sit down here and then change your code hey friends and then we'll go back and we'll say net Run 1 1000 hey friends very nice experience well I could also I could also type code dot now this one's a little tricky remember how I said before you should say dot exe we're not going to do that we're going to say code dot because Visual Studio code is special Visual Studio code is is more clever than notepad watch carefully I'm going to hit code look look look look updating vs code server vs code server server what's a server what's that about what's going on unpacking what what's the deal vs code server what's that well Visual Studio code just popped up just appeared on my on my window here and it's the visual studio code that I'm used to using it looks like Visual Studio code it's got all the menus and everything that I expect it doesn't look like a Linux application it looks like Visual Studio code if I click on the files button in the corner here I can see my program.cs is right there so what's going on is this a Windows app or is it a Linux app well down here in the corner it says WSL Ubuntu and then before it said BS code server that's weird let's type h top and let's see what's going on maybe something is happening here let's see if we can find something this is actually a little bit hard to see my apologies there it is look on the Linux side vs code server is running some processes that's interesting but if we go and look at the task manager we know that Linux is running and then we know that vs code is running right there okay that's interesting so we have Visual Studio code split in half half of it lives in the windows side and the other half look right there lives in the Linux side okay well which half and why well when you're here and you type something like console and this drops down a intellisense window this thing says hey I know things I can help you with that I can make it so right line is easier who who got that information where did that pop come from that came from a language server and that came from a language server and that language server needs to run somewhere so where is that running let's take a look at our extensions we have something really really interesting here we have our local in Windows extensions I have some C plus things that we're not using right now but then look at this C sharp C sharp lives in this instance inside of WSL so these extensions have location transparency there's one in WSL and there's one in Windows so in this context Visual Studio code has split in half and become a client server application where those those language servers are over there in Ubuntu which is my local machine and then Windows is doing this so when I hit that dot that language server spoke across operating systems the the Linux language server for c-sharp just popped that down and I can go and write stuff hey I am on Linux and now we can do something interesting I've been trying to show you uh Windows terminal and how great it is but a lot of you prefer Visual Studio code Visual Studio code has its own terminal as well so look here we are inside of Visual Studio code I've got Linux right there and then I've got my code up here can we run it one one thousand two look at that okay but can we put a break point and then go and do a debug and then run it we can do that as well right start the debugger and then there we are we have actually dropped now into the debugger and we're doing live debugging on a Windows machine using the windows version of Visual Studio code except we're talking to Linux and we can prove that we can see that because those dlls were loaded off of user and that cool and that cool all right well that is a simple hello world let's try something a little bit different let's go up a bit and let's go and say test web app okay we have an empty folder right now all right and let's say net new and then we what are some of the choices that we have here we go dot net new web app all right going to have a little bit more than a console application and then we can say code Dot fire up visual studio code we've got our Pages we've got our CSS in here go into our index page say welcome hey I am on Linux bye friends okay we can do that either from this terminal or the other dot net run I'm going to go and build that application and then it's going to pop up and you're going to notice something interesting it says it's listening on localhost it's listing on an https and an HTTP so a secure port and a non-secure port what's localhost is it the windows localhost or is it the Linux localhost well what would you expect what is the principle of least surprise I would assume that when I click on that it's actually going to just work so here hey friends hi I'm on Linux just worked so what is Port 7036 and who's listening on that is is that a Windows process listening on a port I'm going to go and run TCP view TCP view is going to pop over here and we're going to go and look at that Port I think the port was seven zero three six let's look for that Port there it is Port 7036 we click on that and look we can see the little icon there the little tux this is the little well not a tux actually that's the W cell blue uh little little uh penguin dude there WSL host which is a an executable we haven't seen yet we've never seen WSL host before has just popped up and that is the windows process that is in charge of that port and is listening on that Port who owns that port and is then brokering who is then forwarding that Port internally because if we go back into Linux and we ask ourselves like what is localhost well we look at ifconfig which is actually a network tool looks like I'm going to need to install that real quick which is kind of cool so we're just going to install that Network tool real fast which is also cool because you can just follow instructions I have config there we go we can see that I've got an private Network here of 172 21 that's my internal Network we're going to automatically poke stuff over to me so right now here localhost from the point of view of Linux is local to my my machine this running on Linux on localhost 7036 and then we've Port forwarded we've forwarded that Port over to Windows so that when I run the browser it just works that's what I would have expected it to do the principle of least surprise I want to click localhost otherwise I got to go into the browser and I got to type 172. it's a hassle so you get port forwarding automatically which is cool all right and we're going to come back out to the command line and I'm going to type docker Docker images now containers are a big part of the you know the Linux world and if we look at this look at these Docker images let me make myself a little bit smaller here and get in the corner and we'll say Docker images I'm in Linux and I'm looking at Docker images you can see that I have a bunch of images here some of them I made a couple of weeks ago but some have been around for a while so you can see I've been developing on Docker for a long time and I can actually see some stuff that I made even many as four years ago okay I've got a couple of things that I've been doing with my own websites like here I've got my podcast I have a podcast called Hansel minutes you should check it out if you go over to here's the podcast we've done over 800 and 62 episodes a lot of cool people so I wrote that website and that website publishes from a Docker container so let's look at this let's say docker build oops oh this is great so in this case here I'm running a Powershell script inside of Linux and of course I haven't yet installed Powershell in Linux so I'm going to go and just grab this little chunk of text right here it was just a one line script and I'll run that manually so we're going to say Docker build Dash key for tag we're going to build that entire thing here in Docker so while this is happening how is this happening I'm going to make this full screen while that's happening I'm going to right click and I'm going to hold down with Alt there on Powershell so I've opened a split screen I've got stuff over there on the far Corner building over here at the same time I can still say Docker images I can run Docker from Windows or from Linux okay and we can see that these are shared and I'm going to say wsl-v and you'll note that we've got this Docker desktop running so Docker for Windows on a Windows machine is a desktop application that you can install and I can see those containers see those images and it is in fact using WSL that's using Linux because now that we have Linux available to us on Windows why not use it and now I can run Docker build my apps in Docker on the Windows side on the Linux side and then I can then deploy them up into the cloud so you see how I'm very seamlessly moving back and forth between Windows and Linux quite comfortably building Docker containers and then I can deploy them as well so if I switch over here into for example into Azure you can see all the different applications that I'm running these are my personal apps and we've got that Hansel minutes website running on Linux okay look at that that's running up in the cloud on Linux and I can deploy that a number of ways I could just publish it with a zip file I could publish it with a GitHub action I could publish it with Azure devops so for example if we go here let's take a look at my Azure devops where I do this the building of this container which could be built locally or could be built in the cloud and when we show up here you can see that the Hanselman website the Hansel minutes website are all built in Azure devops I can look at those pipelines see that on Tuesday that was run it ran for a minute and 36 seconds and then published out into Linux so what this means is that I'm on a Windows machine I'm going to ultimately deploy into a container in the cloud somewhere I can test it locally I can run both on Windows and on Linux it's a very comfortable experience I can use Visual Studio code or I can use Visual Studio Windows does the right thing I can make a Docker container I can then push these changes up into Azure devops or I can push them up into GitHub actions I'll give you an example of GitHub actions as well and then when I do that I can follow up by sending it to um by sending it off into uh into Azure so here I've got actions running in GitHub that will go and then build and deploy core application so you've got the ability to do this stuff right now you've got Windows 10 you've got Windows 11 you can run WSL it's really easy go into the Windows store type Linux you can install that preview if you want that gives you the latest features and it's better because you can get updated from the store or just go out to the command line type WSL dash dash install and then you can be running Linux and windows side by side you can run as many Linux as that you want then you can go and install Docker desktop that's going to give you a wonderful development experience and I can go around whether it be in Visual Studio like this or visual studio um code and do these in these deployments check this out here's Visual Studio on Windows it has WSL and IIs as a choice it's all about choice we're having a great time building this stuff for you thanks so much for uh for having me spend a little bit of time with you today I hope you enjoyed this talk and I hope you have a great rest of your day thanks
Channel: Scott Hanselman
Views: 21,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fD6DqryXA0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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